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Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2020 11:05 PM

#1722407 AO - New World

Posted by Mors on 15 February 2016 - 04:47 AM

Chapter I - Digital Rebirth

“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” - Mahatma Ghandi




Whispering Mountains - Entrance


Rien glanced briefly at the party trudging behind them. Though they had not advanced into a core class like him or Blue, he had judged them to be fairly skillful. By the time he could’ve rounded up an advanced party, he was sure his current group would have leveled up anyway. News that simply discovering a Guardian’s location would give such a large reward spread like wildfire within Sanctuary. Soon after, parties were formed and groups of adventurers spread out to unexplored areas of Halcen looking to get an edge on the competition.


“Is it too late to say I don’t like this plan?” Blue yelled over the howling wind. The walls of the mountain were shrouded in deep mist, making it impossible to see how far it went. They could only assume it was a long way up.


“You can say it whenever you like,” Rien bellowed back at her, “Long as you climb up there afterward!”


“Buttface!” Blue yelled back, eloquently as she began her climb. It was a pretty steep climb, though Blue was probably the only one in the group both capable of making it, and surviving the fall should something happen.


The eight other spheres, Rien had guessed, were themed around each of the elements found in the game. Following that logic, the entrance to Terra, the sphere representing the elemental of earth had to be in the mountains right? It just made sense. Or so he thought, at least. As he watched Blue disappear into the thick mist, he began to doubt his plan more and more. He hoped she would make it safely to the top.


A few minutes of waiting later, he heard her shrill scream.


“Crap,” Rien cursed as he saw the source. Despite the thick mist these monsters were large enough to see from the ground level. The flickering of their status windows disappeared and reappeared as they flickered in and out of vision range. Each of them read “Roc Lvl 10”. Rien pulled out his bow and fired and arrow at one of them flying overhead, narrowly missing its shoulder.


Rien shouted to the party, “I don’t care how you do it, but get rid of those monsters.” 





Valley of Heroes - Aral Pass


“When will they be here?” Button asked.


Midas sat slumped against a tree with his legs crossed and a large tome propped on his knees. He might have almost seemed asleep had his eyes not been flickering over the writing beneath heavy lids. “I’m fairly certain clerics can’t predict the future in this game. In fact, I think that applies to everyone involved.”


Button frowned at the surrounding rocky terrain. He didn’t much care for this place. It made him feel as though he was being watched.


“What’s the book?” he asked.


“It’s the tome they give to you when you attain your first class advancement. The spells in this game require you to memorize their words. It’s rather obnoxious really.” And Midas licked the tip of his finger and used it to turn the page.


Button frowned off into the still valley. “Did we have to come so early?”


“The battle is usually won by the side that gets there first.”


“I thought we were negotiating a deal?”


“Negotiating a deal is my battlefield.”


Button gave a sigh that made his lips flap. He perched himself on a stone at the edge of the clearing, a cautious distance away from Midas, slipped out his knife and the chunk of iron-wood he’s already roughly shaped. The game applied his high crafting skill rank and the figurine he carved was looking great.


“This new world gives us many options,” murmured Midas, without looking up from his book. “We can slay monsters or craft masterful works of art. I will admit you have a talent for it, but are you sure you want to be like me?”


“You know I do…”


“Then pay attention. The first lesson is patience.”


Footsteps, coming toward them through the valley. A man stepped from behind a large boulder, fully clad in armor, a large sword on his back. He had a harsh face that Button did not trust.


“You are early, Ryder.”


“Not so early as you.”


“I have always felt it was poor manners to come second to a meeting.”


“Pft. Hope you forgive my rudeness then.”


“That depends on what you have to offer.”


Ryder raised his chin. “Information regarding the location of the Guardian to Terra, in exchange for 10,000 gems as we agreed.”


Button started as he heard more footsteps coming from behind, then in front. “Unfortunately,” Ryder grinned, “I have no such information.”


And now the men appeared. Button counted six, and heard two more at least behind him, and forced himself not to turn.


“PKing? Do you know what will happen, then?” asked Midas. 


Ryder shrugged. “This’ll be a first then won’t it? Either way, your gems and equipment are mine.”


Midas snorted. “So be it then.”


Ryder looked confused and angry. “It’s two against nine. How do you expect to win?”


Midas shut his book and sighed. “With foresight.” He signaled his party, which had stationed themselves on the cliffs above. “Kill them.”





Ellin Forest - Waterfall


The wheel on the cart turned slowly round, and squeaked. It turned around again, and squeaked. The annoying noise broke past even the heavy pitter patter of the rain outside. Koala scowled at it. It seemed ridiculous that a virtual world could make her feel so cold and wet. Destiny strolled along the muddy road, boasting new wheels and a new roof, freshly customized and re-equipped. It would’ve been quite an imposing vehicle, had it not been for the picture of its owner’s avatar plastered along its side, winking and giving onlookers a thumbs up sign. Not that there was anyone around to look at it, at that moment. Though Koala was miserable outside in the rain, the party inside the wagon somehow seemed even worse for wear. 


“They seem to be a…” Koala always tried her best to find a pretty way to put things but even she was stumped. “Varied group.”


“Try fearsome!” Ellie gave her a fierce grin. Though the full screen name displayed above her was PrincessEllie, Koala would never call her that. She couldn’t help but feel she was, once again, being roped into one of her friend’s horrible schemes.


“Why did we need to collect so many party members anyway, we were doing fine on our own. They’ll just slow us down-“ Koala began her usual scolding, but was interrupted with a flick to her forehead.


“Ah, it’s just a game! How did that hurt?”


“It’s the power of love!” Ellie grinned, steering the wagon along. “And stop lecturing me, I know what I’m doing. The guys I picked are the best. I know they are, because I’m the one who picked them!”


Koala sighed. Who could argue with logic like that?


The rain came down in sheets, dousing the endless forest and everything on it with icy water. The fat drops stung on the Koala’s skin like tiny stones, nipping at her exposed hands, the tops of her ears, the back of her neck. Koala shivered and clutched the collars of her coat together with one hand. A pointless gesture, she was already soaked to her skin. That damn NPC shopkeeper back in Sanctuary had assured her that the coat was entirely waterproof. At least she knew now that even the AI couldn’t be trusted.


“How are you so sure there’s a Guardian in this forest anyway?” Koala shivered.


“Well, because of the name. Duh.” Ellie responded as though she had actually answered the question.




“Yeah. Ellin. It sort of sounds like Ellie, which is great. Which means there’s obviously got to be a Guardian here.”


“Are you freaking seri-“ Koala began to give her friend a thorough reprimanding, was knocked over by Ellie. A long tongue speared past her, narrowly missing, before being reeled back to its owner. The giant blue toad gave an angry croak. The status window above its ugly head displayed the words “Giant Raintoad Lvl 12.” Another appeared beside it from the mud below. Then another until there were a total of five surrounding the wagon.


“To battle!” Ellie yelled loud enough for the party inside the wagon to hear.




#1720261 [OOC] AO - New World

Posted by Mors on 11 February 2016 - 03:12 AM

Accepted Imnostrong. Will give stats in a bit.



With the latest addition, I'm not going to accept any more players for now. If you have already created a CS or expressed interest, then you may still finish it and join.

#1717144 [OOC] AO - New World

Posted by Mors on 06 February 2016 - 04:18 AM

@Schmuser: Replace "musician" with skill in a specific instrument i.e. "Guitarist" or "Harpist". Musical based spells will require that skill to be at least C rank. I would suggest swapping Will and Cha since musical based skills will usually use that as its casting stat over Will. You won't require your spells to be mage specific, once you decide which ones you want to keep after making your music skill C rank, then I will give you the numbers. Don't forget to edit your writing sample to meet the requirements I specified, then you'll be good to go.


@Jod: Looks great, accepted!


@J0ker: Once you replace the final skill we discussed, accepted!




HP: 185

MP: 100

Event Item - Wakizashi




HP: 130

MP: 170

Event Item - Rusty Wrench




HP: 230

MP: 60

Event Item - Betty's Brass Knuckles


#1716186 [OOC] AO - New World

Posted by Mors on 03 February 2016 - 10:26 PM


AO - New World

RP by Mors


This RP is currently accepting


Prologue Chapter - A Familiar Place


The goblin made an ear-splitting screech as Rien’s sword slashes across its chest, and its body seemed to shatter like glass. Where its body should’ve been, there was instead a small black marble which Rien picked up. The words “level up” flashed briefly across his screen before he swiped it away and opened up his character profile.


“Wow, this is unreal! Or I guess it’s…too real? I mean, everything is so realistic!” Blue exclaimed beside him. By now had been playing online games with her for almost three years, and had grown accustomed to her excitable personality. Weird personality aside, Rien had to admit that she was a lot better looking than he had expected. Unlike other games, AO did not allow players to fully customize their avatar appearance, as the LexNav headgear that was used to play the game utilized a facial recognition scan making characters mimic their player’s real life appearance. Rien ignored Blue’s commentating and scrolled through his level up  window.


“Unspent stat points…three. Only three per level? All this time and they still haven’t changed it…Lexis is as stingy as usual I guess.” Rien complained out loud. Though he wouldn’t admit it, Rien had been waiting with unbridled anticipations for this game’s release since it was announced a year before. Elements Online was his first ever online game, and he had only fond memories of it from his childhood. Though back then he was able to work around the game’s age limit security, he had heard that Lexis had made that impossible for this game.


And nostalgia aside, the game was well worth the wait. Rien watched as another goblin charged at Blue. It was fast, the AI in AO was a vast improvement over its predecessor, which made a good accompaniment for the game’s other realistic features. Blue was faster, though and clubbed the goblin on its forehead with the rim of her shield. He made their signature screeching sound and chopped at her again, but she ducked his cleaver, swept her sword low and caught him full in the calf, just below his ragged shirt’s flapping hem. This time, the blow was enough and the goblin’s body shattered into dust.


“Ahaha, come face me you ugly green ballon headed freaks!” She yelled at them. There were no other players around, so Rien took it upon himself to be embarrassed for her.


It took the duo about half an hour to finish the beginner’s quest. Rien’s sword slashed through the final goblin’s neck and he reached out and grab the black marble it left behind. “Alright, we finished. Let’s hurry back to Sanctuary and receive our reward before all the monster zones become occupied-“


Rien’s words were cut short as the ‘sky’ above him darkened to a blood red color. A large screen appeared over head, and on it was a man wearing a dark cloak, his face hidden behind a dark hood.


“Greetings adventurers, I am the Dark Lord!” the figure on the screen’s deep voice echoed across the server.


“Pffft. Did you hear that Rien? He called himself a Dark Lord? Hahaha!” Blue tittered next to him.


“What’s this, some sort of launch day event?” Rien asked her. She shrugged and shook her head.


“It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to your new home. Some of you may have noticed by now that you are unable to log out of the game. This is not a bug…”


“Tch, what like some anime? What a lame joke,” Rien frowned.


“But don’t be scared, dear adventurers! Think of this like a new beginning! A way to escape from that wretched old world forever!”


“Rien…” Blue tugged at his sleeve. “Look at the game menu!”


“What are you-“ but it was obvious what she was trying to show him. Just as the hooded man claimed, the log out button was greyed out. He tried pressing it several times, but nothing happened.


“Until we meet again, my friends!” the man’s final words echoed across the world before the video feed was cut and the sky returned to normal.


“Rien…what do we do now?”


“I…” Rien looked at her eyes. She was scared and confused, and not really trying to hide it. “I don’t know.”








Character Profile


#1706565 [RP] DANMACHI

Posted by Mors on 20 January 2016 - 01:40 AM

"Get em boyz!" Eddie proclaimed as the skellies converged onto one of the kobolds. They were individually weak, but there was strength in numbers and soon the kobold would fall under their might. Eddie was really hoping that more interesting monsters might show up, as these creatures were appallingly boring. Or, failing that, some for some monstrously strong creature to show up so that he might "heal" his new friends. People liked being healed, he was told. If they had an extra arm, well, that was just a bonus wasn't it?


"Quickly boys, we don't have all day!" He urged them on, smacking Randy with on the base of his neck with the backside of his cane to hurry him up.

#1701966 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 12 January 2016 - 03:19 PM

And praise joker as your savior because, wow, you really never want to actually meet Kiri.

#1700929 Star Wars: A New Resistance [OOC]

Posted by Mors on 11 January 2016 - 12:17 AM

Batoto doesn't get enough newcomers, so just dropping by to say good luck with this! Unfortunately, I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan so I probably won't be joining.

#1700829 [OOC] DANMACHI

Posted by Mors on 10 January 2016 - 09:14 PM

Our group all did the thing. Time to whine for updates.

#1700827 [RP] DANMACHI

Posted by Mors on 10 January 2016 - 09:14 PM



Eddie looked over his shoulder, making sure the good Baron wasn't looking before pouring the bottle's contents onto the dungeon floor. The golden-brown liquid trickled between the cracks in the stone to quickly dry out after a few minutes. Though his underlings had no face, and therefore no facial expression, Eddie could still sense their disapproval.


"What? Don't look at me like that," Eddie snapped at Randy the skeleton. "I love the Baron but that stuff is poison."


For what it was worth, Randy quickly dropped the subject as they walked further into the dungeon, trailing behind the two cohorts the Baron had sent along with him. They both seemed nice enough. More importantly, they both seemed to be perfectly healthy with no apparent marks of body experimentation on either of them! For now, at least.


Randy jumped up and down excitedly as the group entered a spherical room. 


"Ah, the crossroads. How lovely." Eddie proclaimed as Randy quickly hurried over to one of the doors. Etched above is was the symbol of a skull. Randy was pointing at the symbol, urging the rest of them to follow him in. Eddie smacked the skeleton on the head with his cane. 


"Don't be ridiculous, Randy! Skulls represent danger and death, we wouldn't want to expose our new friends to that sort of thing!" he leaned closer and whispered to Randy, "Besides, there are most likely undead in that dungeon. Absolutely no fun to play with, as you well know..."


Randy nodded in head in acknowledgement. 


The boy in his party, Mark or something rather, had stopped in front of a different door. This one had the symbol of the moon and stars. "Want to head this way?" he asked quietly. The other one, the woman, seemed much more confident as she strolled past him and proclaimed "Was that ever in doubt?"


Eddie shrugged, following after her and flashing a wink at Mark as he shouldered past him with Randy trailing right behind.

#1700292 [OOC] DANMACHI

Posted by Mors on 10 January 2016 - 06:03 AM

Wizards only, fools.

#1699986 [OOC] DANMACHI

Posted by Mors on 09 January 2016 - 10:12 PM

Accepted, you start with 1502 Valis.


J0ker you punk bitch. 

#1698652 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 08 January 2016 - 02:57 PM

Wassup!! Chizzy!! good to see you back bro!



#1560612 [OOC] Penumbra - Sigil of the Damned

Posted by Mors on 02 May 2015 - 09:35 AM


Penumbra – Sigil of the Damned

RP by Mors

Chapter 1 – Predators 
“Do good,” Flynn’s mother said to him the day she died. “Stand in the light.”
He’d hardly understood what doing good meant at six years old. He wasn’t sure he was much closer at eighteen. Here he was, after all, wasting what should have been his proudest moment, still trying to puzzle out the good thing to do.
Joining the police academy was supposed to be the honorable thing. There weren’t many options available for a street urchin like him, and this was far preferable to slowly rotting away begging for scraps like so many others in the city. As long as Flynn could remember, it had been his dream to stand armed among his brothers in uniform.
But he didn’t feel like he was standing in the light. All he could think of now was Thomas with the gaping hole through his neck, drooling red as he made that honking pig sound. The last he’d ever make. And Eddie, laid on the ground with blood smeared across his face, jaw-hanging open as the others named him a murderer. And the other thing he saw last night…that abomination. He should’ve told the truth, but who would believe him?
Thomas was a good man, who stood for those beside him just as a member of the police squad was supposed to. Surely he hadn’t deserved to die for that?
Eddie cared for nothing past the end of his own nose. Flynn still bore bruises from the last time he had to help calm Eddie’s drunken rage. Even so, surely he didn’t deserve to be named murderer for that?
Flynn glanced guiltily up at the statue of the scales, the emblem of Penumbra’s police force. Towering in judgment over him. He squirmed as though he was the one who’d killed Thomas and named Eddie a murderer. All he’d done was watch.
Watch and do nothing.
The Captain was always first to arrive and last to leave. Flynn had waited until all the others had gone for the evening before approaching his office. Flynn’s heart beat loud in his ears. His mouth opened.
“Captain Elliot!” he blurted, far too loud, and then, as the police captain turned toward him, croaked far too soft, “I need to speak to you.”
“What about, Flynn?” That gave him pause. The department was huge, he hadn’t thought the Captain would even know his name.
“About Edward Blake.”
A long silence. The captain might only have been a few years older than Flynn, pale-skinned and pale-haired as if the color was washed out of him, so gaunt a stiff breeze might blow him away, but close up there was something chilling in the captain’s eye. Something that caused Flynn to wilt under his gaze.
But there was no going back now. “He’s no murderer,” he muttered.
“The others think he is.”
His throat felt dry, but Flynn pressed on. “The others weren’t there. They didn’t see what I saw.”
“What did you see?”
“It was our day off. We were sharing drinks at the Rat’s Nest-“
“Yes I already know all this. Get on with it.”
This wasn’t going as well as Flynn had hoped. “Eddie and Thomas got into an argument, something about Eddie’s drinking habits. They took it to the alley outside…they started fighting. But then, there was something else there. It was- It was a monster!”
Captain Elliot glanced toward the office window, and eased a little closer. “But Flynn,” he whispered, “I already knew this as well.”
Flynn tripped backwards, gaping in horror at the nightmare that had suddenly appeared before him. The captain was covered slowly by a wispy shadow, his head arched forward and he grinned revealing a bright set of razor sharp teeth. It was the creature from last night, and up close it was even more terrible than he remembered. “You! But—“ he began to shout out for help but found he could not speak with the monster’s jaws clamped onto his neck.
It didn’t take longer than a few minutes for the beast to finish its meal. He gave a satisfied burp as the last traces of officer Flynn Avery melted away in his stomach, cut his contentment was cut short by the shadow that suddenly flashed in front of him.
“So, it was the captain all along? This city never ceases to amaze me,” came a stranger’s voice.
“Who are you?” The captain snarled, still in his monster form. The man that stood before him looked like a genuine mortal. How could he have snuck up on him so easily?
“I am the hunter,” the man said calmly as his silver blade sunk into the captain’s chest. “And you are my prey.”



The Outsiders


Character Sheet

#1544126 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 12 April 2015 - 02:55 AM

Due to Pitou's increasingly busy work schedule, and my own personal problems, we have decided to put CC on hiatus until further notice. This isn't the end guys, but we don't want to keep stringing you along with promises of updates until we both get everything sorted out. Hopefully you'll all be ready to pick this back up when we are.

#1532906 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 28 March 2015 - 08:00 PM

I'm back from my vacation guys. Super sorry for delays, but I haven't given up on this ^^