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Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2020 11:05 PM

#1754524 [OOC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Mors on 22 June 2016 - 08:13 AM

Posted. You can probably assume we are now heading towards town square to meet our good buddy Lazarus.

#1754521 [IC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Mors on 22 June 2016 - 08:07 AM

Doran and Mirana


"Uh...sure?" the masked man responded. "My name's Vaska. I don't know how much help I can be, but I know a bit of medicine."


"Excellent!" Doran said excitedly, helping Vaska up. Mirana let out a sigh of relief, though she still felt a bit guilty. No matter what sort of person this Vaska was, there was no way he would actually be prepared to handle King Doran. She would still be keeping on a eye on him, of course. Though she was fairly confident Orsen thought them dead, it never hurt to be cautious.


"Hah, see Mirana!" Doran turned to her. "He's a doctor even. I admit, the past few months have been quite the struggle, but luck is starting to turn our way." He turned back to Vaska. "Now, Vaska, onto the next order of business. Do you know where in this city we can find a man called 'Lazarus the Blind? Because we're going to kill him and take all his ships."

#1754518 [IC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Mors on 22 June 2016 - 07:49 AM

Doran and Mirana


Disappointingly, the masked man wasn't able to dodge his attack even after he held back. But the result was far less than disappointing. Impetus sunk into the man's flesh, sinking far deeper than his attack should have allowed him to do, and the insect swarm flew out of the entrance wound. Doran was about to step away in response, knowing even he couldn't avoid getting bitten if there were that many insects, and not knowing if they were poisonous. Fortunately, they stopped of their own volition, or rather, under the command of the masked man.


"Wait!" he yelled, and the swarm stopped just inches from Doran's hand, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her Please don't hurt me."


Doran grinned. "You're even more interesting than I thought. I'm going to pull out my weapon now, stand still." Impetus slid out of the wound with ease, and the insects scurried back into their home. Doran offered the man his hand, to help him back onto his feet. "I'm the one who's sorry...I thought you'd be able to dodge my attack. My name is Doran Reva, and my armored friend over there is Mirana. We are currently looking for companions to travel the Grand Line with. You should join us." Mirana saw from that look in his eyes, that he wouldn't be taking no for an answer. Mirana saw the crowd begin to whisper to each other. Though she wasn't a fan of this mysterious bug man, she hoped he would say yes to her King's request, so there wouldn't have to be any more violence.



#1754514 [IC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Mors on 22 June 2016 - 07:18 AM

Doran and Mirana


Port Razule was hell on the cheap. Only with more beggars, thieves, and, of course, pirates. It was a place of wild abandon, wild hope, wild despair, everything in at extremes and nothing in moderation, dreams trodden into the muck and new ones sucked from bottles to be vomited up and trodden down in turn. A place where the strange was commonplace and the ordinary bizarre, and death might be tomorrow so you'd best have all your fun today.


"It could be worse," Doran chimed.


Mirana was trying to imagine worse. A parade of crazed expressions reeled at them through the littern-strewn streets. Faces fit for some nightmare stage show. A demented carnival permanently in town. "King Doran," she said, "These wretches aren't fit to aid you. You need -"


"What I need, is revenge." Doran cut her off with the airy wave of his hand. "And what I have is this spear...and you. Not a bad start, all things considered, but far from enough."


He paused to watch two drunk men beat each other bloody near the docks. "Besides, I think these wretches are exactly the type of people I need. Do you see all these pirate ships in the harbor? I heard they all belong to one man. Lazarus the Blind they call him. But if he were to be taken out of the picture, then perhaps all these ship captains can be persuaded to pledge their allegiance to someone else."


Mirana frowned. "My King, as you said, we're only two. Even if you were to defeat this Lazarus, how do you know his men would even -"


"Sorry, I'm sorry." Someone bumped into her. A young man, she thought, though it was hard to tell, and it was hard to pay attention to his face when a swarm of insects was crawling all over her weapons and armor. She gave a shrill scream.


Mirana's military training didn't prevent her from being freaked out by a sudden swarm of insects. Instantly, and without realizing her strength, she tossed her shield aside. It grew 10 times in size and crashed into a nearby building, crushing several feet of stone before embedding itself into wall. If her screaming didn't gather a crowd of onlookers, that certainly did.


"Ahhh! Sorry, I'm sorry!" the boy apologized nervously as the swarm of insects flew at him and seemed to...gather into his face. It took a lot to shake Mirana, but that did the trick. She gave a small shudder watching that scene unfold. She quickly turned to look at Doran, making sure he was safe. Rather than being rattled, he had that usual sly smile on his face.


"How interesting!" Doran said to the man in the mask. "Could that be a devil's fruit curse? Just like Mirana..."


A moment of silence passed, but Mirana didn't like the look in Doran's eye. That look always spelled trouble for her. Doran unraveled the cloth that covered Impetus which he had been carrying on his back. The ornate spear shined brightly in crimson and gold, reflecting the sunlight. Without any warning Doran charged at the masked man, thrusting forward with his spear.

#1754091 [OOC] Skybound Saga

Posted by Mors on 21 June 2016 - 01:57 AM

The hell is a goffer?



#1754076 [OOC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Mors on 21 June 2016 - 01:32 AM



Here's a character. If there is no NPC captain, then that's the position I'll be aiming for. If parts of the backstory feel incomplete, it may be because I originally intended to be playing as two separate characters x.x

#1753568 [OOC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Mors on 19 June 2016 - 08:29 PM

Working on mine should have it done tonight.

#1753239 [OOC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Mors on 17 June 2016 - 03:06 PM

Interested in this. CS pending.

#1753066 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 16 June 2016 - 09:31 AM

Original One Piece is p dark tho. 

#1753061 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 16 June 2016 - 07:57 AM

It's donezo.

#1753057 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 16 June 2016 - 06:48 AM

Don't gotta rock the boat d00d. People will for sure join either of those. 

#1753055 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 16 June 2016 - 06:36 AM

Have run that literal setting. Right now the hunting monster thing is a bit similar to Re:Monster, which we already having an existing RP of. I'm sure you'll still get players, since it's a pretty popular concept, but if you wanted something more distinct then maybe shoot for something else.


Honestly, I think it's best you just run what you want rather than trying to cater to us, because 1.Have more interest in updating it that way  2. We're a bunch of drooling idiots who don't know what we want anyway

#1753051 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 16 June 2016 - 06:18 AM

Hi new guy. I'm dad.


Pirates are pretty cool.

#1752812 [RPG] Hordes of the Tower of Ishido

Posted by Mors on 14 June 2016 - 04:04 PM



Shin watched as they entered, using the shadows to their advantage. That was the first thing the Brotherhood training had taught him. That was the easy part. Shin was used to growing up, hiding in the shadows. Learning to hide in the light, was the difficult part. He saw one of them fell Graves's wife, Sessile, heard her scream before she fell. No doubt their host would be enraged, though Shin saw the cut was not that deep, she was most likely still alive. For now, at least.


Then chaos ensued.


The first assassin approached slowly, as if daring him to run. But Shin knew their tricks, mastered their art. He wouldn't be showing his back to them. Besides him the wind spirits rustled, uneasy, eager for blood. But he wasn't quite ready to show off that trick yet. The woman, draped completely in black, charged at him, blade in hand.


"Wait!" Shin called out to her, putting his hands up. 


It was surprising how often that worked. The woman's momentum faltered, just for a moment, and Shin quickly revealed the dagger hidden in his sleeve. Twirling it around his fingers with great expertise, he lunged forward. Carefully, but without hesitation, he plunged his blade into the assassin's neck.


"Amateur," Shin whispered into the assassin's ear as she slumped to the ground, dead.

#1751203 Romance Dawn

Posted by Mors on 31 May 2016 - 07:30 AM



Ness clamored along the streets of Sadim. The feel of the stoney street beneath her webbed feet. The sounds of the marketplace. The smell...well it was more of a stench really, if she was being honest with herself, but it was wonderful all the same. This was the adventure she had always hoped for.


"Hey, watch where you're going girl!" 


"Sorry, sorry!" Ness cried out and pulled the hood of her cloak further over her face. There were too many people here. Her senses were overwhelmed, and she got careless. She wasn't here for adventure, after all. She was here for destiny. Trying to stay unnoticed as possible, she traveled for several minutes through several streets and alleyways. She traveled until...


"Here. This is where they are." Ness, fortunately, could not see the name of the building. Nor could she see the sign up sheet in front of the girl. But with her senses, she saw her face. It was the face of the girl who so often filled her visions. She rushed past the group that had gathered before the table, straight to the pale purple-haired girl. And then she put her hands on the girls face.


"You're the one I saw...the Pirate Queen."