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Member Since 10 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active May 31 2018 08:14 AM

#1857118 Please help me get my follows list

Posted by Trebor on 17 January 2018 - 01:53 AM

Outrageously banned. Outrageously!


I would never be malicious. I don't believe in retributive punishment.


On the other hand, I believe strongly in restorative justice and rehabilitation.


You weren't banned randomly or on a whim. There were good and valid reasons that you were banned, seeing as your disciplinary history spanned over 6 years, given warnings by 6 moderators/admins, and you were a common name even outside of the moderation team.


How can I unban you given the above? Consistent with the ideals of restorative justice and rehabilitation, to earn an unbanning you must demonstrate the following: (1) an acknowledgment of your harmful actions (specific examples of your harmful actions are required; quotes are recommended), (2) the reason that your actions were harmful, and (3) a recognition of the negative impact that your actions have had on other users (in other words, contrition or an apology [a recognition of moral responsibility for wrongs done]).


You must demonstrate the above in the form of an essay.


Substantive requirements

- Demonstrate acknowledgement of specific instances of wrongful actions

- Demonstrate understanding of the reasons why the actions above were wrongful

- Demonstrate contrition and the recognition of the impact your actions had on other users

- Demonstrate understanding of why this essay is restorative and rehabilitative and not retributive. (Requirement added 2018-01-17 0452 UTC)


Formatting requirements

- Written in word processing or desktop publishing software (Microsoft Word, LaTeX, Adobe InDesign, etc.). Free-flowing text (such as forum post) or unformatted text (such as plain text) are unacceptable.

- Formatted for US Letter or A4 paper

- Approximately one inch margins

- Approximately 12 to 14 point sized font

- Serif or monospaced font suitable for reading. Times New Roman and Courier New are baseline fonts, but you may use any appropriate font 

- Double spaced

- Grammar and punctuation counts

- No maximum length. Length must be sufficient to demonstrate all points above. A guideline minimum of 1,500 words (approximately 5-6 pages) is suggested.



- Delivered in PDF format only. 

- Posted either publicly here or sent by email to trebor at batoto dot com. If you are sending it to my email, you will need to notify me in this thread that you have emailed me.


P.S.: In case there is any confusion, the thread describing ban appeals is slightly incorrect. This is not a "hard ban" and I do have the power to reverse it.

#1849268 Grand Blue Chap 40...

Posted by Grumpy on 14 December 2017 - 11:00 AM

Chapter 40 of Grand Blue by Subby-D has been removed.


Per rule:

1) classified as valid work of scanlation (fan works), or

which is part of General Hosting Guidelines.


I don't find this to be a valid work as they have intentionally defaced contents.

It seems like it's a net neutrality joke being made, but we don't allow joke chapters outside of April Fools.



The action by the mod to lock (and prevent comments) stands for now and will be left to the discretion of the mods to unlock when they feel it's less crazy to do so.

This software we're using to run this website is a forum software and tools to control and moderate comments are quite poor. If comments section gets out of hand, all it does is make mods work load crazy. Please use the forum to discuss in place of comments.

#1781811 Donation is back

Posted by Subbed on 09 February 2017 - 01:52 PM

I uh.... disabled adblock after I saw this.

So, where are the ads?

They appear on the pages of various comics as you read them

#1758297 Looking for Chinese>Eng translators! [Saiko+]

Posted by Dijon on 20 July 2016 - 04:11 PM

I love it when companies do this. Harnessing the raw power of scanlators to create official translations. Yes! Too bad I'm not Chinese lol