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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.49 - 230votes)


Alt Names: alt İntihar Adasıalt 自杀岛alt 自殺島alt Pulau Bunuh Dirialt Suicide Islandalt Остров самоубийствalt جزيرة الإنتحار
Author: Mori Kouji
Artist: Mori Kouji
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Treating non-successful suicidal patients requires a lot of money and resources. With low budget and a personal respect argumentation, a doctor will ask a non-successful suicidal patient if he/she still wants to live on or not. If not the government will respect his/her wish. However, the government doesn't just simply kill them...
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Still so good !

Sei has officially taken his place as one of the greatest wusses in the history of manga. Seriously. Kai just tried to kill him, his friends and his crush. Kai shows no sign of regret, and is highly likely to try again given the chance. And Sei just lets him walk. If you don't have the will to kill another human, at least shoot the SOB in the leg or something. Drag him back and let people with a greater sense of moral duty finish the deed. From my point of view, when Kai eventually succeeds in killing more people, Sei is also partially responsible.



I was hoping when Kai eventually got ousted (I never really saw Sei's community as being the killing type - or they would have killed already. Instead they're the idealistic type, all pitching in and trying to resolve most problems non violently. Most of them can't even stomach the thought of killing animals, even Sei had problems with it at first) that he'd meet up with the "kingdom" and end up causing some anarchy there that would undermine its structure but I figured that wouldn't happen because it wouldn't make nearly as good of a story.


Still I hoped.


Ah well, I'm sure they'll survive this. Though I wonder how they're going to get through the winter at this rate. They don't seem to have nearly enough food in storage, no wood or methods of keeping themselves warm inside the school and most don't have any kind of winter gear.

Oh man, the next 40 chapters is gonna be rough...

Everyone is going to be pulling their hair out soon!

Thanks for the chapters! Banzai!

@Vuely, well I guess it varies from person to person.  I have a  lineage of family members who participated in wars dating back to the american revolution (every major conflict).  

With them being suicidal type personalities, I guess it's believable / realistic with how they're acting towards what I believe is justifiable killings.  

You'd think that if one had the resolve to try and take their own life, they'd be able to find the resolve to kill someone else, seeing as no one's life is more important than their own.


...then again, I suppose those who try to escape the vicissitudes of life through suicide are cowards in their own right.


They say you lose your humanity once you kill someone...but since Kai has already killed people (and tried to kill many more), he shouldn't classify as human. The world is too forgiving to white-collar psychos...c'mon, get your head on straight Sei.

Thanks for the updates~

@Vuely, well I guess it varies from person to person.  I have a  lineage of family members who participated in wars dating back to the american revolution (every major conflict).  

With them being suicidal type personalities, I guess it's believable / realistic with how they're acting towards what I believe is justifiable killings.  

Hoh, man, Suicide Island overdose!!  Thanks for all the wonderful scans!!  On another note... 

I don't see the trouble with killing someone who tried to kill you, and who killed others.  Guilty conscience?  There's no fear on the island from laws, and if you're part of the group that's harmed, there's no fear of a lynching.  I especially don't understand Sei's predicament.  A man who kills and guts animals without hesitation for survival is having troubles killing a human for survival.  You Fool!

You said you don't see it, but then stated the correct reason in the second sentence.  When you're watching a movie or playing a game, etc., of course there's no problem.  It's fiction, not real life.  But the reality of taking another human life is totally different, especially when it's someone you've known and considered a friend.  Animals are not and never will be on the same level as humans.  Comparing wild animals' lives to that of a human friend (or acquaintance) is ludicrous.  Plus, it took him awhile to get to that level of killing animals.



I don't see the trouble with killing someone who tried to kill you, and who killed others.  Guilty conscience?  There's no fear on the island from laws, and if you're part of the group that's harmed, there's no fear of a lynching.  I especially don't understand Sei's predicament.  A man who kills and guts animals without hesitation for survival is having troubles killing a human for survival.  You Fool!


That type of thinking is great for starting wars.

I don't see the trouble with killing someone who tried to kill you, and who killed others.  Guilty conscience?  There's no fear on the island from laws, and if you're part of the group that's harmed, there's no fear of a lynching.  I especially don't understand Sei's predicament.  A man who kills and guts animals without hesitation for survival is having troubles killing a human for survival.  You Fool!

Thank you for the updates, it's really good once again. I'm just frustrated that the survivors just can't seem to catch a break.. they just want to be left alone but there's always some people plotting against them.

IMO its an allegory for (real) life.


You can't just "be left alone". No one will provide you food, water, shelter, entertainment, social life, social comforts, etc. and then "leave you alone". Unless you want to live alone in the wilds and slowly go crazy from lack of socializing, deal with it.

Last chapter: It. Just. Got. Real.


Thanks for the scans, Illuminati and Death Toll! Can't wait for the next volume. Such a suspenseful ending...

Thanks for the huge update!!


This manga just keeps being great

CHAPTER 69 : SEI and KAI ........

uh oh it's gonna get real messy from here on out

Heh, Kai’s rant about humanity could have come straight out of one of C.S. Lewis’ works. He should’ve read some of them. Maybe then he could have been saved.

Thank you for the updates, it's really good once again. I'm just frustrated that the survivors just can't seem to catch a break.. they just want to be left alone but there's always some people plotting against them.

Oh god! It's back everyones. \w/

thanks for the update =)

thx a lot Illuminati


massive releases of Suicide Islands and FMP ... you guys rock !! :)

Thanks for the update.

have the scanlators discontinued this series?

nope tako luka scans pulled out from supporting the series so it slowed the scanners down (2 groups left on it now)

have the scanlators discontinued this series?

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