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Member Since 14 Dec 2011
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#973004 What do you hate? And Why?

Posted by pantsu on 20 November 2013 - 04:29 PM

Thanks for this post. Let's share in our hatred for things.


I really hate...

  • Freeloaders: because it sucks when people take you for granted.
  • fake friends: because fake.
  • Crying during arguments: When my sister and/or mother cry during an argument, they sob like it's the end of the world, and, for some reason, it really ticks me off... REALLY REALLY ticks me off. And no, it's not because they're women, because I'm a lady too. 
  • And, on that note, Family Drama
  • When my dog chews up my packages (for obvious reasons).
  • When you open the door for yourself, and another party walks right through like you're holding the door open for them. 
  • When you're in a store, and two people are yelling from opposite ends of the building like they own the place.
  • Children. I really hate children and parents who bring their <4 year old children on the plane. I feel this ESPECIALLY when I'm on a red-eye flight or a flight over 7 hours. Every time I'm on such a flight, there's always some family and their baby nearby that ends up bawling intermittently throughout the flight or ends up vomiting/peeing resulting in a putrid stench that permeates the air in the cabin. 
  • In general, inconsiderate people. 
  • Rude cats who only want to see you when it's dinner time. Why can't you let me love you ALL THE TIME???
  • Broccoli: I used to love it, until I realized that it's really not that versatile as an ingredient, and it reeks.
  • Carrots: Tastes like tires. One time, I bought 3 lbs of carrots and was sick of it by the time I finished. I had made roasted carrots with honey, blanched carrots, and a sh*t ton of spiced carrot stew.
  • People who don't signal while driving. It's really unsafe to not do that. Please signal.

#624374 What "Fads" do you cannot get into?

Posted by pantsu on 13 April 2013 - 03:13 AM

I dislike bitches, so tsundere are not for me.


You think THEY'RE bitchy? Clearly you haven't watched mean girls.

#617598 Pokemon Games

Posted by pantsu on 07 April 2013 - 02:14 PM

I think most of us share that same problem. I know most of the new games they make are nearly gonna be same as the one before, but I always end up buying them anyways

I actually had a really long discussion with some friends on this point, and all of us agreed that we would be first to buy if they made the pokemon game, obviously with original elements, and added an expanded world, increased use for customization, more side quests, and had it in 3d... Like Pokemon + NWN. 


I would die if they did that. I'd be willing to pay a lot of money for that game.

#613379 What "Fads" do you cannot get into?

Posted by pantsu on 03 April 2013 - 06:56 AM

Clothes made by real animal fur/skin. Especially the endangered ones. I just think its sick and wrong.

I would like to hear your opinion on leather.

#613111 Fresh potato here.

Posted by pantsu on 03 April 2013 - 12:58 AM

Hi! Nice to meet you! LOL Thanks for asking about the potato thing. I was wondering about that too. 

#612038 What "Fads" do you cannot get into?

Posted by pantsu on 02 April 2013 - 01:01 AM

Watching sports on TV. I like playing sports, but watching it is just not exciting.

#611250 College/University

Posted by pantsu on 01 April 2013 - 07:34 AM

I'm currently in my fourth year of University and planning to graduate very soon. I'm majoring in Animal Biology with a focus on aquaculture and marine ecology.


@Mori: I know where you're coming from with the whole motivation thing. I was stuck in a rut for the first two years of University, and didn't know what to do with myself. At the same time, I was competing with everyone else. Eventually, I realized that the competitive attitude was really killing my confidence, and I had to find the reason why I was doing all this first. I ended up volunteering at an aquarium for a few months and realized that I really wanted to be a marine biologist. Ever since I realized what I wanted, everything's been going well for me in terms of grades and work. Competing with other people really just puts you down. You have to know your own standards and your purpose in order to feel confident and yearn to learn these subjects. Even the classes I did poorly in became interesting when I realized how I could actually use them in my desired field.

^ I hope my advice helps. Good luck with everything.

#611243 What is your avatar from?

Posted by pantsu on 01 April 2013 - 07:19 AM

Mine's a play on the word "shimapan" (which means "striped panties" for those who don't know). I thought it was appropriate given my username.

  • You likes this

#611242 Coffee talk -- for occasional and habitual coffee drinkers

Posted by pantsu on 01 April 2013 - 07:17 AM

What's your average daily consumption of coffee? What's your favorite kind, way to brew it, etc? 


I'm pretty dependent on coffee, and have trouble focusing without it. I'm fairly immune to caffeine effects too, so I have to take in copious and unhealthy amounts of coffee before anything happens (usually around four cups to start)... that's a lot of urine. 


I usually brew using my french press, but when stuff needs to get done, I go drink "liquid cocaine" from Starbucks. 


I also take my coffee black. Not going to make a joke about how I like my men here...