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Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2020 11:05 PM

#1859723 The RP Lounge

Posted by El Phantom on 22 January 2018 - 12:46 PM

My my, long time no see, I never hated half of you, just one or two. Over a few years I was only here for half of it, since you so kindly showed and shoved me out the door. Rolling through after Liar's RP, Blades of Fealty, which a bunch of you pretty much killed. So I joined this greener pasture, he ran a tight ship, the RP was going at a good speed with decent progress until OMF's members arrived.


Such was it did not last. Under unfortunate circumstance, OMF's members joined, bringing the problems we were running from. Called over starting from a whisper becoming a contagion, I suppose you can't run from problems hm? Knowing the dangers we let them join, they were friends after all. Solidly our worries were confirmed, and the RP was killed by the whimsy that killed countless RPs on OMF.


Done was this project on a new forum, all we did was turn it into OMF. I personally tried to discuss this, only to be met with immediate hostility. Calling them out, only for them to deny their own flaws, holding onto their precious status quo that ensured RP sections they joined would never thrive. Knowing and learning this futility I left, only to come back with a hidden message for fun, I wonder, have you ever heard of Acrostic?


Now the site dies, but this section died many months before that, as I had predicted.

#1773126 [TOPICS] Writing Challenge II

Posted by The Illuminati on 21 November 2016 - 03:12 PM

Hey guys.


For those of us that knew DR well, it's undoubtedly been a rough couple of days. But I know he would want us all to continue practicing our art and creating magic. Since it was DR's turn to suggest something, I think it would be great if our next 'challenge' honors him in some way or fashion. It's a tough ask but the rules are simple: whatever you think he would like to read. Choose your own style, and make it about whatever you want. Let's just see if we can send him something fun and interesting to read, wherever he is.


As always, I'm open to suggestions, so feel free to do so or ask me anything about DR. If I don't know the answer, I'll be sure to find out for you.


Have a great day, and take care of yourselves.

#1767726 Puffington Academy

Posted by Maia on 05 October 2016 - 09:06 AM

Pardon me, Deviruchi....


1.) I will state this here and now, the arguing and nitpicking one another is getting to be beyond ridiculous, and it needs to come to a stop. If you are not the GM of the game, the character creator, or a player, it is not on YOU to determine the worthiness of another player's character. Worry about your own and if YOUR character will be worthy of a Game Master's epic story.




3.) The insults and the swearing at one another will stop. This is NOT high school, no matter what prank we played on you all for April Fools two years ago.


The Neko has spoken.


#1765098 [TOPICS] Writing Challenge II

Posted by Silentnight on 18 September 2016 - 04:23 AM

In the time that I've away from batoto, something interesting came up. At first I wanted to join in but after reading the submissions. I'm too afraid to join in, my writing isn't up to par to everyone who put in an submission. So if it's okay, I would like to play spectator for a while...

#1760382 [TOPICS] Writing Challenge II

Posted by The Illuminati on 09 August 2016 - 11:05 AM

Well, most of the players haven't really said anything about the theme, stipulations, or rules yet. So I'd kinda like to know that we're all aboard before I move ahead.

How about this, if you guys are ready to start now, just Like this post and if I get a majority I'll open the thread ASAP.

#1760084 [TOPICS] Writing Challenge II

Posted by SliceAndDice on 06 August 2016 - 10:04 AM

I'm not sure it needs to go that far, honestly. Truth be told I don't think it should even be a competition, but if we're going to choose "Winners" I'd say either run a general consensus among the participants or just let Naifu call it (possibly a combination of both).


I think if we start getting into ratings and grades and official judging it'll just obscure the point. Which, the way I look at it, isn't to prove we're the best writer around, it's a chance to try writing with themes, concepts, or possibly even styles that we normally wouldn't use. Expand our boundaries, get tossed out of our little written comfort zone as it were. Build up new muscles rather than flex the ones we already have. That sort of thing.

#1759058 [OOC] Hordes of the Tower of Ishido

Posted by Crouching Bacon on 28 July 2016 - 01:59 PM

is it too late for me to come back to this? T3T

#1757252 The RP Lounge

Posted by Rainbow Dash on 11 July 2016 - 12:50 PM

Thanks Pitou. So that means that he is like any shrewd politician.

The major difference is that most politicians align with their party.

Trump and Sanders were both pretty anti-establishment. The Republicans didn't really want Trump, but he was much more popular than his competitors.

It's called jumping to conclusions. People think just because new gun control laws coming in means "oh my god all my guns are gonna be gone", when in fact it just may be more intense psyche checks and increased tax on ammunition, and they keep their guns, but it becomes harder to obtain and use.

Psychological checks are a rather egregious justification for the restricting of individual rights since psychological fitness is determined so subjectively. Recall that homosexuality was once a condition that one could be institutionalized for and anyone with even a remotely egalitarian mentality will balk at the idea of using fallible psychology to abrogate human rights


To be honest I don't have a strong opinion of either Trump or Hilary. Trump is a bigot, and Hilary is a snake, but I don't believe either of them will actually run the country into the ground. After the elections, people will quickly realize that the president has much less power than they think he does.
The biggest current issue in the United States right now is, in my opinion, its terrible policies where guns are involved; and resolving that issue will be something left to Congress.

After the elections, people will quickly realize that the president has much less power than they think he does.

After the elections, people will quickly realize




#1757087 The RP Lounge

Posted by Unbelievably Majestic on 10 July 2016 - 11:51 AM

Has Stardew Valley got multiplayer yet? Because we could make the happiest and least dumb farm of all.

#1754411 [IC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Johnny Paradise on 21 June 2016 - 08:22 PM



Vaska had arrived in Port Razule just one week ago. The island certainly was not a good fit for him. The people were loud and violent, he was nearly robbed fourteen different times, and people kept making fun of the mask he wore, telling him it didn't make him look cool. That last part really stung. Even so, when Lazarus threatened to burn down the city, Vaska felt an indignant rage bubble up in his chest--who did this guy think he was? For what it's worth, Vaska thought he was a big jerk.


Still, when someone threatens to burn down a city, prudence is the correct option. Vaska decided to slink through the crowd and head for the docks, sneaking away clandestinely before the storm. It was really quite a clever plan. Unfortunately, about half the city was as clever as Vaska, and they made a rough bee line for the port. Vaska stumbled weakly through the throng for a short time, before a man's shoulder came crashing into his own, knocking him off his feet and into a woman with a shield. The insects in his shoulder were flying about in a rage. The man yelled back a hurried "Get out of my way, kid" as he ran by.


"Sorry, I'm sorry," Vaska said to the woman he had crashed into. It probably would not have been a big deal--Vaska was very slight, and much of his weight was comprised of insects--if not for the fact that several insects spilled out from behind his mask as he fell, which now crawled all over the girl's shield and armor. "Ahhh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Vaska shouted as he saw them. With a mental command, the bugs flew back to him, crawling back to the hive from behind the mask.

#1754387 [OOC] On Stranger Tides

Posted by Deviruchi on 21 June 2016 - 06:49 PM

Let's start with Kastro. You could say that he is somewhat similar to Han in terms of upbringing. He was born and raised in Port Razule but instead of being taken care of the locals, he was your typical gutter rat. He was known throughout the city for both his good deeds and crimes. In his younger years, he would spend his day helping out at the piers and markets. As he got older, he tried his best into contributing to the peace within the city; usually by taking on pirates and criminals who were too arrogant for their own good. However, despite these times of righteousness and acts of random kindness, Kastro was a thief at heart. He would steal food, treasure, and money when needed. And when he'd get into trouble with pirates, the city would usually pay for his mistakes. This continued for several years, hence the love-hate relationship he has with the city folk.


For Lazarus, the rumors about him were that after his return from hiding, he had turned into a changed man. Although still happy-go-lucky to a certain extent, he took things way too seriously. He's what you would call, extremely emotional. When frustrated, sinking an island wouldn't be so unthinkable. Overjoyed? His worst enemies could turn into his best friend. Also, Kastro was the one who wronged him, so he is only targeting him. However, with his little threat, that was his way of asking if the people of Port Razule were with him or against him. If they were on his side, he expects them to bring Kastro to him. If not, he would consider everyone his enemy. The only thing that's consistent about him is that he is inconsistent. Kind of contradictory, I know, but I wasn't sure how to explain it. His bounty was gained through his various achievements. Mostly related to pillaging and plundering along with the legion of men he has gathered under his wing. He has a strange ability, but people can't really tell what it is. The only thing they can confirm is that aside from his military strength, he gets incredibly loud in battle and is highly destructive. Being blind never seemed like a deterrence. Its as if he wasn't even blind.


Was that good enough? I can give you more information if you have any more questions or inquiries.

#1754232 The RP Lounge

Posted by Rainbow Dash on 21 June 2016 - 11:17 AM

I'm cool


#1753820 The RP Lounge

Posted by Johnny Paradise on 20 June 2016 - 03:31 PM

We're gonna a build a wall, and Beth's gonna pay for it.

#1750158 Romance Dawn

Posted by Tres on 23 May 2016 - 04:15 AM



“Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” 


Many stories are of heroes or of great deeds because no one writes about the villains. They usually start with the birth or death of a prominent figure; you know, like Gold D. Roger or Edward Newgate. In this case, it was far less poetic, so don't get your hopes up. This is the tale of a crude, unorthodox and borderline dysfunctional band of merry misfits, scalawags and privateers. A story of highs and lows as the romance of their adventure through this grand world would leave wakes of change wherever they would journey to.


Our saga begins on the isle of Mammon, in the bustling city of Sadim. Aside from its thriving bazaars, black markets and underground fighting arenas, most knew Sadim for its occupants; majority of which were made up of pirates. On one hand, you have youthful and thrill-seeking rookies setting off for the Grand Line, still filled with their hopes and dreams aplenty. The second are the unfortunate ones; those that have been scuffed by the sea that most referred to as paradise. You might also see some criminals and outlaws, but as of now, they aren't that important.


Anyway, as with any city with an abundance of pirates, one would expect an abundance of taverns as well; even toddlers, who were considerably dumb, knew this fact. In one of the largest ones in Sadim, The Promiscious Wench, a strange individual sat at a long table by herself. She was a young girl looking to be only not a year over twenty. She had pale skin, fair mauve hair with dark purple highlights, and magenta-hued eyes.  She stood at an unimpressive height for a human girl - probably a few inches just above five feet - but definitely gave off a warm and inviting vibe. 


A piece of white cloth held by several mugs of rum was hanging over the front of the long table. Poorly written on it reads as follows:

"Pirate Crew Sign ups. Beware, adventure and danger aplenty. Faint of heart need not apply."




#1749553 [OOC] Romance Dawn

Posted by Wandering Rogue on 19 May 2016 - 01:47 AM
