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Member Since 30 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2014 02:00 AM

#1344147 [OOC] Remnant

Posted by Kirisaki on 17 August 2014 - 01:43 AM

I see, glad I chose a katana then. xD


By the way, how many people you're looking to accept before the RP begins? Curious as to know when an info/cache thread will be made so we can post our cs's in'em. XD


Oh, and how exactly will the 'training' to potentially lose a certain weakness play out/work in the RP? Is it something you'll throw out now and then and after so much of it a potential change in it or something we ourselves do? Like occasionally in our posts we mention them doing something like ex. my character starts doing exercises/stretches/practice swings with the sword or something and if we do something right, you'll mention something about it?


It's more like a real apocalypse. I'm expecting the whole mental part of the RP to be bigger since people may need to change as the RP goes on to better survive. In real life, people change. I expect you, the RPers will make for a great story. :3


Idk how to explain it. Long story short.


I <3 Character Development

#1344028 [OOC] Remnant

Posted by Kirisaki on 16 August 2014 - 11:33 PM

I'll have all your cons up momentarily. Off to the randomizer!






1. Arbitrary - Whatever you're doing, you're doing it on a whim. Almost always out of self interest, you always try to put yourself in a better position. This can include eating the last cracker or stealing all the ammo and getting the hell out of dodge.


2. Weakness - Upper body strength is a problem for this one. Whatever the reason, it's hard to lift large objects. Best suited to using small weapons or guns without kickback. Don't rely on your arms to do all the heavy lifting around camp.


3. Paranoid - Why are these strangers after you? They must be after the things you have. Because of your paranoia you rarely open up to others. Even when you do, it always ends up in disaster. Mostly because they kept trying to steal your things even when they insisted they weren't trying.









@Cat: You can add a 5th Pro.


Profession = College Student


1. Silent - An observer, you stay out of sight and out of mind. You only speak when it's necessary and you tend to socialize with only a small circle. Most people find your silence unnerving, but some find it rather calming.


2. Apathy - For some reason you never really show much concern for those around you. Logical in nature, it makes other feel uneasy upon first meeting you. People tend to not trust you on a personal level because of this.


3. Wicked - You are a twisted individual. Always looking for the next stepping stone to bring yourself to the top. As many great dictators before you, you desire power and have the willpower to do it. Just don't make too many enemies along the way.







Profession = Boxer


1. Bravery - You're a big strong man/woman! Nothing can take you down. This "zombie" apocalypse? Screw that noise, it's just there to help you show off your awesome skills. Watch out not to bite off more than you can chew as it will happen... a lot.


2. Wounded - You were wounded recently. Luckily, it isn't infected and you're safe for now. Sadly, it will impede your movement, but on the bright side it will heal eventually. That is more than most people can say. Not like you can just heal bad personalities.


3. Wrath - When you get pissed off, you get fucking pissed off. How dare that peasant put you and your crew in danger. Maybe it's time to teach them a lesson about how nice the dirt can feel. Know what? They're gonna die. Your rage causes problems within the group almost constantly. Luckily it can also help by eliminating those who are detrimental to survival.


Application for you joddy. OR kiri. Or whomever is doing this.






Profession = Lawyer


1. Hothead - Getting pumped is what you live for. Thrill seeker? Maybe. At least you have the skill to back it up (you hope.) When shit hits the fan, you're always the one to lead. A plus or a negative depends on the person, but your own thrill seeking ways almost always make you take the more dangerous option if it can give a longer term solution.


2. Slow - In high school you weren't exactly the track star of your class. In fact you almost always came in the last place in gym. Whether it's because you were lazy or just plain slow, it's biting you in the butt now. Legs and quickness are important when dealing with zombies. Or so I hear.


3. Insanity - What? WHAT!? You're the wild card, the trump card, and the sacrifice all in one. You'll do the things other people won't dare to do. Chaining up zombies is your thing? Then you do it. Your personality can change on a dime. People tend to not take you seriously but blame your "temporary" insanity on the world's condition. Even if you were crazy before the living corpse people attacked.


Here we go.






Profession = Medical Student


1. Trusting - The inner circle of your survival group and you are tight. You put your life in their hands, maybe too easily. New people come by? Once you learn their personality you'll trust them too. It's a problem when dealing with those who would betray you, but a plus for faithful allies.


2. Greed - You want it all. Everything should be yours, or at least close to being yours. Whether it's the supplies, power, or allies you are always ready to take it. This causes problems with others, but you don't really need them. Ironically, if you played World of Warcraft you'd always roll Need before Greed. You're just the worst kind of person.


3. Sickly - Sadly, you are almost always sick. Simple colds or the flu always plague you in some form or another. Maybe you're always coughing because of some condition. This can make trusting you hard because some people may believe you to be infected.


alright lets try this myself, i feel like making something different from my usual 





@Nooby McScrub:


Profession = Retired Detective


1. Chronic Injury (???) - You have an injury that can't be healed. It's always nagging at you and is a painful reminder of <insert dark story from the past here if you're one of those dudes> or maybe you were born with it. Now which body part is nagging you again? I have a terrible memory. So put your body part that is injured into the ??? section. Pick your poison.


2. Despair - The mind is a scary place. So is the real world actually. Especially now that your mother-in-law has come back to eat your flesh. Worst part, she isn't even a zombie. Bummer, dude. You're a very depressed person and always look on the dark side of life. You tend to be a real downer, but a realist.


3. Sloth - The easiest way is always the best way. If you can do something smarter, not harder, you will. This also tends to have you give up on things easily though and try to find a way out. Using your super, duper, special, awesome IQ it will be simple. Or so you thought before getting eaten alive. Again, bummer.

#1278197 [OOC] Legacy

Posted by Kirisaki on 10 June 2014 - 07:48 PM

@Alu: Me n Mors already dealt with it through PM. ^^


@All: RP will be starting either tonight or tomorrow night. Any CSes not in the Info Cache will not be intro'd. 

#1264368 [OOC] Cosmic Flower, A Space Opera

Posted by Kirisaki on 28 May 2014 - 05:27 PM

Character done. Major pilot all up in this yo.


#1255664 [OOC] Legacy

Posted by Kirisaki on 21 May 2014 - 12:45 PM



#1255647 [OOC] Legacy

Posted by Kirisaki on 21 May 2014 - 12:35 PM









34 Years Ago...


"You know a Dragon lives on these islands as its protector, right?" Alan whispered to me as he clutched his satchel tightly.


"That's a myth, Alan," I said as I continued to the old ruins. I was determined to reach the summit and see for my own eyes what was rumored to slumber at it's peak, "This is going to make us famous! We'll have money, women, and even a castle in Senikai!"


Alan was always easy to manipulate with the promise of wealth. His hand loosened its grip and his pace seemed to quicken. With each foothold gained, and each inch closer to the summit, I felt power surge through me. I was being called upon. It was as if something at the top of this forsaken island urged me forward. My mind lost all train of thought except for climbing closer to my goal. It seemed to have the same effect on Alan.


Finally, I was only a single step from reaching the top. With the last of my strength I leaped forward and grasped the ledge. I stayed dangling for a few seconds until that energy from earlier drove me onward and gave me the energy to pull myself up. As I collapse on the summit of the broken down ruins, my heart sank. There was nothing. Only some intricate marking were engraved into the roof of this piece of ancient history. I stood up, but lost my strength and fell back to my knees immediately. There was no treasure, no dragon, and no ancient secrets.


Next to me, as I held myself on my knees and felt despair sink in, Alan had pulled himself up and over onto the roof. My partner seemed to be unaffected by fatigue as soon as he stood on the summit. He continued to walk forward to the center of the markings on the structure below us. When I turned to see his reaction, I saw nothing that I had ever suspected. Alan's eyes were glowing blue and his face was expressionless.


The markings below me began to glow in the same blue light. They jumped up towards Alan and danced around him as if they were a pet greeting their long time owner.


"Alan! What are you doing!? Stay away from those lights!" I called. Alan didn't here me.


As soon as he reached the center of the ruins, the blue lights all gathered into a small orb. Alan, still in his trance, reached out to the light and touched it. Suddenly, a blast of energy came forth. I was blinded momentarily, but saw as the energy seemed to expand as far as my eyes could see. When my eyes had finally fully adjusted they saw Alan disappear. Slowly his body seemed to float away into the air as if he never existed in the first place.


Before I could process the events that just took place, my chest began to burn. Energy rippled visibly through my body. I laid on the ground thriving in pain. I was defenseless when the ruins began to shake. I forced myself forward. This was not my time. I was not going to die here like Alan. I would live on.


The world was so much more vivid now. Colors and streams of energy once unknown to me now filled my sight. The ruins continued to shake and crumble around me.


This was what I was searching for. My purpose. This world is here waiting to be taken. All I need do is reach out... and take it.


Behind me, a large portion of the ruins erupted to reveal the slowly rising Dragon that had awakened from it's slumber. It was quickly followed by a roar that was sure to be heard all around the world.









The World


Character Sheet


#1158297 [OOC] Fallen Souls

Posted by Kirisaki on 13 March 2014 - 08:30 PM

Enhanced are humans who have been enhanced with special equipment/technology. Nanobots specifically.


Warrior = Melee specialist. Bots help with Regeneration, Endurance, and Pain Tolerance.

Soldier = Mid/Close Range specialist. Bots help with Dexterity, Flexibility, and Strength.

General = Far Range specialist. Bots help with Eyesight, Accuracy and Climbing. (Think parkour masters)

Support = Utility speciality. Bots help with Hearing, Mind Processing, and Touch. (More or less hearing + touch act as a sonar)

Outrider = Mid/Close combat and utility mix. Bots help with Reflexes, Jumping, and Movement Speed.

Unique = The ones that don't fit into the other categories. Their bots have other effects. For example, blood that can possibly heal other allies.


This all on top of general super soldier abilities. Those are just their best abilities.

#1157561 Kirisaki's Return! (Concepts)

Posted by Kirisaki on 13 March 2014 - 09:51 AM

Since I doubt TBAG will catch up, I'm going to post up a basic form of the OOC for Fallen Souls soon enough. It will just be explaining a little of the world and magic as I flesh it out.

The tiny amount of information I have for you guys is up in the OOC. Feast upon it if you'd like.

#1154206 Kirisaki's Return! (Concepts)

Posted by Kirisaki on 11 March 2014 - 10:45 AM

Hello everyone, I am the incredibly beautiful, wonderful, truly amazing Kirisaki. Some know me as the destroyer of worlds, others know me as the one destined to bring peace to Narnia, but you all may call me "The Kiri".


I am here on behalf of my beautiful mind which is always plagued with these ideas. I'm also here to apologize to anyone in "To Become A God" Roleplay that I was forced to keep up with less and less until it became a wasteland, but fear not! This is another topic I shall talk about later on.


For now I will answer the question on your minds... what exactly is this about and why am I so very interested? The answer is simple. This is about me making a new RP, keeping up with it, faithfully updating, and you are interested because I'm so adorable (as is my curse.)


Feast your eyes upon the Roleplay ideas that have been swarming my mind recently while I have been sitting through classes and otherwise indisposed of.




It's important to note that I will be much more strict when it comes to Character Sheets and I will limit the amount of players that can participate in my RPs. This is mostly because it makes it a lot more organized for me and allows me to not have to force random events onto a person's character. When the plot is about saving the princess and someone makes a character who only likes to pick flowers and has no purpose to the story, it tends to make things messy.




These situations bother me.


Again, this is only an interest check. Might not even make an RP if not enough people seem to be interested as I'd rather wait for people who are legitimately trying to play for the story, gameplay, and characters.

#1115259 [OOC] To Become A God

Posted by Kirisaki on 14 February 2014 - 08:46 PM

Sorry guys. >: I had to get a new computer, learn how to use goddamn Windows 8, deal with school and work, then deal with some personal issues. I'll be honest, the last one is the one that made me take so long. Kind of been too bleh to write for awhile!


I have school in an hour but much later tonight things should get going again. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience everyone. >: 


On another note, because of my long absence I will be pushing plot forward more. o.o

#1038360 [OOC] To Become A God

Posted by Kirisaki on 05 January 2014 - 01:29 AM

Indeed this is still alive. Busy few days. Everyone should be intro'd and everything soon enough. Be patient children. <3

#1030613 [OOC] The Sun Brigade

Posted by Kirisaki on 31 December 2013 - 09:18 PM

Still working on it. o.o




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#1026763 [RP] To Become A God

Posted by Kirisaki on 29 December 2013 - 03:30 PM

To Become A God





Blood Ties

February 17th, 494 AU


"This country was built upon the blood of my ancestors. I will take it back until my final breath escapes my lips."

- Xu Ren


Xu Ren watched the battle between Xuan Wu and the overconfident bandit play out. It ended far quicker than was expected. The fight's victor also turned out to be different from what the general consensus believed it would be. A symphony of boos and curses were thrown at the defeated warrior. This was just what happened when most of the crowd had bet large amounts of money on the losing horse. Xu Ren slapped Yun Qi on the back and smiled at her, "I told you that he would win! Anyways, are you going to bet against me as well?" Xu Ren's eyes were filled with excitement and a hint of mischief as he continued to walk past his victorious companion. Xu Ren shot Xuan Wu a quick glance before he stepped into the ring himself.


"Ladies and Gentlemen," Xu Ren said as he wandered into the center of the ring, "I'd like to introduce myself as the owner of all the valuables that were bet against my friend over there," The prince took a pose and held a hand out to where Xuan Wu sat, "but I have a problem! There is no way that I could spend all of this by myself!" The crows once again burst out into an incredibly loud boo.


A brave bandit even gained the courage to yell back, "Give me a reason why I shouldn't gut you like a fish!" 


Xu Ren's shoulders slumped and his expression changed. It clearly showed just how much Xu Ren was looking down on the man's intelligence, "You see, I'm in a particularly good mood tonight! I'm just looking for a sparring partner or two," Xu Ren paused, "or three," another pause, "or four? As many as you feel it'll take to beat up a sheltered prince?" 


The group around him did not seem amused. More boos rose throughout the makeshift ring. Even though the bandits were riled up now, they weren't angry. Something about the scene seemed almost surreal. Xu Ren had gained the favor of these bandits in the strangest way possible, "I've decided I might just make a very generous donation to your little organization if you guys can entertain me," Xu Ren's provocation had worked and it wasn't long until several of his audience decided to give it a go with the young prince.


What started with boos and angry shouts ended with cheers and applause. Every opponent Xu Ren had faced was left on the ground with minor injuries. More and more fighters entered the ring to face off against the champion. Xu Ren's blood was boiling and his body was filled with power. His endurance, speed, skill and strength all seemed to have doubled. In the center of the ring Xu Ren spun, twisted and fought like a man possessed. Only a few could even keep up with his movements, but everyone could see his expression was filled with joy and laughter. 


The bandits that had been defeated seemed to also be effected by this euphoria. Their wounds weren't enough to keep them down for the night and instead they would join the audience. Xu Ren did make the donation, but he made it much sooner than expected. The wealth was shared with all the bandit camp. The rest of the group was left in the dark, but Xu Ren and Shou Gong had planned to donate to the group since the idea to find shelter with this group was conceived. So when the broker received the money that Xu Ren had bet, he also received a note to bring all the winnings to Suo Li as a gift.


Xu Ren continued to be the center of attention in the ring. The surge of power he had earlier had run out rather quickly, but it still had an effect. Stories would be told about this night all throughout Xue. Xu Ren, the prince who defeated over one hundred bandits. The story would be embellished and stretched, but it was a symbol of hope for the people and another reason for Sun Zhao to hate his rival.


Although Xu Ren's battle was the main event, important events were happening in other places within the camp. Stephen Gustav's battle of wits with the young boy was a back and forth battle. The boy would have the upper hand for much of the time, but Stephen Gustav would take it back with a unique maneuver. The game was left unfinished because one man's drunken stupor had him fall directly onto their game. Although it was a "tie", to Stephen Gustav it did not feel like one. The boy was brilliant and matched the much older man at each turn.


The child looked down on the drunken man and sighed, "Well that's enough for now," He stood up and looked at Stephen Gustav, "My name is Suo Kang. We'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on," Suo Kang bowed and turned to face Alexei. After a moment of looking the Ardan youth's features, Suo Kang smiled, "You'll do nicely," The Suo Dynasty heir took his leave with that last comment and headed for the pit where Xu Ren was fighting.


As Suo Kang walked towards the pit, the bandits parted as if a strange force had forced them to move. The young boy's presence was so vast that even the fighting had stopped within the pit. Suo Kang continued to walk until he reached only a meter before Xu Ren. Suo Kang's expression became incredibly serious, but signs of relief showed on his face. He bowed deeply, "Xu Ren, the rightful Emperor of Xue," the entire crowd was hushed, "I pledge myself, as your loyal servant, to help you reclaim your throne."


The silence was unbearable for a moment, but it was broken by Xu Ren himself, "I'm not very good with these formal situations," Xu Ren looked at the younger boy and smiled before he pulled him to stand straight up, "Just call me Xu Ren, okay?"


The bandits burst out into cheer and laughter while Suo Kang simply stood there awestruck. From birth Suo Kang was trained to serve Xu Ren. Seeing the Emperor treat him like an equal and be such a fun person let a wave of happiness spread throughout Suo Kang, "Of course, Xu Ren."


The rebellion against Sun Zhao had officially begun.


#1026704 [OOC] To Become A God

Posted by Kirisaki on 29 December 2013 - 02:39 PM

Indeed you do! :3




Tomorrow I shall then create the intro to Chapter 1. The action will begin very quickly and it will be very harsh. I fully expect many player deaths. Be ready to kill or be killed. Don't always do the dangerous thing. Please just don't be stupid then complain about dying. o.o


Hopefully the start of the hardcore action will help those of you who haven't posted to start posting.



#1021828 [OOC] To Become A God

Posted by Kirisaki on 25 December 2013 - 04:08 AM

Sorry for being late with update! D: I swear things come up only when I utter "I'll update tonight." =_=