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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 30 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2014 02:00 AM

In Topic: [OOC] Unforgiven - The Sinner's Ball

06 September 2014 - 03:43 AM

Someone's about to be rekt.

In Topic: [Cache] Unforgiven - The Sinner's Ball

06 September 2014 - 03:38 AM


In Topic: [OOC] Unforgiven - The Sinner's Ball

06 September 2014 - 03:31 AM


In Topic: [OOC] Remnant

25 August 2014 - 08:18 AM

This is curiously reminiscent of my old Pathfinder alchemist...


That said, I'll be rolling this fellow differently. He's just a loner right? Not a misanthrope?


He just prefers time to himself. He'll do fine in a group, but he might not like it. He's more likely to dip out sooner rather than later.

In Topic: [OOC] Remnant

24 August 2014 - 07:35 AM


Personality: Kind, caring, and morally ambiguous. Obviously trying to help and yet somehow unnerving in method.

Pros: Jury-rigger - You've fixed things that never worked; Animal Friend - Zombie Animals non-withstanding... so far; Eagle-Eyes - You saw it coming; Perceptive - The world is a library and people are books; Lighting Reflexes - Kung-fu not included.

Age Range: 23-28


Preferred Profession: Mechanic, Engineer, Electrician.


​Character Archetype: Situational Beta/Independent.





Profession = Chemical Engineer


1. Loner - You prefer your own company. There is no better team than, you, yourself, and another you. As a loner, it makes it hard to make allies and makes zombie attacks more risky, but it pays off to know how to keep yourself alive.


2. Insomnia - As someone who has seen the beginning of the end... holy shit, holy shit, this can't be happening. You understand that there are things that go bump in the night. It'll take some time until you get a full nights sleep, but this may come in handy during watches.


3. Loud - Your voice is naturally loud and tends to carry. This makes eavesdropping by others much easier and occasionally zombies may pinpoint your location if you decide to talk to anyone close by while they wander nearby. 


I hereby sign my death contract.




A little note: I might want to tie my character to Itano's, if that's allowed



Profession = Journalist


1. Burn Notice - A pyromaniac. This is the term most would give you, but hey, what do they know? You just actually enjoy watching the world burn. Also zombies. You like watching them burn. Wherever you go, some sort of fire follows behind. Whether you satiate this need with zombie bodies or a nearby barn is up to you.


2. Homicidal - I guess killing zombies is fun and all, but where is the fun if you can't kill regular people too? For some reason you've got it in your head to kill humans. This isn't necessarily bad. It could help you rise to power or help fend off another survivor group trying to steal supplies. Too bad you need to feed the thirst. Not always on everyones "Friend" list.


3. Trigger Finger - What was that sound!? *bang* Oops. You did it again. You were too fast to react and this is what you get. Another dead comrade. Well they might have been there to kill you anyways... right?


I guess I'll give it a shot. Hopefully, things won't get worse. 




1. Unbelievable - An attention seeker at heart, you like to fabricate stories. They might not even be fabricated to you as you'll actually begin to believe them. Others may find this trait endearing, but most find it a problem. Watch out for when you scream "WALKER!" in the night and no one gets up to help.


2. Harsh - Those who endanger you, even in the slightest, are sure to get a tongue lashing. Maybe they handed you a gun and a magazine? You'd get pissed off that the magazine wasn't already in and ready for you to fire immediately. Nothing is ever a joke about life or death.


3. "Trusting" - You don't trust others often. There is no reason to. When other people tell you about things that might sound crazy, odds are that they are crazy. You can put on a mask, but there is always that small hint that shows you either don't care enough or just straight up do not believe them.