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Horripilating Sea Cucumber

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

Member Since 21 May 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2017 11:12 PM

#1336431 SBA 2014 - Summer Batotonian Awards

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 04 August 2014 - 04:47 AM

Oh btw, earlier in the first post of this thread I mentioned that there was an official on our organisation.This means that there will be an upgrade to this event. Other than bragging rights, there will be a PRIZE. I cannot tell you what... Just wait... Unfortunately the official is.. uh.. let's say out-of-service due to health problems. But just wait. It'll cometumblr_inline_mjs05n9Awk1qdlkyg.gif Rukapi-

#1336376 SBA 2014 - Summer Batotonian Awards

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 04 August 2014 - 03:26 AM

Just before I announce the results, I would like to thank all of you wonderful people for contribution and participation in this event. We have taken in around almost 1000 nominations and the awards would not have been given without your efforts! 


From your lovely and tardy Batotonian Awards Host
 "Mademoiselle" Rukapi- tumblr_inline_mjs06zir6h1qdlkyg.gif

#1334921 SBA 2014 - Summer Batotonian Awards

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 02 August 2014 - 02:21 PM

No, we share the same results however we have a tiny issue with some winners. I will be posting the results, but in the mean time I need to get to the prize giving official. Just something I need but I can't get a hold of him right now. Also no one lied to no one, the OP still says that it might be posted as late as 10 August.

Also Shatter if you do, do it yourself I would like to strongly advise that you do not share this information with others. Though I don't think one can have that much motivation to go through 40 pages worth of shit load of spam, discussion with a small percentile of it actually being nominations. If you decide that you'll take it as a "challenge" feel free too. As Lon as the results are not shared.

#1334282 Japanese Government to Start Anti-Anime/Manga Piracy Operation Next Month

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 01 August 2014 - 12:31 PM

They are rumors going around that the listed paged are currently blocked in japan,
don't know if it is true tough.

I'm here in Japan and I assure you nothing is up.

#1334031 Japanese Government to Start Anti-Anime/Manga Piracy Operation Next Month

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 01 August 2014 - 02:16 AM

Fear not, all perverts, FAKKU IS UNAFFECTED.



..not that I know what it is.. pffffffffffft...

#1334016 SBA 2014 - Summer Batotonian Awards

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 01 August 2014 - 01:44 AM



Results will be posted later on today.



#1332625 That Awkward Moment When...

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 30 July 2014 - 05:14 AM

They don't know English in the country side?! =O

regular Japanese people have pretty shit english already. Don't expect the rural peeps to know any.

#1330707 That Awkward Moment When...

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 27 July 2014 - 10:47 PM

TAMW you're on a skype call outdoors with a friend and people look at you funny cuz you're talking into the air in perfectly pronounced English and laughing.

I live in the countryside... I prolly looked like an alien to them. Prolly weird too cuz no one really do calls using earphones and I was still doing the gestures etc to explain my point over call...

#1326490 That Awkward Moment When...

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 23 July 2014 - 05:50 AM

TAMW you're in a store and you look across and make out a toy that says it's eyes follow you wherever you go.. Being too lazy you just stand there and move your head in awkward angles and then you realise people might think you look like a bird....



It was Levi Ackerman. They had a mini shingeki aisle and there were more merchs too... But i was in line waiting for stuff too...

#1325800 That Awkward Moment When...

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 22 July 2014 - 04:56 AM

TAMW you're on an escalator and you end up seeing this cellulite sag of the butt that the chick in front of you has, just slopping past her shorts. Pree gross to me...

Highwaistedshorts_darkblue.png like this on the right, except her asian butts sagging...

#1321137 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 17 July 2014 - 09:41 AM


#1318917 Adorable puppies. Now what? Help!

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 15 July 2014 - 04:32 AM

Get the appropriate petfood asap, it stimulates their growth and general health. Get a place for them to sleep in a corner in the room. Take them outside a lot, so they get teached how to pee outside. Have them checked at a vet for any diseases they might have and the needed vaccines. Give them plenty of water, dogs can have a hard time getting rid of excess heat. When they're young, be close to them and play with them, puppies can play with almost anything lol, just make sure they cant chew off bits. A tennisball would do. Get dome threats for them aswell, so you can always lure them if needed.

Aside from that, leftover is not always a good idea, but some are pretty harmless. Also, if 4 is too much for you, conaider giving them away if youre not capable. There is no shame in wanting the best for them

Anyway, goodluck, if you got a question i might be able to help.

And never give them chocolate .-.
If you want to pet them, make your hand into a ball first, since a spread open hand frightens them.

Giving them collars is a good idea to be able to tell the difference and letting them get used to it.

Also, if you walk em, have a leash on em and dont walk too far at first. Just a small block to let em get used to the surrounding step by step.

Repeating their name when theyre young is mandatory for them to get to know it
Apparently, dogs love cheese (atleast mine did) so you can use that as a threat for now

Great. Exactly what I learnt from Nintendogs. 


Grab your stylus and often poke into the dogs head too to pat them. Draw circles with the stylus and whack their head downwards. This should get them to learn how to sit down.


Jokes aside, for a collar, I suggest you get ones with bells on. They're pretty small so in case they go missing and they end up fitting into tiny spaces you can hear and track them down by the sound of the bells. Blow dry them after showers in case they get sick. Not too close and move the dryer frequently. Or else it can scare them or be too hot. If their teeth are weak I used to give my dogs the doggy food soaked a bit in water. Softens up the stuff. There were doggy chows at the shops too but it was too expensive for just one and not worth it lol. 


Use the carrot and stick method if you want to teach them tricks or teach them how to behave. Don't hit too hard but don't spoil them too much with treats. 


As for teaching them how to pee this is the method our family uses:

- call for the dog or bring him/her over

- yell at them and tell them off whilst pointing at their puddle of mess. 

- try to get them to understand you're talking about the mess by holding them up close to it

- take them to the designated area for toiletry and use a lower tone to tell them they have to pee there

- repeat


It would be better though if perhaps you can catch them just before they pee and bring them over to the pee area. Even if some tricklage has been done, tell them "no", run over to the area and let them finish their business. Whilst they do it tell them in the same tone and voice as you would in points above and tell them they should pee there. 

#1318053 What's that song stuck in your head?

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 14 July 2014 - 10:59 AM

one disney song i remember word for word...


#1317757 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 14 July 2014 - 03:03 AM


Yeah I decided to go on a memory stroll. I'm not sure if I told you this before, but these influences were from my grandpa in Japan. Listened to these hits on a CD every summer and I never really bothered to look at the title and the artist. 

I decided to just torrent 50's 60's 70's greatest hit albums and look for them whilst finding new tunes (I torrented 20s hits too just cuz it was the birth for jazz and swing hehe) ^^ I'll be going to Japan so I'm going to see if that CD is still lying around the house somewhere. 

v The song below is actually one I just found from torrenting albums. I liked the Supremes and Diana Ross so I just torrented their "hits" album. Now I've tracked down this song from the CD my grandpa had. It feels amazing finding the song title again :D


Where did our love go - The Supremes 


#1317192 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 13 July 2014 - 04:17 PM

^ been on a Ramones streak there Mr. svines? ^^


It might as well rain until september - Carole King

downloaded the Greatest Hits of the 60's ahaha