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God Ginrai

God Ginrai

Member Since 20 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2021 08:26 PM

#1740983 Strange Dragon chapters broken again

Posted by God Ginrai on 01 April 2016 - 04:01 PM

Comic: Strange Dragon
Chapter: 9 and 10
Group: Voiceless Scanlation
Language: English
Link: http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/strange-dragon-r10483

The recently uploaded chapters 9 and 10 for Strange Dragon are just showing potatoes.

-God Ginrai

#1367588 Batoto Logo is cut off

Posted by God Ginrai on 24 September 2014 - 03:22 AM

While I do not particularly find smaller buttons to be ugly, I am glad to hear that the cutoffs were a choice rather than an oversight.

Would it be possible to make an alternate (non-default) skin that iconifies the buttons (with the button text being just alt text) that those of us with small widths can switch to?

-God Ginrai

#498944 Language request

Posted by God Ginrai on 14 January 2013 - 01:51 AM

viscoun, It's quite simple. Because you can get raws in Chinese, it would create tons of work for Grumpy and his staff to sort through all of these Chinese uploads and determine which ones are bad and which ones are good. There may be tons of "good uploads", but if they are all mixed in with tons of uploads that could get Batoto in trouble on legal grounds, then it is the more logical move for him to just disallow all Chinese uploads.

(By the way, your name breaks HTML formatting for PHPBB)

-God Ginrai

#426572 Language filter for the homepage.

Posted by God Ginrai on 14 November 2012 - 08:35 AM

The absence of this feature is the only reason I don't use batoto. Until its added, I am suck with mangahere. Right now, I find the front page to be mostly unusable. Please fix this since I would prefer to support batoto

That's a pretty shallow reason to not use Batoto. This feature, while it would be very useful and is highly sought-after, should not be the deciding fact in whether you support a good cause that provides better quality images as well.

-God Ginrai

#164688 Home page suggestion

Posted by God Ginrai on 18 April 2012 - 09:08 PM

On your follows list you are able to sort updates by language. We should be able to do that on the main page as well. The recently updated manga should be sortable by language because sometimes it gets your hopes up when the updates come out in the wrong language!

This has been suggested in 3 different topics just on page one of this forum. Please use the search function before posting new topics.

EDIT: I grabbed links to the 3 topics I mentioned, all on the first page:


From now on, please post in topics that already exist for a topic rather than create your own.

-God Ginrai

#105437 Age Rating System

Posted by God Ginrai on 05 March 2012 - 08:15 AM

AO content site please, I really don't like have to keep reading my mature content on sites which abuse scantilators. I understand the advertising thing but come on, don't act like that this isn't censorship. I mean, I just read "Kami-sama no Iutoori" and there is NO WAY that should be allowed on a site which is adhering to these guidelines.

Ratings systems 'protecting the children' have always been ludicrous. What is morality? Who gets to define it? Christians? Muslims? Hindus? Have you ever seen a burqa? By some people's morals you are hosting an outrageously salacious site. Your guidelines are laughable and your censorship is a joke. We live in an age where anyone with a computer can see anything they please with a few mouse clicks.

Say what you please about advertisers and what they will allow, but don't tell us we need a shitty rating system when you are obviously only doing it for your own monetary benefit. I don't mind, everybody needs to get paid, just don't feed us some crap about 'the children'.

Judged by the community? LOL! You admins are obviously in control of everything, you won't even let people keep up their comments which criticize your practices! If this is true, I 'vote' for a more transparent and concrete rating system with hard guidelines. X means a G rating, y means a PG rating, and Z means a R rating. Mob rule ethics? Seriously? So whenever WE THE USERS feel like lynching a manga with a shitty rating like AO (thus removing it from the site) we can riot and get our way? Cool, let me call up 4chan and we can wreck the guidelines just for the lulz.

I keep seeing this censorship nonsense being pushed by some random interest groups which seem to have control of the site, and it will only be your downfall. If you continue to mess with the content, which everyone obviously loves, no one will want to visit your shitty site because of your own ineptitude at management.

This site is NOT a user run site. This site hosts illegal content, your attempt at having morals is totally outrageous. You just need to focus on making a MORE LEGITIMATE site. Who cares about this morals crap, get over it! There are morally ambiguous mangas, what are you politicians? Are you afraid this stuff will come back to haunt you when you run for office? Try and make your content benefit the mangikas, scantilators, and translators. I am even willing to pay a monthly fee for your services, JUST FIX YOUR SHIT! You guys are putting the cart before the horse, and you are going to end up shooting yourselves the the foot.


BTW I love this site, and I am glad someone is trying to make this industry legit. Please don't take personal offense to my rant, I just want you to succeed and this feels like a huge can of worms to me.

Fuck off and download your AO mangas from the scanlators themselves!


'Cause you can get away with anything by ending it with /rant, rite? rite?

On a Serious Note: If you don't have anything constructive to add, just let the people who do discuss it, and just bump the topic up when you want it to get more attention.

-God Ginrai

#105105 additional titles?

Posted by God Ginrai on 05 March 2012 - 12:43 AM

My totally non-biased system:

0-9: Non-regular
10-49: 1F Regular
50-99: 20F Regular
100-249: 50F Regular
250-499: 77F Regular
500-999: 100F Regular
1000-1999: Ranker
2000+: High Ranker
Trebor: Yuri Zahard

For reference, right now it's 0-9 Newbie, 10-29 Member, 30+ Advanced Member.

I actually have no problem with a new system. The old system was bland. Many forums have this, and I'm... sort of sure that the forum games posts don't count to titles.

I like the Tower of God reference, it has to be like that. Like, it has to be something manga/anime-related, if we chose a theme like Naruto, then it would be: Academy Student, Gennin, Jounin, Chuunin, etc...

I think that it can be better, though I'm not good with name ideas, Trebor's idea seems fine for me.

I don't think it should all be related to one Manga, tho'. For example, I didn't even know that was a Tower of God reference until I read your post. It's better to have a ton of different references from popular manga and anime.

-God Ginrai

Instead of making everyone read one comic to understand the references, you have to read like, ten, to understand all the references.

That's why I said to do common ones. A lot more people would get jokes made from Dragon Ball Z and memes and such than they would from Tower of God.

-God Ginrai

#103963 Summary of manga once you highlight over the title name?

Posted by God Ginrai on 03 March 2012 - 11:59 PM

So you think tooltips are annoying too? They essentially just pop up too. If you don't think tooltips are very annoying you might consider this little js:

It changes the style of the tooltips and you can set the delay until it is displayed so it doesn't just pop up when you don't want it to.
You could set the delay to one second for example and only display the description part of the info.
Also that behavior could be added to the comic list/section too (it doesn't have the info buttons) without cluttering it with extra buttons.

Just use the i button. I mean, really. The feature that you guys want is already implemented, stop nitpicking.

-God Ginrai

As I have said in this thread and in the older one (and nobody seems to notice it) this feature is only available on the homepage, not in the list. Why?

Now that is the right question to be asking. And if everyone continues talking about the tooltips, then no one is going to pay attention to the more important issue, which is the fact that the current feature has not been implemented into the list.

-God Ginrai

#103342 Summary of manga once you highlight over the title name?

Posted by God Ginrai on 03 March 2012 - 04:23 AM

So you think tooltips are annoying too? They essentially just pop up too. If you don't think tooltips are very annoying you might consider this little js:

It changes the style of the tooltips and you can set the delay until it is displayed so it doesn't just pop up when you don't want it to.
You could set the delay to one second for example and only display the description part of the info.
Also that behavior could be added to the comic list/section too (it doesn't have the info buttons) without cluttering it with extra buttons.

Just use the i button. I mean, really. The feature that you guys want is already implemented, stop nitpicking.

-God Ginrai

#102520 additional titles?

Posted by God Ginrai on 02 March 2012 - 02:56 AM

lols ok your the boss...

newbie @ 0 post

member @ 100 post

advance @ 200 post

forumist @ 500 post

grand forumist @ 1k post

equal or more than 2k post = they shall be on the list of "hall of famers..."

/this is just my suggestion... :)

I can't come up with anything right now, however I'd like to see something more creative for the titles. Like in-jokes for the manga community. It could be anything from manga references to userbase references. (like "Naruto fanboi" being a low level of posts or something :P)

-God Ginrai