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Member Since 22 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2018 01:47 AM

#1848814 Grand Blue Chap 40...

Posted by Gnah on 12 December 2017 - 09:37 AM

Good job missing the point completely, Ocha. This is not about the credit page. Never has been. Please look into the actual issue.


Open the link in the OP post. THAT IS NOT A CREDIT PAGE. That is an actual page in the middle of the chapter that was plastered over for the sake of trolling. An entire page, not forgotten, not mistranslated or forgotten to clean - no, just completely plastered over for nothing but trolling. On the next 3 pages, there has been partial censoring of text and pictures for the same reason. "He did translate all the words" - yeah right, and I'm the queen of Britain.


Edit: Plus the link provided on the page links to a different scanlation group which also works on Grand Blue, clearly in an attempt to discredit them by making it look as if they were the culprits behind this troll chapter. In my book, that weighs even more heavily than the infantile trolling or the bad translation quality even on the parts where he does not troll. At the very least have the decency to protect your other contributors, even if you piss on the readers like this.

#1848582 Grand Blue Chap 40...

Posted by Gnah on 11 December 2017 - 01:00 AM

They aren't actually asking for money. The link brings you to a different scanlation group's page, which seems to also have started working on Grand Blue. SubbyD is being "funny" again, as he has already been on the last chapter, although it was to a lesser, less scummy amount the last time. About as funny as a person with the sense of humour of a 9 year old can be.


Apart from disliking his alterations and additions to the works of the mangakas, I think it's a scummy move towards the scanlation group of FA who probably have nothing to do with SubbyD's trolling. Dragging them into this is a no-go.


Thus I'd ask the mods to shoot down the troll chapter. It's not the 1st of April.

#1772581 Ghostery Add-on blocks reader

Posted by Gnah on 15 November 2016 - 06:49 PM

Hey folks,


just wanted to inform you that the latest update of Ghostery caused it to block the reader since the Add-on does not trust the "Google AJAX search API". This will cause the picture of the current page to be stuck in "loading" state indefinitely as you can see in the attachment. Unblocking the API will bring the site back to a normal working state.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  bla.jpg   27.42KB   0 downloads

#1383138 Making the 5-Star User Rating Optional

Posted by Gnah on 16 October 2014 - 08:27 PM

Nah, I think people need to care less about this kind of stuff. It's not like I give people 1 golden star, I give them 4 silver ones.

That's an awfully easy way out, isn't it? "We don't have to do anything about the thing which only use is to troll people, we just have to get people not to care about the trolling!"

I know that I personally don't care. I know that others won't care as well. But you can't go and project your own mindset upon everybody like that and just go "but you just have to be like me!". People are all different.


If there is no good use for a system and only a bad use, then the system should go.

#1365419 Why do so many people hide their info?

Posted by Gnah on 20 September 2014 - 04:50 PM

Why do people on the street not wear their name, adress, birthdate and occupation on their T-shirts?

#1327552 Naver Titles

Posted by Gnah on 24 July 2014 - 07:28 PM

That's what an RSS reader/downloader is for.

I will not let somebody who puts the answer above the quote tell me what to do! :D


But honestly, people are lazy. They don't want to visit a dozen different scanlation groups, set up a RSS for them and read on their sites, even if they (unlike webtoons.com) don't have a cringeworthy design and a bad reader. They want to go to their one favourite side and have everything presented to them. Humans are beings of habit, change is evil.

#1214065 in your opinon whats the most epic manga?

Posted by Gnah on 20 April 2014 - 12:16 PM

Its their opinion,Nothing you can do to change it

what if they have just read handful of manga? And souma was best out of it

so for them it most epic they have read.

Not everyone has read 100's of series

Well, if I'd read only a couple of mangas and none of them was epic (again, we are not talking about the best manga, but the most epic), then I'd name none. If I have only seen a few flowers and none of them was blue, I'd not name dandelion as my favourite blue flower, right?

#1213962 in your opinon whats the most epic manga?

Posted by Gnah on 20 April 2014 - 10:28 AM

May I ask how Shokugeki no Soma or Love Hina can be awe-inspiring? I can understand numerous other adjectives applied to stuff like that, but I fail to see how those can be considered epic.


My top 3 epic mangas are:




#1212672 Draft for Comments Section Guidelines - Post your Feedback!

Posted by Gnah on 19 April 2014 - 04:38 PM

@ Seraphic Mist. Thank you for your elaborate answer. I appreciate it.


You are probably getting tired of it by now, but to talk about rule #3 again:

I have nothing against GIFs and Images.. you'll find I like a lot of funny ones, and have saved several. I spend hours at a stretch on Motifake, Imgur, lolcat, Facebook.. just for those funny Images. But the Comments Section was, you must admit, turning into Picture-Spam. People spammed all sorts of crazy GIFs just for likes and laughs, instead of using the Comments section like they should: For Comments.


Instead of banning them entirely - there was enough cause to, mind you - we just ask that they be placed in Spoilers.


Furthermore, the "Ten Line limit". Not only has it been increased from five lines to ten lines, based on member feedback, but I have also left the word "Approximately" in ther deliberately. 10-12 lines without Spoilers are fine, but anything above that should, if possible, go into a Spoiler Tag.


I'm sorry if I sound aggressive, but the point of the Comments Section is for Comments. Not discussions or speeches. All we ask is the ones above 10-12 lines to be placed in Spoiler Tags and you can have a 100,000 line discussion, you will be still following the Rules - provided it's in a Spoiler Tag. Or, you can move the discussion to a/the relevant forum... and eliminate the need of the Spoiler Tag.

Maybe it's a cultural thing, but where I am from, a comment is not classified by it's length, but is simply a statement of the personal opinion of an author regarding a certain matter of whatever length of text. Might be 5 lines, might be 130 lines, it stays a comment as long as it fulfills those criteria. Just some food for thought that "comment section" might not mean "only very brief texts" to everyone.


Also, I do not think that everything above a certain length can automatically be called a speech or discussion. Here's an example of what I think is a great comment, but according to the rules as they are now would be deleted since it was not placed into spoilers (which would be a pity, really):


Isn't this exactly what a lot of folks complaining about how the comments do not give a good impression of how a manga feels to the readers want? Does it not give a good impression of what the author thinks about the manga? What is wrong with it that it has to be hidden behind spoilers or disappear into a forum where a lot of folks will never look at it? Just because it is a bit more elaborate and laid-out than other feedback on the manga? Sorry, but I will never agree that this would be a good reason. Does it preach or is it flame with its colourful wording or is it a discussion? I do not think so.

#1207965 Draft for Comments Section Guidelines - Post your Feedback!

Posted by Gnah on 16 April 2014 - 07:51 PM

Well, the whole point is that the comments section has always only been for "brief observations and comments"...........so yeah, posts of five lines or longer really shouldn't be there at all. That's one of the few things I'd take exception with myself in these "new" rules, but my point would be to say they shouldn't be allowed at all, whether in a spoiler tag or not. Those longer thoughts, commentaries and impressions belong in the forums, plain and simple.   :)


And I'm being a little (very little) facetious, if it's five lines or longer and in spoilers I guess it really doesn't matter.....but yeah, take it to the forums, that's where convos and long commentaries are supposed to be going on. It's just a part of the rules, it always has been. 

We've all seen how great that works out, right? The forums are really thriving with numerous discussions by a lot of different members.


It will simply not work out in the same way it would work in the comments sections. The links to the forums are always another barrier, visually and mentally, that will make numerous users not take part in discussions that they would engage in if it was in plain sight in the comments sections. Humans are like that. The comments will only become mostly pointless reaction-oneliners without improving the forum contribution by a comparable margin. If the rules have always been like that, then the rules are bad.

#1207899 Draft for Comments Section Guidelines - Post your Feedback!

Posted by Gnah on 16 April 2014 - 06:35 PM

3) For Images of any size, or Text approximately larger than five lines, use Spoiler Tags.

I don't like this part. I can understand it for pictures, because in some comic's comments section, the picturespam is kinda annoying. But I have trouble understanding why actual text above a certain amount has to be packed in spoilers. Not only does it make any actually thought-out, lenghty contribution seem unwelcome by being "banned" to the spoiler or forum section. But most importantly, it conflicts the actual function of the spoiler function which makes the second part of 2) necessary.


So what is going to happen concerning actual discussions is either the comment section becoming a parade of spoiler sections or those discussions "disappearing" into the forums where only very few people actually ever look and participate.



On another note, I would propose adding a little "Comment rules" link to the rules next to the "Add comment" button, so people can easily look them up even if they only start posting comments after the announcement has disappeared from the front page again.

#1018224 Announcement sidebar added to the front page!

Posted by Gnah on 22 December 2013 - 10:31 AM

The language setting was moved above the follows, so people won't miss it anymore. I guess too many threads about "Batoto needs a language filter", so it was moved to a spot where it's more visible.

The tiny bit of extra scrolling won't kill anyone. (>_>)


Good going, Gumpy-senpai! (^o^)/

The language feature would be found much more often if it could be found in "My Settings" as well, I think. Because that is where I would look for it first and I think that makes sense.


Of course a bit of scrolling won't kill anyone. But doesn't that go for each and every comfort feature? "It won't kill anyone" was never ever a good reason to not make a product better.

#1018184 Announcement sidebar added to the front page!

Posted by Gnah on 22 December 2013 - 09:14 AM

I really feel the language settings should go below the follows list. Finding the language feature is important. Constantly seeing it however is not, so it is fine if one had to scroll a little to see it. I'd also prefer the announcements below "My follows", but I can understand if you want it at the most prominent top spot.