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Lower life

Lower life

Member Since 10 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2014 06:25 AM

#1419269 Story Drafts and Ideas

Posted by Lower life on 09 December 2014 - 06:31 AM

this is a story about a young dragon, enslaved by a necromancer, this dragon is smarter and more cunning then most dragons secretly learning the dark craft of its captor, till it can one day escape or kill the necromancer till then its biding its time, enduring the tortures and learning from the unnecessarily cruel experiments the necromancer performs on it, this dragon is still young and small the size of a human child with the serpentine cobra like body, a hypnotizing tattoo hidden under his hood a cruel and thoughtful gift from the necromancer to replace the wings he took.


deep within the catacombs, tombs and caves the necromancer sends the dragon seeking dark magics to increase his powers, obeying the wizard only till it finds an item powerful enough to free itself from the human.

the necromancer is growing the dragon to a certain size to control its corpse.


upon encountering another of his kind in one of these dungeon crawls, it was dieing from wounds with the last of its breath, it freed the young dragon.


now it returns to the necromancer, waiting for the perfect time to strike for vengeance....


      P.S. this was a bedtime story for my nephew he asked for a bad guy story, so i made this up, what you think?

#1293757 Impromptu poetry!

Posted by Lower life on 24 June 2014 - 05:49 AM

Impromptu poetry?

how can one describe

find the words to combine

twist these letters to a vibe

make a sentience to abide


dance a groove to a rime

have a boob bounce in time

leave a room with the wine

travel through, forth with style


navigating seas true for miles

jumping up for the smiles

having victims for the piles

making wars for a wile


i can make more, don't want to

#1279460 Dreams!

Posted by Lower life on 11 June 2014 - 10:19 PM

bad ass delinquent time traveler, was only able to time travel in and around Mount fuji area, beating up and bulling random people through out time, with generations of one local family stoping him every time.

a pixar anime shonen.

i dreamed of watching tv and this was on.

#781665 Which time period in history would you prefer to live in?

Posted by Lower life on 16 July 2013 - 12:18 AM

the year when we first descover fire

#531768 What manga would you like to see turned into anime?

Posted by Lower life on 07 February 2013 - 03:48 AM

yandere kanojo

#531765 Hometown Pictures Thread

Posted by Lower life on 07 February 2013 - 03:46 AM

Posted Image
summer time

Posted Image

winter time
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#528077 What "Fads" do you cannot get into?

Posted by Lower life on 04 February 2013 - 08:32 AM

how many day's my friends/family have been drinking, I like drinking but not for days on end.

#458244 Countdown to the End of the World (as we Know it[?])

Posted by Lower life on 21 December 2012 - 09:04 PM

This is the lamest end of the world i've seen.
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#159515 Your Method of Eating

Posted by Lower life on 14 April 2012 - 10:41 AM

put food in mouth

that's how I eat, if there is another way let me know.

#127383 Where do things go when they're lost?

Posted by Lower life on 25 March 2012 - 06:27 PM


#111172 I read this novel in a dream.

Posted by Lower life on 12 March 2012 - 03:50 AM

This was actually a dream i had, were i was reading a good book at a kick ass house party, the book was so intrusting that i ignored the whole party and kept reading, I forgot the title but thought these titles would be good "Utopias Cracks" or "Utopian Cracks" the plot was like this
:Earth has achieved a utopian society were everyone is happy and well fed, they have security, piece, understanding, acceptance and tolerance, no crime, no war, no disease, when everyone can easily live past 120 years old.

At push of a button of your personal handheld wireless devices, you are entertained 24/7 and in constant communication with everyone everywhere, a voice command to your robotic servant has it do all your tasks for you, and the ultimate invention to make this all possible the mandatory government prescription pill for everyone "Annaxiacole preoccupus layzineion" which keeps everyone calm and pacified, truly this is the golden age for Earth and all humanity, now it's all down hill from here.

I only got to the end of the first chapter in my dream and it went like this:
Keyser Söze (forgot the main dudes name in my dream, so i put this one cuz it's cool) born and raised in London under the local earth education system, typical teenager just graduated from high school ,top marks and popular, as with everyone, is on the drug.
Is on the local and last Karate dojo with few members, he's competing at the last continental tournament in the whole E.U. under a soon to be new law that forbids contact sports.

On his first bout as soon the ref says "fight" a 2 story high robot from a construction site near by bursts through the wall behind the spectators killing some and injuring more, but the robot only attacks the instructors and students, killing all but three, these 3 escape together, Keyser Söze, a 9 year old girl Aoi and the guy he was going to fight a 16 year old Russian named Vladimir.

As they are running down the street the robot busts out of the gym, moving like a living thing rather then a robot saying "I'm gonna get you" and "you can't run from me forever", they split up Keyser Söze(that name is just cool to say)runs into a city park with the robot after him as it throws a bolder, just knocking the wind out of him, with adrenaline running through his body which overruns the effects of the drug, for the first time in his life he feels fear, one of the many emotions suppressed by the drug.

anyways as much as he runs he loses energy, he collapses at the mercy of the robot, just b4 it's going to kill him it says "I'm going to enjoy feasting on your soul!", then several human sized robots appear from the sky and quickly take down the bezerk robot then he passes out from exhaustion, he wakes up the next day in the hospital, sore but fine and must stay a week, by the time he gets out he's back on the drug and the whole incident is forgotten by everyone, friends and family alike, he walks by an empty lot were the gym used to be and feels dizzy, like his mind is trying to remember something and pops another pill as instructed by his doctor.

He shakes it off as a dream until he reaches a construction site were he sees the exact same robot with the blood stains still on it working like nothing happened, all the suppressed memories from the incident come flooding back to make him puke the last pill that he took and starts to feel fear once more with a new emotion "grief or loss" takes a look at the robot and starts to run on instinct.

He runs far and long only to stop to look behind him and see nothing after him, and another emotion hits him "relief" , then he starts laughing though he knows not the reason, he hears a familiar voice Aoi's father, he stopped on there front yard and was told to come inside since it was soon to rain, they talk for some time then Aoi's father asks Keyser if he can help with Aoi's problem of not taking her pills he thinks she feels lonely cause no one from the dojo visits her anymore, he has forgotten the fact that they were all killed like everyone else and says she is in the back yard practicing.

Keyser goes to see Aoi, she's practicing karate until she see's Keyser, she does a running jump attack hug on him and starts crying hard, her father say's "i think she's sick cuz her eyes keep leaking like that" as soon as Keyser hears that he hugs Aoi back and starts crying hard as well, for the first time in his life he feels "sorrow" and he knows that it's right somehow, then it starts to rain.

Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Martial Arts, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-fi, Seinen, Supernatural, Tragedy.

remember this was a book i read in a dream i had, the main points are religion is completely outlawed, priests, imams, Buddhist are all underground as well as there counterparts, demon worshipers, Satanist, witches, some witches are neutral and the government is against all of them so if they are caught, they are brought to a brainwashing facility which actually twists there souls and are heavily drugged.

the drug is the main plot of the story, it actually stops all contact from the soul to the body and mind, somehow making the barrier between heaven, earth, and hell to weaken causing demonic and angelic powers to easily slip into earth realm, the berserk robot was actually controlled by a demon that was trying to kill anyone that can fight back against humans controlled by demons.

I can try to make the story more intrusting from here, but i am very bad at writing and grammar if you want to help just send me a message, if anyone wants to take this idea and run with it message me, like i said i'm not good at this but I'll do my best.

I've posted this on the Mangafox form were a writer tried to do it but stopped there name was "Almari"

I have an idea of the whole story but dialogue I'm very bad at.

#111127 Favorite Quote

Posted by Lower life on 12 March 2012 - 01:43 AM

"It's ok to have a big woman, they keep you warm in the winter, and give you shade in the summer"

"It's better to tell the truth! it's easy to remember"

"The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
- Adolf Hitler

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
- Benjamin Franklin

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
- Native American Song