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So, is Sonic a chick?

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Poll: Sonic, the ongoing mystery (500 member(s) have cast votes)

What is Sonic gender?

  1. Sonic is girl--just look at that demure smile. (87 votes [17.40%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.40%

  2. Sonic is a guy--he got ball tapped, for Buddha's sake! (292 votes [58.40%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 58.40%

  3. Sonic is a member of the LGBT community. (29 votes [5.80%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.80%

  4. Sonic is a guy-- but I have erotic fantasies premised on my being wrong about that. (92 votes [18.40%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.40%

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    Potato Spud

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-Uses "ore"
-Victim of a punch-in-the-crotch joke
-Looks like a dude to me


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i'm fairly certain crotch punches at sonic speed hurt females too.
i'll try on some woman i know and tell you guys tomorrow.
but yeah, if you get hit really really hard on the balls the shock might make you stop breathing, happened to a friend of mine, was kinda my fault too, tee-hee.

(btw i think he's a guy because, well, i don't remember)

No reply... But going with female. Just because of the hips in this page
Though the fact that she refers to herself as a ninja instead of kunoichi may be intentional (may need to add a genderbender tag) or fault on scanlation team; or just may be a dude (to the utter disappointment of many since there are no female main characters yet). So, a chick to me until there is proof.



    Fingerling Potato

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Maybe this whole discussion was intended by the author...?
I agree that a punch by Saitama has to hurt, no matter how intentionlal or whatever. And personally, I believe Sonic is a woman too. Crotch or not, the whole character-design is just to "not-male" for me. If I remember correctly, the author did the Eyeshield manga, and sonic reminds me too much of the little black-haired cheerleadergirl on rollerscates they picked up in america.
Even if I ignore that, chapter 15,p18 makes him look very female to me. Wouldn't a male character have broader shoulders, or at least smaller hips?

Also, if you really want to pour oil on this discussion, one could always argue that Sonic isn't so much hurt physically, but psychically. I mean, if you're a woman (lets just assume he/she is for this point) like Sonic, and some random, blad, slightly stupid looking dude in a silly costume manages to touch/grab you in one of your most intimate ares after you went completely all-out against him.
Wouldn't that deliver a gigantic blow to your ego and selfconfidence?



    Potato Spud

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No reply... But going with female... So, a chick to me until there is proof.

Maybe this whole discussion was intended by the author... And personally, I believe Sonic is a woman too.

Posted Image

Sonic's male. /discussion



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No reply

i ended up realizing that punching some girl in the critch is not a good idea, socially speaking.
so, yeah.

Alien Entity

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Maybe this expression could tell Here . But I will go with she being a bloodthirsty female for a while









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Maybe this expression could tell Here . But I will go with she being a bloodthirsty female for a while

Dunno how many times I'm going to have to do this.

Posted Image

That's Sonic without his shirt/ninja gear on. He's male. /discussion



    Fingerling Potato

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You mentioned this was the "original" comic. Just because its the original manuscript (that the right word?), doesnt mean the author didnt change Sonic's Gender. I dont want to count the series that were completely different compared to their oneshots. Characters are changed or turned into something completely different or removed completely.

Maybe Sonic is a guy, maybe he's a girl... who cares? For all we know Sonic could be both! °_°
An effiminate boy or a tomboyish girl... all we know is that the drawings are ambigous enough to let some people wonder if Sonic is a female.

Posted Image
On this pic you can see Sonic together with other characters, and there is at least one obvious women to compare him/her with. Looking at this pic of Sonic and comparing him to the other you will probably say "He's male since the face is different from the way the woman is drawn".
Why not let people speculate until we see Sonic again (IF he ever appears again)? Once we know the answer this thread will be obsolete anyway^^

EDIT: Now that I look at the guy with the Chin in the upper right corner... is that supposed to be Chinner Jr:? The boy that Saitama saved 3 years ago?

Edited by Namorax, 18 November 2012 - 09:28 PM.



    Potato Spud

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Because why? There's no precedent for them changing the chapter's, even up to now. Everything so far has been pretty much a strict adaptation of One's work with the exception of the current chapter. And the current chapter still follows the webcomic faithfully, only just extending the fight scene in order to fulfill Murata's talent for beautiful gif making.

Banking on the changing of a character's sex when everything else has stayed the same is a bad bet. It's silly, wishful thinking based on a penchant for pretty faces. "Too pretty to be a dude!" Really? This is hardly the first Asian comic with an effeminate guy.

It'd be like betting that you wouldn't wake up tomorrow. It's true that you may not, but is there really anything to suggest you wouldn't? If you were on your death bed, swallowed a bottle's worth of sleeping pills, or somehow found yourself on Anton Chigurh's hit list... then you'd have grounds for something. Likewise, until One/Murata starts to deviate you've got no reason to suspect otherwise.

Edited by TOP2NE1, 18 November 2012 - 11:20 PM.




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If you make a poll please make a complete one . Yours is like :
1.is a girl because I think so
2.Is a boy but you are stupid megane ones and i really think is a girl
3.Is a boy who changed his sex and , for that is a girll because I'm saying so
4.If 1,2,3 didn't convince you that girl is a girl that means you are a 2 neurons red hair girls (well, my wife is a blonde one...)

I think he's a guy who's using a protection tool, like american football players. A true master ninja needs to protect his big weakness.

Edited by ernabc, 18 November 2012 - 11:43 PM.

Sylas Tree

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I'd like it better if he was a guy




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Alright let me clear this out.
1. It's a She
2. The ''ball tapping'' was accidental, Saitama said that it was a accident.
3. She was totally disgusted (?) or just shaken by the fact that someone touched y'know what place.
4.Moving at that speed with balls hitting something will do more then shake a guy up. It will destroy those balls.
5. That hair style is something that females usually use, cause it involves a hair clip. Males usually have a pony tail if they have hair like that.
6. The surface was flat for where there should've been something sticking out.
7. Not going to say that it's a she 100%, but I'd say it's 80% sure that it's a she.
8. Look at the 18th page of chapter 15. That figure sure looks like a females, and that face as well.
9. I will be surprised if it's a he.

Edited by geenius3ab, 19 November 2012 - 02:09 PM.



    Potato Spud

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^indeed, seriously speaking what kind of guy has a figure like this:http://vatoto.com/read/_/141615/onepunch-man_ch15_by_boon-scanlation/18(one full of estrogen?), even if anyone gives me proof otherwise I still don't want to believe it

"You must prove more patient than a caterpillar, more willing to survive than a cockroach, and more stubborn than a leech - or you will definitely fail" - Counselor Rodriguez, the Star of Wisdom -



    Potato Spud

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is a guy

Baek Ryun

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Es hombre.




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is a guy

Any reason to your post? Or are you one of those brainless forum trolls?
I gave out a good amount of reasons why she should be a girl.. You went ''is a guy'' and that's all. Give out your reasoning or gtfo.

And about that picture. How can you be sure about the fact that he would use the same old ''idea''. ''One'' hasn't said jack about if it's a he or a she. And from the figure you can pretty much tell that it's a she. Or a possibly strangely drawn ''he'' . But you can't in fact say for sure that it's a he.

Edited by geenius3ab, 19 November 2012 - 09:05 PM.



    Potato Spud

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Any reason to your post? Or are you one of those brainless forum trolls?
I gave out a good amount of reasons why she should be a girl.. You went ''is a guy'' and that's all. Give out your reasoning or gtfo.

And about that picture. How can you be sure about the fact that he would use the same old ''idea''. ''One'' hasn't said jack about if it's a he or a she. And from the figure you can pretty much tell that it's a she. Or a possibly strangely drawn ''he'' . But you can't in fact say for sure that it's a he.

I'll take this one. Refer to below.

Because why? There's no precedent for them changing the chapter's, even up to now. Everything so far has been pretty much a strict adaptation of One's work with the exception of the current chapter. And the current chapter still follows the webcomic faithfully, only just extending the fight scene in order to fulfill Murata's talent for beautiful gif making.

Banking on the changing of a character's sex when everything else has stayed the same is a bad bet. It's silly, wishful thinking based on a penchant for pretty faces. "Too pretty to be a dude!" Really? This is hardly the first Asian comic with an effeminate guy.

It'd be like betting that you wouldn't wake up tomorrow. It's true that you may not, but is there really anything to suggest you wouldn't? If you were on your death bed, swallowed a bottle's worth of sleeping pills, or somehow found yourself on Anton Chigurh's hit list... then you'd have grounds for something. Likewise, until One/Murata starts to deviate you've got no reason to suspect otherwise.

Lol and what's your irrefutable reasoning? Some shapely hips? Get the fuck out son. Do I really need to compile a list of "traps" for you?

"Can't in fact say for sure." Haha so? Refer to above post again. People are banking on that the first alteration of the story would be something as insignificant as some random character's sex? It's a vain and completely superficial bet and you know it.



    Potato Spud

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Any reason to your post? Or are you one of those brainless forum trolls?
I gave out a good amount of reasons why she should be a girl.. You went ''is a guy'' and that's all. Give out your reasoning or gtfo.

And about that picture. How can you be sure about the fact that he would use the same old ''idea''. ''One'' hasn't said jack about if it's a he or a she. And from the figure you can pretty much tell that it's a she. Or a possibly strangely drawn ''he'' . But you can't in fact say for sure that it's a he.

oh my god, a problematic kid here.

"I gave out a good amount of reasons why she should be a girl.. You went ''is a guy'' and that's all." i don't quoted you, so dont fuck with me.

it is just my opinion kid... whats that about brainless forum, gtfo? who the fuck you think you are?

well, im going to explain why i think he's a man, only for you, is very simple:

the original webcomic and this webcomic are the same shit with different artist, so yes, i think he's a guy as in the original work.

Now in Spanish:

son la misma webada, la misma historia, mismo autor, lo único q ha cambiado es el artista. asi q sí, creo q tendrá el mismo sexo como en el webcomic original.

por último, no importa una mierda si es chica o chico, no anden buscandole novia tan rápido al protagonista.




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Lol and what's your irrefutable reasoning? Some shapely hips? Get the fuck out son. Do I really need to compile a list of "traps" for you?

"Can't in fact say for sure." Haha so? Refer to above post again. People are banking on that the first alteration of the story would be something as insignificant as some random character's sex? It's a vain and completely superficial bet and you know it.

I never said that it's a she 100%, read it through. I always kept out the small possiblity that it's a guy.
That picture I saw on the last page looked like a doodle to me. But if it was a valid webcomic, then I guess it suffices as evidence.


oh my god, a problematic kid here.

"I gave out a good amount of reasons why she should be a girl.. You went ''is a guy'' and that's all." i don't quoted you, so dont fuck with me.

it is just my opinion kid... whats that about brainless forum, gtfo? who the fuck you think you are?

well, im going to explain why i think he's a man, only for you, is very simple:

the original webcomic and this webcomic are the same shit with different artist, so yes, i think he's a guy as in the original work.

You answered right after me with a severely lacking post.
When you get on this thing called ''interwebz'', if you want your opinion to matter, you need to back that opinion up with a solid reasoning. Now you know, and you shouldn't write silly, senseless posts like that.
Before you start thinking that someone is a ''kid'', make sure that you haven't made a fool out of yourself before that.

Edit: If you wouldn't want your opinion to matter, you wouldn't be here.

Edited by geenius3ab, 20 November 2012 - 06:13 AM.



    Potato Spud

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You answered right after me with a severely lacking post.
When you get on this thing called ''interwebz'', if you want your opinion to matter, you need to back that opinion up with a solid reasoning. Now you know, and you shouldn't write silly, senseless posts like that.
Before you start thinking that someone is a ''kid'', make sure that you haven't made a fool out of yourself before that.

Edit: If you wouldn't want your opinion to matter, you wouldn't be here.

right after? 4 hours after your post and after the post of JOKER

your post is insulting, gtfo? brainless? ... you are a mature man and not a kid? btw i never read your post, i only answering the question about the gender. the world does not revolve around you

so, go, keep talking about your ninja woman or whatever and stop quoting me. thanks

Edited by Neobosco, 20 November 2012 - 06:41 AM.