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Latest Chapter Discussion

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    Sweet Potato

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I am very surprised and disappointed that the last chapter was only 10 pages long 


Well yeah, that's kinda why I said it was basically an omake chapter........they needed something to finish up the new volume and just made it a short chapter rather than some original, short work. Oh well, what can you  say though?


They mentioned the same thing at Psylocke, and probably why it was an actual, numbered chapter as opposed to an omake chapter...






    Sweet Potato

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Haaa........well, now we're at a crossroads. I'll be waiting to see what happens with Esdeath here (and if Lubbock gets wasted too....sorry, just about forgot about that poor guy :D ). 




    Potato Sprout

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I just hope Tatsumi make it out of this alive. Who knows why they only knocked out Rabac instead of killing him, they probably plan to experiment on them.



    Russet Potato

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I'm pretty sure that Mein will die soon...now that Tatsumi falls for her :(

I wonder what Esdese will do next chapter. I bet that she'll try to safe Tatsumi somehow.



    Baked Potato

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I am pretty positive that Mein won't die. I will copy past what I wrote about this when it came up in another thread.


It's true saying a character is going to die, isn't saying you hate it.  At the same time It's absurd to think Mein is going to die. Since chapter 36 or so, over a full year ago, people have been saying Mein was doomed (and she was predicted to die soon, without a hookup) Shes shown on the cover, and she's no where near combat and looks like she won't be anywhere near it for a bit now. Plus you guys seriously can't see the authors attempt to mix things up? I think the authors made efforts to be unpredictable, and considering no ones successfully predicted a death yet, pretty successful too. A number of people said Mein was going to die, but did anyone predict bull guys death that happened after the Mein prediction? Nooope. Well, we all know Tatsumi isn't going to die, but besides that.


paulslayer1000, on 12 Jul 2014 - 13:25, said:
This series has a recurring theme where the more closely you are to Tatsumi the more you are likely to die.



Since when? The characters who have died haven't been closer to Tatsumi then those who haven't from what I've seen. Leones been hanging off him, dropping hints like boulders, and giving him crap since the beginning, closer then Schere.

And he never got very close with makeup disguise girl or the bull guy, especially not the latter.



Oh and I predicted Edeath will help Tatsumi too, as a one off, and because this success will help Wild hunt and hurt her group (since the groups are vying  for accreditation which can mean the difference between more power or death)   But she will say and we can believe that she won't be making a habit of that, no repeat performances. She will help Rabac too because Tatsumi will refuse to leave without him (and again, would help Wild Hunt and hurt her group) I doubt she will forgive Tatsumi for being against her, and likely just be enemies from there on out, but her crush won't go away just like that. 


Well if Mein were to die, it would be because Esdeathe finds out about them and targets her specifically.

Edited by truepurple, 13 July 2014 - 12:41 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Chapter 51... Just why...?


1)  What the hell is Tatsumi thinking?  Why are you telling Esdeath that you have a girlfriend?  Esdeath asks why you won't kiss her, you can easily say "because I don't love you" or "you are evil" but instead you throw Mine under the bus for absolutely no reason?  As a captured assassin, his first priority should be to keep his mouth shut.  The answer he gave wasn't even natural at all.  There are so many other ways Esdeath could have found out, but instead we just have Tatsumi tell her directly because he doesn't think she will do anything with that information?  I knew Tatsumi was stupid, but that's just too much.  A plot advancement caused by characters being unnaturally and irrationally stupid are the worst kind of plot advancement

2)  Why does Lubbock suddenly care about Tatsumi?  What I mean is, why does the knowledge that Tatsumi isn't being tortured mean anything to Lubbock?  Wasn't he in this completely for Najenda?  Sure, Lubbock is an opportunist of sorts and he isn't the bravest, but what does that matter?  He left a life of luxury to risk his life and honor in a revolution since he fell in love with Najenda.  Why would he suddenly be questioning his loyalty just because Tatsumi isn't being tortured with him?  Sure, it's fair enough that he might be angry and think "Why does Tatsumi get to be pleasured while I have to be tortured?", but why would that waver his devotion to Najenda?  After pretty much giving his life to Najenda, he's considering screwing her and all his friends over to maybe save himself?  Even ignoring his devotion to Najenda, he risked his life to save a random revolutionary when he could have easily played dead and gotten away.

Edited by JESUS BEAR, 21 July 2014 - 06:04 AM.



    Sweet Potato

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Shhh..........that was some pretty tame torture there  :D




    Potato Spud

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As if having a Yandere wasn't bad enough, Tatsumi's is the strongest and the most S of them all :D

Scared Mine x10 cuteness factor!

Lubbock is a confirmed badass, so I really hope he won't spill his guts... double meaning :(

Edited by COOKIELICIOUS, 21 July 2014 - 11:46 AM.





    Fingerling Potato

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Esdeath's Yandere mode has just been activated. Welp, It's been a good run, Mine. I don't even know why he told her. He should of just sucked up to her and freed himself and Lubbock first, and he would of gotten some action. But dumb characters will be dumb.



    Potato Spud

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I guess he was thinking " I won't betray my comdrade , not even my girlfriend " .


Dude , you just digged another hole for your friend........


But doesn't matter , i'm a fan of yandere and tragedy ending anyways :lol: .


So what will happen from now ? Lub will give in or pretend to give out the hideout location to trap that damn bastard ( and then die ) once and for all ? 



    Fingerling Potato

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I personally don't think Lubbock will give in, since he's madly in love with Najenda and he would not betray Night raid just because tatsumi is getting some while he's being tortured, even though that's fed up. He probably won't die either. But poor Lubbock all he just wanted to do was bust a nut in Najenda, but now he has a busted nut :/.



    Fingerling Potato

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Just thought of this but do you guys think Shura will probably capture Mine and rape her? What do you guys think Tatsumi would do if he got his hands on him?

Edited by paulslayer1000, 22 July 2014 - 12:12 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Highly doubt it , but if it does happen , i think the Incurso will evolve more to match Tatsumi 's rage and increase power :P


But 1st , he has to get out of torture chamber 1st :P



    Fingerling Potato

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Highly doubt it , but if it does happen , i think the Incurso will evolve more to match Tatsumi 's rage and increase power :P


But 1st , he has to get out of torture chamber 1st :P


I also believe Shura wont rape Mine, but it still is a possibility since The story tends to always piss off its readers more and more and in a good way and is very unpredictable.



I highly doubt Tatsumi is in the torture room. He's probably in Esdeaths room doing god knows what (rape) 



    Potato Spud

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So it seems Esdeath only know that Tatsumi is dating a girl , but she doesn't knoow who is that girl , let alone her name , i wonder how Esdeath find out about Mein .



    Fingerling Potato

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So it seems Esdeath only know that Tatsumi is dating a girl , but she doesn't knoow who is that girl , let alone her name , i wonder how Esdeath find out about Mein .


Torture and Seduction of course.



    Potato Spud

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Yandere usually not do that ,  i guess someone whose head have been crashed to the wall will tell her .

Btw , this series is monthly ?



    Sweet Potato

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Yandere usually not do that ,  i guess someone whose head have been crashed to the wall will tell her .

Btw , this series is monthly ?


Yeah, it's a monthly serialization.




    Potato Sprout

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Why does Lubbock actually believe the guy torturing him? Makes no sense to me, even though it's logical that Tatsumi would be saved by Esdeath, knowing her feelings (which Lubbock should know). Still, he must know that if it were up to Tatsumi, he wouldn't leave his friend to suffer. Why get so riled up about it?


Tatsumi's thinking when telling Esdeath he has someone else is interesting, but I can see that as a sort of childish line of thought or something. He didn't tell who it is, and there's nothing to say that it's someone from Night Raid. Still, trying to alienate Esdeath seems to be rash. I don't know how visible it is that she's changing to him, but he must feel it. Besides, if he gets her to hate him then he'll just be killed and/or tortured and/or raped. He can't be wanting that.


Ah well, I wonder how this will turn out. I wonder if Esdeath will end up killing Mine or not. If she does, it's certain that Tatsumi will never love her.


I do hope the romances won't be just swept away by some events, it would be nice to see some real development and conclusion to romance in an action manga, not just the usual "ah yeah, there's some romance here and there, but the main plot is over, so I'll just leave it to the fans to decide what happens."



    Potato Spud

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There is a limit of being nice ya know....


Like there are guys who work a lot but don't receive much rewards unlike those with nice face and small talents that can easily gain other 's favor.


I guess the next one to die is the son of the prime minister :P