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death by night

death by night

    Potato Spud

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I think tatsumi is being an idiot yelling his love to another woman to esdeath who obviously have a few loose or even missing screws in her head. I think the author really like killing characters huh. lol. Another thing, i actually support esdeath x tatsumi so im all for it.


something along the line of this scene from love tyrant




    Potato Sprout

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I marathoned this series and must say that it's a quite good but I have some remarks:


    -First of all, Tatsumi and Meine pairing feels too forced. Before the assassination of Borick they rarely had any good conversations or "romantic moments" that would develop their relationship and romantic feelings.

Just one incident where Tatsumi played a hero made her fall for him. Okay, I can understand "suspension bridge effect". But what I can't is how Tatsumi easily accepted confession. I don't know if it's for a fanservice like "everyone loves generic tsundere lolis" so why not or what. It just doesn't work out for me. Every girl, even Bullat would have been better than Mine. 


    -Many pointless deaths. It seems like author wants to always kill someone just for the sake of killing. My opinion is that author is trying too hard to difer from other mangas with "plot armor" but is overdoing it. Many characters are introduced in one chapter and killed in next. Without any development or background. I'm not too fond of this writing. I would rather have 2-3 characters properly developed than 5-6 just so a half of them can be killed in next chapter without any purpose. 


    -Esdeas and mainly Akame have a little screen time. I'm sure author has something in store for Akame, well she has a name in the title, but in recent chapters she didn't appear at all. As for Esdeas she is an interesting character and I want to see more of her (and Tatsumi)!


Anyway, all of these are not a big deal *cough* except for Tatsumi and Meine *cough* but are a bit disturbing.


Latest chapter was intense as hell, can't wait for Esdeas's reaction! Hope she will beat some sense into Tatsumi and tear him from that loli.

Edited by tr3y, 29 July 2014 - 08:18 PM.



    Sweet Potato

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I marathoned this series and must say that it's a quite good but I have some remarks:


    -First of all, Tatsumi and Meine pairing feels too forced.



Yeah, I agree with you there. A little forced, sudden and just plain unnatural given all the rest of the context......to me even the foreshadowing was a little hokey. 


It's right up there in "unlikely" land along with Tatsumi having been picked as the object of the wholehearted affections of one of the wealthiest, most powerful (and hot) women in the world but not even being slightly interested. Yeah, I mean, I can see some ethical issues, but it's not like he's an angel either........so yeah, kind of unbelievable he wouldn't be tempted at all.


Especially now in the face of capture and being tortured to death. Yeah, right, that's tough to buy.  >_<  




    Potato Sprout

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Yeah, I agree with you there. A little forced, sudden and just plain unnatural given all the rest of the context......to me even the foreshadowing was a little hokey. 


It's right up there in "unlikely" land along with Tatsumi having been picked as the object of the wholehearted affections of one of the wealthiest, most powerful (and hot) women in the world but not even being slightly interested. Yeah, I mean, I can see some ethical issues, but it's not like he's an angel either........so yeah, kind of unbelievable he wouldn't be tempted at all.


Especially now in the face of capture and being tortured to death. Yeah, right, that's tough to buy.  >_<  


Yeah, but I can partly understand that he wants to clarify the situation with Esdeas but problem is the time and the place. He got them all wrong. :D

I bet that the chapter title means that Esdeas either goes full yandere or try to give up on Tatsumi. 


Anyway, given the context  I would rather have no romance at all than this half-assed. Can't really understand what's the meaning of this.



    Potato Spud

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Yeah, but I can partly understand that he wants to clarify the situation with Esdeas but problem is the time and the place. He got them all wrong. :D

I bet that the chapter title means that Esdeas either goes full yandere or try to give up on Tatsumi. 


Anyway, given the context  I would rather have no romance at all than this half-assed. Can't really understand what's the meaning of this.

Or r*pe him .

In the final fight between her and Tatsumi in which she was defeated , she asks him to take care of their child , the end :P



    Baked Potato

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It's right up there in "unlikely" land along with Tatsumi having been picked as the object of the wholehearted affections of one of the wealthiest, most powerful (and hot) women in the world but not even being slightly interested. Yeah, I mean, I can see some ethical issues, but it's not like he's an angel either........so yeah, kind of unbelievable he wouldn't be tempted at all.


Like Tatsumi is going to care about wealth other then helping his village and Esdeathes wealth is ill gotten, the fact that Esdeathe abuses her power is just all the more reason to hate her(and it's not like Meines weak), and Meine doesn't seem to lose against Esdeathe in the looks department (but considering it's drawn in the usual crappy manga way, it's really hard to say on looks)


Everything is wrong with this statement of yours svines. Tatsumi is strong and 'pure', as well as fit and good looking, as far as I can tell.  Esdeathes strangely specific list of desired attributes mostly aren't so strange when you look closer at them, and Tatsumi is one of the few that fit it, and the only one that fit it that Esdeathe discovered (aside from wave, well he did come after that) So it makes all kinds of sense that Esdeathe would want Tatsumi.


Esdeathe is cruel and destroys the weak for fun, abusing her power for fun, just like the crazy rich bastards that tortured and killed Tatsumis childhood friends along with a bunch of other people.


Esdeathe is enemy boss, Esdeath has tortured wild girl for fun right in front of Tatsumis. Esdeathe represents nearly everything that Tatsumis hates. 


And yeah, Tatsumi is a archangel, a saint, especially in comparison to Esdeathe, who is a archdevil.


Why are conversation about Esdeath and Tatsumi being held here, while other stuff is being discussed in the Esdeath/Tatsumi thread? :P

Edited by truepurple, 30 July 2014 - 03:44 PM.



    Sweet Potato

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Anyway, given the context  I would rather have no romance at all than this half-assed. Can't really understand what's the meaning of this.


I'd tend to agree with you, I'd have been fine without the romance between Tatsumi and Mine. The Esdeath thing (her romantic pursuit of Tatsumi) actually makes sense in the big picture of the story I think. She's "on top" as far as the food chain and is an obsessive conqueror....yeah, deciding "I want that" when she sees Tatsumi, refusing to let up and becoming a real issue in the plot........yeah, that isn't really a stretch to me. 


But Tatsumi/Mine is (I'd say obviously) a plot device to advance the rest/other facets of the story. It does feel a little forced to me...........but hey, that's apparently what the author needed to do, so okay  :D




    Potato Sprout

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Why are conversation about Esdeath and Tatsumi being held here, while other stuff is being discussed in the Esdeath/Tatsumi thread? :P

It's more about romance in generally than just about Esdesu and Tatsumi. 



But Tatsumi/Mine is (I'd say obviously) a plot device to advance the rest/other facets of the story. It does feel a little forced to me...........but hey, that's apparently what the author needed to do, so okay   :D


You are spot-on! Looks like we have similar opinions. It's kinda good feeling to know that i'm not the only one. :D



    Fingerling Potato

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But Tatsumi/Mine is (I'd say obviously) a plot device to advance the rest/other facets of the story. It does feel a little forced to me...........

I also agree on that.



    Fingerling Potato

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I feel, this is only for tatsumis development so he can get stronger, nothing more (maybe) , nothing less



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I just created this account so I could react to truepurple's post. Please stop trying to push your ideals onto us and the reason why they talked about tatsumi and esdese is because it is in the latest chapter which is chapter 51 and please be mindful on your words -_-. You're just getting yourself nowhere to just point out that esdese is the real devil and not seryuu that's just absurd but I will not bother on explaining it to you. You're just like the general because you don't want to listen to other people and also not trying to understand what they want to say to you like what svines85 said in Esdese and Tatsumi post. Just please and I will beg of you to think and understand and also do not rant away things that has no sense at all. If you're that insensitive, I guess that you will reply to this message. I did this because I want you to UNDERSTAND and ANALYZE what people are saying to you. That's all I want to say to you..


On the other hand, I am really intrigued about the fact that Tatsumi declared that he has a lover already and am excited on what will happen next :3 The possible things that will happen here is that esdese will rage out her anger on mein(not sure on the spelling) and the possibility on killing her that will trigger the hate inside tatsumi :/. Next, I think that the wire guy will betray the night raids or die in a short while which is quite sad :(. Aw well, just gonna wait for the next chapter.



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Nuuu! Poor Lubbock ;_; he should've used his trump card: Playing dead. v.v

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    Potato Spud

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Nuuu! Poor Lubbock ;_; he should've used his trump card: Playing dead. v.v

He didn't have his teigu



    Fingerling Potato

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He didn't have his teigu

lol, I don't think that's what he meant.


on the bright side 7 more days until the new chapter releases V.V

Lets hope Esdeath isn't raping tatsumi :D



    Cute Potato

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And that Lubbock doesn't lose his remaining testicle.... <shudders>

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I don't think it's really far fetched that Rabac breaks and rats out his comrades.
He's going through extreme physical and mental torture. And it will only get worse.
IF he does, he would regret every moment after, no doubt.

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Him ratting out his comrades after severe torture? Sad, but understandable.


Him telling Shura to fuck himself after getting his testicle crushed, but then starting to give in after hearing that Tatsumi wasn't getting tortured? When his reasons for fighting (and therefore holding on, which is what he had been doing/pretending to do) don't generally revolve around Tatsumi, but the people he'd make suffer if he talked?


Not a great way for that to go down, imo



    Potato Spud

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Him ratting out his comrades after severe torture? Sad, but understandable.


Him telling Shura to fuck himself after getting his testicle crushed, but then starting to give in after hearing that Tatsumi wasn't getting tortured? When his reasons for fighting (and therefore holding on, which is what he had been doing/pretending to do) don't generally revolve around Tatsumi, but the people he'd make suffer if he talked?


Not a great way for that to go down, imo

it is understandable that he would betray them because of what happened, if I were him I would have done that. Also, getting beat up is one thing but getting your balls crushed is just terrible T_T his dreams are shattered because of this and also his pride turned into dust. Shura is just one of those guys who wants fame so he would do all means to get to the top but fails (most cliche part of a manga XD). Really hoping that Rubboc will not die and also after hearing what tatsumi said to esdese will make her want to kill mein or kill tatsumi( Probably not) but who knows :) 

Also another thing, about the mein and tatsumi thing. It is just hasted and I think the author thought of this to trigger the anger of Esdese and make things go wild >.< oh well, back to waiting chapter 52 :(



    Fingerling Potato

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Shura has never been accepted by his dad, but his latest stunt made PM praise him

Shura still wants to kill Wave and fuck Kurome so he tries to use Esdese's connection to Tatsumi as proof of being a traitor

PM tells him his goons killed a fucking Jaeger and that he's the one in trouble PM says that Shura is still incompetent in his eyes and the capture only nullified the fuckup with Ran

Shura completely breaks and goes to torture Rabac in an desperate attempt to gain papa's acceptance

Rabac confesses Incursio's abilities, Shura doesn't give a fuck because they know it

Rabac gets prompted to talk about Murasame, he says no one has ever seen Akame use its power (lie?)

promises to take Shura to their hideout

It's a prank, he had strings hidden inside his mouth


Rabac kills Shura and the guards

Shura's last pathetic thoughts are "I was supposed to make papa proud, I can't die like this




This is what basically happens in chapter 52 


got this from: http://www.reddit.com/r/AkameGaKILL/comments/2e6ghr/akame_ga_kiru_52_raw_we_were_all_wrong/

guessing we learn what happens to esdeath and tatsumi next chapter



    Sweet Potato

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Oh, awesome, thanks for the spoilers, now I can't wait to see the scanalted chapter for real  :D
