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Looking for stuff to read

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    Fingerling Potato

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Hi, I'm bored and was wondering if you guys had anything to recommend. I like any kind of manga as long as it's interesting. I read anything ranging from violence to harem. I dn't care if batoto banned it but as long as it's good.

I guarantee you that I read like half the manga uploaded so pls dn't recommend me something that is popular cause the chances are I alrdy read them.

Am and will always be zenith mother f*****



    Russet Potato

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Since it's any genre, try these (hope you haven't read them):
Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service >> licensed, scans online only available up to vol.6
Cesare >> if you're into history, it's great
Devilman Lady >> violence, raping demons... If you like Devilman, I think you should check this out. Also by Nagai Go, Kekkou Kamen, basically about superhero who doesn't wear anything except a mask.
Soil >> weird stuff happens in town... the art might be sketchy, but it worth a shot, since the story is well done (and I think the art fits the atmosphere)
The Drifting Classroom >> maybe you've read it, since it's classic.
Shigurui >> life of samurai without "sparkling" part, lots of violence. If you can stand seeing bodies being dismembered, you should read this, since the story is great and the art is breathtaking.

Some of them not available on batoto. Hope you find something you'd like. :)

My avatar is taken from this pixiv user: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35996065 ♥



    Fried Potato

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(don't know how to put links....oh,well.)
Try out these :
Yumekui Merry
Aphorism( Pretty Bloody)
The World God Only Knows
Dance in the Vampire Bund
Rosario + Vampire
Onidere( Crappy Art, but awesome/funny story)
Dawn- Tsumetai Te
Fujimura-kun Mates ( My Favorite in Humor sense )

Well,that's it. These are pretty much my follows,hope you like them!

I am a deconstruction of the moe genre.







    Fried Potato

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basically click the crow and the sword in the left corner on your screen
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    Fingerling Potato

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Thanks p3pe, read nothing but rainbow
Thanks Valk read everything but onidere
Thanks TheCrowSword, read half of them but can't be bothered to list the stuff I didn't read :P
TY all
Pls give me more suggestions if you have
Am and will always be zenith mother f*****



    Baked Potato

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This is probably gonna sound redundant, but have you tried the 'Random' button? I've discovered some surprisingly good stuff with it.
