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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for your hard work man, wish you the best.


Batoto was a blast and will be greatly missed.





    Potato Sprout

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When I see the announcement, somehow it left me lonely feeling.
Well, I can say I just recently use this site to read manga, about 3 months maybe (?)

Right now, the only thing I can say is "thank you for ur hardwork all this time. This site is wonderful, I love it."



    Potato Sprout

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Well it's been great. this has been my favorite source for manga, and I am saddened to hear that it will be leaving. Best of luck for your future!



    Potato Sprout

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I just want to say thank you.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for making batoto. It's the only place with multi language and self publish comics. Please have a good sleep and take care of your health. Hope to see you at other places too.



    Potato Spud

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Tis the end of yet another era. (sobs)



tumblr: The Yullenator / Baniita
`{01} [ 神アレ / Y U L L E N ] » dgm----------------
`{02} 🎧 [ ヨシュネク / J O S H N E K U ] » twewy-----
`{03} 💔 [ シズイザ / S H I Z A Y A ] » drrr!!----------



    Potato Spud

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Thank you! I have enjoyed this site greatly over the years and while I'm sad to see it go I hope you move on to greater and more full filling things. Reading manga and silly comments have been a great stress reliever since I've gotten into the hobby and this site and the community here has been filled with some darned fond memories even for a lurker.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for everything. Take care of yourself!



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything. You will always live in our heart  :D


Your post enlightened me many things which I ignored. I always thought most of the sites I visit are run by corporations or by a group of many. To think you would manage to do all this mainly on your own is astonishing, really well done!


I have high expectations that you will move on with your life into something better. Take care and good luck :)



    Potato Sprout

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noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you! And best of wishes to you!



    Potato Sprout

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I am grateful for all the hard work you’ve put in all these years. You aided many with the production and maintenance of this website, it was great while it lasted. Best of luck to you going forward.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you so much for all you've done, batoto was very different and i know - strived to maintain an ideal, and brought so many scanlation teams comfort
Reading about the struggles you went through to keep batoto running truly sadden me! I hope you can move on to better things and enjoy going out and oversleep when you want. Good luck on your next projects,


Thank you, again and again, and goodbye



    Fried Potato

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  • LocationMonitoring my network of hidden cameras in your bedrooms and bathrooms!

As the official "Blamee" in my own family for everything that goes wrong or gets broken, I am willing to take the blame for Batoto being shut down.


Grumpy mentioned to me how tired he was and I tried to give him an energizing injection of "Dr. Pervy's Magic Root Juice."


For some strange reason, he started screaming in shock and fear and not only said he was shutting this site down...


...but he also called the cops on me and accused me of bestiality after showing the cops his avatar of a displeased cat!




Also, as the shutdown gets closer and closer, I can only picture in my mind this scene from The Kentucky Fried Movie:


Edited by PervySageChuck, 17 January 2018 - 06:23 AM.

Always yield to temptation, it may not come your way again!

Thank you for your attention.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled manga, already in progress.



    Potato Sprout

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  • LocationMiddle of nowhere U.S. but at least there's no cornfields

Thank you for all of your effort and energy. Embrace this time to take care of yourself and enjoy sleeping through the night and future vacations



    Potato Sprout

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I have been reading this site for a long time now, even under various older names, many of which I do not even remember. When you added the twitter feature it was then that I just used this account. I have to thank you. If it wasn't for you I would have never enjoyed the wonder that was Jojo's bizarre adventure, nor would I have enjoyed kurohime and AIKI.


Many other sites such as narutomangareturns, mangastream.to and the like came and went and now batoto as well. I will miss you, this site, the many member posts I enjoyed and the experience I had here. Thank you ever so much.


Please enjoy your life, get the rest you deserve and have a wonderful 2018. 


All the best,


- Kwamouflage (@kwamouflage on twitter)



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything and best of luck to you moving forwards!



    Potato Sprout

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As with many other people, this is going to be my first and last post.

Thank you for providing a safe place to read manga for so many years. I have been a user on and off since my high school days and am now post-college, so it's sad to see Batoto go. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Batoto played a part in my journey to adulthood. It will be very odd to see this website gone; it felt like such a warm, permanent fixture of the internet.

I wish you luck in all of your future endeavors. As someone who ran guilds for online games and always set alarms for literally anything that happened, I know your pain all too well. You had the willpower to do what you did for seven years, so you're bound to go places in life, wherever it decides to take you. Enjoy a good night's rest, and make sure to take care of yourself.

May the gods speed you,



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you thank you thank you for everything you have done. I could read all the mangas that i've been looking for and scanlations group always recommends this site. And of course i got this recommendation from my senior otaku cousin. And now in my busy real life, i will finish reading most of my follows today for one...last...time



Cheers! :batoto_028:

I'll see you on the other side my old time companion \m/




    Potato Sprout

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Shucks... good reminder that whatever replaces Batoto needs to be structured differently so there is no one single person that everything depends on.


Bit bummed that the backups will likely never be of any value. Any site trying to replace Batoto probably needs an established following AND the high quality of Batoto... I don't know of any site that doesn't recompress what they scrape from Batoto AND aims for completion.


If anyone knows one, hit me up. I'd love to know.


Thanks for everything though.