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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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This is my first time writing on the forum but I've always read manga here but i want to say thank you for everything, I love this website and I wish you find something with which you feel fulfilled.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for everything you have done and for all that you provided us visitors. This site has probably been the one site is visited the most to read many different things.



    Potato Sprout

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thank you for the good times, farewell, & take care!

wish you all the best



    Potato Sprout

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Holy crap. This is the best manga reading site... Well, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks a lot for your hard work, everyone, EVERYONE.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you so much for your service over the years. I think we all understand and appreciate the struggles of what you have created. I am sure it will be sorely missed, IMO, as its one of the best, cleanest sites for the world manga reading community. 





    Potato Sprout

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Well this is the only time I’ve gone and said anything but thanks for this I though the site was extremely well built and easy to naviyso thanks for all your hard work and I hope your next endeavor will be just as fruitful, but make sure to take some good old RR before jumping into something new.



    Potato Sprout

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Wow, more than 6 years, thanks a lot for all your hard work and dedication, See You Space Cowboy...

Code Bog

Code Bog

    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for all the work you put in over the years. Here's to rest and wherever you roam.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you so much for your hard and passionate work all these years. You really built something amazing and it’s been my favorite site since I came across it.

I design and build websites so I have some idea of how much work went into building and maintaining this.

Please know that you made a lot of people, including myself, really happy for such a well thought-out and run resource and community.

Best wishes on your next endeavors!

Edited by drtofu, 16 January 2018 - 08:09 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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    Potato Sprout

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I only just recently started using the site but I really liked a lot of things about it specifically the simple yet elegant style. Like it doesn't have lots of unnecessary flash elements and such, pretty utilitarian for a site nowadays. This may sound like a bad thing to some, but I really love it!


So anyway, I may not have been here for years like other people but I greatly enjoyed my time here. Here's hoping someone else picks up the pieces with those backups.



    Potato Sprout

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I guess I'll say my final goodbyes, as well. I've been a member since Nov. 11th 2012. However, I'm pretty sure I've been around since the beginning since I remember "yester-year" when there was no login accounts required. 


I've definitely always had a soft spot for batoto because of the sleek environment and quality content. Not to mention this is the only site that published all scans (not just the one's in english). I'm really going to miss Batoto when it's gone, but I understand that this is a pretty big site and that it is very taxing on you to keep it up and running.


Though I am saddened by the end of Batoto, I wish you luck on your future endeavors and I thank you kindly for all your efforts up until this point. You are greatly appreciated and well received by all who have interacted on this site. 


Best Regards,


One sad, but content panda. 

Gozer the Carpathian

Gozer the Carpathian

    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for the years of hard work.  Enjoy your return to the regular world not tied to this site. 



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for your sacrifices.

Posting here to ask if anyone has come up with a "continuation" site.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for the good memories



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything!



    Potato Sprout

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how is it killing hope?-? people should hope for new readers to pop up and have similar ideology and/or expand on babobo's features instead of clinging to a name and getting disappointed. name/logo/brand guarantees nothing.


It was a joke......and i am sure something similar will pop up, i just hope it receives enough publicity so we find it fast, for example i didn't know about batoto until a friend told me, otherwise i would still be using mangafox and suffering the crazy adds.



    Potato Sprout

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Member since 2011, but haven't really used the site much... But still...  Always sad to say goodbye.  Thank you.  You did well. Good luck to your future endeavors.  

Edited by gghochu, 17 January 2018 - 01:12 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for your time and hard work!!!



    Potato Spud

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  • Locationover there!!! *points finger*

This is so sad. (T-T). Thank you so much for being the best site since 2011. So sad to see it go...

nosebleed worthy:
