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Incoming happy in between "ending" with following problems of pregnancy and stuff concerning their marriage.



    Russet Potato

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Every time I read this I get cansur.



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Here, if anybody hasn't seen this yet and is interested........... :)






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Wow, hope he can tie it up quickly.  I agree with the posters who think Haruto's breakup play was absolutely the dumbest thing he's ever done.  It was also cheap and cowardly, doing it when the door was closing, without any discussion, and leaving her alone and devastated in a train station.  I'm interested to see if he can redeem himself in the short time left for the series (as reported by animenewsnetwork). 



    Potato Spud

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I saw the news yesterday and in a way I thought it might be for the best. We were talking about his growth as a writer here and what not, and then he did exactly the opposite and killed the good momentum the series had going for it. Obviously Seo doesn't seem too interested in showing more of the adult life, so wrapping things up while the "break up" still hasn't gone cold should make things a bit easier to mend between Haruto and Yuzuki... or so I hope. But then I remember he's also writing a Yuzuki fantasy chapter, which seems pretty pointless when you consider she's the canon girl of the original chapter 200, and it gets me wondering if he'll go as far as not have a "happy" ending with both together...


Oh well. It's going to be weird not having Kimimachi every week to look forward to, that's for sure. Even if Seo sometimes dropped the ball, he does have a quality to keep people coming back for more and it's never dull, that's certain :V



    Russet Potato

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Seo=Tumor. My cansur is uncurable. I will probably have to live with it till the end.



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Well, he's back where the manga started.  Why on earth this bozo (who I was getting kind of proud of for his apparent growth and maturity), couldn't talk to Yuzuki about her dreams, his dreams, and their dreams, I can't for the life of me figure out.  Miscommunication seems to be responsible for over half the plots in manga, literature, and even brain-dead things like Harlequin novels, but at least make it believable.  To end a several year relationship with a single sentence, with no way for the other person to say anything (door closes and train rushes off) is simply protecting your lack of communication.  I hope she comes after him with a large and heavy whip, and half flays him, as that seems to be the only thing that will get through the trans-uranic element denseness of his brain.

Edited by Comadrin, 20 January 2014 - 05:04 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Well, he's back where the manga started.  Why on earth this bozo (who I was getting kind of proud of for his apparent growth and maturity), couldn't talk to Yuzuki about her dreams, his dreams, and their dreams, I can't for the life of me figure out.  Miscommunication seems to be responsible for over half the plots in manga, literature, and even brain-dead things like Harlequin novels, but at least make it believable.  To end a several year relationship with a single sentence, with no way for the other person to say anything (door closes and train rushes off) is simply protecting your lack of communication.  I hope she comes after him with a large and heavy whip, and half flays him, as that seems to be the only thing that will get through the trans-uranic element denseness of his brain.


Didn't she nod in agreement when he said they should break up? If so, they both need to be whipped.


But ya, communication isn't their strong point. Then again, he couldn't figure out for years why a fellow student was mad at him because she was under the impression they were going out the whole time...



    Fried Potato

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About the latest chapter - I was really shocked when Takashi showed up for nearly an entire chapter without overly making himself out to be a complete and utter cretin.  I didn't know that Seo allowed male "best friends" to have even a rare moment of grace.



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Here's another, more in-depth article about the impending end if anyone's interested  :)






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Well, he's back where the manga started.  Why on earth this bozo (who I was getting kind of proud of for his apparent growth and maturity), couldn't talk to Yuzuki about her dreams, his dreams, and their dreams, I can't for the life of me figure out.  Miscommunication seems to be responsible for over half the plots in manga, literature, and even brain-dead things like Harlequin novels, but at least make it believable.  To end a several year relationship with a single sentence, with no way for the other person to say anything (door closes and train rushes off) is simply protecting your lack of communication.  I hope she comes after him with a large and heavy whip, and half flays him, as that seems to be the only thing that will get through the trans-uranic element denseness of his brain.


Pretty much my thoughts about the whole issue, as well. Still, in the end this really is boiling down to the fact that both of them are still not very good at the whole relationship/communication thing. Much the same way Haruto suggested them to break up, Yuzuki didn't really raise any objections at the time, because she, more than anyone else, probably understood him the best. I'd like to believe she also did so knowing that it'd be for the best if she let Haruto focus on his work for a while, and meanwhile she's waiting and/or preparing to do something. I'd say that would also explain the lack of crazy Rin trying to murder Haruto, assuming Yuzuki talked to her and convinced her to basically let things roll...


Or, well, that's what I want to believe -- more so after reading the latest chapter and Akari's little speech about the issue. She probably has no proof whatsoever of it, but I guess something like this would actually please me, especially if Yuzuki was the one to come crashing down Haruto's house just to show him how strongly she feels about them. Now that the beer was a big success, it'd seem like the perfect time for that to happen. It might be a very roundabout way of going through things, but personally, I guess it'd at least stay true to how these two behaved most of the time. They're both people who let precious things to them go away at several instances in order to help others, so... maybe this whole thing will sill work out. Or so I hope.



    Fried Potato

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I like your take, but if Svines' link to Shonenbeam, it's a gonna have'ta happen really quickly.



    Potato Spud

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Oh, that does seem like it's true, read it on ANN not so long ago as well and since it's being reported in so many different places - along with the OVA that's going to "adapt the ending" - chances are it's actually going to end in.. 3 weeks from now? I think he could definitely do something interesting along those lines with 3 chapters, but on the other hand it does feel like a waste, doesn't it? I still would've loved to see Haruto quit this job and try to follow his old dream of becoming a chef, but I suppose that wouldn't fly for Seo. If Suzuka's any indication, I guess he doesn't exactly appreciate these more optimistic/idealistic developments, so the harsh "reality" of settling down with what you've got instead of what could've been is what we're getting, at least where Haruto's job is concerned. And honestly, as random as it might seem, I guess even Seo is willing enough to portray this job as something Haruto actually cares about in the last couple chapters, lol. But then again, I guess it was only to be expected -- if you're dumping the love of your life for it, you better take it seriously so as to not make it completely worthless.


But hey, here's hoping at least he'll have better luck in his love life. It'd really be a downer if after all we saw Haruto and Yuzuki didn't end up together.



    Potato Spud

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Hah, the skip! i guess we were never told just how much time they spent in their long distance relationship, but if you assume it to have been anywhere between 6 months and a full year, then that probably means Haruto and Yuzuki haven't been in touch for a period ranging from 12 to 24 months. That's quite a bit of time. It also seems as if Yuzu no Hana will only expand to Tokyo now, so it's up in the air if Yuzuki ever got to see what Haruto did with the beer's name in this period. Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel about the skip yet. It's up in the air for me, because I reckon if Seo wanted to be "realistic", there'd be no problem to simply make it so as if Yuzuki has moved on from Haruto. However, there's still the baby card, and if she has, indeed, given birth to their son (daughter, now, it might be, considering that apparently there'll be a "new girl" in the last chapter?), then it might not be impossible to think that she's been waiting all this time...


The only thing I'm really not sure I'd like to see is Yuzuki with Haruto's baby, but having someone else by her side. And that's going back to the whole "realistic" part of it. it could easily happen, since two years is a considerable amount of time, but it'd be a real downer for everyone who's been rooting for these two to work out as a couple.


Oh, and unrelated, but I gotta say I liked Adachi's character a lot once again in this latest chapter. Adding to my "it's a waste" opinion from my last post, Adachi really comes off as the first woman in the series (other than Yuzuki) who I feel had some good chemistry with Haruto. And she's a likeable character -- honest, fun, and most importantly, one who worries about him for real. It's a shame a good part of her development and how they grew to be good friends was skipped, because I really got the feeling she stepped up to the plate after what happened with Yuzuki and became an important part of Haruto's life over there at work, with him serving the same purpose for her as well, considering they WERE in a similar spot. And I actually had a smile on my face when she once again dropped a naughty joke and Haruto reacted in a way that implies that they haven't really done anything of that sort -- currently, it's just a good friendship between a guy and a woman. Kinda refreshing to see.



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apparently there'll be a "new girl" in the last chapter

WHere was this hinted?



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It was written on the scanlators' forum, by one of the staff members from RHS. This post: http://www.redhawkscans.com/showthread.php?2602-KNIM-Official-Spoiler-Thread&p=113703&viewfull=1#post113703


I guess it must've been on the actual magazine somewhere.

Divide Overflow

Divide Overflow

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Seriously, how big of a bitch is Yuzuki if she had Haruto's baby without ever telling him. 

The breakup is not an excuse for witholding information like that.



    Potato Spud

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Seriously, how big of a bitch is Yuzuki if she had Haruto's baby without ever telling him. 

The breakup is not an excuse for witholding information like that.

If there is a baby she probably didn't tell him to avoid putting pressure on him not to be a hateful bitch.

Edited by Ne0spartan, 26 January 2014 - 06:53 PM.



    Fried Potato

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I'm really disappointed with the sell out that Haruto became and this manga in general.       I thought it would be better at this point,  I guess it's realistic but I wouldn't want a guy who chose his job over me. 

Edited by inzaratha, 26 January 2014 - 06:55 PM.



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Sadly I can see the whole Yuzuki/Haruto kid twist coming out. Thinking realistically, you can go back during the chapters where Yuzuki is traveling and the "stress" she is under could be the beginning stages of pregnancy. While people might feel that the break-up could have been avoided for this reason or feel some negative resentment towards Yuzuki for this, she could not even know she was pregnant, yet. Unless she already went to a doctor or it had been going on for more than 2 months.


In the end I see why, and if, she didn't contact Haruto regarding any pregnancy  because how many people would see the girl as a kind of hysterical stalker if she contacted Haruto just to tell him she was pregnant. That would be way to dramatic even for KnIM. This would probably also put more of the fanbase against Seo.

Edited by irishredcap, 26 January 2014 - 08:12 PM.