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Theories dump thread!

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    Potato Spud

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Lutz made Leez' usual clothes.


The connection between Guard Roen and he was, of course, Rao Leez.


But whether they saw each other at Teo's ice-tomb or not, he couldn't have realized that fact.  Because, of course, she had read Kasak's book and went completely bundled up.


If that is true, then I think he may have recognized Leez. In volume 2 chapter 80, Leez is only wearing her normal clothes, and Lutz seems to know her name when no one had told him who she is.

Edited by Lyn, 08 June 2014 - 01:17 AM.

rak n' roll

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If that is true, then I think he may have recognized Leez. In volume 2 chapter 80, Leez is only wearing her normal clothes, and Lutz seems to know her name when no one had told him who she is.


Ah yes.  I thought I remembered her meeting him in normal clothes rather than the parka.  So I'd guess even if he didn't know her name before, he at least recognized her clothes.


To me, that implies that she's about to get out-ed as Rao Leez's daughter, even if her real name isn't.  And honestly, if Asha's "miscalculation" of Hoti Visnu really is about to make her disappear, that probably isn't such a bad thing.

Chris Rosenkreutz

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Put me down for Alex having the Ananta name.


He's clearly not Ananta; personality rules that out. In the finite, it was said that Nastika names died with their owner. Possibly this does not apply to the names of the original Nastika Kings because they are also the Names of the sura clans. Thus the Ananta name will survive as long as the clan does even though Ananta himself is dead.


So Kubera somehow acquired Ananta's name when he killed him and this resulted in him losing his own name. Unlike Kali, it must be that Astika and Nastika names cannot be held by the same person. I'm guessing that Ananta knew this would happen when he made Kubera promise to spare the rest of the clan.


If Leez dies, Alex will become Kubera again and lose the Ananta name. This is Sagara's aim. I don't know what will happen to the Ananta name then. It doesn't seem likely that this will result in Ananta's resurrection. Maybe Sagara, as the current Ananta king will get the name. That prospect might be enough to get Alex to reconsider his plan.



    Fingerling Potato

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I am starting to think the Name Leez has to protect is not Kubera's, but Ananta. 

It follows the one who is taking control over Leez is Ananta, who is not dead yet and survives thanks to the Power of the Name being divided into humans bearing Kubera's name (Kubera lost his name to maintain some sort of equilibrium?). Killing all those humans would resolve into Ananta being freed, able to live again. But why would Kubera disappear?

What I know is that Ananta forced, in some way, Asha to attack Leez, since "he cares about Leez more than any other", and thinks it would be better for her to die, instead of being manipulated again and again. Thus, when Kubera told Leez "if  you take after him in your tendency to trust" he meant Ananta, who trusted him and was deceived.

So the figure Leez looks at in chapter 35, is that Ananta? 


Then, WHAT IF the love story  is not between Leez and Yuta, or Leez and Kubera, but is the love Ananta feels towards Leez? It would be the pillar of the story, as it is supposed to be. Agni did say that someone who loves her very much will stay with her until the very end, and Ananta is the best candidate, imo.

Edited by Eleean, 14 June 2014 - 08:12 PM.



    Russet Potato

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I am starting to think the Name Leez has to protect is not Kubera's, but Ananta. 

It follows the one who is taking control over Leez is Ananta, who is not dead yet and survives thanks to the Power of the Name being divided into humans bearing Kubera's name (Kubera lost his name to maintain some sort of equilibrium?). Killing all those humans would resolve into Ananta being freed, able to live again. But why would Kubera disappear?

What I know is that Ananta forced, in some way, Asha to attack Leez, since "he cares about Leez more than any other", and thinks it would be better for her to die, instead of being manipulated again and again. Thus, when Kubera told Leez "if  you take after him in your tendency to trust" he meant Ananta, who trusted him and was deceived.

So the figure Leez looks at in chapter 35, is that Ananta? 


Then, WHAT IF the love story  is not between Leez and Yuta, or Leez and Kubera, but is the love Ananta feels towards Leez? It would be the pillar of the story, as it is supposed to be. Agni did say that someone who loves her very much will stay with her until the very end, and Ananta is the best candidate, imo.

Actually I'm pretty sure Kubera was referring to Rao. Rao's personality tottaly matches a believe everything ppl say type.



    Fingerling Potato

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Yeah, that's what I always thought, since it was used already in relation to Rao, but Kubera doesn't really give off a feeling of being in relation with Rao, or at least to be bound to him in a way that ties those moments to him. Plus, I get the feeling in this matter giving for granted what is evident would mean falling in Currygom's trap.

Such traps.

Very Currygom



    Baked Potato

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Well ... Ananta is a name that provides cosmic stability ... be it by representing infinity (infinity itself is something that helps dfining things nearly as much as nothingness) or by being the celestial snake that holds all planets of the universe ...


If Kuberas and/or Anantas name would vanish ... would the Sura realm (mostly made of earth, sky as well as a little bit of ice) and the planets still exist or would they fall into nothingness?

Edited by Akasha, 15 June 2014 - 11:05 PM.

Earl Lagas

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Shakuntala is actually Leez's mom. This is the reason why Gandharva had mistaken Leez for Shakuntala in S1Ch1. This is also the reason why Agni is kind to her and also allowed her brutal punch go unpunished during their first meeting.


Leez looked somewhat like Shakantula after Claude casted Hoti Yama on her. Seeing Leez like that made Gandharva emotional about her missing daughter and stuff.

Edited by Earl Lagas, 16 June 2014 - 01:16 AM.



    Russet Potato

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Shakuntala is actually Leez's mom. This is the reason why Gandharva had mistaken Leez for Shakuntala in S1Ch1. This is also the reason why Agni is kind to her and also allowed her brutal punch go unpunished during their first meeting.


Leez looked somewhat like Shakantula after Claude casted Hoti Yama on her. Seeing Leez like that made Gandharva emotional about her missing daughter and stuff.

Leez is a pureblood, as well as her father. If Leez's mother was Shakuntala, Leez would've been a half.


Also for Gandharva in S1Ch1 I think it was more of an act of despair over the fact that she "lost" her.

When Leez was under the effect of Hoti Yama she accused  Suras for attacking a whole city aiming for just 1 person and he kind of tried to protect his image of himself.

Edited by popabogdan, 16 June 2014 - 06:11 AM.



    Fingerling Potato

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hello, I have been a silent lurker for a while but I could not resist any longer ^^ ; sorry in advance for my English.
Here, some theories with no evidence:
- All this mess is the consequence of the still ongoing war between Shiva and Kali.
- Someone is trying to steal the names of all natsikas who possess their clans name, to take control of all the suras clans.
- Yuta ate Shuri and forgot about it.
- Unable to control the new power given by Alex, Asha accidentally killed her own mother.
- Varuna and Indra have lost their names after Ananta death, since they also participated in the attack.
- The real names of the persons killed by Asha have not been revealed yet, maybe they were not all named Kubera.
- Someone mentioned that it was strange that the emotional resonance during the cataclysm affected all the halfs (even the emotionless Kasak),
So maybe their behaviours were due to the disappearance of Shiva and Visnu who are in a way "the ultimate suras kings" since they created them.



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- Yuta ate Shuri and forgot about it


There should be a crazy theory thread for these types. :D. Welcome.


Taraka already mentioned that Shuri left with Visnu. Also, Currygom may have confirmed this or something similar since it's in the wiki if I'm not mistaken. Also, 2nd stage Yuta was very far from being able to accomplish that strength-wise. Unless, Shuri accepted her consumption.



    Couch Potato

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There should be a crazy theory thread for these types. :D. Welcome.


Taraka already mentioned that Shuri left with Visnu.

Visnu ate Shuri and forgot about it. :P

But yes, Welcome! :D


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



    Russet Potato

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Another crazy theory:

Visnu is the only real primordial god, and the one that creates universes. He's creating them out of boredom and sets thing out so things would go interesting. When he thinks he interfered more than enough he's creating a new universe as he's watching the last one develop. This would kinda explain a bit why Visnu is the only one who remembers the last universe XD

Horseshoe Crab

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Future-Leez might have a stronger connection to Kali other than both being bountifully endowed with similar fashion sense and Leez having Kali's god-level items. She becomes a powerful Kubera/Kali fusion and causes Yuta grief because she not only kills off his siblings, but takes their secret names as well.



    Potato Sprout

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I was just re-reading Kubera, and it struck me as crazy, but... what if Ananta has Kubera's name somehow, or Kubera has Ananta's? Which is why killing Ananta causes Kubera to vanish as well, and which is why Leez seems to be possessed by Ananta while having Kubera's name?

(I honestly don't think she has both. Because it's unlikely, I guess, and there hasn't been much hinting at it).



    Potato Sprout

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God Kubera is currently not at full strength because of having been stripped of his power (power of the name) by the other gods or by his own will for abandoning his duty because he felt guilty about killing Ananta.  Now he is helping the Ananta clan in either resurrecting Ananta or freeing him or some other Ananta nastika.  In turn, they are helping him recover his power by killing those with the power of the name and recovering his items.  Leez is somehow favored by Kubera and will probably inherit his full power once he is done with the Ananta.



    Baked Potato

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I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but Ananta is one of Vishnu's thousand names, as well as being the celestial snake he rests on. Also, Vasuki is the destroyer snake of Shiva. So it would make sense if Ananta is the strongest name, given that Vishnu is the Supreme God of the Vaishnavism sect in Hinduism. (I'm Hindu by the way.)


One thing that's always been interesting to me, is that there's Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva in the Primeval Gods, and they're also the Hindu Triad. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu the preserver/maintainer, Shiva the destroyer/transformer. Kali is depicted to be the consort of Shiva, and in the majority of art surrounding her, she's seen standing atop a dead Shiva. So that's always been the explanation for me, as to why Kali had wanted to kill him in the webtoon.


I think the reason Currygom decided on Kali for the fourth Primeval God, is that she's said to be the greatest of all deities, sometimes called the Supreme Mistress of the Universe. In fact, it's also said that Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma come from Kali as their source. Kali is also said to be a forbidden thing, which leads to the Taraka/Chaos Clan.

Maybe Kali is just trying to take out all the Primeval Gods and Nastika, so she's the last true source of power left in the universe?

One thing that makes me laugh in terms of Kubera, is that Kali is described as young and beautiful, with a gentle smile... her smile creeps the shit out of me! Then again, she's hardly ever depicted to be motherly, so that explains her relation to Yuta. :)


Edit: I can go on with more links that I've seen, but there's way too many. That's a given though, considering most of the names in Kubera are Hindu in origin... including the name Kubera. Also, I won't lie that Kali scares me. Hindu parents tell their children stories of Kali coming for them, and such, if they misbehave. And all the statues of her have always frightened me since I was young.

Edited by Sangios, 20 June 2014 - 10:33 PM.

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    Russet Potato

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I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but Ananta is one of Vishnu's thousand names, as well as being the celestial snake he rests on. Also, Vasuki is the destroyer snake of Shiva. So it would make sense if Ananta is the strongest name, given that Vishnu is the Supreme God of the Vaishnavism sect in Hinduism. (I'm Hindu by the way.)


One thing that's always been interesting to me, is that there's Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva in the Primeval Gods, and they're also the Hindu Triad. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu the preserver/maintainer, Shiva the destroyer/transformer. Kali is depicted to be the consort of Shiva, and in the majority of art surrounding her, she's seen standing atop a dead Shiva. So that's always been the explanation for me, as to why Kali had wanted to kill him in the webtoon.


I think the reason Currygom decided on Kali for the fourth Primeval God, is that she's said to be the greatest of all deities, sometimes called the Supreme Mistress of the Universe. In fact, it's also said that Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma come from Kali as their source. Kali is also said to be a forbidden thing, which leads to the Taraka/Chaos Clan.

Maybe Kali is just trying to take out all the Primeval Gods and Nastika, so she's the last true source of power left in the universe?

One thing that makes me laugh in terms of Kubera, is that Kali is described as young and beautiful, with a gentle smile... her smile creeps the shit out of me! Then again, she's hardly ever depicted to be motherly, so that explains her relation to Yuta. :)


Edit: I can go on with more links that I've seen, but there's way too many. That's a given though, considering most of the names in Kubera are Hindu in origin... including the name Kubera. Also, I won't lie that Kali scares me. Hindu parents tell their children stories of Kali coming for them, and such, if they misbehave. And all the statues of her have always frightened me since I was young.

It would be a nice explaination, but if I remember right Currygom said that except the names there are no links between the plot and hinduism.



    Baked Potato

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It would be a nice explaination, but if I remember right Currygom said that except the names there are no links between the plot and hinduism.


At the very least, all the Gods are still modeled after their respective natures. Agni=fire, Kubera=earth, Surya=sky, Varuna=water, etc. Another funny thing is that Varuna is a God in Hinduism, but frankly I prefer that it's a Goddess of Water/Sea instead.


But yeah, it definitely seems that if there IS any link between the plot and Hinduism, it's just the characters and some interactions between them. Which is a good thing, since it makes it pretty much impossible for us to accurately guess what comes next.


Here's some theories:


-There'll be a Nastika or Astika named Ganesha. I hope it's a Sura though, since Hanuman was also made a Nastika. Ganesha is an elephant that rides a mouse... go figure. Just for the hell of it, Ganesha should be an old friend of Gandharva.


-There'll be an Astika or Nastika named Ravana. Doesn't matter which, really. Ravana is pretty much an equivalent of a demon king, and is the younger brother of Kubera. They don't get along at all though, and their relation ends with Ravana thrashing Kubera and the other Devas/Gods. To troll Alex, it would be fun to see a Ravana character trying to get in the way of his plans. It would also be extremely ironic, and cool, if Ravana was made to be one of Alex's loyal(?) allies.


-There'll be an Astika named Shakti. This is one I hope for, because she's another consort of Shiva. She's the personification of... well, put simply, girl power. She's also called the Great Divine Mother. It would be pretty awesome to see how Currygom uses such a character. Unfortunately though, I wouldn't doubt if she was already killed by Kali with the Sword of RE, given her vendetta against Shiva.

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Well we've seen Ravana as a character in the Finite. She's the #2 of the Asura clan.