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Official Naver Webtoon translation LINE

Naver Webtoon Official service

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    Fingerling Potato

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but there isnt a need to....




    Couch Potato

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Yes, for some reason they resize it into bigger on their website.


Which looks Horrendous, because the images are optimized to be viewed on tiny phone screens.


To be honest, I wonder what's wrong with them. D:


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    Baked Potato

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To be honest, I wonder what's wrong with them. D:

Simply put, they are not charging you any money for viewing the comics.


Were they charging you money, they can spend the money on servers, better bandwidth, higher resolution images, better contracts for the self-employed artists, etc. At least Google have ads and pay-per-click. Naver have kept it almost ad-free.


It is possible though, that they might try something like better quality for paid subscriber later on.

Edited by smthFishy, 06 December 2014 - 04:41 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Youre missing the point though. Naver comics are also free( its part of why their webcomic industry flourished), they get their money through ad revenue and hype for series, merch etc. Their website is actually a portal one with a lot of branches into weather and politics. Like yahoo. so i can see the revenue being a problem. If they aren't making enough money, put some ads on the site then, no one would care. But don't insult us with shitty quality comics when nearly every fan group can release better quality faster. We arent stupid, we are going to notice the difference and its not going to make us happy. At least the ones who actually care i guess. Most fans are mangafox retards though so i cant speak for everyone.

Yes, for some reason they resize it into bigger on their website.


Which looks Horrendous, because the images are optimized to be viewed on tiny phone screens.


To be honest, I wonder what's wrong with them. D:


 Right? I feel like its really insulting, like stupid americans wont notice the difference.

Edited by Firesarebad, 07 December 2014 - 12:40 AM.




    Couch Potato

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This isn't even a matter of doing a good job. Rather, why would they go the extra mile of making a comic look worse by needlessly resizing it? D: It's just extra work for no benefit. It doesn't make sense.


I'm Pretty sure that Naver plans to slap ads on these comics sooner or later: the Korean version has text ads at the bottom of each series as well as the occasional image ad. They're probably trying to expand the base first so they can experiment a bit to negotiate better rates with ad companies. If they want to make money out of this, then delivering a better product is in their own interest.


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



    Baked Potato

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Well, it's obvious that Naver is targeting the mobile market first, especially the android phones. The images for mobile screens are optimized for quicker load time on very weak CPUs. So, yeah, I understand why they have simply make the images scale, rather than replace them with high quality large viewers on the PC. It took them couple months to get the desktop version of the webtoon site good enough for viewing anyway so desktop viewing is probably not very high on their agenda. In fact, they might even leave it that way so that it forces people to use their mobile phones, which can be delivered via the App with undoubtedly better integration with the rest of the Naver communication tool.


Actually even on their Korean webtoon site they don't have that many ads. I'm not sure if they make money even on their main naver site.



    Potato Sprout

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Actually you can send a feedback for it. If they care what readers think they should do somethink about it. I use mobile and PC version, yeah PC version's quality a bit blur and average, but in mobile phones difference is so obvious.




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Holy crap, Line Webtoons started a contest recently to identify English comic artists. I saw their ad on Deviantart recently, and came across this reading of the fine print:



Put that way, it sounds like they're ripping off people. D:


They updated the terms on the 27th November specifying that comic authors got to keep the copyright of their works: http://www.webtoons.com/notice/detail?noticeNo=11&page=1

Well, at least they are well known now on the English market. A prize of 30 k wouldn't go unnoticed. What baffles me is the pettiness and drama from certain Challenge authors...




    Couch Potato

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The translation flow was pretty good this chapter! :D That said, they got a bunch of names wrong. xD



Louise Sairofe. *dies laughing* x'D


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



    Russet Potato

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I'm always waiting for a new name. They get them wrong most of the time. 

About consistency, Its as if there are several translators, one is aware of the official spellings and the others just translate blindly. 



    Couch Potato

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I'm always waiting for a new name. They get them wrong most of the time. 

About consistency, Its as if there are several translators, one is aware of the official spellings and the others just translate blindly. 

Luche and not Ruche... At least they got Lorraine right..?

OMG Louise Sairofe...

Ran: XD

Lutz: T_T Hoti Brahma Bhavati Brahma *blasts translator and Ran*

Some stuff I made: All's here!


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Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 





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Louise Sairofe :wacko:


The official translations keep being an unexpected source of comedy XD



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They updated the terms on the 27th November specifying that comic authors got to keep the copyright of their works: http://www.webtoons.com/notice/detail?noticeNo=11&page=1

Well, at least they are well known now on the English market. A prize of 30 k wouldn't go unnoticed. What baffles me is the pettiness and drama from certain Challenge authors...


Can you explain the drama?


And that is comforting news to participants.



    Russet Potato

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"that may have caused some confusions to our users and creators" 

There was nothing confusing about it. This is pretty dishonest from their part. 

It pretty much said you gave up your rights to your creation, and naver could upload it, and edit it, and pretty much do whatever they wanted without your permission. 


This isn't a new practice actually. 

Some business and even goverments (!!) make you sign a contract exactly like this one, when you work for them. (Web designers, Graphic designers and similars)

Say you make a logo for them, you can't put it on your portfolio. It belongs to the gov, you literally cannot tell anybody you created it, and they can make whatever they want with it, even give credits to someone else.

Even when there are a lot of laws that protect creators. At least, this is common in Latin America. 

Edited by luciana, 09 December 2014 - 08:09 PM.



    Fried Potato

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The translation flow was pretty good this chapter! :D That said, they got a bunch of names wrong. xD



Louise Sairofe. *dies laughing* x'D

Louise? OMG HAHAHAHA Lutz went transgender?

Posted Image

Now a story before falling asleep


Horseshoe Crab

Horseshoe Crab

    Fried Potato

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The translation flow was pretty good this chapter! :D That said, they got a bunch of names wrong. xD



Louise Sairofe. *dies laughing* x'D


It still has English mistakes, though.


"It's a set of float swim suit and patch."

"The shipment from Eloth will arrive in any minute now."

"You're supposed to give a present on birthday."


Oh, and there's:

"You should consider yourself to be lucky to be alive after maintaining the barrier."

THEY SAID BARRIER INSTEAD OF CLOSED SPACE. Whoops. Someone's copying Pedobear again.



    Baked Potato

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Barrier sounds a lot cooler anyway.

"the Barrier broke" ah yeah ok

"the Closed Space broke" wth?


rly, if they want to copy they should at least check it xD

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    Couch Potato

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Barrier sounds a lot cooler anyway.

"the Barrier broke" ah yeah ok

"the Closed Space broke" wth?


rly, if they want to copy they should at least check it xD

Well yeah... Or they could call "closed space" the barrier... orb... thingie, and the barrier the barrier? 

Like, I dunno, consistency...

Some stuff I made: All's here!


My profile on fanfiction.net is here.


Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 





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I know the early company translations used "closed space" rather than barrier. I like that closed space gives it a certain amount of uniqueness, but barrier often sounds better when read while also explaining exactly what it is.



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It was implied on a FB post on their page that they're also letting people proofread english translations. :D