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Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.66 - 96votes)

Trace 2.0

Alt Names: alt 트레이스2
Author: Nasty Cat
Artist: Nasty Cat
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysterySci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Original webtoon from Daum:

Now being officially translated on Tapastic :
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> Trace 1.5
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/trace-15-r2888 )


> Trace ( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/trace-r112 )

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Lunari, I see you - great critique/breakdown. Also, your kind words are very much appreciated.


I'm not ignoring ya, just...I don't often have time to write lengthy stuff on here. I'll try to get a solid response to your thoughtful rebuttle during the weekend.





Naver comment points out "Armor Line" with a single space can be changed to "Arm or Line".  Just putting it out there.

Bravo, what a great post. :)
Well said, well written.
Especially the last part, of bringing to the light to the puppeteers.
It's so good to read a post like this.

I've given it my like, it certainly deserves so; but there's just a tiny point with which I don't concur:

They are sickened by Officer Yoon's words and actions not because it is dramatic, but because they are themselves murderous, fickle creatures and they are averse to everything that is good in the world. Their powertrip was unexpectedly interrupted by the goodness of Officer Yoon, and they are disgusted by the sight of noble sentiments, selflessness and romantic love. They cannot coexist in such a circumstance because so much goodness illustrates the complete depravity and moral bankruptcy of their minds/hearts. 

Well, that's just my way of seeing things, but to my understanding they aren't averse to good sentiments and that's not the object of their disgust (or at least the... girl?'s)

They are cynics; jaded and skeptical individuals that don't believe such goodness of heart can exist.
They believe humanity is rotten I'm its core.
They find delight in seeking and exposing this hidden aspect of human nature to every one to see.

Yes, they probably find pleasure in it because by seeing humanity's worst side they feel, if not redeemed, at least equal.
They are bad. But then, everyone is, they are just the ones that carry it openly almost like a banner.
And they reveal not only theirs but others too. Those, that say they don't have.

But why would this be redeeming?
Because they can see themselves as just a byproduct of this new era, one of chaos, survival and cynicism.
Yes, cynicism, because their sense of life is just, or punishment comes to the bad ones and bliss to the good ones is broken.
There is no such a thing as justice and no matter how beautiful the discourse out how beatific one had led his life anything can happen to them, and they would also do anything to continue to live.

Redeeming also, because though they are all rotten at the core they are the only ones true to it.
So, they become a lesser sort of evil, a nobler evil.
Perhaps even a necessary one for they are showing the other's true colors.

They see themselves in a good light.
They believe they are, if not good (an warped ally of justice bringing out the evil inside of people and punishing them for it), then at least better than the scum that is the rest.

They don't feel disgusted by it, for them, it simply doesn't exist.
It's a shock, a paradigm.

When they saw it, what they probably felt beside astonishment, was bitter.
They felt hollow.

And above all, they felt dirty.

It reminded them that such good things still existed in the world.
And if that is true goodness.. Then what are they?

They are dirty. They are better than no one.
That they did that to someone that pure... That marks them as the worst of them all.


They know how they will be seen by others because there was a moment of truth back then.
They stopped seeing themselves in the favorable lights they were painting and saw it under a much harsher light.
One that left no doubt to what they truly are.
And if they could see the monster inside of them, which disgusted them so, then what are the chances others won't see the same?

Good, good Anakin. Strike them down with your hatred.

Gotta admit I was kinda hoping he'd stay human, whatevs i can appreciate the power

Yeah I kinda thought that she would die from the beginning... she is just too plain to be a character that has any kind of longevity in this series lol... RIP Officer Yoon


I think you're making an assumption here, that "transportation=death". I don't think we can assume that anyone and everyone who is transported through that ball will die.


Certainly, the chance of her surviving is small, but anyone who has read the first series knows that the author likes to surprise the audience with last-second positive twists. I wouldn't be surprised if the Trace 1.5 protagonist's influence with the Trouble's is shown to save her, or that she's resurrected like people were in the original Trace.


Again, there's certainly no guarantee that she'll live/resurrect, but I don't think we should accept she's REALLY dead until the end of the series.


EDIT: To anyone who would point to Trace 1.5's end as a counterargument against my "last-second positive twist" claim, I'll simply note that Trace 1.5 was intended to set up the story for Trace 2.0.... and Han Si-Hyun's story isn't over yet.

Looks like he is getting a trace power^^

So much for his job as policeman, that one is over^^

nah he'd just be transferred over to the trace police



I knew this was coming and it STILL managed to kick me right in the feels. Bravo. 

"I feel dirty." LOL. Swindlers don't like drama.


No. I think you have missed the point of the Swindlers' actions entirely. These guys despise the hypocrisy of humans. Who are the pinnacle of hypocrites in a human society? One usual suspect must be the police because they are charged with the security and peace-keeping of a society, but are themselves so often the perpetrators of huge injustices (because they possess power). The Swindlers are filming these torture scenes in a triple effort to scare the hell out of the populace; demoralize the police; and illustrate the fickle selfishness of the men charged with 'keeping the peace.' And so far, they have been right: the police turn on each other, betray and destroy each other in order to survive. None of them have been noble; none have risen above the circumstance.


Enter officer Suh and Officer Yoon. Despite all his brashness and justice-y gallivanting, Office Suh is completely paralyzed. His fickle human nature is entrapped by the scenario and he deludes himself into thinking there's a way he can survive without killing Officer Yoon (indirectly). However, Officer Yoon strips the ploy bare - she shows it for the fool's errand that it is: only 1 person will ever survive. And she nobly confides to him that she is thankful for the chance to save is life. Her human spirit displays all of the virtue and goodness that humans are capable of - thereby destroying the paradigm of the Swindlers: they can only continue to suppose that all humans are evil and fickle by burying their heads in the sand. Officer Yoon's selfless act also obliterates their illusions of power/superiority over humans by taking responsibility for the situation and sacrificing her life for Officer Suh.


They are sickened by Officer Yoon's words and actions not because it is dramatic, but because they are themselves murderous, fickle creatures and they are averse to everything that is good in the world. Their powertrip was unexpectedly interrupted by the goodness of Officer Yoon, and they are disgusted by the sight of noble sentiments, selflessness and romantic love. They cannot coexist in such a circumstance because so much goodness illustrates the complete depravity and moral bankruptcy of their minds/hearts. 


Interestingly, I think the Swindlers also realize that they cannot possibly show this video to the public without the consequence of making a martyr of Officer Yoon and emboldening the public against them. The reason for this is because Officer Yoon's act removes the spotlight from the police officers  - who have repeatedly fallen into the trap of the scenario - and places that light firmly upon the puppeteers who have been unjustly pulling the strings up to this point. Anyone viewing such a video at home would be filled with anger and disgust towards the Swindlers because there are no other villains to distract them from what should have been obvious all along.

I think that dudes power teleports people into the world of the Troubles..

idk if that has been commented on yet, but when the officer was like "there all looking at me" - it was kind of a clear assumption.

well yeah, the Swindler leader says that that's probably it before the chief goes

The moment I saw that last panel...


I pictured this guy

Looks like he is getting a trace power^^

So much for his job as policeman, that one is over^^

"I feel dirty." LOL. Swindlers don't like drama.

But the last time the swindlers played this game, there were no survivors. First they killed the winner of the game despite saying they'd kill the loser, then they killed the loser anyway. Since they upload the videos on the internet afterwards, everyone should know that both people who play the game just get killed. So isn't it pointless for them to keep playing the same game? Do people still believe if they win they'll be let go despite the swindlers killing everyone after every game?Which makes me really curious how our main character survived, and why his game wasn't uploaded to the internet.

This time they didn't upload the video thought. And why would that be?

They are in for a message, a symbolism etc.
They get public/views for it.

Showing the nasty side of humanity, specifically those that had the "duty" of protecting it and then playing with and thoroughly screwing with them?
Where they "get what they deserved" in a lose or lose "penalty" game?

That gives them publicity.

Now they didn't upload the last video. Why?
Or they had some sort of problem (enemy, police dude powers awakening) and couldn't for physical reasons.

Or it's something they can't upload.

Lovers being true to each other and refusing to play along, one possibly dying or sacrificing herself for the other?
Finding a way out, refusing till the end to go along with it; the police showing noble principles and character; or after not getting what they wanted, one of the swindlers going back on the "deal" and killing one of them?

Well, that isn't, is it?
It just shows the asses/monsters they are; instead of the grim justice-doers in a warped world, anti-heroes or whatever image they are trying to sell.

Ones that lost at their own game, that is.

Well ima go curl up in a ball and cry in the corner... anyone care to join me?

3 survivors of the initial firefight, before the game started. He's the only survivor of the whole event and he betrayed her somehow. Or maybe he lost and she grabbed the ball.

she saves him

Yeah I kinda thought that she would die from the beginning... she is just too plain to be a character that has any kind of longevity in this series lol... RIP Officer Yoon

I think that dudes power teleports people into the world of the Troubles..

idk if that has been commented on yet, but when the officer was like "there all looking at me" - it was kind of a clear assumption.

Too Far Away To Find A Way by Mogavi.

And the one in the Intro is Monster by Mogavi.

Thanks ;D

Please let Officer Yoon be alive T-T

What song? 0_o

Anyone know the name of the song in the prologue? I've been trying to find it for hours now...

Too Far Away To Find A Way by Mogavi.

And the one in the Intro is Monster by Mogavi.

The world broke him first. He was a honest and kind man who truly wanted peace.


I feel he's going to make quite a wonderful villain now. He always has the physical boost the D&D gives him, and an ever growing trouble family that is learning a lot about humans from him.


With chapter 13 I do wonder I he will eventually use the villain groups power and leave earth all together by the end of the story.

Uuumm...I might be wrong,but I think the single madman referenced is serial-killer-I-do-not-remember-his-name,who pushed druggie over the edge (Iam really not good with Korean names)not druggie himself.

Anyone know the name of the song in the prologue? I've been trying to find it for hours now...

Was there really a survivor? I went back and read the chapters, and they left one guy alive, then exploded the entire room behind them. His fate was ambiguous, but could he have survived having the room blown up?

They blew up a room, not necessarily the one behind them. I really don't think that they'd keep saying there was always one survivor if the Swindlers killed everyone, since the police would take the survivor in for questioning like they did with Suh.

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