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Will of NGE

Will of NGE

Member Since 10 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2018 03:07 PM

#440186 7 games for a price of a lollypop!

Posted by Will of NGE on 30 November 2012 - 03:28 PM

HYPERLINK>>>The Humble THQ Bundle (pay what you want and help charity) <<<HYPERLINK

The games you recieve for the price of whatever are:


Company of Heroes

Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts (Expansion)

Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor (Expansion)


Metro 2033

Red Faction: Armaggedon

Saints Row: The Third

Pay 1 dollar and recieve 6 games.

Pay the average price (currently under 6 dollars) and get a bonus game, Saints Row: The Third.

#434474 MapleStory anyone?

Posted by Will of NGE on 24 November 2012 - 07:28 PM

It's a very large image, so be patient :)
Tower of God x Maple Story

#432007 Anime/manga that made you realize how useless we are, and how shit the world is.

Posted by Will of NGE on 20 November 2012 - 06:46 PM

Bitch please, Neon Genesis Evangelion, original series, episodes 1-24 + End of Evangelion.
Watch that and feel depressed, void of happines, lost, confused, mindfucked.

Because I find depressing anime/manga more entertaining.

Oof!! yeah!!

Exactly. Because it draws emotions a lot deeper than those of happines. It's easy to make someone smile. Tell a joke, trip over your feet, watch a funny clip, go to circus...
And now try to induce sadness in the viewer, sadness for a fictional character, feeling of loss and despair. Those are deep, deep emotions, hard to pull out even in real life. And then you feel depressed or cry because of some characters drawn on paper?! It feels more rewarding to watch things like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Code Geass, Death Note...

#428733 Favorite Anime

Posted by Will of NGE on 17 November 2012 - 10:47 AM

Jesus christ, the guy who opened this thread wanted to know your favorite anime and why, not what you watched or own. I've seen people post over 40 different animes in one post!
And barely anyone even said why they like it so much. Please, people...

#427966 Neon Genesis Evangelion

Posted by Will of NGE on 16 November 2012 - 09:34 AM

MARDUK!! The Order of EVA thanks you for your contribution to the spread of the Word of NGE.

NGE - Walking in the Air

NGE - The Last Crusade

NGE - Rammstein & TaTu

NGE - Engel

NGE - Firestarter

And of course, the presence that is She.

EDIT: You will have to add http:// and then copy/paste the other links, as it doesn't allow me to post all the videos :(
I also have them all on the PC, in case any copyright hunters decide to rob the world of awesome works fans do to promote the series they love and obsess over.

#363554 Depression and Suicide

Posted by Will of NGE on 22 September 2012 - 05:31 AM

We had a discussion about this in one of our classes at college. Some started making a very loud argument, and it will always be like that.
Everyone makes it personal, no matter if they're in question or the one to pose a question.
And there is no right answer, and it would be ridicolous to say there is.
I support suicide, but there are undefined circumstances under which I would see it as acceptable, and not just because "I'm 16, love of my life cheated on me, my life is over", that's bullcrap.
Like I said, there is no right answer, you can always try to talk someone out of it, and through that talk, you will realise if it's the right thing to do.
It is good if you're going to discuss about suicide and what goes before/with it, but to discuss if it's right or wrong, there will never be an answer.