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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 12 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2018 05:49 AM

#1854845 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by elixer on 09 January 2018 - 11:27 AM

you thought 2017 was bad? meet 2018, her bigger, uglier, brutal-er brother!!! And he's here with a seemingly unquenchable thirst for vengeance....


On a less dramatic note, who likes the taste of meat with ice cream? Don't judge me please taste it first



my knee really stings :(

It's the bees fault. Don't worry, i've got a snipe on mother nature as we speak... Code name GW: Global Warning >:^)


what a shitty week and its not even wednesday yet

It's tuesday now though. Club goin up! Let's grab a drink 


I wish I could be the perfect daughter
but I come back to the water

And it's boiling hot

Cook it al dente, mom's spagot

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#1779911 Into It/Not Into It

Posted by elixer on 25 January 2017 - 01:13 AM

Into it!


A loving and caring platonic relationship where you fully trust, care, and believe in the other person, and they feel the same way for you?

#1773613 Kill the person above you

Posted by elixer on 26 November 2016 - 09:03 AM

....they started flatlining. The emergency care team rushed in for the code blue and a big buff nurse/mt, who just so happened to have been seeing a patient getting a shot, bumped into you so hard you fell to the floor. They forgot to dispose of the needle, and when they bumped into you, you got speared by it, and became infected with that patient's disease. To make matters worse, you actually fell oN TOP of the needle, so before you could even die of this new disease, an entire needle went through your chest and heart. The team didn't realize at first. Then when you struggled to get their attention, you swished the needle around, gaping the holes in your body. You suffered internal blood loss and hemorrhaging. The doctors at the hospital fixed both of those problems. Your comatose cousin woke up and came to visit you weeks later while you were still hospitalized. You died days later after the visit when, your nurse got jealous after seeing you have a cousin, and fed you spoiled food and slipped high dosage of acetone and even snuck rat poison into your meals. 



I was farting on the toilet when....

#1756401 Batoto mobile version, and errors?

Posted by elixer on 04 July 2016 - 06:23 AM

This just activated automatically while I was reading on my phone. I'm guessing this is the first debut of a mobile version of batoto because it's... buggy. I want to thank the developers behind batoto for thinking of implementing a system like this on the site. But i can't access my own or anyone's profiles, i cant read the home page, go back to the full version, browse anything besides the recently updated screen and forums... i mean like, some of these things i don't have the option for, and others i can't do because the buttons dont work. again, thank you for thinking of us who would benefit from a mobile platform, but is there any way i can just stick to the full, desktop version for now? Sorry to sound whiny :(

#1752661 i'm so cold

Posted by elixer on 13 June 2016 - 03:30 PM

it's summer time why is it so cold

 i am shivering and there are no windows open! i am wearing a jacket and pants! inside! in midday july! :batoto_032:  what the f*ck!


it was really warm the first week of the month, then things got bumpy and it won't be in the 70f/50c until thursday or friday. 



are you cold too? th :batoto_026:e bear is crying


i'm going for a jog. do you jog? i feel like this cold will kill me!

at least if it does i can stop feeling it  :batoto_012: why did i make this post @ grim reaper come claim me alrd




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#1717129 What is the Above User Known For?

Posted by elixer on 06 February 2016 - 01:29 AM

KF.... KF........known for........ i forgot......


(known for being forgettable and being shockingly okay with it)

#1682136 My Old先/Mosscapa Studio fan works

Posted by elixer on 14 December 2015 - 11:05 PM

I started reading Mosscapa works during the middle of the fall quarter, around testing study start time. (mouthful)

In my notes I did a lot of fan works of Mosscapa Studio, or I did some on my computer. I just want to share them, even if they are not that good. This is the most recent one, based on the lastest chapter of Tamen De Gushi (85). Don't look if you didn't read it yet! lol.


What actually happened:



LBMzvSV.jpg please anticipate my next fan work. original scans and translations courtesy of http://vatoto.com/group/_/y/yaoi-blcd-r4874 ! Thank you! 

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#1672745 Help me Pleaseee >_<

Posted by elixer on 29 November 2015 - 11:08 PM

do any of these look familiar?


#1588836 The Worst lie you have ever heard/told

Posted by elixer on 31 May 2015 - 11:38 AM

One time my heuax cousin came over to my house from seattle usa and she gave me a cute shirt to keep because she thought it was ugly. I say thanks and 30 mins later she comes into my room and says she changed her mind and is taking the shirt back. I tell her that's not how gifts work and she says 'yes it is I gave it to you so technically it's still mine because I can take it back from you if I do it in the timelimit' i say there is no timelimit and she's dumb and she says she will fight me for it and her mom confirmed this is how gifts work.

When my heaux cousin was younger her dad told her beer is made out of smashed rotton old grapes and horse pee and I believed her when she told me so when my class got to the alcohol and drugs unit I asked why they use those ingredients and got told for asking stupid questions by my health teacher.

#1588816 The Worst lie you have ever heard/told

Posted by elixer on 31 May 2015 - 11:02 AM

HOLY LOVING POOPOO HOW COULD I FORGET THIS GIANT ASS LIE ok so in 2nd grade my then best friend told me her dad was numerous things. I never believed them especially because this girl would also claim 8% irish 2/5th peruvian 180% spanish and all this other ethnic hubbalubba that just sounded fake as heck including how her dad was actually superman.

But this one story just took it to a whole nother level of mythomania. She told me that her dad invented pikachu.


The apparent story was that while her dad was in college, he was in the library just drawing up random crap and drew pikachu. He left the paper on the table as a piece kf scrap, coincidently where a coincidently random japanese lady coincidently also works for nintendo and coincidently knows the guys creating pokemon and coincidently pitches the idea for pikachu while claiming the drawing as hers and coincidently it becomes a hit and finally, coincidently, all of this information relays its way back to her dad who had moved many states away from his university by then and their entire family acted like the story was true.

I just...
I'd have an easier time believing charlamagne ISN'T bleaching than another story like that

Also in middle school I told my friends you have to blow up a condom before having sex because I saw it in a movie but really it was a shitty anime ha got eem

#1584926 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by elixer on 26 May 2015 - 12:48 AM

Bonhart is the bes


#1584637 Most hated main character.

Posted by elixer on 25 May 2015 - 09:50 PM

Everyone in prince of tennis.

#1584073 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by elixer on 25 May 2015 - 06:39 AM

Everyone's always yearned to live on the wild side for a bit. If you could live your teenage and young adult years with no consequences, what would you do/what would you have done?

Be a fully fledged hoe/thot and maybe steal from everyone I hate and then beat them up too.


#1584023 Dear Open Letters

Posted by elixer on 25 May 2015 - 03:14 AM

Dear 16 year old me,
Hey. You probably believe you don't know me, and in a way, you're right. But I know you very well. Please don't be creeped out, I don't mean you any harm; I just want to talk.
This time machine can only send a single letter, so I'm afraid I can't give you a better explanation of how you're receiving this. But I know that you'll understand. Call it a hunch.
So...High school's rough, huh? Yeah, been there. Grind your teeth, it will be over before you know it, and you won't miss it. I can't promise you that the next few years will be great. In fact, there's gonna be a lot of downs. But I can promise you this: it will get better. Much better.
University is gonna be great. You'll meet your best friend there, and your personality will go through some drastic changes. You'll feel more confident, more expressive, more assertive. Don't worry too much about your future job, you're gonna get something pretty decent and not soul-draining.
Perhaps most importantly, you'll learn a lot about yourself. You will forego things you've held on to for so long, and develop new habits. But that inner child inside you, always curious and adventurous, will never change.
Future you.

this made me cry...

Dear 22 Year old me

Stop being disgusting. Do your makeup better. Do your nails. Lose some weight. Gain some knowledge. As in keep your dumbass in school. Stop doing things that make you happy just because they make you happy at the expense of regretting it 72 hours later. Stop dreaming and start doing. Residency is over sooner than you think, you need to be ready for the 70k difference in pay check. if you don't seem capable of handling it in the next 3 months, all your savings are going straight your mother's account, and I'm contacting Lawyer Mary to make you sign a contract that states you arent allowed to access extra funding besides necessities for the next 2 years. Stop being so unstable.

Lastly, take your mom out to lunch once in a while you ungrateful little schmuck.

#1583936 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by elixer on 25 May 2015 - 12:18 AM

I did 7 members of a boy group. My forging skills are so good that I took a photo of a random guy and put a celebrity's signature on the back, and told my friend I got her a signed photo. my skills just dont look that good here because I'm better with a oen and paper,

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