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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 18 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2017 05:41 AM

#1703259 [OOC] DANMACHI

Posted by Jod on 14 January 2016 - 12:50 PM

In before we have combat bread... Like dwarves

#1702467 [RP] DANMACHI

Posted by Jod on 13 January 2016 - 02:49 PM

Zambo and the Precocious Slime


Zambo enjoyed his ride on Svend's, rather soft plumage. The path the duo had chosen had little in the way of distraction, being a simple stone and mortar affair. Still even in consideration of their rather plain surroundings Zambo did not feel bored. He was far too amped from excitement to be bored. He sat crouching on his friend's shoulders, like a eagle on a cliff ready to dive down for prey. In this case said prey was Adventure!


Eventually, it came time for action, they spotted some kind of moving shape on the passage ceiling. Due to the play of light and shadow in the dimly lit passage, the shaped to take on epic proportions and shapes. It looked to be something legendary!


Zambo in his glee; he leaped into the air with hooting with excitement… Almost. Curbing his enthusiasm somewhat, he whispered into Svend's ear. “Hey! I think that's the legendary Panda Dragon Bear! How cool is that! This is going to be amazing, our first kill a monster that cool!”


Unfortunately he wasn’t quite quiet enough, the noise caught the attention of the creature. Which turned around and dropped to floor, rearing its mighty… To the duo’s surprise as the creature came into view, it appeared to be a much more mundane monster. It was a slime. A most fitting hunt for the first time adventurer.


The gelatinous slowly quivered and jumped towards the duo, in an attempt to attack it. It was quite obvious that the slime was aiming for the smaller of the two heroes. Zambo decided to take offense to that.

“HAAH! THINK IM EASIER CUZ IM SMALL HUH! ILL SHOW YOU!” he shouted, jumping off Svend's shoulders. He made sure to jump right at the slime, ready to smack it in the face with his boomerang blade once the slime came within melee range.

#1702287 [OOC] DANMACHI

Posted by Jod on 13 January 2016 - 01:46 AM

Slimes! The best way to start of an adventure!

#1700482 The RP Lounge

Posted by Jod on 10 January 2016 - 02:22 PM

You have my interest Daddy.


Also welcome.


wow so majestic!

#1699420 [OOC] DANMACHI

Posted by Jod on 09 January 2016 - 10:23 AM

posted and stuff, pls Joker gimme something cool to kill. LIke I dunno, a octopus turtle hybrid or a flying african kangaroo

#1699384 [RP] Edge of Destiny

Posted by Jod on 09 January 2016 - 09:14 AM

Yada groaned in pain as he came too. "Alas! If only I could find water, soothe my battered body within its silken embrace!" he exclaimed has he slowly and gingerly got to his feet. The Creature had done its damage, even with his naturally resistant body, he taken an inordinate amount of damage. 


"It would seem that I am in no shape for fruther battles, friends" he said as he took support from a nearby tree. "It would wise of us to return to the village" he said, cringing as shards of  pain pierced his lower rib......

#1699347 [RP] DANMACHI

Posted by Jod on 09 January 2016 - 08:17 AM




Caw, caw, caw… cried a crow, lonely upon a branch. It called out for its friends once again, only to be greeted by a sharp metal object and the sound of shattering glass. The crow shrieked in surprise, scrambled off, making a mental note to leave this particular garden alone.


Zambo sat up, gingerly stretching his arms as he shook off the last vestiges of sleep. Sometimes the world had it against the sleepy, but little could be done regarding that fact. As he got off the bed he shivered as a cool draft passed through the dainty little room. Looking towards the source of the draft, he saw a window with broken glass.


“Crap…” he muttered, this was the second window within the week, it may be prudent he thought to get wooden rafters this time. It is then that he noticed the position of the sun in the sky, make its daily stroll towards high noon.


Panic fluttered across his chest, today was important! It was to be the day of his first adventure, and he was already late. With sleep but a distant thought, Zambo turned around and all but leapt into his little closet. Within minutes, he was dressed and ready, as he leapt back out of the closet and dove right out of the window.


He landed on the soft garden grass with ease and rushed out onto the cobbled streets. Luckily for the diminutive adventurer, the path towards the Tower was relatively straight forwards. Zambo was pretty confident he would make it as he raced past a carriage. It was then that his stomach decided to send his consciousness an angry letter threatening a riot if its demands were not met.” An adventurer can’t adventure on an empty stomach”, thought the intrepid speedster, a small detour wouldn’t hurt too much he rationalized.


He made a sharp left and headed towards the Bazaar. Now the Bazaar with its daily hustle and bustle of the regular folk from the city offered a different challenge. If not for what can be called creative maneuvering navigating through the crowd with any speed was nigh on impossible. As he made his way past the crowd, an apple vendor would find the apple in his outstretched hand miraculously transmuted into a copper coin.


Zambo reached the small plaza in front of the tower, as he chewed off the last bits of the apple. The party of gods and adventurers had already begun shuffling through the gigantic front gates of the Tower. As he raced to intercept the group, he noticed an overly large and familiar silhouette. He leaped towards the giant, and hopped onto his back in greeting, using the owls crossbow to scale upwards,


Yahelllo, Svend! Got a bit held up, but Nuthin ta worry about! I'm here now, all ready for some adveturin!” he said. cackling wildly in excitement.


Later as the group entered the starting area for the dungeon, Zambo still on Svend's shoulders, whispered, “Well there's only one real option for us… It has to be the one with the stars! Cause Stars are Radiculous!”



#1695526 [RP] Edge of Destiny

Posted by Jod on 03 January 2016 - 07:55 PM

Out of the three adventurers in the clearing, Yada was probably the most dumbstruck by the appearance of the Gorrillaphants. Never before in his life had he come before something so alien looking, with it's disproportioned and seemingly unwieldy body parts, and armored skin.

There were truly fearsome creatures of unimaginable sizes in the deep realm of Dwarka, but they had a kind of primal beauty about them. A kind of elegance in their wild nature. This brute facing them now was but a complete antithesis to this ideal, it was large, savage and very very angry. There was not a single element of elegance in its build up, only an aura of cruelty, effortless destruction and violence


Ofcourse , in as these thoughts raced through Yada's head, his body had already unconsciously began backing away. This pace quickened , as the creature erupted forward trumpeting with bloodlust. The ground shook, and trees quivered with every step of its massive limbs.


A drop of cold spread from his stomach, Yada for the frist time in a long time, felt fear. His heart faltered, and his mind panicked. For a time he had naught a thought but that of flight. But then he saw an arrow fly past. It was Arenthiel. He saw Wisp, fear in her eyes, not for herself but for them. In this he felt shame, he stopped his retreat and turned back to the beast.


Unfortunately it still terrified him, but he would be strong for he was relied on. Strafing away from the trajectory of the giants charge. He called his weapon the Varunastra, then with a short incantation he called two orbs of water which attached to his feet like the wheels of a chariot.

Using the help of this new spell, Yada sped forward knitting his way through the trees. He dove right in between the trunk like arms of the creature, cutting across the tendons. But the scalpel like blade of his spear took no purchase of the monsters flesh, its armor was too thick.


Yada's presumption did successfully anger the beast further more, driving to swipe madly at Yada. Who danced between the beasts strikes, dashing between the thinnest gaps. Still evading the beast's attacks was taxing on Yada. His strikes and water magic had little effect on the beast, his spells bounced off its hide, and his spear only scratched his skin.


Yada's poking alongside Arenthiels arrows drove the beast to a somewhat berserker rage, as it released its anger in a tremendous roar. The sheer force and power of the roar struck terror in their hearts, the very air vibrating in reaction. Yada himself, faltered in reaction, fumbling for but a moment. Suddenly he felt a shadow upon him, and then he was away. Yada was blasted into a nearby tree struck with an n errant palm from the hulking creature. As he hung from the shattered canopy of a poor oak, he idly wondered how many bones he had broken.... 

#1694469 The RP Lounge

Posted by Jod on 01 January 2016 - 05:35 PM

Tekkaman Blade

#1694388 The RP Lounge

Posted by Jod on 01 January 2016 - 01:07 PM



Nice to have you in our cozy little corner of the interwebs! Well a mecha RP would be terribly cool, and yes also kinda hard to pull off... Though the main thing is we have a smaller community here, so we can't have too many RP's up at a time, hence why we are looking for an easy peasy one right now( since we already have two and one fresh off the sandwich press)

#1693886 The RP Lounge

Posted by Jod on 31 December 2015 - 06:03 PM

The Jod/Joker combo?! TOGETHER WE ARE JO-JO. But what adventures would we make? It'd have to be something radiculus. Maybe even, RADICULUS. All caps style. Bust out the pip-boys because it's MAXIMUM RADS! and you don't want to end up as a ghoul.

And don't forget the RADICULUS POSES


#1693815 The RP Lounge

Posted by Jod on 31 December 2015 - 02:52 PM

Yeah that'd work. I guess it just depends how many players there are. If there aren't many just one GM would probably be fine anyways.

Well I'd certainly be down for it, I can also help co-gm and stuffs if you needs it.... 

#1693681 The RP Lounge

Posted by Jod on 31 December 2015 - 07:39 AM

Has anyone seen Gundam thunderbolt? I need someone to fanboy with.... the music in the show made the thing so much classier! 


Something simple and linear, would be fun, kind of like that Goblin rp... Or maybe that was more sandbox I dunno but yeah

#1692376 [OOC] Edge of Destiny

Posted by Jod on 28 December 2015 - 03:12 PM


Awesome post bud! will have something as soon as possible.... also dat gorillaphant is OP....



#1689879 Reverence: Venerated [OOC]

Posted by Jod on 24 December 2015 - 03:49 PM

As x aptly put it lez do dizz