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Member Since 19 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 03 2018 10:13 PM

#1005075 writing combat scenes ....

Posted by Lucenthia on 13 December 2013 - 02:57 AM

Personally, I think fight scenes should reflect what the character is thinking. Describe the blows he takes using the pain he feels when a fist sinks into his gut, or smashes his front teeth to splinters. When you're describing what he is doing add emotion to the description. Don't just do something like:


Buron smashed his sword into his enemy. Blood and guts flowed out as he then sidestepped a clumsy counterattack from behind him. Whirling around, he kicked out at his old friend, Kai, but his foot only met a hastily drawn shield. Buron stepped back again to regain his footing before charging back in with his sword raised.


That's okay as fight scenes go, but they're a lot more captivating if you have emotions and thoughts in them like this:


This couldn't be happening, Buron thought as he smashed his sword into his enemy, vaguely disgusted by the blood and guts oozing out of the wound he had created. No, no, no, I'm not a killer, Buron thought again as he mechanically sidestepped a clumsy counterattack that came from behind him. Whirling around he kicked out at his old friend, Kai, but thankfully, his old friend had raised his shield. Buron quickly stepped back again to regain his footing. Why, why, why do I have to kill? Why do I have to kill him? It's not fair. Thoughts ran through his head like a hailstorm and they slammed against his brain rapidly and ferociously. Resigning himself to the inevitable, he charged back in with his sword raised.


This second one's a lot better, because you get to empathize with the protagonist and are drawn into the world he's in. Battle scenes should be gory, but only if the character is one to notice such things. If the character only thinks about what's next, then emphasize that.

#894137 ToG Season 2 Character Popularity Contest

Posted by Lucenthia on 15 September 2013 - 11:57 PM

After what happened in the last chapter, I actually don't mind him winning

#662137 Impromptu poetry!

Posted by Lucenthia on 07 May 2013 - 02:50 PM

In the solitary mangrove

With the sky a tint of mauve,

The moon creates shades.

But all will quickly fade

under the tyranny of the sun

that appears when the night is done

and strikes all the


and shadows

and shades

into oblivion and regularity

#656603 Impromptu poetry!

Posted by Lucenthia on 04 May 2013 - 04:06 PM

It is with apprehension
That this user draws attention
To his first post on this thread.
It is with deliberation
and ample hesitation
That this impromptu poem be read