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Member Since 11 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2018 02:35 PM

#457315 How was your day/week?

Posted by Lock on 20 December 2012 - 07:35 PM

I've been shutting myself in for a month already.

God knows why.

This never happened before(because back then I was still in highschool).
But in uni they do not seem to care.(and since parents aren't there=>SUPER IRRESPONSIBLE)

DARN. I need somebody to start bitching over me/lecture me online or I will never stop lurking in those forums. And also, I need to start eating more or I will become a binge eater.

#456532 Does nobody like originality anymore?

Posted by Lock on 19 December 2012 - 02:27 PM

Medaka Box is very original.

It's so original that it's hard to follow.

It totally betrayed the readers' expectations.

It is SO original that it had gone beyond the understandings of a human being's comprehension.

It had evolved past the 21th century.

Joking aside, there is nothing original. You can always take fundamentals ideas that have already being spawned, mix in some other ideas, and add some of your own touches. If it's too original, then it'd be past the point of comprehension. Then? No readers. Then? No profits.

That's why I don't give a shit whether it's original or not. As long as it's interesting, it's good(not because it's mainstream or whatever blablabla). It's not very... ...cool to dislike things just because they're generically unoriginal either, just saying. e.g:Tail Star has a very VERY overdoneonthetop plot yet it's very well written(pacing, development, etc.)...it had managed to piqued my interest more than other generics that use the same settings.

It's okay if the settings are the same, just use a different pattern.

#456522 Countdown to the End of the World (as we Know it[?])

Posted by Lock on 19 December 2012 - 02:09 PM

Man this stuff is so meta now, just by watching reactions from the internet is just SO amusing, I'll just let the stupidity slide.

I'll be checking in the news the day after the end of the world to watch the funny reports.

I remember last year when I was still in my last year of high school, there were kids joking whether they will or will not pass tests because next year...it'll be the end of the world anyway.(so yeah fuck college!)

Seriously, people killing themselves for the end of the world...such as the recent documented of attempt of collective suicides on that very day(that still did not occur), then fine by them...Good riddance anyway; since no one cares if you die---and not especially not from people that decide to drop out while so many others are so trying so hard to live! It's an insult, really...But at least they have some kind of excuse trying to end their pitiful life!

IMO it doesn't matter whether the world will end or not, because it will absolutely NOT affect your life(in any case, if the world really is going to end, you're still going to die anyway). You thought that you were an immortal and age-resiliant? Maybe you should worry about yourself before worrying about the world.

Surely the world(planet) will not end because of some internet conspiracy... but because of psychological fears and anxiety by the dumbasses being trolled by it, the world(society) might come to an end then. Then the world(society) will become a better place because...good riddance!

#432599 Anime/manga that made you realize how useless we are, and how shit the world is.

Posted by Lock on 21 November 2012 - 03:27 PM

Why hasn't anyone mentionned Skyhigh yet?

And also Regarding Death, Nowhere Boy, etc.

And Death Note & School Days ain't that depressing imo, it's more like you want to punch the characters in the face and there's so many epic gore.

But there was this manga that teached me that "You're not the only one living with shitty problems. " reminded me that reality is far far cruel and that so many people live in a self-centered manner without caring for others while waiting to be pitied(*snort*, as in "being understand by others" *evil laughs*. Forgot the name of the series who mentionned that line though... There were more than one though. A certain coming-of-age called Onani Master Kurokawa give me sorta gave me goosebumps by showing school bullying.

Fawk everything---- <my reaction as I am in the process of reading those kinds of mangas.