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Member Since 05 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2018 03:06 PM

#263275 Definition of Slice of Life

Posted by Grumpy on 16 July 2012 - 07:07 AM

By: The New Oxford American Dictionary

Slice of life is a phrase describing the use of mundane realism depicting everyday experiences in art and entertainment.

By: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

slice of life

n. pl. slices of life

An episode of actual experience represented realistically and with little alteration in a dramatic, fictional, or journalistic work.

slicePosted Image-of-lifePosted Image (slPosted ImagesPosted ImagePosted Imagev-lPosted ImagefPosted Image) adj.

By Oxford Dictionaries:

a slice of life

a realistic representation of everyday experience in a film, play, or book:
it’s a slice of life and I hope you found it interesting

Personally, I find the New Oxford American Dictionary to be quite agreeable. Taking some mundane and making it entertaining. So, most comics would not be applicable to the genre of slice of life.

#443640 Monster girls

Posted by Aoi Mikan on 03 December 2012 - 02:24 AM

Played monster girl quest but only the first 3 parts, and In my opinion there's no problem in dating a monster girl. Even tho i'd rather date a God like in suashi no meteorite

O xO)

#407998 Don't you hate it when the Anime doesn't follow the Manga

Posted by Lustful on 25 October 2012 - 11:47 PM

I will just watch what i want, I don't care if other people say "it sucks" or something like that.

#358176 Your road to geekdom.

Posted by Antitheton on 19 September 2012 - 04:38 AM

When I was a younger, a lot younger, I went to a hotel for my uncle's wedding. So after unpacking at the hotel room, it was around 12 PM.
Being the hyperactive child, I turned on the TV.

Needless to say, FLCL was on. Then, at a young age, I saw a girl plunge her hand into someone's skull and pull out a guitar.
I was scarred.

My path was set on that day.

#352222 Is anime dying?

Posted by foxyeisenhower on 16 September 2012 - 09:04 AM

japanese animation is a special case since their ideas about distribution and for that matter supply and demand are incredibly backwards, they try to actually limit their audience to a small group of zealous fans who will buy whatever they produce at exorbitant prices since this is easier than mass production at a possible loss. The people they market their product to is not you, since you rip off their cartoons for free rather than pay 75 bucks per episode.
Anime will probably continue regardless of what we think of the quality, but I think Japanese companies are getting wise to this as they as a country proceed further into the age of globalization. Despite a history of unfair and frustrating deals with japanese anime companies, licensing deals continue to be made and every new season brings more experimental partnerships with american companies. Hell, we even got Toonami back. As a whole, anime has been looking great in recent years both in Japan and the rest of the world.
You can't focus on bad shows or shows that bombed or things outside your demographic that you don't understand, those have always existed in any medium of entertainment and always will, any perception that there are somehow more now than before is partly due to nobody talking about the shit shows from the ninties, and partly because producing anime is cheaper now
anime is fine and really doesn't depend on you at all, if you're not excited for anything in a given season just wait until the next one, the anime industry does not revolve around leeching foreigners, but as shows get more cohesive and globalized they might just appeal to you in the future

manga is another word for graphic novels and anime is another word for cartoons, the only thing different right now is the intended audience

#323383 Need religions perspective for anime, manga, and other moe cultures

Posted by Chocolate Chip on 28 August 2012 - 02:15 PM

Soooo.... anyone else wondering what the heck a "moe culture" is? I'm picturing a super cute petri dish full of mold, myself.

#303870 what is your favorite game of all time?

Posted by TheShawn on 13 August 2012 - 04:13 PM

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It was my first Bethesda game and the text based dialogue allowed the quest-lines, and even individual quests, to be a lot deeper than later installments. Plus, the atmosphere was creepy and mysterious. Exploration was awesome without the ever available fast travel you see in a lot of modern open-world games. Hard to top that in my book.

#260197 What are your dreams?

Posted by greenguy on 13 July 2012 - 11:09 PM

harvest moon? XD

my dream is to live in the world of anime and manga (no kidding)

but my realistic (but not achieveable the same) dream is to become a mangaka in japan. lol.