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Member Since 30 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 01:41 AM

#1601861 Alcohol Tolerance

Posted by shelly on 15 June 2015 - 10:50 AM

I tried finding my limit a couple times, still don't know.


I know that if I drink very quickly, it doesn't take a lot to make me feel bad for awhile, but if I drink slowly I can just keep drinking and drinking. I'm not sure if that means my tolerance is high or low or what. From the reactions of the people I was drinking with though, I think its probably slightly higher than normal for my body size. [about 110 lbs / 50kgs]


On my 21st birthday I remember having... 4 or 5 different cocktails, one jack and coke, a big glass of beer, and then I left the bar and had another bottle of beer or two. But that was spread out over hours


Another time I went to a party and... well I don't remember how much I drank but its more from it being an old memory than forgetting because of alcohol.  I do remember sipping shots of vodka by the end, one after another, because I liked the way it felt breathing out the alcohol fumes while sitting outside in the cold and looking at stars.

I remember my cousin being surprised that I could sip liqueur and enjoy it. I thought I was bad at drinking shots because I couldn't gulp it down like others (I was afraid of coughing)  but apparently it's drunk fast so that they don't taste it? 



The worst thing was one time my vision started looking like... time skips. I tried to pet a dog and every time I blinked it would be somewhere else.  So I know I got reeeally drunk that time at least.   That time... I don't remember how much I drank, but I played a drinking game a few times.


But I've never blacked out, fainted, vomited, had memory gaps, or had a hangover.   But besides the few times drinking at parties, I don't really drink at all.



Oh, and liqueur is my favorite, I don't like the taste of beer at all (despite giving it many chances), and I don't like wine all that much, besides red wine, but I'm very slowly starting to like it more than before.

#1545728 Lets branch out a bit, shall we?

Posted by shelly on 14 April 2015 - 02:09 PM

Firstly, I second this! "Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun"

and these: Vinland Saga, Ruler of the Land, One Punch_Man


Its been a month since this topic started but you said 'keep em coming!' so I have a free pass!


Lets see...


sweet: Love Allergen; Safe Again Today; Samurai Usagi

cute: +Anima and Gakuen Alice

weird but fun: Ludwig Kakumei; Freaks' Squeele,

thoughtful(?): Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou; Suicide Island

and : The Friendly Winter; Sentou Jousai Masurawo; Tetsuichi (>.> no agenda here. Nope.); Kurozakuro; Birdy the Mighty (II); Black Haze; Guardian Dog; Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro; Tower of God (there's a high chance you've already read it, but if you haven't, the art improves)

random: Spoiler Wars[oneshot] ; Amanoiwato Hime (and its sequel) ;


And 7 Seeds !! I recommend this one the most out of the titles I added.

#1428802 Who are the most weirdest people you ever met?

Posted by shelly on 18 December 2014 - 04:30 PM

Do people who are high count? Or only people who are normally weird?




People tell me I'm weird. And I don't think I ever met a weird person, because I'm weird enough to not find others weird?


Pretty much this.


I mean, I can think of a few, but I don't actually think that they are weird, I only think that others might find them weird.

#1428779 what's the story of your pet?

Posted by shelly on 18 December 2014 - 04:01 PM


#1394083 Thought/Speech Clouds

Posted by shelly on 31 October 2014 - 08:56 PM

"I'm really comfortable, and trick-o-treating sounds like such a bore. Why don't you do it for me?"

#1391624 Dreams!

Posted by shelly on 28 October 2014 - 08:41 AM



Another dream that may be common, I find myself jumping several times with a running start, each time a little bit higher, until finally I manage to fly around; in breaststroke style. :lol:

Sounds really similar to some of my dreams. Just an idea I've got but: Did you swim a lot when you were younger?



O_o   That sounds, extremely scary. *switches on light*




#1386253 That Awkward Moment When...

Posted by shelly on 21 October 2014 - 07:10 AM

That awkward moment when you use a public restroom, sit down, then realize there are odd sounds coming from the next stall..

#1386251 Other than reading manga and watching anime, what you usually do with your sp...

Posted by shelly on 21 October 2014 - 07:05 AM

I'm attempting to learn a little whittling

#1382780 Your darkest fears!!!

Posted by shelly on 16 October 2014 - 01:09 AM

Before I drink a can of soda, I always leave it open for a while because I like drinking flat soda, so one of my biggest fears is picking up a can that's been sitting out for half a day, taking a sip and then ending up with a spider or some shit in my mouth. Like one of my friends told me about how he left a cup of coffee on the counter half-finished because he had to go to work, and when he came back from work, like right when he was about to finish it up, he looked into the cup and there was a big ass spider just chilling in the fucking mug. so finding a spider in a can of flat soda isn't really a stretch.

My mom once made a pot of hot chocolate and left it on the stove. Awhile later she went into the kitchen to get something and sees a mouse swimming around in it.


A fear I've had forever: sometimes when I'm walking around in the dark (because I already know where everything is and sometimes I'm too lazy to turn the lights on and off), I feel like someone is standing right behind me and then I freak out and run for light. If I'm walking up or down the stairs I feel like I'm about to be pushed and hold on the handrail like a crazy person.  I look stupid and sometimes trip, and I know its a silly fear, but I can't shake it.

#1382717 Thought/Speech Clouds

Posted by shelly on 15 October 2014 - 09:54 PM

"This thing ?  Haha, no way~ 

It looks better on my hat, don't you think? ~ "

#1382239 What manga did you just finish?

Posted by shelly on 15 October 2014 - 08:08 AM


It was short, weird, and I kept expecting it to pull some twist that would make me come out on the other side feeling bad, but it didn't. Not that there weren't any twists. The art style was very different.  Not a memorable story.


Short, quirky, not bad.

#1375883 hypothetical questions..

Posted by shelly on 06 October 2014 - 12:23 PM

oh come on.. it's not love if you're unhappy in the relationship. 


for external stuff, no. like no matter how much i tell myself i am Adolf Hitler, i am not literally Hitler. 

I meant internal-only things


Letting them go, cutting ties with them, just leaving them and moving on. Like that.

Yes, in that situation, I think a person should abandon someone like that. If it were me, I would try to explain my situation to that person and give them a little time, but if the situation continued the same as before, I would leave.

One of my parents is a little bit (not completely) like that, so, I know that despite good intentions, and promises, and efforts, and apologies, it probably won't end. I would've left a long time ago but I was unable to. Now that I'm able to I've already learned to put up with it so I'm staying awhile longer for practical reasons, but if I ignored those and just looked at emotional effects, staying is terrible for me.

(I don't mean to whine.)


The most problematic thing is the good intentions. It makes it impossible to truly blame the person, and that can put you in a very... bad, spot.


So yes, I think a person should leave.

#1375816 Defend your city

Posted by shelly on 06 October 2014 - 09:40 AM

But can it defeat a triple scoped bayonetted axe?


Oh my god, I can't stop laughing at that



I made a super-hobo who will camp out in a park and throw grenades, and run away with flashbangs if the enemy comes anyway. And a bomb guy. Couldn't think of anything not boring.



#1353201 Dreams!

Posted by shelly on 31 August 2014 - 11:44 AM


#1339069 Other than reading manga and watching anime, what you usually do with your sp...

Posted by shelly on 08 August 2014 - 04:47 AM

Reading other novels/light novels, sometimes struggling with GoogleTranslate; wandering around on the internet learning random useful and useless things; finding new recipes and trying them out. Trying to learn Chinese characters; copying panels I like from manga; Youtube; movies/shows; listening to music; dancing. Drawing; computer games; chatting; reading and posting on this forum; spending time with my family, the cats and my birds.