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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 12 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2018 02:02 AM

#606114 Endless Haiku

Posted by symbology on 28 March 2013 - 07:48 AM

Seeing through the lies

Why wake up, lies are forever.

#605936 What is the Above User Known For?

Posted by Angelo. on 28 March 2013 - 03:14 AM

known for loving havoc

#382742 Endless Haiku

Posted by symbology on 09 October 2012 - 02:52 PM

ok, dear potatoes,

i know it's lame and stale, but i'd like to give it a shot, anyway...

so, here's my idea of an endless haiku:

1) each line should be written by a separate person, and the person that follows, should try (at least) to catch the idea of the prior one...

For example, if i write the first line:

. Butterfly wings

Then the next potato continues:

. Colour the rainbow.

Then the third one:

. A child smiles.

Then the fourth one starts the new verse, and so on...

2) since, i suppose, we will do it mainly in English, i won't care about the number of the syllables/on's as long as it's not too much... at any case, please try not to make lines longer than 7-8 syllables...

3) i will gather the best hits/verses in the OP with credits to the respective poet :)

p.s. here are some verses of mine i've tried to bind in a haiku form, some sort of an inspiration, i hope :P

here's an old one:

. Heavy emotions
. Bound and tied in a knot.
. A tear drops.

... and quite a recent one (from yesterday):

. A romantic setup,
. We almost became intimate.
. Rush hour in the subway.

ok, we have our first verses here :)

2012 wrapped up :D


. Not only once, but twice - (Uno)
. We're turnin' up the power! (Maia)
. Just wait and you'll see.

. We'll shine through it all, (Maia)
. And dance in bliss unknown.
. In a room, so silent. (Uno)

. To what it could have been, (Maia)
. I challenge thee, O, Destiny!
. For I will be forever free. (DarkPrince)

. Standing tall as a mountain (Maia)
. The Übermensch shows no remorse.
. This evolution was fated. (Maia)

. Everyday is the same (DarkPrince)
. This everlasting nothingness around us. (Maia)
. Kiss the sun and it’ll change.

. Time paints melancholy
. With colors of a lonely soul.
. Beauty in repose it sees.

. Dreams lost reborn, (xinhope)
. Like a phoenix new hope rises (Maia)
. Setting fire to the ashes. (paperprosciutto)

. In my darkest hours (Maia)
. The shadows I grapple with (paperprosciutto)
. A light cast astray into the darkness (Tanmei no Hanabi)

. Your words are paper cuts. (paperprosciutto)
. It does not hurt me much, (xinhope)
. For my will is stronger. (Maia)

. Bathed in Light (Tanmei no Hanabi)
. Is the Royal Knight (Burst)
. Preparing for the last fight. (Tanmei no Hanabi)

. The image in my mind (Maia)
. Can be as clear as a mirror or be abrupt like a storm. (Tanmei no Hanabi)
. I wont let it fade away. (Maia)

. Fickle is my imagination, (Tanmei no Hanabi)
. Capricious creator. (paperprosciutto)
. Molding thoughts into reality. (Tanmei no Hanabi)

. Remind me not of valentine (xinhope)
. For mine heart doth break (Maia)
. In a lonely love. (Uno)

. Escape from this reality (Maia)
. There's no reason to stay (xinhope)
. It's just nothingness. (Maia)

. However, these dreams (Psychedelic)
. Are not what they seem (paperprosciutto)
. For they are actually real. (xinhope)

. I am the world, (DarkPrince)
. You are invited. (paperprosciutto)
. Welcome to me. (DarkPrince)

. Cold as it may seem (Tanmei no Hanabi)
. Thou touch lingers mid-air (NyaulaWander)
. My heart warms to you (Maia)

. Quickly melting, in the light (paperprosciutto)
. The mountain dew falls apart, (xinhope)
. Marking yet another day's start. (DarkPrince)

. Oh, the glorious extra crunchy crisps (xinhope)
. They burst with wild flavor (Maia)
. And took me to a new level of satisfaction. (xinhope)

. My spirit was lifted,
. Like resting at a top of a cloud (Tanmei no Hanabi)
. Almost touching the sun. (paperprosciutto)

. People come and people go (DarkPrince)
. As do opportunities arrive and leave. (Tanmei no Hanabi)
. Run after the open doors. (paperprosciutto)

. Don't make me wait (paperprosciutto)
. Cause you'll be late (xinhope)
. When the clock strikes eight. (DarkPrince)

. I wrapped my skin with seven layers (xinhope)
. And clapped at the end of the prayer (Burst)
. Lamenting for all the fallen soldiers. (xinhope)

. Were the police officers (Burst)
. The one to break the law?
. That son of a gun. (paperprosciutto)

in memory of a certain, though quite controversial, human rights activist:
. Education is freedom
. Opening eyes, and minds (paperprosciutto)
. To reach for the horizon.

. Deep is thy water,
. Vast is thy sea, (xinhope)
. But, you will never drown me. (paperprosciutto)

. A dream calls for me,
. Should I listen? (paperprosciutto)
. Or stay stuck in reality? (DarkPrince)

. Watch the way the moon shines (paperprosciutto)
. As I see it through your eyes. (seyrine)
. Dancing with your smile. (xinhope)

. "Two minutes to midnight",
. Shout the bloody faces (paperprosciutto)
. Emerging from the toilet, of all places... (DarkPrince)

. Maybe you're a lion[/i], (paperprosciutto)
. Roaring mad against the pantheon of gods (xinhope)
. The Atlas Mountains freeze in silence.

a thounsand likes from me for the following one: Posted Image
. Winter snow, crystal light (Paradoxin)
. Falling softly, what a sight~ (paperprosciutto)
. Making bright, the darkest night. (DarkPrince)

. Two crazed eyes behind the mask (paperprosciutto)
. How are you so awesome? you wish to ask (DarkPrince)
. I am only what I am. (Maia)

. My heart is acid (xinhope)
. And blood turns rancid (paperprosciutto)
. Touching insanity with hands of red. (Paradoxin)

. Heaven can wait,
. Hell can freeze, (paperprosciutto)
. As I am the void.

. Today as well at endless haiku, (xinhope)
. Don't forget to tease your waifu - (Maia)
. A 3D inspirationi in real laifu.

. Leverage is needed. (xinhope)
. This advantage is the desire. (Maia)
. Then, embed your assets.

. Stranger than fiction, (Tanmei no Hanabi)
. Truer than fact - (Eraser)
. Reality hits me. (Rol)

. Hot potato, cold tomato, (paperprosciutto)
. And it smells blue like jazz,
. As it flares red like passion. (Antalius11)

. Who am I to know?
. ...

#604602 Endless Haiku

Posted by Antalius on 26 March 2013 - 04:56 PM

Fading lights in this sky

#483251 Anime Frat

Posted by Catbug on 03 January 2013 - 05:13 AM

Just wanted to share this comic strip

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

#591065 Different art styles

Posted by Kosame on 14 March 2013 - 06:03 AM

Eum, it is a bit old seeing as I have not really had the time or energy
to draw in the last few months...but this is my most recent work.
My strength really isn't in CG anime style but I tried?
(I literally came to the boarder of tears while doing this orz;; ).
The size is reduced to avoid page stretching.
Full version can be found on my DeviantArt.


#431633 Sanderson's Second Law

Posted by Kalladin on 20 November 2012 - 04:40 AM


TL:DR Version
"Limitations > Powers"


It wasn't obvious for me, but that really blew my mind away.

When I tried writing something fictional, I would get into some tradegy and I would find myself depressed like the characters. That was what flowed for me. I then started wanting to get more and more happier, epic fantasy styled fiction, but I quickly grew bored of that. Well at first I would think and think and try to be the character I wanted him/her to become. That meant I would think about what powers he/she had currently, and in the future. Then I thought about the characters friends and so on. So I got bored.

Now, it's pretty obvious we like to read stories for these limitations.

Instead of citing Greek Tradegies or Shakespearean Plays, lets go with Harry Potter. As far as I feel, Harry Potter was amazing because here was an orphan with no parents, who gets picked on by big bullies. Well that was the underlying limitation. Each novel had their own limitation.

Well this can get more general. I've never played LOL but... I do have an idea of it. So the key to LOL is that your fellow players become that limitations. And the reason why it's fun is because you can struggle through it.

So the key to making interesting stuff focuses on limitations not the powers. Usually when you see an author or any artistic mind, remove the barriers, like in Naruto, Bleach, or Dragon Ball Z, the story kindof gets ridiculous and trite. Even if you draw new pictures for the abilities and give them new names, the fact is people love the fact when the characters can't do shit.

The key to success for mangas like One Piece is the fact that the author finds new problems for the characters to solve.

End of Rant.

#172088 What's on your bucket list?

Posted by theroadstopshere on 24 April 2012 - 10:46 PM

I like this idea. It's about time I set some goals for my life. Plenty of time to accomplish them.

1. Climb the highest mountain I can find and shout from the top of it.
2. Jump out of an airplane and wait till the last second to pull my parachute.
3. Make it to black belt, then wander dark streets at night without fear.
4. Write a book and make it sell.
5. Wander for two months in a foreign country where I know the language, with no plans or deadlines.
6. Charter a boat and sail from California to Hawaii to China and back.
7. Sleep at the North Pole. Stare at the stars and aurora all day and night.
8. Fly a plane along the wall clouds of a thunderstorm.
9. Draw a maze the size of a full wall and time people trying to solve it.
10. Fall in love completely and fully with someone who feels the same. Ride happily into the motherfucking sunset.
11.Go black and go back.

#161139 If you could carry one aspect of "anime logic" into reality, what wou...

Posted by Katzen on 15 April 2012 - 08:51 PM

that everyone is a bishie... :P

life is harsh, might as well have pretty people to look at while we're at it.

#160026 How did you get your name?

Posted by Guest on 15 April 2012 - 04:24 AM

So, there was this day, there was. Ca-ham. I was drinking coke, then I read Coca-Cola backwards, everyone knows that the name means Hail Satan in Akasalameicon. Then I talked to my mom, she was watching Alice Bangwonderland, and I was like, wow, holy shit, what's that. It was a cup of coke, oh wait, I already told about it. So... I asked Satan himself what would be the best name, he said that 666Pants would be the best, I Robertslapped him and that was totally a mad shit to do with him. The morale is, I fancy my current nickname, that's why I chose it.

#159073 No Pants Subway Ride

Posted by Muni on 13 April 2012 - 11:28 PM

Well, I mean I don't see why it wouldn't belong :o It IS a legitimate topic for discussion, and this is general discussion, not serious discussion :o. As long as everyone sticks to the topic at hand and don't stray off, I don't see how it couldn't be an intellectual conversation xD. Let's just leave it here for now shall we? ;3

In any case, I live in NYC, and I can assure you, the No Pants Subway Ride is one of the tamer things we have. When you've lived here for awhile, it's a bit sad, but seeing a group of naked old men riding a bicycle through a park at full speed doesn't faze you much anymore.