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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 02 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 09:56 PM

#1859006 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by danfare on 20 January 2018 - 05:31 PM

I love you like an alcoholic - Taxpayers : D


#1858476 Whine here

Posted by danfare on 18 January 2018 - 09:52 PM

man, i was so pumped to start writing my random shit on batoto again only to find out it's gonna close 4ever. :'c

#1791425 Whine here

Posted by danfare on 24 April 2017 - 03:54 AM

i NEED A DRINK, OR TWO OR 12 need alcohol help

#1791414 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by danfare on 24 April 2017 - 01:41 AM

amenra - dance of the dead


#1777915 How was your day/week?

Posted by danfare on 07 January 2017 - 04:16 AM

well, everything went as normal as it could these past few weeks. yet, i feel like everything is sort of twisted and messed up and clogged up inside. it's a strange sensation, makes me feel uncomfortable, nervous, angry, and about 80% of the time so so so physically tired. i know there's nothing in my life atm that should be making me feel like this but i still feel it. I have yet to catch up to this new year, i think i'm still stuck in 2016. the number 2017 gives me good vibes tho. maybe i'm overthinking stuff. 

#1777914 Dreams!

Posted by danfare on 07 January 2017 - 04:08 AM

I had about 3 dreams today, but i can only remember fragments. i was at home and going to the bathroom, seemed pretty real but the sky was purple-ish and there was a weird mist. another fragment was dreaming of childhood friends. i dont remember much after that, i just remember feeling and thinking a lot in the dream but i also cant remember what i was thinking. weird.

#1772455 Honesty

Posted by danfare on 14 November 2016 - 04:44 AM

It's you growing up. the same thing is happening to me but it's because my view and like(also dislike) of certain things have changed, so that limits down the manga I genuinely like to read. when i was younger i would read so much, no matter the content and nowadays i'm older and picky af. maybe the same thing is happening to you.


what is your definition of friendship, as in, what makes a friend...worthy of being called a friend?

#1772254 Dreams!

Posted by danfare on 12 November 2016 - 07:32 PM

I've been having reoccurring dreams lately. It's always on the same night. I'll dream about something twice. The second time around, I'm aware that it's the same dream and I can sort of control it. If I didn't like something that happened in the first occurrence of the dream, I can change it. Sometimes I feel pressured or nervous because I have to act things out again and wonder if I'll mess it up and if I mess up things wont end up how they're supposed to; the outcome will be different and it's a scary thought. 

The content of the dream seems to always be me fighting against something or running away from something. 

#1771433 Dreams!

Posted by danfare on 04 November 2016 - 01:33 AM

had a dream i was in a weird city with lots of metal pipes and metal bridges with unfinished buildings. I was looking for some people and eventually found out they were being kept prisoners inside this fancy company building. Also, I wore a long trench coat. I think I got shot at one point. I kept trying to breakout the prisoners but guards from the company kept shooing me away. Another part of the dream I was cuddling and making out with this awfully skinny guy with curly brown hair. We were in a big room on a mattress, it seemed to be a evacuation room thing cuz there was a lot of peeps and lots of mattresses everywhere. Also there were werewolves. These are the types of dreams where I feel good around the peeps that surround me, i feel included and normal. it's weird.

#1770534 Honesty

Posted by danfare on 27 October 2016 - 02:14 AM

hypothetical answer cuz i dont plan on getting married ever.


It would take a lot tbh, cuz marriage is gross.

who would they have to be? i guess someone really honest, who's open w/ me, who takes responsibility for the things they say and do, someone that'll laugh at my lame jokes & also laugh at their own lame jokes, who isn't easily embarrassed, and who'll get hella hammered w/ me. i think they'd have to be way more optimistic than me because i am pessimistic af. would be cool if we had similar taste in music, movies, yknow the artz in general. also, same political stance, anti-religion and whatnot. i would really like it if they did not want kids at all. 

these are just a few things tho lol


what's the last time you burst out crying (really really gross crying with snot & all) and why'd you cry?

#1770531 So Batoto it an active Yaoi Website now?

Posted by danfare on 27 October 2016 - 01:53 AM

yes, it's how it should've been from the very beginning.

#1762291 Dreams!

Posted by danfare on 28 August 2016 - 03:47 PM

The dream I had a few hours ago involved zombies and a house and a creepy family. I took shelter in a mansion where a married couple lived with their 3 children. Everything seemed normal inside. The family went about their day as if there was nothing wrong even if there were zombies trying to get in. We kept going from room to room, locking and barricading the doors. Yet we were all strangely calm. We reached the attic, which had a lot of space. There was no bathroom so the kids would just do their business in another room. There was a kitchen and several locked rooms. When I headed to the kitchen, i noticed one of the rooms had the door opened and the lights on. I saw the shadow of a man inside. I asked the wife if there was someone else living here and she reassured me that no, nobody else lived with them. I went into the room, the man was going through the drawers, picking out clothes. we talked and while we did his face and hair kept changing. he kept telling me to go with him and to get out of the house because the family was psychotic af. they were the only family left in town. i woke up b4 anything else happened. 

#1754914 Dreams!

Posted by danfare on 24 June 2016 - 01:36 PM

dreamed i was married to this blonde guy with blue eyes who was the owner of a restaurant. i was pregnant with twins and i worked in a big business not sure as what. i'd find myself going to protests and marches and i ran from the police wearing tall effin' heels. i wore pretty dresses tho. i also had a lover who was a 40+ man with graying hair. all we did was go to different restaurants and eat and talk about literature and movies. i remember the first thing i told him was that i had scammed a receptionists and got free shoes and he laughed. wild af. 


also i dreamt of an primary school classmate (*cough*whomihadahugecrushon*cough*. she went missing and the whole town was looking for her. it turned out to be this huge conspiracy where agents from the future were killing off people who would cause major revolutions in the years to come. again really wild. 

#1754739 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by danfare on 23 June 2016 - 01:28 AM

The Distillers - Die on a rope


#1754062 Honesty

Posted by danfare on 21 June 2016 - 01:00 AM

i tend to glare at the person i'm unreasnonably mad at, and then i'll hide in my room and cry for a bit and then sleep it off. and usually i'll think up reasons as to why my anger is reasonable, even tho it's not. i'll end up apologizing if i said things whilst angry. 


does romantic love exist to you. if so, how would you describe it and if not, why? ( what is love? baby dnt hurt me...)