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Member Since 26 Feb 2012
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#1697171 Some chinese manhua/please help with the names

Posted by defry on 06 January 2016 - 02:30 AM

"Supernatural Farm" is the best I can get it.


Rough translation of description: Su Yu is wasting time in a third-rate college. Because of the "sinkhole" incident, a school collasped and fell into the sinkhole and is now in an unknown, horror-filled forest. And this forest is filled with all kinds of horrific things, like scary mutants. And from his hands, it slowly begins.


A sinkhole:



Brb, freaking out

Thank you very much, you are a legend.

#1666675 Manga that you want translated/picked up

Posted by defry on 16 November 2015 - 11:15 PM

A adorable romance between an older guy who is a friend of the heroine's older brother. They are both shy and have their awkward moments but they are adorable. It is a manga that melts your heart, the art is really good too and it fits the story.


I would like this translated in english.


Anitomo :

#1470756 Image from a anime ranking compilations.

Posted by defry on 29 January 2015 - 12:28 AM

Lol, I get what you did there.

Haha, thanks for the laughs.

#130710 I am looking for a certain type of Manga.

Posted by defry on 27 March 2012 - 05:41 PM

Historie is really underrated, it's my type of manga as I'm into really witty and intelectual main guys. I got addicted to those type of strategic chars since I got acquinted to Lelouch, there's allot of mangas I read with smart, calculated main guys. Though it's sad that it takes so long wait for one chapter, I wish for more so I am waiting.
Silver Spoon I am reading, I like Hachiken but recently it annoys me a bit.... though I still like it and read it.
Saint Oniisan, didn't read yet... don't know if I should read or not, in real life I have plenty of those type of discussion so I kinda want to avoid religion in mangas. Though I recently just read Needless, I loved it, at first it good and irritated that the main guy was Cruz but him cross-dressing and hidden powers and other mysteries just made the manga even much better. It was good at the start too but with Cruz like that... it can't compare to where it reached, so I really want to see the ending.

Letter Bee is really good too but recently a part saddened me, I won't say it as you probably didn't reach to it. Well enjoy, if you find any more interesting mangas... I am more than ready to give them a taste, thanks a million guys.

Also, Billy Bat is a strong sense of deja vu, I mean the way the manga is portrayed and much more is similar to 21st Century Boys, it makes sense it's the same author. I can't complain because it is really amazing. Billy Bat is truly amazing, it kept me interested really well and now I hope for some progress in powers of the main guy and maybe even some romance progress. Though, it is one of the best mangas.
Another good manga similar to Billy Bat would be Homunculus... it was one of the best, the main guy is amazing and the series is pure surrealism and a mystery of psychology. I read a few of those of mangas, I do like mangas with sociopaths, psychopaths... mangas like Freesia, Blue Heaven and much more... It's a true challange and pleasure to put yourself in the skin of those characters.

Edit; Sekitou Elergy I read quite a bit... I also read a bit of boys on the run, well, there were some new mangas I found and they are new with only one chapter but they have allot of potential. This is good too Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, the main guy is really interesting.