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Eien No

Eien No

Member Since 11 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2017 09:38 AM

Official Mobile Manga Reading App

17 March 2014 - 07:03 PM

I already read this thread and it addresses a different issue than the one I'm proposing.



One can infer from the title what I'm going to suggest, but to make it clear, what I'm proposing is the development of an "Official" app from Batoto for mobile users to read manga from its servers. There are already plenty of other apps that do this, but none of them provide actual benefit for batoto. If, however, an app was developed by Batoto, that money could be funnelled into sustaining Batoto's servers. The app could sport ads, as many apps tend to do and offer a ad-free version via donation or an actual separate app. Additionally, the follows list might be able to be imported into the app for each individual user(something that a third party app can't do) so as to convince people who are already on Batoto and using other apps to switch over.


I don't know the difficulty of the programming that goes into this, but I know one must keep up to date with firmware changes as well as the differences between iphones and android devices so the time that goes into that needs to also be considered.

A new twist to the manga experience?

15 December 2013 - 10:48 PM

Voice acting.


Now some of you may or may not know about this, but let me give you an example:


Warning: If you read Rakshasa Street, this may or may not come off as a spoiler. It's honestly not the big of a deal though.



After you click the on the link(page may low slowly, depending on your connection), hover over the little speaker icon on the text bubble. Shazzam. Voices.


Now I'm only throwing this idea out there, but maybe this could work for scantalated manga as well? It would certainly be interesting, I think. It's a sort of twist on the manga we already love and it wold add another element to scantalating that may attract people with different skillsets. I sometimes listen to the voiceovers there(even though it's in chinese) but there are recognizable sounds within the voice acting, like coughing(link - bottom left panel) that make it "more intense" per se.


This, of course, is just an idea. I'm aware of the potential abuse this system could cause(on both the readers and the server) but I was just wondering how my fellow potatoes feel about this.


Listening to the voices would be completely optional and the little icons aren't too distracting. Preventing user abuse may be a bit of a hassle though but there are ways to reduce it.