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Member Since 30 Sep 2014
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#1763690 The RP Lounge

Posted by Officer Judy Hopps on 07 September 2016 - 08:58 PM


That looks like a Rathalos, the dragon-thing in the picture.


If I can find time in my schedule, Ivalice will be released soonish in the next month or so.

I think four years in total of working on it will suffice.

#1757709 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 15 July 2016 - 12:41 PM

It's the setting we used for most our old pokemon RP's (was complete with towns, spreadsheet for where to find pokemon, etc.). Though, I was the one who created the original region and I wouldn't mind helping you make a new one if you wanted. Just pm me.

#1757697 The RP Lounge

Posted by El Phantom on 15 July 2016 - 11:28 AM

Given all the pokemon-induced hype, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in an RP regarding that?

I've been informed of previous failures in attempting to run Pokemon RPs in the forums. Nevertheless, I still want to give it a shot.

Regarding the concepts I have, the first would be your typical pokemon adventure but instead of going through the grind of the cycle of encountering, capturing and training pokemon, we would make use of timeskips and focus on major events such as gym battles, maybe going against poachers or a team rocket-esque organization, and the like. I'm considering making it relatively realistic; so seeing a skinny ten year-old boy accurately hurling a pokeball towards a target 20 ft away would be unlikely.

The second idea would make use of a fantasy-like setting where players would be adventurers and mercenaries who make use of pokemon. This would be more realistic in the sense that people being attacked by pokemon wouldn't be uncommon. Bandits and criminals could use their pokemon to harm others.

Any takers?


If you want, I've already got some system I've been sitting on for awhile. You can pick and take from it what you like, just let me know if you want to see it.

I also still have the Excel files of when Liar opened the Pokemon RP around a year or two back which was for the Pokemon and locations they can be found, and the map used for it.


Pretty much the only thing left is gyms and elite four.

#1757685 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 15 July 2016 - 04:24 AM

Given all the pokemon-induced hype, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in an RP regarding that?
I've been informed of previous failures in attempting to run Pokemon RPs in the forums. Nevertheless, I still want to give it a shot.
Regarding the concepts I have, the first would be your typical pokemon adventure but instead of going through the grind of the cycle of encountering, capturing and training pokemon, we would make use of timeskips and focus on major events such as gym battles, maybe going against poachers or a team rocket-esque organization, and the like. I'm considering making it relatively realistic; so seeing a skinny ten year-old boy accurately hurling a pokeball towards a target 20 ft away would be unlikely.
The second idea would make use of a fantasy-like setting where players would be adventurers and mercenaries who make use of pokemon. This would be more realistic in the sense that people being attacked by pokemon wouldn't be uncommon. Bandits and criminals could use their pokemon to harm others.
Any takers?

I'm always down for a good old fashioned Pokemon adventure.

#1753224 The RP Lounge

Posted by Officer Judy Hopps on 17 June 2016 - 01:49 PM

-Evil Cackle-


#1753215 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Unbelievably Majestic on 17 June 2016 - 12:11 PM

Yeah, don't worry about it. Spend some time running around in circles to get them levels going up. Then you can evolve the thing into an update.

#1753125 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Faye on 16 June 2016 - 05:46 PM

Next thing you know Rei is speaking crabs and you guys won't understand her either


#1753124 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by I-Am-X on 16 June 2016 - 05:45 PM

Poor Rei though. Everyone's going to be speaking in human and she won't understand a thing. 


Also, if you guys plan to take anything from the human, indicate it. In your next posts, I'd like you to include your character's name, level, abilities, skills, and inventory in a spoiler.  :)

The knapsack could come in handy if anyone of you would want it. And maybe a piece or two of the meat?


I was just going to talk about that considering we did it in the old rps.


I'll have jin take the knapsack as well. Now with a knife, pants, a bag, jin looking all sophisticated.

Will include it in the spoiler.

#1753115 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Faye on 16 June 2016 - 05:06 PM

We can share :<

#1753110 [IC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Faye on 16 June 2016 - 04:44 PM

\\ Rei


The outside world is such a wonderful place. Fro the vibrant blue of the sky, dotted with silvery clouds and adorned with golden sun rays to the deep blue of the sea. From the ivory sands of the beach to the viridian of the vegetation. From the beautiful resounding rhythm of the waves to the wonderful breeze that occasionally blows. Truly, it was everything the old Rei would have imagined through her sick bay. If only she could remember, this whole experience is her dream come true!


Sadly for the now-young-goblin, however, her rumbling stomach was distracting her too much for her to savour all the beautiful sensations. She was so hungry that she would gladly eat a rock. In fact, that medium-sized blue boulder has been looking really delicious for a while. Like, it's all inviting Rei to have a bite or something. For such a piece of rock to be so appetizing; truly magical, this new world she's in.


As she walked closer to the rock, however, her little eyes noticed something. The rock moved! A pair of stalk of some sort was twitching on top of it, and whenever Rei inched closer, it took a step backwards. And when she got reeeeealy close, the rock raised it's arms menacingly. The rock was alive! What kind of sorcery is this?!


"Pat-patri.. aaku?" Rei attempted to call the whatchamacallit old gob she talked with a moment ago in her confusion/excitement. "Pat! Look! This rock is alive!" she finally raised her voice excitedly. She had decided to forget calling him properly so long as both party could understand each other.


Of course, she was far enough for her voice to not reach the cave, and thus, the patriarch would neither be able to hear nor respond to her. Which gave birth to Rei's impulsive thought of running back to the cave to share her finding with the old wise one. But wait! Since the rock does have legs, there is a chance for it to run away while Rei ran back into the cave. That way, not only will the old one not see the rock, he will brand Rei as a liar! He'll most definitely whack her poor forehead once again! The horror!


It was then that a stroke of genius occurred to her. What if she catch the rock, and bring it to the old one? That should do it!


With her plan set, Rei gave herself a well-deserved proud nod to herself, and started to circle the rock, where the imposing hand-claw-thingy could not reach. From there, she decided to dash towards the rock and jump on it. Ride it rodeo-style, yo!

#1753103 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Unbelievably Majestic on 16 June 2016 - 04:08 PM

I mentioned that Patch was going back for it at some point in an early post. I' gunna grab it on the way back home. STICK BED!

#1753102 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Diabolical Rhapsody on 16 June 2016 - 04:07 PM

That's for Jin to do since he is the smarter one.

#1753099 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Diabolical Rhapsody on 16 June 2016 - 03:36 PM

@DR and Joker - Just waiting for X and Faye before I update. Also, for DR, will Mu be accompanying Patch on the next hunt?

Yes by all means. Patch is always hungry and Mu is his spirit sister in that regard. xP

#1753091 [OOC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Unbelievably Majestic on 16 June 2016 - 02:40 PM

Done. :3

#1753079 [IC] From Goblins to Gods

Posted by Unbelievably Majestic on 16 June 2016 - 12:29 PM



Patch was happy. After calming down and being less of an idiot he, along with the other two goblins, had managed to take down the monster. He danced with glee as it took it's last breath and said it's final grumble noises. He danced with glee as he pulled off his first chunk of meat. He stopped dancing with glee for a while as he chowed down like a hungry rottweiler. But then he went back and danced with glee once more after he had eaten his fill.


Today was a big and exciting day!


Today Patch had left the cave! He might have made some friends. He ate some green thing. And some sand. And some waves. And some grass. And a couple of pebbles. And a monster!  He had found the monster and made the monster food! It was a day of success. And Patch was not about to get off this train before it stopped. He was going to ride the good-luck as long as it would hold. He turned from his excited dancing and looked at his fellow goblins. He put the pipe in his mouth. In a brand new language he didn't realize he could speak he said. "Chaps, I'm off to do a spot more hunting. You may come along if you wish." With that, he turned and strode of in

a random direction to look for new and exciting monsters to kill.


