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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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its kind of a funny story

its kind of a funny story

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i dreamt that i was lying down, eyes open, for some reason cant move my body and there was this big insect who was flying around me. it gets closer and closer to my face and i freak out that its gonna land on my face... the moment its almost touching my face ... it flies away, then does the same thing over and over .... i got the feeling that fucking insect was toying with me and i am too helpless to do anything about it
i got tormented till l woke up...



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I had a dream about zombies. They're scary fun. Being overrun with them isn't much of a picnic, but I got away, so it's a win in my book. :)


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This was actually from a few days ago.


A swing set was built on my uni campus. It was PINK. And made of plastic. But I love being on a swing, and I miss being on one so much that I ignored the apparent danger and started playing on the swing. Since it was made of plastic, it was incredibly light, and I got really high up in just three swings. By the fourth swing, I got so high, the momentum actually threw me backwards, and I ended up swinging a full circle in the air. While I was falling, the plastic chain in my left hand broke, but I held the two ends together with sheer willpower. I somehow managed to land in a heap, but otherwise unharmed. I didn't panic even once despite the physical danger I was in, but I woke up feeling a bit out of breath.


Now I REALLY want to play on a proper swing.



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I had another zombie dream last night. Yep, kicked ass and saved the girl. I told you they were scary fun.


Russet potatoes are the most delicious!



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The other day I dreamt I was a janitorial worker for some kind of one-floored office building in a totalitarian country that controlled everything, with police constantly patrolling, checking for rule breakers. I had a burger that I bought for lunch and had somehow gotten ahold of an extra set of burger buns. In the dream, I knew that even the amount you ate was controlled, and they wouldn't let me eat any scrap of food more than the original burger I bought. But I was starving to death, and the money from the job was so horribly low that I couldn't afford to buy more food under-the-table. So, I stood in a deserted hallway in a less visited part of the building and hid the extra buns inside the burger and desperately squished it to make it look normal, while eating as fast as I could. I could hear the sound of police footsteps in the hall and knew I didn't have a lot of time. Even within the dream, I thought "this desperate because of some burger buns?" and thought the whole scene was silly, but I immediately thought to myself, that it doesn't matter if it looks silly, I've become that desperate, so I don't care what it looks like.

Halfway through eating the burger I woke up, and stared at the ceiling in a daze for awhile.

Then my cousin came by and told me "Hey, I made some pancakes. Go eat some if you want them."

"Burgers?" I asked, amazed.

"Pancakes!" he replied.

>.> Now. Replace all instances of Pancakes with Burgers, and you will know what I heard.

That dream was powerful...



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High school graduation with my homeroom teacher.



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I started to have a really good dream about... something. I woke up in the middle of it, drool hanging from my mouth. Unfortunately, I sucked it up by reflex, coughed, and then completely forgot what I was dreaming about... but still had that good dream feeling left. I was like, "Ah, dammit."


Russet potatoes are the most delicious!



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I had a dream where I was back in my old high school, only it was a college now, I was starting my second year, and when I went to class, I realized I didn't know my schedule for that day. I thought I'd go to the administration office to get it re-issued, but figured I could at least go to my first class. I got there, sat down at my computer, and forgot my login and password. I knew it was the same as last years, but couldn't for the life of me remember what it was, then I remembered that I had it written down on a note in one of my books at my locker, so I left class and opened my locker. I found the book with the note in it, and I read it... then woke up.


My question: Can anyone else actually read things in their dreams?


I read a few articles about it, and as far as they say, the two parts of the brain control different things, one side for creativity (i.e. dreaming) the other for cognitive functions (i.e. reading) and you can't read in dreams.


But I do... and everything is always in color.


Russet potatoes are the most delicious!



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I went to bed almost exactly when it started storming outside. The storms kept on mixing with my dreams. I was dreaming something about the webcomic I'm trying not to obsess over. And since that comic involves all sorts of weird time paradoxes, I remember trying to figure out if the really close thunder I heard was actually the one I'd heard before and if I'd gotten back to when it actually happened. They all kept looping in my head. It's harder to describe than I thought it would be. 

Then all the sudden there's a REALLY loud thunderclap and this translates to my backyard getting set on fire. I think Deadpool was there in the backyard with me? I don't know what that was all about, especially since I am in no way reading/watching things related to him. But yeah, then the fire spread to my house. I ran out of my room and saw smoke filling up the rooms on the other side of the house. (I remembered to stay low to the ground, kudos to dream Nepenthe.) My little sister was there in the breakfast room which is really the bird room ever since she got birds. I saw the birdcage and realized we couldn't leave them to die from the smoke, and yelled to her something like "What do we do?!!" And then I woke up. Well. Woke up significantly more than I had previous times.

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I forget what exactly my dream was. It involved someone being really condescending and just all-around terrible--that's pretty much all I remember. But what was much more memorable...

I woke up FURIOUS. Like there wasn't a clear line between my dream and being awake; one just flowed into the other. I was SO MAD and without thinking I sat up, reached behind me, grabbed one of my pillows, and HURLED IT ACROSS THE ROOM. Like there, I showed you dream asshole.

Then I just laid back down and went back to sleep. 

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Haha, love reading these. Y'all have had some good ones lately. Heck, I had a fun one recently too and that hardly ever happens. This one came about 'cause I was up until 3 AM listening to Van Halen and David Lee Roth.


It starts off on a hallway highway, tearing through the building on some fucking sweet power-cruiser motorcycles. Metallic black with some killer green flames. Eddie was right beside me, but I was falling behind on account of the fact that I was riding a tall bookcase. Those things struggle to go past 60, let me tell you. Fortunately, David came up on his own cruiser and told me to hop on. The rest of the dream consisted of touring with the band and just in general causing all sorts of mayhem and destruction, having one hell of a good time. It ended, as it should, in a bar on the outskirts of town with Eddie, David, Alex, Michael and myself drinking the night away. Promises were made, promises were broken, and all in all, while I never did become part of that legendary early 80's lineup, it was still the most fun I can remember in any of my dreams. I even woke up with a hangover and I swear I didn't drink last night!



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It's time to blow your minds! LOL


This one was neat... I was in some kind of school achievement program, and partial boarding school. I went through the course and passed in the end. But, I had a feeling it wasn't supposed to work out that way and that someone didn't want it to... so, I reset it and I had the dream again, only this time, people were actively working against me and I got kicked out of the course about halfway through, but I didn't know who was behind it. So, I reset again and had the dream a third time, and it barely started, and I wasn't even accepted into the course. I moved around and watched, and discovered it was the one running the program that was working against me. I confronted him, and I told him that if he'd never had the school doctor suggest that I was an unsuitable candidate for the program, that I would have turned out to be a fantastic citizen. He looked dumbfounded, and I turned and left his office. I was happy that I had discovered the culprit, and woke up.
The details are pretty much meaningless... but the fact that I had not one, not two, but three dreams... in essence a triple dream, was a significant achievement for me. I've never had that before. :)


Russet potatoes are the most delicious!

PItiful Boar

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I was in charged of a parking lot facilities and I came up with the idea that shutting the lights down wouls save $. The problem is would the cars be safe with the lights off? So I decided to test with super-smart controls that can link the car batteries that can automatically power the lights. 


I had a co-worker who was driving a BMW race car, a 1 seater, and we were testing the control by swapping out the batteries. The car looked like more like the bats mobile, and my co-worker looked like a young leonardo dicaprio from the movie what's eating albert grape. 

Edited by Fishy No Moar, 11 April 2016 - 04:22 PM.

PItiful Boar

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I was dreaming about an English final exam, and I hadn't memorize the list of English vocabulary. A friend was passing me the list of vocabulary - and one of the word was "alaurian". I was like??? (And yes, apparently you can read/spell letters during a dream! ) At the same time I was getting the results of my test from japanese class and I got a 69. 

Edited by Fishy No Moar, 11 April 2016 - 04:25 PM.

PItiful Boar

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Today I dreamt about being killed in an elevator by a giant monster that was lurking beneath the floor. Somehow I identified the monster to be the notorious "Lion King" from the island of Tahiti. Nevermind how lions made their way to a polynesian island. Actually the thing didn't even looked like a lion. It looked more like a spider than a lion. 

I woke up suddenly and I couldn't move. I thought I was being haunted by an evil spirit that was lurking by my bed, so I started reciting the lords prayer. Halfway through I was able to move again and I got up and went to the bathroom. 



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I had a kind of 'Erased' (Boku Dake ga Inai Machi) dream. I remembered a serial killer, went back in time, got the police involved, saved his first victim, killed a couple thugs by breaking their neck when he escaped, and caught him before he could start the spree. I also caught a man who had put him up to it, too, then I woke up.


I've got a weird brain.


I love it, though. It's really fun sometimes... when it's not pissing me off. LOL


Russet potatoes are the most delicious!



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My question: Can anyone else actually read things in their dreams?


I read a few articles about it, and as far as they say, the two parts of the brain control different things, one side for creativity (i.e. dreaming) the other for cognitive functions (i.e. reading) and you can't read in dreams.


But I do... and everything is always in color.

I sort of feel like I'm resurrecting your post, but oh well?


I read music in my dreams. And let me tell you, reading dream-sheet-music is VERY FRUSTRATING. It's like the logical, capable part of my brain that translates the notes into pitches and rhythms wakes up. So, I get frustrated when the notes my dream-self sings are not at all what my brain read on the page and told me to sing. The music also would keep on changing! As if I know that it was supposed to continue on with the same theme but now it's suddenly different. So yeah, the two don't mix very well. XD

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I read music in my dreams. And let me tell you, reading dream-sheet-music is VERY FRUSTRATING. It's like the logical, capable part of my brain that translates the notes into pitches and rhythms wakes up. So, I get frustrated when the notes my dream-self sings are not at all what my brain read on the page and told me to sing. The music also would keep on changing! As if I know that it was supposed to continue on with the same theme but now it's suddenly different. So yeah, the two don't mix very well. XD


Did you try to write down the music you 'read' in your dream? What about the music you 'sang'? Did you remember it? I bet if it happens again you'll find something very interesting if you copy it down...


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Did you try to write down the music you 'read' in your dream? What about the music you 'sang'? Did you remember it? I bet if it happens again you'll find something very interesting if you copy it down...

No, I don't remember the music I sang. Trying to remember it would be like trying to remember a string of digits you saw briefly once.  The most remembered dream of mine, where I read music, was a few years ago anyway. Besides--like I said--it kept on changing with little rhyme or reason. The actual music that was on the page wouldn't be worth listening to in reality.

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Once, I had a dream where I was a young kid, and my friends and I had found an old ship sitting in the bay at night. For some bizarre reason, we decided to row out to it and investigate the inside, scouring degraded wooden corridors and creaky rooms. Eventually, we reached a large back room, with a coffin sitting in a blue glowing circle. For some reason, we decided to enter the ring and open the coffin, which resurrected the long-dead captain and caused us all to scream in fear. We then all split up and run, and I ended up tripping and being eaten alive by the zombie pirate captain...That was it, 'cause I then woke up with a racing heart. 


I can't remember any of my other dreams, and the only other ones that I still remember are just dreams where I watch my novel characters interact with other fictional worlds.