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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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Orange orange

Orange orange

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I don't really now anything about the brain, and thus am extremely qualified, but you might want to read about REM and lucid dreaming. Maybe you can find something there. But yeah it is really annoying when you don't know whether or not something was a dream, especially when you later have memories of what occurred. It has happened to me a couple of times . so would be fun knowing what might be causing it.

Does anyone know of a children's book containing a cannibal pirate captain who tricks a priest into eating his own servant? I know it exists, but have forgotten the name.



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Had two dreams this morning.


I was watching Captain America 2 in the cinema... WITH CHRIS EVANS SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME. He was really friendly and he patted me on the head (pffft). But then I got a phone call from my mum and she said I had to leave for something very important. So I said goodbye to Chris and sudden I did that dream teleport thing and I ended up in a hotel restaurant where there was some sort of function going on. I don't know what's happening but there were a bunch of people taking group photos behind a long table with... an awful lot of grapes on it. And one of them in a waiter's uniform waved me over and was like, "C'mon everyone's been waiting for you!" So I joined in on the group photo with grapes... Then I did the teleport thing again and this time I found myself on a bus on my way to meet up with my mum, but I was lost, and I started feeling really nervous because I realised I had no money with me. I didn't know how I got on the bus in the first place so I supposed it didn't matter, so I got off and walked along the street, still very lost.


Then I woke up from the cold because my duvet had fallen off the bed. So I got up, picked it up, go went back to sleep.


In my dream, I bolted up from my bed in a panic. I looked at my phone and it was 2:30pm or something. I freaked out because that meant I missed my class at 12:30pm.


Then I woke up again, this time for real, and much to my relief, it was only 10:15am.




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about two days ago i had this dream where i was in a huge shopping mall. 




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6 weird dreams in a row in one night...

  1. I composed a poem on insomnia (oh the irony).
  2. I was in a living room with a noisy kid and two identical televisions (the very bulky kind found in the early 2000s).
  3. I was riding shotgun with my mum driving. Then suddenly she said she wanted to drive from the backseat, so she got off the car and got in again from the back... and for some reason, there's another steering wheel back there ._.
  4. I was free-falling from the sky with Adam Levine as my parachute (what even)
  5. I was chased by someone while I was driving through a desert. I ended up running the car up a mountain full of trees (what's a mountain doing in the middle of a desert...)
  6. A boy confessed to me and I had a boyfriend. The boy was someone I know in real life so it felt extremely weird. Both he and I are very OOC and I was just like WTF 

Orange orange

Orange orange

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I had a dream recently where I woke up in my bed at 5.30 in the morning. Immediately I wondered what lessons I would have that day, and then remembered that there would be no biology because my teacher was dead. I was distraught by this, and the rest off he dream was essentially being depressed and not doing anything.Afterwards I woke up, at 7.00, and after some convincing I remembered that my teacher was still alive.
I have had quite a few of these morning dreams. The bad part is that they seem so real that I at times don't know whether they are dreams or not.
Does anyone know of a children's book containing a cannibal pirate captain who tricks a priest into eating his own servant? I know it exists, but have forgotten the name.



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I had a dream recently where I woke up in my bed at 5.30 in the morning. Immediately I wondered what lessons I would have that day, and then remembered that there would be no biology because my teacher was dead. I was distraught by this, and the rest off he dream was essentially being depressed and not doing anything.Afterwards I woke up, at 7.00, and after some convincing I remembered that my teacher was still alive.
I have had quite a few of these morning dreams. The bad part is that they seem so real that I at times don't know whether they are dreams or not.

You don't want to admit subconsciously that you hope your biology teacher is really dead. I know of a bad biology teacher once so I can understand.

A magistrate/judge/detective was doing an investigation of a murder case. The body of the departed was disposed of in lime. The judge was saying something profound about the state of the body, how to extract information from the blood on the wall. That's when I realize the judge's eyes had a weird coloring to them. Vampire eyes or undead eyes.




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dont remember what else happened but i ended up making out with the ghost waiter. i don't think i ate any of that cake tho.
haven't been able to remember my dreams for the last 2 days.[/spoiler]

Is that the new thing now? Rather than sexy vampires or sexy Patrick swayze ghosts it's sexy waiter ghosts?

I dreamt last night about someone who I was very close with in school and remained close with throughout university despite their leaving to go elsewhere. They abruptly cut contact with me roughly two months ago and in the dream they appeared at my house acting as if nothing had happened, when I tried to ask her what had happened she didnt even acknoedge it and asked me how I was and continued to dodge the question when I asked where she had gone and why she had so abruptly cut all contact out of nowhere. My heart has been aching since I woke up and it's left me feeling off all day



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Another monsters dream. I was in the sewers and i was walking on pogo sticks wadding through shit being chased by a monster who was like a mosquito.



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A high school friend loaned me the copy of the final test svhedule and it was off campus on brahaman lane or something



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Met my former boss / colleague inside a warehouse and they told me they were working for the big pharma Merck. 




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i had this dream 2 hrs ago while i was napping

i dreamt that the world got overpopulated and everyone was assigned a number of centimeters where he or she can live and they can't get oustide that range

my space was 39 cm

i woke up while i was plotting to kill my neighbors to increase my space

take it all in pffffffff



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I was traveling on the back of a bus and I remember for some reason seeing an old friend I haven't seen for a long time walking behind the bus, talking on the cellphone and going to the gym. 



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I dreamt I was renting out my house and going back to the uni that i went to 

was i working as a lecturer? i think i miss skewl lyf



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I was in third person omnipotent view watching a young man dragging his big house behind him (on a trailer?). apparently he has gotten trouble with the government and they've sent agents after him. the road got narrower and narrower until he had to abandon the house and proceed forward. the agents tried to intercept him, but fortunately a young woman posed as his wife and gave him a package disguised as a gift. after the agents left he gave her a sword as a parting gift and went onto the ferry. After the news reached HQ agents that he escaped agents were dispatched to kill of his friend and his friend's wife. =[



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i was presenting a paper and I claimed the french Jacobins have their biblical roots in Jacob. Never mind the fact that real Jacobins were staunch atheists.



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so this weirdo high school teacher was preparing a trap to turn three of his students into vampires like himself, using poisoned candy

the students foiled his plan and discovered who he really was


strangely enough not scary at all. 



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I dreamt i was in a hotel/resort/giant playhouse of some kind and i remember going around the place? playing games? the furnitures were huge / super-sized.

its kind of a funny story

its kind of a funny story

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i dreamt i was a bald chinese woman in a men's suit. i also had a sword on my back, hidden under the jacket.... i remember cutting off a few heads under orders from the organization.




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had a dream i was walking around in the city with a friend and his friends, after getting out of a concert. i was holding hands with this one guy and flirting with another. we stumbled upon another group where i saw an ex, tried to talk to him but he wouldn't acknowledge me. we then went to a random house, turns out another ex lived there. drank a few beers. nothing much happened, i remember we had a few conversations but i cant remember what was said. ??? weird dream.



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I dreamt I had AIDS. Woke up wondering why I hadn't gotten a doctor's checkup.