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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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The fact that you realised that this old man who was grooming you was dodgy and then decided that it was okay because he was giving you free food is actually very funny

You never know, they say your dreams reflect your worries, thoughts and reality, have you by any chance encountered strange geriatric food elves or shape shifting buildings lately? Is there a chance you have but can't remember? We may have a conspiracy on our hands


oh man, i know. BUT he didn't look very old in the dream. at most, he must've been in his 30s.

it wasn't just free food, it was free sweets which is a very real stereotype. this gets worse the more i analyze.


lol not remembering food elves is a plausible idea. for all i know i could be sleep walking into another dimension at night. which would be cool.

it's funny you mention elves because i've been trying to convince my younger cousin that elves hide out in the backyard for the last week.




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oh man, i know. BUT he didn't look very old in the dream. at most, he must've been in his 30s.

it wasn't just free food, it was free sweets which is a very real stereotype. this gets worse the more i analyze.


Yeah the more you tell me the more certain I am that you had a dream where you were getting groomed. Hey you never know, he might be nice kind of strange man who gives out sweets for the sake of spreading joy and cavities.



lol not remembering food elves is a plausible idea. for all i know i could be sleep walking into another dimension at night. which would be cool.

it's funny you mention elves because i've been trying to convince my younger cousin that elves hide out in the backyard for the last week.


Like Del Toro Pans Labyrinth cool or Bowie the Labyrinth cool?


I did something similar once when I convinced my younger brother that the old Mr.Bean doll we had was possessed. He put it in the back of my cousin's wardrobe and left it in their house.




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Yeah the more you tell me the more certain I am that you had a dream where you were getting groomed. Hey you never know, he might be nice kind of strange man who gives out sweets for the sake of spreading joy and cavities.



Like Del Toro Pans Labyrinth cool or Bowie the Labyrinth cool?


I did something similar once when I convinced my younger brother that the old Mr.Bean doll we had was possessed. He put it in the back of my cousin's wardrobe and left it in their house.


can't complain, it's not the worst dream i've had!


pan's labyrinth all the way. i've yet to watch bowie's movie and should probably do so.


that's awful...

but totally something i would also do.



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I fantasize about a world where I'm the ruler, chocolate, ice cream, and whipped cream make you lose weight, healthy, and everything is 99% off!



    Russet Potato

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Had two nightmares this morning.


First one: People hate me for the murders I've committed (uhh I've only killed people in my dreams, never in real life). We were in some sort of meeting, and people started yelling angrily at me, and I got really upset. I lost my temper (I don't really have a temper in real life) and they were all scared shitless. I stood up and stormed out of the room. For some reason, I remember very specifically that I was wearing a really nice dress.


Second one: I was walking along a road, then suddenly a bunch of animals and insects swarmed all over me. My two thumbs were pinched by huge ladybugs and my back was covered in spiders. It hurt like hell and I was scared to death, then somebody sliced all the bugs off me and got me somewhere safe.



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Kusu your subconscious is telling you to bring back your Alice persona



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in the last nightmare i had i told a sweet fun-loving girl that her acting was good and she must have been trained by a rival assasin T_T



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I have a tendency to have lucid dreams and remember most of it. I write about my dreams in my bedroom, this wall is full of stories.

Sometimes people come by and I enjoy to take pictures with the wall as background.




I have been throught a serie of dreams that I'm married to Rob/Horn (But I don't really talk to him, so ????), about 4 days in a row, weird dreams (kinda cool tho).

Last night dream was kinda creppy, I guess. I hacked into Rob's computer and copied all of his files into a external hard drive (I didn't erase anything, blackmailing proposes), instaled a software where I could stalk what he was doing and left a video file in his desktop, changed his wallpaper for max attention, yellow arrows around the video file "Watch this". Then he opened the file and It was me sayind "Hello dear Robert, as you should have noticed I hacked into your computer, It's gabbu, If you want to talk about It you can find me in Sibylla next to your house or ...." (Something like this, I don't really remember what I said, but Rob looked scarried) and then I said "It's an online stream, you should put a shirt on or I can just stare at your nipples all night long." [....can't remember]

We met. (I don't even know swedish, IRL I would end up not even leaving the airport [probably...])

I started living with him. I was blackmailing him all the time, so he did nothing to me, but I was paying my expenses.

There was a programm that I needed to turn off everyday or It would spread Rob's info.

We had a date that we broke into a house, smoked weed and turn on the sound system (This song was playing). We ate mountains of toasts, pissed in the couch and then left.

I woke up in the middle of something..


ps: When we met at the first time I asked him something like "Marry me?"

and he was like "Are you nuts?"

"I'm nuts"

Edited by gabbu, 27 January 2016 - 10:54 AM.




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First one: People hate me for the murders I've committed (uhh I've only killed people in my dreams, never in real life). We were in some sort of meeting, and people started yelling angrily at me, and I got really upset. I lost my temper (I don't really have a temper in real life) and they were all scared shitless. I stood up and stormed out of the room. For some reason, I remember very specifically that I was wearing a really nice dress.


So yesterday I had a dream that's a prequel to this dream I had a few days ago lol


And guess who it was that I killed?

It was Mad-Eye Moody (bahahahahahaha wut). I don't know why, but he was chasing me down. Then we ended up on a footbridge where there were some people around. I just shoved him off the bridge. It was very undramatic. The dramatic part comes next. I saw there were eyewitnesses, so I ran for it. It was almost like the Jason Bourne movies. I realised I was wearing an orange T-shirt, which was like a beacon yelling to everyone "HERE'S THE MURDERER COME CATCH ME". So I hopped onto a bus whose driver happened to be someone I know. He gave me a change of clothes (hence the really nice dress) and I changed the way I wore my hair. But just then, we arrived at a police roadblock. I was really nervous, because I knew I was a wanted criminal and they would probably recognise me. An officer asked for my identifications, and I tried my best to feign nonchalance as I fumbled around for my purse. The bus driver came to my rescue again. He handed me a fake ID by bending down to the floor and putting it into my hand, as if I had dropped it on the floor. The police squinted at me for a bit but he let me go. It was a really close call. Then we arrived at some sort of public housing estate, where a friend was waiting for me. This 'friend' is a girl I kinda know in real life but isn't particularly close with, so she's just a friend in my dream. She was really street-savvy and knew her way around all these secret shortcuts and alleyways. So she ferried me to a safe hideout. But for some reason I had to move again (forgot why), and this time I wasn't so lucky. A whole troop of police officers were waiting in ambush and this time the fake ID was no use.

And that was the story of how I ended up being arrested for chucking Mad-Eye Moody off a bridge.




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this morning i dreamt i was in elementary school again. i was failing most subjects, not even bothering w/ exams because i knew i was gonna get a piss poor grade. after school i took all my books home to study, and i was carrying this huge, heavy backpack. eventually, this girl & i went to a bath house. we sneaked in through the back and found a room where there was this guy (current friend) and he invited us in. we got into the jacuzzi with our clothes on. dont remember what we talked about. when our time was up, the host came into the room. he was pissed off for some reason. i told him to quit being such a buzzkill and he threw all these glass cups and plates to the ground and started screaming. we got out but he grabbed my backpack and began to throw everything inside on the floor.


my former best friend showed up to help me. when we managed to gather all the books, i walked ahead of my best friend out of the room and when i turned around she was gone. i went to look for her but couldn't find her. i asked around, nobody knew anything. then, near the front entrance there was this tall, blonde lady that asked me if I wanted to know if my best friend was okay. i said 'sure'. the lady got out two pieces of candy (the wrapper was yellow with orange) and ate the first one. she told me my best friend was dead, then asked me if i wanted to know if she had suffered. i said yes. she ate the second candy and made a really sour face, started to cry and told me my best friend had suffered a lot. after that i woke up.



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was going on a hike - and people in the ticketboxes were charging me by what level i would hike to


ground was like $10

level 2 was like $15

and level 3 was like $20


i was like - how do you what level you're on? and then i saw the hike trails... it looked something like this





i was like... ok

Edited by smthFishy, 31 January 2016 - 06:23 PM.




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i dreamt that i was trying to sleep but couldnt. i cant tell if it was  a dream or not.

take it all in pffffffff




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Last night I dreamt that I was in my Grandmothers village in Hong Kong, my great grandparents were there and they kept telling me how disappointed they were that I go by my English name instead of my Chinese one and that I hadn't learnt how to speak Hakka, then I had a dream that my grandmother on my mothers side was disappointed that I didn't go to mass at Christmas or Easter and haven't been to a Sunday mass since I was fourteen. Long story short I woke up feeling very guilty and lacking in filial piety 



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I dreamt I was engaged in group mortal kombat. i was going around branding people and turning them over to my side. i also erected a barrier to keep the enemies out. then the some dude with a chainsaw started to cut the thick rope barrier. he broke through and he managed to put his chainsaw into one of my guys. couldn't hold the fort down and they keep streaming in.

Orange orange

Orange orange

    Fingerling Potato

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I had a dream about bad teeth today. It began with one of my back teeth splitting in half, though it did not stop there. Because while I was reeling in pain the other teeth began to break apart as well. Naturally I began to panic from all of this, and while I panicked my mouth started to get filled with the splinters of my broken teeth. Those splinters must have multiplied or something, because soon I was holding my jaws open just spewing forth a stream of broken teeth which were nearly as large as my fist. (They were around a third of the size of my fist to be more precise, so maybe not that large.) After this my dream must have ended, or I may have forgotten the rest. Nevertheless it was quite the experience.


Oh well, better than the time I dreamt of the adventures of me and a guinea pig who lived in a shoe. That one had a moment where we walked out through a window because we had somehow ended up in the wrong changing room or something. It was the only way to escape without anyone being suspicious of us.

Does anyone know of a children's book containing a cannibal pirate captain who tricks a priest into eating his own servant? I know it exists, but have forgotten the name.



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Been a while since I checked back in. Love seeing what your twisted subconscious selves have to offer. Some of these are funny as hell. Actually, reading Dan's posts reminds me that I've had more than a few dreams about alcohol.


I've been enjoying alcoholic ciders recently. Lower calories, gluten-free, 1 serving of fruit per bottle. And they can be made fairly dry, which is an important point. Still knock back a beer every once in a while but must've been too long since I had a shot of whiskey 'cause that's what I dreamt about. Going on record to say that I don't like bourbon. Yeah yeah, un-American, sue me. I tried to like it but I favor the drier stuff. Anyway, I was in my living room with a bottle and a shot glass. A fine evening, missing a cigar. That shoulda tipped me off, but I don't do the lucid dreaming stuff like you guys do. So here I am with an oval bottle of unknown whiskey and I'm not even pouring it. The glass fills up, or rather, it's full as I pick it up and down it straight.


Son of a gun, wouldn't you know it - it's sickeningly sweet like bourbon fermented in solid sugar. Now, it doesn't really taste of anything distinct besides that so it's really just the nature of the drink that's coming through, at least in the dream. Like every other time I've tried it, I scrunch up in disgust. Unlike other times, I put the glass down (which is full once again) and throw back another shot. This continues for several repetitions, each time garnering the same unpleasantness. I must have finally had enough on account of me waking up abruptly at about four in the morning.


So that ends the dream, but I did go downstairs and procure a quarter-bottle of rye whiskey. Have a tendency to nurse the stuff for a while since it was hard to find when I started drinking. Don't drink, kids.



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I was going through a toll-pass and I didn't have my identification/papers, and there was some kind of administration building right next to the stop. I had to talk to people who told me that I needed a second pair of glasses as required by my license.


expensive tastes




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I had that dream again where you cant tell if you are awake or asleep, but you are trying to. What does it all mean?

take it all in pffffffff



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Don't know, pal. Are you tired when you wake up? Uneasy when you go to bed? Schedule a bit off? Something bothering you? Give us some more to go on.



expensive tastes


Funny thing, last night I had a dream where I could drink straight from the barrel for $24/hr. Spent $80 and over 3 hours on half a barrel. Didn't taste like anything though, damn shame.




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no, i am not tired when i wake up. even though it feels like i've been struggling to sleep for just minutes, hours actually have passed when i get off bed.

take it all in pffffffff