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[RP] Draco's castle

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    The Resident Neko

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Even with the dagger draining her energy, she had continued to summon the Shadows, blood trickling from her nose, ears, and eyes. She had caught sight of Geo rushing towards them, only to be stopped by a woman with long silver hair. Her attacks on him were deadly, relentless and brutal. Maia swore under her breath, and struggled harder in the man's arms. Then she saw her. X, leading a platoon of grunts towards the hollow where Inumori lay. So, she had lived. Maia smiled sadly,  holding one hand out to the woman, even though her attention was focused on the hollow. "Hellfire! Protect Inumori's body!"


The dragon, hearing Maia's command, turned and dashed towards the hollow; his red eyes glowing with rage. The two new Shadow Knights formed as Hellfire took stance in front of the hollow, their darkened armor clinking slightly as they moved through the fray. Maia focused her attention on X once more, and with as much power as she could muster, projected her thoughts to the woman. X, please, help us. I know I have not given you much reason to trust me, but you can. The Organization is evil. You are so much better than them! Please, X, don't let them use you anymore! You can be one of us. A part of this city. Please, X, ple-


The man's dagger crashed into the back of her head, and she twitched, lights bursting behind her eyes as pain sliced through her skull. Crimson tears fell from her eyes as she felt her body starting to go limp, darkness bordering her vision.  Inumori, my beloved Inumori, I failed... I wasn't strong enough. With the last bit of her consciousness slipping away, she projected one last thought to X. I forgive you..... Darkness swallowed her, and she fell completely limp in the man's arms.


Hellfire bellowed his rage, the ground shaking as he slammed his tail into the ground. Taking a deep breath, he released his fire into the mass of grunts rushing towards him and Inumori's body, though he carefully avoided the woman. He had heard Maia's thoughts. The woman was not to be harmed. The fire, Inumori's hellfire, consumed X's armed grunts, the flames licking at their armor and skin as it brought about their destruction.

Edited by Maia, 31 March 2013 - 09:41 AM.


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Arriving at the target area, she notices that all of her men have stopped cold.


"What's going on?! Why the hell has everyone stopped!?"


"Commander!!!" Yelled her 2nd-in-command


"We've got trouble!" continued the grunt pointing upwards revealing 2 monstrous black beings.


Frozen, X was completely speechless. 


"What.....what in the hell are they!?"


There was no information on them, not that we were given anyways...


"It looks like Knight Guardians and yet Maia's shadow guardians. Did they fuse together? I guess it shouldn't be surprising, they are creations made my inumori and Maia..."


Pausing as to think of a plan of attack...


Should I hold off on my attack on the guardians in hopes that some or all of them pay more attention to ashax and maia once ashax makes a break for it? Or-


Her train of thought interupted by a strange but familar voice as she fell to thr ground, holding her head in pain...


X, please, help us. I know I have not given you much reason to trust me, but you can. The Organization is evil. You are so much better than them! Please, X, don't let them use you anymore! You can be one of us. A part of this city. Please, X, ple-


I've....heard....this before....What is...who is it...? M....a....ia?


Managing to get to her knees, X's head immediately snaps back towards ashax and sees maia looking directly at her with her hand out as ashax hits her in the back of the head. Frozen, as a strange sense of dread surges through her being as she sees crimson tears fall from Maia's eyes as her body started going limp.


Looking at the grounds with her hands on her head...


What...what is this feeling? Why, why am I feeling it?! She's the enemy...what happens to her is of no concern to me-


I forgive you.....


As Maia finally went completely limp in ashaxs arms as he slinged her onto his shoulders, X's heart stops as she freezes up once more as her eyes widens.


"I forgive you....."


She...forgives...me? Forgives...me...


As all the past incidents with Maia, Her last words...thoughts repeat back in her mind.


"I know I have not given you much reason to trust me, but you can. The Organization is evil. You are so much better than them!"


Looking back at Maia...


"You can be one of us. A part of this city. Please, X..."


One of them? A part of the city....


While in thought, hellfires rage grew...the ground started shaking as he slammed his tail into the ground as he took a deep breath and released his fire into the mass amount of grunts rushing onwards.


As the fire consumed all of X's armed grunts....tears started streaming down her cheek. Oblivious to the events at hand, X remained frozen in a state of shock as the fire went past her, replaying Maia's last words in her mind.


"I forgive you....."



Edited by I-Am-X, 31 March 2013 - 05:59 AM.


The Epic Of X:




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Mai was scared, more so than she had ever been in her short existence. Not only did she have to face the loss of her father, but now, the serious threat of losing her mother too. She could feel the explosions rocking the ground, the sounds echoing slightly through the heavy blast doors. She knew she was safe there, Nepenthe and her guardians were there with her, but the sense of dread still hung heavily in the air. Geo had led them here, then, with the promise of returning, had vanished back into the graveyard.


There had been so many armed men flooding into the graveyard, their sheer masses seemingly overwhelming. The ground shifted and rocked as Hellfire roared, and she knew something was wrong; her small hands seeking and gripping the hem of Nepenthe's shirt tightly. She looked up at the woman, tears swimming in the depths of her strange eyes. "What is going to happen?"



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She switched the mechanical eyes back to a standard vision as she watched Geo land. One thin eyebrow arched as he scratched the back of his head and spoke to her in a slightly offended voice. She scoffed and stood slowly. "I do not care what you call yourself, you will stil-" The sound of the dragon roaring and the ground suddenly shaking caught her off guard, and she spun around in time to see, Ashax sling Maia over his shoulder and X's grunts get cooked to a crisp by the dragon.


She noticed X slumped down on the ground, tears flowing down her cheeks, and Tance frowned. So, that's how it was. "Tch... little fool." She half looked back, sent a backwards roundhouse kick at Geo's jaw, and took off like a rocket towards Ashax, the unconscious Mayor still slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She pondered the thought of slinking past the dragon, but his massive body blocked the entrance of the hollow.


How the hell was she going to get past that thing? She stood in front of Ashax, her icy eyes watching the dragon closely as she prepared to protect her boss. "What is Plan B, Boss? Take the woman and flee?" Tance looked around to make sure that they were somewhat safe, then looked back at Ashax, whispering so that only he could hear her.  "When things settle, I can come back for Inumori. I will not fail."




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"UGH. OW." Geo was hazed as Tance kicked him in the jaw. He coughed a little blood and massaged his jaw, hoping that the pain will fade away. He barely caught the sight of Tance rocketing over where Maia was. "Some nerve she has... agh... I should return to Mai... I'm not fit it fight any more." Geo limped away to where Mai and Nepenthe were. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




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Catching sight of movement as Existance rushed away from Geo the Phantom Knights and the Bishop sprung into action. The Bishop rushed out to Geo hoping to tend to his wounds before returning to the hollow. The Phantom Knights rushed in to battle Ashax and Existance now that the dragon had taken to the fight.




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The tenders were a help to Geo, but it still didn't make Geo feel any better than he is. His eyes were dulled and he felt weak, powerless, even with all the powers he has. He returned to the bunker and saw Mai there once again. He gave a hollow smile to her and complete walked past her as he returned to his room. His clothes, or what's left of them, was a waste and he tried to find a new set of clothes. He laid on his bed, staring at the blank ceiling.

"Am I that weak? Is sparing lives of my enemies makes me weak?" He clenched his fist tightly until it was painful. But he was too tired to do anything anymore, he felt hopeless; his eyes grew heavy and he closed his eyes. 


"Wake up, Geo. Tis' not the time for such foolery. You need to continue, you need to act." The Angel was there, he looked faint, like he was disappearing. His face was serious and looked at Geo, "You are not weak, your heart is pure. But sometimes you will need to kill someone, you need to learn that." Geo continued to clench his fist, "I am weak, I can't do anything." The Angel hit him in the face, he was dead serious, "You. are. not. weak. GET IT TO YOUR HEAD! Listen. If you want to help someone who is in endangered, and also if you are endangered, you will have to fight. Sometimes, you need to get rid of the evil that way." This made Geo silent, he didn't know what to do. The Angel turned away from Geo, he faded away as he walked further apart. The Demon faded in, and his eyes glowed red.


"You are an Idiot. All this power to protect others, yet can't protect yourself? Listen, you have to end the people who will always do evil. Not everyone can be save-" "Anyone can be saved. Look at you, Inumori saved you, saved me from all the evil we did." "Don't you dare cut me off. You can try to saved everyone without hurting them, but some will not listen and continue doing wrong. You are not weak, Geo, your heart is pure, but you need to learn." The Demon faded away as well, and left Geo there.


"This is the way the world works, does it? If they want me dead, I will do the same." Geo's face returned back to normal. He exited and walked back to the battlefield. "I still have that promise to make, this time I won't run." Geo walked across the battlefield with a sword on his hand. As the grunts tried to attack him, he in return, didn't hold back. "I still don't like this, but it's what I have to do to save someone." He continued walking as he tried to find Maia. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.


The Roady

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"Well i fell as if you young ones fight all the time and never have fun! Well lets go to the bar! Put all your drinks on my tab and have a good time!!! Fair warning my sister may bite but i chew so dont harm her or else"
If you need anything stop by and chat.... i can tell the storys of when batotia was young if you wish!

*Hops to the bar

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seing that - he could scarcely believe it - a dragon had dealt with about all of the grunts, and the fights were continuing on. He darted forward and tried to see what happened to Maia. To his surpirise, the guy that had attacked her, was still there. He didn't think twice, dove to the ground, rolled over his shoulder to accelerate and jumped forward. The dropkick that followed was lightly off so that he wouldn't hit Maia, but only the abductor's head.


But on the last second he rethought and changed the traject to land safely on the ground. Immedeatly he turned around and made a swing for ashax dagger.



Give her back, you can't do this. My subordinate will cry if you do.


Actually, Nevernown himself couldn't think of a reason, he just felt like ashax was... wrong... wrong on all accounts. And he would protect Maia. There was no-one else he saw who could help. Even though he was just human - Enhanced or not. - He still had to give his best.


Then he heard a voice in his head


"connection restored"


And he grinned, the odds were evened.

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Ashax was about to make his escape when suddenly the dragon slammed its tail to the ground and breathes fire towards X and the grunts.
"Shit, X!" Ashax shouted at his former student, attempting to warn her of the dragon's attack, as the fire engulfs everything in its path.
The fire burned most of the grunts to crisp. X miraculously emerged unscathed but seems to be dazed and in tears.


[How did she survive the dragon's fire? She can't possibly take it head on-]

Tance suddenly appears in front of Ashax with a defensive stance while keeping her eyes on the dragon.
"What is Plan B, Boss? Take the woman and flee?" Tance said to his leader.
Ashax stays silent and didn't answer her question.

"When things settle, I can come back for Inumori. I will not fail." she whispered to him
"That... That is out of the question." he told her "This moment may be our only chance at capturing Inumori. If we let this pass, Inumori will awaken and it'll be years for a similar chance to come."

Ashax looks at the dragon for an opening, there is none.
"If there is no opening, make one." Ashax whispers a phrase Axe told him in the past. He starts to pool more of his power into his shortsword.
"Tance, I want you to-" A kick hits his hand and interrupts him. The kick threw off the darkmetal shortsword from his hand.
Ashax looked on as the shortsword implodes and vanishes in mid-air along with the energy that was stored inside it.
[-Well that was a lot of energy wasted...-] Axe commented in Ashax's head.

Ashax turns his face to find the person responsible for the attack. There, he sees neverown standing in a stance ready to fight.
"Give her back, you can't do this. My subordinate will cry if you do." Neverown told Ashax and grins

Ashax turns to Tance and gives her an order
"Tance, stay out of this. Go and get X to her senses, then help her with the objective"
He then faces towards Neverown again with a smile on his face.
[Axe, ready yourself]
"If I don't? Are you going to make me cry?"  Ashax jests as he lines up his revolver's mouth with Neverown's face, awaiting for any movement from him.


Edited by ashax, 06 April 2013 - 04:10 PM.



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Next thing nevernown knew was that he just brought a robotic arm... to a gunfight...


"If I don't? Are you going to make me cry?"

The indifference in the voice shook him just a little, but he didn't show any of this.


"Well, for starters, let's make this a fair fight"

He let himself fall sideways and kicked to ashax' kidney to get him off balance.

Then he reached out with his robotic arm and tried to jank Maia loose from ashax' grip...


Really, I didn't pay attention to this guy's powers or abilities... one wrong move and I'm probably dead

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"Well, for starters, let's make this a fair fight"
Ashax pulls the trigger but his shot missed since Neverown intentionally fall sideways.

He then receives a kick from Neverown on the kidney.

The blow causes his body to arch forward. He then felt Maia is being pulled away from his shoulder.
He looked up to Maia's leg and notices that Neverown's hand is not made from flesh, but from metal.
"A fair fight? You're the one with the robotic arm here!"

Ashax wraps his right arm around Maia's hips and tries to stop Neverown from taking her.
He then raised his revolver, aims the barrel at Neverown's crotch and repeatedly pulls the trigger

Edited by ashax, 06 April 2013 - 03:48 PM.



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Due to the angel under wich the bullets struck him, His stomach was torn and one of his kidneys just ceased to exist.

The pain gave him just enough impulse to Jank maia free, but then he just let her drop on the ground.


He knew he made a mistake... He felt himself dim again...


"Execute program, scan"

The result showed him the truth: Severe blood loss, six minutes to live.


"so, what'll it be"

The arm said to him.


"Force... him... away"

And while he laid down his head and limped, the arm hurled a pulse of kinetic and Imagine energy at ashax, trying to blow him away.

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Geo looked around to see Ashax and Nevernown fighting. It was fine to see that someone is trying to get Maia from being taken away. "I don't think I should barge in until I'm really needed." He continued watching and also watching himself if any other grunts tried to take him down. He saw that never was extremely hurt as Ashax fired wildly at Never. He saw a chance as never yanked Maia out of Ashax grip. This gave Geo a chance and he headed to try to get Maia before it's too late. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




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Despite the efforts his arms made Maia was pulled away from Ashax. Ashax fell down to the ground due to the pulling force
He gets himself on his feet and saw Neverown and Maia lying on the ground. He walked towards where they are and stood beside Neverown.
"Any last words? I'll end your suffering afterwards" Ashax said to Neverown as he points his revolver at his head

"Fo-... him... -way"

"Wha-?" Ashax was suddenly blown away by an unknown force. It sent him flying at a high speed.
[It's your fault, you should've never gave him a chance to speak.]

[Arrrrghhh... Axe, Darkmetal Shield] A tower shield appears on Ashax's left arm. The shield's high density causes the trajectory to change drastically. Until he falls in a straight line to the ground. Seconds before touchdown a magic circle appears in front of the shield. The shield made contact with the ground and Ashax instantenously stops above it.

Ashax un-summons the shield and stood up.  He was no longer at the graveyard, but he is not far from there.
[We were sent flying that far? Tch] Ashax frowns and makes his way back towards the graveyard
. [Look at the bright side, at least you're not critically injured from his final blow]

[Axe, I don't understand how the shield was able to negate force...]
[Me neither, I'd rather not think about it. By the way, you are near your limit. You've used most of your power summoning all those darkmetal arms]
[I know my limits. I can summon an arm for at least two or three times before the 'feedback'.]
[I bet you can only summon one and will barely have enough mental energy to fight the 'feedback'.]

After a few minutes of running, Ashax arrives at the gate of the graveyard and notices flash and the extraction team still patiently waiting. They gave him weird looks as he approached them from outside of the graveyard. Reminded of how most of the grunts was taken out in the fighting, Ashax decided that they are of better use in the battle than waiting.
"There's a change of plan for all of you. You are to go in and do anything you can to help the extraction of Inumori's body. Flash, you are to join them and if you have a chance at Inumori's body, take it."
Ashax picked up his briefcase that was left beside the gate and went inside.




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Ashax was blown away, and it was safe for Geo to get Maia to safety. As he walked forward he saw that Never was extremely hurt. "Don't worry, I will see if any of the Tenders can mend you up. Come with me, you need rest." He took Maia was Never up to his shoulders and ran to the safety. After he brought the two back into the bunker, he still felt like he wasn't done yet. "They are going for Inumori, I must at least try to stop them from taking him away." He exited and continued running back to the graveyard, hopefully he wouldn't be too late. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




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Unable to heal Never's wounds one of the Phantom Knights ran to the Bishop Guardian's location. With its immense strength it literally threw the Bishop to Geo's retreat point. As the Bishop began to desperately pour healing energies into Never's almost lifeless body the Phantom Knights began to move again. The one that had thrown the Bishop was running back to the grave hollow chasing Existance, the other ran to meet Ashax and his support on their way in.



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She let out a groan, and slowly sat up, rubbing the back of her head carefully. Her body felt a bit battered, but she was none the worse for wear. Daring to open her eyes, she looked around the dim bunker, and her eyes settled on Mai, who was staring at her with a tear streaked face and wide eyes. Maia smiled and reached out to embrace her when suddenly the bunker shook with great force as Hellfire once again slammed his massive tail into the ground, reminding her that the graveyard was still under attack. Dust fell in tiny rivulets from the ceiling, causing Mai to sneeze. She chuckled and turned the child towards Nepenthe, silently thanking the woman for staying with her, and she slowly stood, her eyes once more completely black.


The man had made a mistake. While unconscious she had been able to tap into her energy, and was once again capable of using her abilities, though limitedly. She had to make every attack count. With one last nod to Nepenthe and Mai, she stepped into the shadows, completely vanishing from their sight, and appeared next to Hellfire. The ground began to tremble as she looked around, the destruction of Inumori's Tenders, so many of her citizens laying dead, and many more of the Organization's soldiers dead and dying. Then, she caught sight of her captor, still unaware that it was Ashax, returning through the gates of the graveyard. Pieces of earth were sent flying as she launched herself at the man, one hand gathering a small shadow orb to send flying at him.


She slid to a halt not far from him and the orb was send speeding towards him, while at the same time she began to gather more of her shadows to her. The gates crumbled inward as power radiated from her body, the force of her shadows combined with kenetic energy pressing down on him. "You were a fool to attack me and my city, little child." Already she could feel the effects on her body, knew she was using too much, but she was past the point of caring. Vines began to creep up and slowly wrap themselves around the man's ankles, but they weren't strong enough to hold him long. Maia sent the energy wave rushing towards him, and fell to one knee, trying to force air through her lungs. If she could at least take him out, she might be able to stop the battle... even at the cost of herself. 


She felt useless, knew she was stronger than this, but the man's dagger had done something to her. She had been able to gather some energy, but it wasn't enough. Blood poured from her nose, as she glared at the spot the man had been standing on. Had she done it? Had she taken him out? As the dust and earth settled, she could see the outline of his body still standing there. He had to have taken some damage, but he was still there, and she growled as she stood shakily to her feet. "Who, and what, the hell are you?"


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Geo looked and saw that Maia has returned, he was angry, but he knew why she was there. "Even though she is weak... why?" Maia attacked the man called Ashax with all her might, she was already past her limit. "Maia! Please, stop." He ran closer to were Maia was, blood was dripping from her nose. Geo knew that if he had to fight this man to save Inumori, it would be a challenge. Taking Maia down easily was quite impressive in his opinion. As she did one more blow, dust covered where the man was. It was fading and yet, the man was still there, his shadow still standing. "Who, and what, the hell are you?" Maia asked as Geo finally got to her. He tried to lift her up and he stared at Ashax. "Maia, please, you are not fit for this. He has done a big toll on you. You have to rest, your daughter would be extremely sad if you are gone." Geo pouted a little as he looked, he trembled inside. "What ever it takes, even if I might not be able to out match his power..." Geo pulled out a sword already tainted in red. 

Edited by Geocrusher, 07 April 2013 - 03:21 AM.

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




    The Resident Neko

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She gripped Geo's arm tightly, her eyes still firmly locked on the man in front of her. "No, Geo, he has not done this to me. I have. I need you to help the Guardians and Neverknown. They need your help, and I need you to stay alive. For Mai. I entrusted her to you." She gently pushed him away and stood tall, her shoulders squared with determination. She would win this battle. The Organization would not win this day. It was a shame her brother wasn't joining the fight. Same with her nephew. As the rage was building inside of her, several of her shadows rushed to her side, and formed around her, sacrificing themselves to the Shadow Realm to provide her with more power. Energy crackled around her, the air pulsing with pressure.


With a scream of rage, vines instantly forming and wrapping themselves around her body, she slammed her fist into the ground, sending a shockwave of earth, rock, and razor sharp leaves towards her masked enemy. She clenched her jaw against the pain eating at her as she awaited the outcome of her powerful attack. She wasn't going to be able to stay conscious much longer, but she was going to hold out as long as she could. She had to. She could feel the recently healed internal wounds reopening, but she pushed the pain aside and slammed her fist into the ground once more. Shadows, fire, earth and kenetic energy was blasted at the man, but she had no idea how much damage she was actually causing him, if any at all.


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