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PItiful Boar

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-1 ikr we should spice things up a little

do u got any new years resolution 



    Fingerling Potato

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I see we are at an impasse. :'3

New years resolutions sound more stressful than fun, and seem to not really achieve the intended purpose anyway.

I will not be a new person next year—I'll still be little ol' me, with the good and the bad that that entails, and pretending otherwise isn't really my thing. u.u

PItiful Boar

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-1 we are indeed

human kind cannot gain anything without first giving up something of equal value

to gain one must...

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 25 December 2019 - 09:08 PM.

PItiful Boar

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-2 i was kinda surprised that mcdonalds was actually open on christmas day yesterday

i guess next up is new years

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 26 December 2019 - 05:36 PM.

PItiful Boar

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-3 the feeling when everyone is off but you...

PItiful Boar

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-4 when you read LN about geniuses who plan for the destruction of the world

and your kokoro goes dokidoki



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That would not make my kokoro go dokidoki. Instead my eyebrows get a'raiséd. If you're such a genius, you can do better.

On the other hand my kokoro has been known to go dokidoki for young idiots who plan for the destruction of the world. See, Hoshi no Samidare, "The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer".

PItiful Boar

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-2 lucifer and biscuit hammer was so tragic...  It's so much crueler to let the life live rather than a swift mercy kill  



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Not quite the takeaway I had, but I'll concede there was some tragedy in there somewhere and that some of it was quite moving.

I mean, I do distinctly remember cheering for the protagonists when the dice were down and they turned around and said, "alright, as promised, it's earth-smashing time," but I didn't actually want them to succeed. It's just important to value your promises with your loved ones, you know?

PItiful Boar

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-2 in my version i remember he promised to destroy the world with her but he negated his promise ...

the other thing i remember wat that the mc was really lame - if he didn't absorb the power of the dog who met a premature death he would have been bottom of the barrel



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I mean, I'm not sure I'd equate "lacking prowess in combat" with "lame" anywhere outside of a video game. Well, maybe in a pure action series of a certain Jump variety, I guess, but... (Unless you're also referring to the littoe bits of character growth that happened around the same time in the story.)

Anyway, I thought it was quite intentional that he wasn't really all that great at anything by nature, unlike some of the other characters (most notably at first, Samidare, but then others too) and was a big rolled-up ball of self-actualisation issues and fluctuating ego and questions of worthiness. A total misfit—not just reluctant or an anti-hero or an "average joe" elevated by events, though perhaps a bit of each of those: Someone completely incompatible with the Hero's journey who is nonetheless set upon it, sometimes drifting aimlessly, sometimes struggling tooth and nail, sometimes settings out with purpose in completely the wrong direction. Which is fine, because the character interactions are more than half the point anyway. Or something like that.

Well—frankly, that series is one of the series with which I have the most difficult time articulating why or what I thought was so unique about it. I don't think it's a masterpiece in the traditional sense; plenty of bits of it felt sloppy. I can only say that it struck me in a certain way. (Since I can usually rationalize and articulate these sorts of things it is both exciting and frustrating when I cannot. I think.)

...Dear heavens, I should go to bed.



    Fingerling Potato

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I think I just spat out a proper nerd rant of some sort there. >w>;

PItiful Boar

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-1 it was a cute love story - wasn't much character development

it is only cute because the desire to destroy the world came from a cute adolescent grill

in truth, everyone has that inner serial killer that hopes for the destruction of life - simply because life is evil, it merely it pretends its not

and the ones who refuse to live by such evil are not there to make counter-arguments



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I thought there was character development. This isn't quite the right way to say it, but to sacrifice some accuracy for the sake of brevity: He was channeling his weeb fantasies in a much healthier way by the end.

And, back to the "all life is evil" refrain again, huh ~.~


Well, if so, I sincerely hope at least some of life is evil that you are fond of, then. :'3

PItiful Boar

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-1 i like myself... because i live with the hypocracy



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I'm glad ^^

Though I hope there are ultimately other people or animals that you quite like, too.

Happy new year's... Eve? owo;

PItiful Boar

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1 did you see the sleep doctor yet?



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Yes, but not conclusively. I went once for consultation, got told to do an "at-home" sleep study where you take home some lightweight measurement equipment with batteries and then bring it back the next day, which is done with, and then on the 10th I have a follow-up to discuss results...

...Which all is entirely likely to end in "well, that wasn't conclusive so let's try another thing," I think, given that there was some muttering about insurance not letting them do lab studies until an at-home study came back as inconclusive.

In short, it is ongoing. ‾\_(u. u)_/‾

PItiful Boar

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3 when doctors become front men for insurance companies



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I mean I could have done the lab straight-away if I was willing to pay for it from my own pocket. This isn't one of the situations where I'd call them as being in cahoots.