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Neon Genesis Evangelion

rebuild evangelion anime

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Will of NGE

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Just listened to them all. Man... that's really something. Wow. Hats down to the folks to made it.


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Will of NGE

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I just finished reading the manga version of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and honestly... I felt offended and very disappointing bythe fact it got a happy ending. Worse still, some people say it's "an ending the series deserves".
They actually consider another cookie cutter ending to be what NGE deserves?! A cheezy, simple, stupid cookiecutter reset all ending?!
NGE already has an ending it deserves. It's caled End of Evangelion, and it stands true to all what happens in NGE.
Stories are another reality, another existance. Who says every existance has a happy future?!
When I've read a title "Evangelion manga finaly finished, it gets the ending series deserve", I was wondering how great of an ending it might be, that I actually didn't check for any spoilers!!! And I spoil a lot of stuff for myself. Imagine my surprise when I saw a patetic ending like that... what the hell was that editor thinking... "ending it deserves"my ass. By NGE standard, that was horrible and against all that NGE has ever done.


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    Oui Purée

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If I hadn't watch episode 25 and 26, I would have said End of Evangelion sucked. But, since I saw ep 25 and 26, End of Evangelion went from "it sucks" to "it's not that bad, compared to those shitty episodes".


Will of NGE

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Why do you consider EoE bad?


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It's been a little white since I've seen it so I think I forgot most of the details. What I remember is that I was really disappointed. It felt a bit rushed, the first part of the movie wasn't bad but the last part ruined it for me.

It was too cryptic, from what I understood



I guess this kind of anime, full of metaphors and cryptic stuff isn't really for me, especially when I don't get it.

Edited by Rol, 10 October 2013 - 09:45 AM.


Will of NGE

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You have to understand, especially because we always get explanations for everything in almost all anime/manga, we don't have to get those explanations. And why the fuck would we? Why do we always have to know everything? What is wrong with unexplainable, undefined, unknown!? Even the characters in NGE have no idea what's going on.
All of EoE is fantastic and true to the previous 24 episodes. In the end, the world is fucked up beyond recognition, and that's just fine, I didn't want grassy fields and rainbows anyway. It's a world with a very unknown future.
Technicaly, humans are not dead, their souls and minds are in LCL, a collective concience. And if anyone wants out, they just have to really want it.
Shinji was choking Asuka in the end because he wanted to verify if she's here, if she's real, if she has a will to live... It's just more speculation of course. You have to take into account that he's a broken 14 year old. I doubt anyone would remain completely sane.
But what is most important to say is... Why are you trying so hard to understand it? It's NGE, peple have been discissing it for 14 years, and haven't come up with anything solid. It always comes down to personal interpretation and take on what happened.
And that is NGE, a personal experience. Either way, you're fucked and there is nothing you can do about it. You can walk away, but it will always be there.
Tell me of another anime of such caliber. NGE sits at that throne with such confidence that it became the throne, one where no one is worthy to sit on.


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Oh I didn't expect grassy fields ether, I just didn't know what happened to those human souls, but you answered.

Actually I'm not trying to "understand it so hard" at all, since I didn't ask myself questions since I watched it.

It's just that when you watch something you're usually trying to understand what the thing you're watching tries to tell you.


I'm sorry but to me Evangelion doesn't sit on any throne, it wasn't a particularly remembering experience, it didn't leave me disgusted or amazed, I'm pretty neutral about it.

It hasn't really left a deep mark on my mind.

Edited by Rol, 10 October 2013 - 07:54 PM.


Will of NGE

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You're the first "gray NGE viewer" I've heard of :P


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    Oui Purée

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I'm almost sorry to tell you this since you're so passionate about it xD
If you want an example of an anime that really left its mark on my mind, that'd be Code Geass.


Will of NGE

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NGE takes Gold, Silver and Bronze for me. Code Geass shared 4th and 5th with other epic stuff :)


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Zero King

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I own Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone and I have watched the original series (when it was on Adult Swim). I was wondering if I should watch the other 3 movies and how are they different from the original series? 

Will of NGE

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Asuka fans will tell you that is no longer Asuka. A lot of stuff has changed, but it seems to be more of a visual and situational change, rather than a reboot. They added a new character, Mari... Rebuild is more along the lines of a fantasticly good anime, rather than Neon Genesis Evangelion.

It's definetly a MUST WATCH, animation, DAT MUSIC!, all around Rebuild is great. But it's not NGE and it will never be as good as NGE. All remakes face that obstacle, but Rebuild will never cross it.

Rebuild is a... simplification of the original, for less "hardcore" or "fanatical" fans. Caters to a wider audience, and it definetly isn't a downgrade, just a different taste.


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It also starts to change completely at the 3rd movie.


Zero King

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I understand NGE is on a whole another level, I feel like they made rebuild because of the death threats that Hideaki Anno received after NGE ended and again when the first movies were filmed.


Thank you Will and Roll

Edited by Zero King, 18 October 2013 - 06:53 AM.



    Fried Potato

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Just a random thought, would anyone interesting doing a group batoto sing of Komm, Süsser Tod as a tribute to the countdown to the 4th last rebuild movie when it hits next year?

Will of NGE

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I would love the shit out of doing it, but I'll have to pass. My written english may be way above average, but my pronunciation and "r" specifically are bad. Comes with the territory I guess.


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I'm sure that it would be less noticable if more people joins in and its not too bad that a little audio editing here and there won't fix. Besides its doing it out of love for NGE, nothing to be ashamed about. 

Will of NGE

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I just don't want to kill it. Trust me on this :P :(


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:(  alright. Any other takers? It doesn't even have to be Komm, Süsser Tod, any NGE song would do just as well =D

Will of NGE

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I'm pretty sure there will be people showing up :)

I presume you also posted in the linked topic?


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