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The Finite (Kubera side novel): Old summaries + discussions thread

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    Fried Potato

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Right-click on  the page and click view source, then scroll down to uncolored writings, the novel. You will then understand what Dried Seaweed is saying :D

Edited by Gizmos, 26 June 2013 - 08:18 PM.



    Russet Potato

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Wow, still a good chapter and an excellent translation, but Ian has gained a lot of depth to his character.


But it must be horrible for her friends in Mystishore and Huen, not knowing what happened to her, and Nard must have a bad time now. The others magicians want likely accounts for what happened.



    Couch Potato

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A lot of depth you say? Perhaps, I see it as a hilarious reversal of situations of sorts. Up until now Tak has been mostly doing things against Ian's will. But now it's like Ian's the one using Tak. lol. I think Nard must have run away by now. He needs to meet up with his girlfriend anyway. xP



0. Open chapter.

1. Ctrl+U to open page source.

2. Scroll down about 20% way down until you see a whole bunch of text.

3. Copy that to a separate text file.

4. Replace as following:

- “ and ” to "

- ‘ and ’ to '

- …… to ...

- 탁 -> Tak

- 타크사카 -> Taksaka

- 이안 -> Ian

- 우트팔라 -> Utpala

- 나스티카 -> Nastika

- any other names you can figure out (I suggest learning to read Korean so you can recognize the names, they vary a lot from chapter to chapter so it's not a good idea to try to replace all several dozen terms unless you're sure it's there)


Voila! Copy/Paste the whole into Google Translate, Bing Translate, or Babylon (Babylon won't preserve the sentence breaks though).

Edited by Mizura, 27 June 2013 - 01:02 AM.


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    Baked Potato

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Google is probably the best of the three but it's still like deciphering the Rosetta Stone.


Taksaka -> Tak Oxcaca

Utpala -> Up Route

Edited by Dried Seaweed, 27 June 2013 - 03:44 AM.



    Couch Potato

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Actually, Google often doesn't give results as good as Bing and Babylon. However, all three have their advantages and disadvantages:

  • Google has live translation, updates live when you do line breaks to check specific components, allows you to highlight words, and it is the only one out of the three where you can click on a word and get a list of alternatives. This is really helpful, especially in Korean where you have a bunch of homophones.
  • Bing also has live translation and updates live when you do line breaks, and allows you to highlight words. It seems to handle Korean grammar a bit better than Google. You can't check word alternatives though.
  • Babylon handles complex grammar best, it seems, and seems to have a wider vocabulary somehow. But it doesn't update live, doesn't preserve line breaks, doesn't allow you to highlight a word to check which part of the sentence it belongs to, and doesn't give word alternatives.

Overall, all three take turns in giving good or very bad results, so when I get a completely ridiculous result in one, I could still get a decent one in another. Of course the nightmare scenario is when all Three give unintelligible jargon. Anyway, I can rarely use sentences straight from the translations they give, I usually still have to break it down then think of an English equivalent. Sometimes I check the specific grammar or word in a separate search, but only if the sentence is both somewhat important and doesn't make sense with the translations (I won't bother with scenery description, for example).


Another thing that's not funny at all is interrupted words and sentences. The translation engines don't always translate those well. Sometimes I can still figure out the cut-off word by comparing with characters in previous or later sentences.


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    Russet Potato

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A lot of depth you say? Perhaps, I see it as a hilarious reversal of situations of sorts. Up until now Tak has been mostly doing things against Ian's will. But now it's like Ian's the one using Tak. lol. I think Nard must have run away by now. He needs to meet up with his girlfriend anyway. xP

In the sense that she is much prompt to act and doesn't necessarily like the position where she is currently.

Sheis no longer just passive what happens around she.



    Fingerling Potato

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Excellent, new chapter. Thanks, Mizura.


We finally get to see Utpala and Vasuki.



    Russet Potato

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I wonders if Utpala isn't handicapped with his opposed attributs.

They weaken perhaps between each, giving a power less strong.


This is interesting than the heretics venerate some nastikas especially, like with the gods.The fiendish magic was perhaps close to the shape of the holy magic, with the power coming of a nastika required and not a whole clan.

Edited by Toullaty, 28 June 2013 - 06:58 PM.



    Russet Potato

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I wonder if Vasuki knows that there are still villages devoted to him her? Anyways, hm...interesting. So Currygom so far hasn't changed anything between Utpala's and Taksaka's relationship, and we get the first hint of Utpala taking the blame for something she he didn't do. Damn it, gender-switched among Nastika is annoying, especially if you think of one being one certain gender (like with Sagara). <_<



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"Worship me, my minions!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I am Vasuki!"

"Hah! No way! You're a girl!"



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  • LocationPhysically? Kansas Mentally? Too many places to recall at the moment.

Vasuki: Man, I wish there were still women in the Vritra clan. They were more fun, then.

Little Riagara: But what about some other Nastikas who've changed from female to male form, Huia?

*Ravana struts by with her cohorts*

Vasuki: *under her breath* Now there's someone who's a bitch no matter their gender.

Ravana: What was that, Vasuki?

Vasuki: No, nothing, it's fine. ^^'

Ravana: ... Hmph! *leaves*

Little Riagara: Huia, that person's scary. How does Asura-nim deal with him?

Vasuki: Verrrrry carefully.


My funny thought of the day. Also, is it correct that Vasuki says that even in his female form he's #1 of his clan? Or is he meaning that in male-form Vasuki's #1 but in female form he happens to be weaker than current King Manasvin, at least, but stronger than Utpala?



    Baked Potato

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Utpala has a borderline personality. He/she needs to book some time with a psychologist.



    Russet Potato

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Vritra, you sure can be an evil bastard. O__O You pushed all of Utpala's buttons, all right. And we get our first hint as to Vritra's belligerence towards Taksaka. I mean, I know that giving up the option of having female affects you directly (since you're stronger in female form), but you don't have to be such a twerp about it. :o


Also, did I just miss it somehow or did Currygom not specially say Kinnara was there and did she not include the specific-ish number of Nastika in the clan?



    Couch Potato

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Currygom never did say the number of Nastika in the Dragon Clan. It had always been written as 7th rank, or something like that. She didn't name Kinnara in this chapter, but Kinnara is named in the next chapter.


And you'll also see in the next chapter that Vritra is having a hard time too. That's one thing interesting about Currygom's characters. They can be total bastards and Currygom doesn't make any excuses for them (Utpala, Vritra), but they also have their own wants and difficulties that make you sympathize with them. Utpala seems like a mean little kid, but I bet all of us would be going "awww" if this were a comic and we saw her smiling at Tak. But yes, we saw in this chapter how Vritra is confrontational when it comes to Tak.


Oh yeah, as for Vasuki, in female form she's #1 for the Succession of the throne. That means that she's right after the one already sitting on it (Manasvin).

Edited by Mizura, 30 June 2013 - 05:46 AM.


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    Russet Potato

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  • LocationPhysically? Kansas Mentally? Too many places to recall at the moment.

Currygom never did say the number of Nastika in the Dragon Clan. It had always been written as 7th rank, or something like that. She didn't name Kinnara in this chapter, but Kinnara is named in the next chapter.


And you'll also see in the next chapter that Vritra is having a hard time too. That's one thing interesting about Currygom's characters. They can be total bastards and Currygom doesn't make any excuses for them (Utpala, Vritra), but they also have their own wants and difficulties that make you sympathize with them. Utpala seems like a mean little kid, but I bet all of us would be going "awww" if this were a comic and we saw her smiling at Tak. But yes, we saw in this chapter how Vritra is confrontational when it comes to Tak.


Oh yeah, as for Vasuki, in female form she's #1 for the Succession of the throne. That means that she's right after the one already sitting on it (Manasvin).

Okay, my curiousity has been satiated for now. Thank you for translating all this! :P



    Couch Potato

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Aaand, new chapter up.


You know what hit me about Vritra this chapter? He actually seemed -afraid- of losing his feelings for Kinnara. T__T All my feels!


Oh yeah, and Sura have furniture.

Edited by Mizura, 30 June 2013 - 09:24 AM.


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    Fried Potato

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The new version of the novel is so much better than the first one. New chapter? Yaay! I gotta check, so Vritra did had his doubts about losing his emotions. Wit sura have furniture? why would they need it? for sleepovers?

Posted Image

Now a story before falling asleep





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Suras got a conferance room oO


Do they have ... what more do they have._,

The new version of the novel is so much better than the first one. New chapter? Yaay! I gotta check, so Vritra did had his doubts about losing his emotions. Wit sura have furniture? why would they need it? for sleepovers?

 for being comfy:D



    Baked Potato

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Did I miss the part why love is like deadly poison to the dragon race?



    Russet Potato

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Thank you very much Mizura!


Interesting... Utpala mentions how Dragons died because of having penalty for falling in love with each other and she says this was sake of "Breath Skill".

I wonder if Primeval Gods in the beginning of the universe gave fire attributed Dragon race powerful fire breathing skills, but in exchange they stuck them with the penalty I mentioned above. Just like how the one bearing Dragon Half would lose 80 years of her life, because she had to give birth to equivalent of 5th stage Rakshasa.


Currygom never did say the number of Nastika in the Dragon Clan. It had always been written as 7th rank, or something like that. 


We don't know numbers of Nastika in Dragon clan, however Currygom mentioned in her me2day, there were 3 Destuction Dragons including Taksaka, but two of them died in early days of the universe, thus leaving Taksaka as the only Destruction Dragon in his clan. (I wonder if it was because of penalty or errors which destruction attribute had).


Here is the original text, I was only able to ,,translate" what I wrote above^ :


나스티카가 원천속성별로 한 명씩만 있을 거라는 생각을 하실 줄이야!!!! 만약 그렇다면 수라들의 세계는 근친의 세계가 됩니다. 전 그런거 용납 못함…ㅋㅋㅋ 속성 같은 나스티카 많아요. 다만 각 속성마다 인원이 같지는 않습니다. 

종족별로 속성비율이 달라요. 이를테면 용족에는 파멸속성이 굉장히 적어서 최초에 딱 3명밖에 없었는데 그중 둘이 서로 눈이 맞아서 초창기에 죽었구요. 파멸의 용은 타크사카 혼자가 되었습니다.

Edited by Marim, 30 June 2013 - 04:07 PM.