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Visual Novels

Visual Novels Eroge otome game

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Hikari No Yami

Hikari No Yami

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Yup .. Someone is definitely happy with this news ..



    Fried Potato

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I have already downloaded it abut a week ago, and I have already completed 2 routes out of 5 and now I'm on my third, hahaha ^^

''Do to others what you would wish to be done to you.''

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Yup .. Someone is definitely happy with this news ..

Finished it 100%!


My faves are Ayame and Sakaki Route. XD



    Russet Potato

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i played dangan ronpa , suikogaiden 1/2 . is there any other similar genre like the 2 listed ?





Will of NGE

Will of NGE

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Playing Katawa Shoujo again. Finished all routes before, just replaying it :)
I finihed Shizune's Path a week ago.
Few days ago I started Lilly's Path again, and honestly... 


EDIT: Placed in spoilers, my bad.

Edited by Will of NGE, 05 December 2013 - 04:27 PM.


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Lilly route spoiler warning! And yes @ them feels.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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Sir Flash™

Sir Flash™

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Well just downloaded Monster Girl & Sengoku Rance <3

Musician King's SoundCloud: 







    Fried Potato

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Yup .. Someone is definitely happy with this news ..


Finished it sometime ago. xD



    Russet Potato

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Any dating games like do you like horny bunnies?



    Fried Potato

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Grisaia is on my list. o/



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And almost done downloading it. :D



    Fingerling Potato

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Have you all played 999 on Nintendo DS guys :D ? and its sequel on the 3DS ? 



    Fried Potato

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oh, uh... 9 hours, 9 persons and nine doors? I did try it, but.... >< I was a bit annoyed at the bad ends. =/ Sho nope, didn't finish. ^.^'

Edited by Phil777, 07 January 2014 - 02:32 AM.



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Grisaia seems nice so far...


Oh and have fun Flash, those are some good games, keep them on your comp forevar. o/ (I just wish that one day the translation for the other Rance games (starting with the 6th and Rance Quest) will be available to us. :( Or I'll learn japanese if they never do. ><


The only other eroges I've kept are Kamidori and Daibanchou. :o I did try Yumina and Utawarerumono, but the H-scenes weren't that great. Yumina had great gameplay and good story though. o/ Utawarerumono was... ok. =/ I might try the Ps2 version eventually, which has enhanced gameplay and features (H-scenes removed though, but that's negligible).

Edited by Phil777, 07 January 2014 - 03:57 AM.



    Fingerling Potato

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999 is absolutely great but yeah, bad ends can be a bit annoying :(


I just tried Ever 17, it's really good ! :D

So, what's Grisaia ? 




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Kamidori is a VN which wins with visual-effects over actual content. The CGs, sprites -- you call it, are beautiful. Gorgeous; but, the gameplay is repetitive ad nauseam and the story is such a bloody lackluster it might not exist, as it is a simplistic expletive -- it's there merely to pad the length of the VN further and further (most of the character-related plot-lines even contradict and cancel out other plot-lines with a defiant shout of : "RETCON!!" ... Just one paradox after the other). I'd say Kamidori is only a good game to play, when you have a shit ton of time to spend while having noting to spend it on. It's a time guzzler, just like Candy Crush or Cookie Clicker...And thank <random deity> I don't touch any of those.

@Phoenixton: weh, I tried Ever 17 and I just couldn't read it... I don't know why, something about it just bugged me. The premise seems cool, though |: ....

I have Grisaria on my comp, but the protagonist irritates me too much to actually properly read it, and the synopsis creeped the fuck out of me:

in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree.

Orchard-cum-prison? Just WHAT?
I'm more of a story guy, than a hentai-guy...So that one line....Fuck, someone clarify it for me, seriously.

On a different note: I recommend to anyone whom appreciates eroge, humor and a surprisingly good story-line to read "Monster Girl Quest". It's starts with stupid-fun, most of it made me laugh as to how absurd it is...But it suffers from Cerebus-Syndrome, and boy does it go on that path like a boss.


Edited by Solipsist, 07 January 2014 - 05:58 PM.



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I totally enjoyed Mq3. o/


Does that make me a bad person or a pervert? >.> (considering I've got all the achievements completed in the record? >.>)

I'm more of a story guy, than a hentai-guy...So that one line....Fuck, someone clarify it for me, seriously.

Heh, so far, there's not a lot of hentai. It's mostly text. From what I've read on VNDB, the sex comes mostly later, probably when you've befriended a heroine.


I'm only 1-2 hours or so in the game, and the only H I've seen so far has been an "accidental" scene of Amane's boobs while she was changing. =/

Oh and Wiki says that: "In the 2011 Moe Game Awards, Grisaia no Kajitsu was awarded the Grand Prize, as well as the Gold Prizes for Scenario, User's Choice, Theme Song, and True Love. The judges highly praised the story for its balancing of seriousness with comedy" (bolded for emphasis). Sho yeah, not sure why people would avoid that game because of that one line Solipsist mentionned. =/




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Hey, I said I like Monster Girl Quest as well <:
The first time I saw it I thought : "Hah, holy shit. This seems like a form of parody on eroge, or it at least tries to ride on the genre by turning the eroge into an hyperbole...Pft, pass"
But after I saw it a few more times : "...Know what, this seems goofy enough to be fun. Let's get into this without expecting too much and just enjoy it for its comedy and raw stupidity."

It was like playing Portal, in a way. You didn't expect anything, and for that it actually managed to elevate itself. The "final boss" in MSQ2 was such a powerful scene I actually got shivers. I was not expecting to get shivers from this game. I was not expecting to care at all about this game. Yet I did.
It's actually pretty clever, in a way.... They start by introducing the story as a casual, hyper-simplistic formula of : "You hero! Them bad! Or are they? Let's find out! Yay! Power! Power!". Your basic shounen stuff. But before you notice, you get attached to the characters emotionally and they bloody capitalize on that like hell. It's like BreakTheCutie trope..

Regarding Grisaria....
I can't get over "Orchard-Cum-Prison", that metaphor does not get out of my head. It's fucking insane, think about it....An orchard, a field devoted to fruit-trees, which produce cum. Plentiful fields of cum, which bear fruit. Cum fruits.
*mind fuck*
WHAT. WHY. There're harems and there are Eldritch Abominations!

But seriously now, I started reading Grisaria actually because of that retarded line....I had to find out how stupid it is, or if it is stupid at all. But I stopped reading because the Protagonist seemed like a narcissistic Gary Stu. He just pissed me off, I couldn't identify with him. Do tell if he stops being portrayed as a complete over-qualified at everything-in-life know-it-all jackass after the few first scenes...

Edited by Solipsist, 07 January 2014 - 07:11 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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@Phoenixton: weh, I tried Ever 17 and I just couldn't read it... I don't know why, something about it just bugged me. The premise seems cool, though |: ....

I have Grisaria on my comp, but the protagonist irritates me too much to actually properly read it, and the synopsis creeped the fuck out of me:


Well I was feeling about the same :( Something is just wrong in the way it is told, it's quite weird, but I think it will be explained (I hope :D !) later ! Well I only keep reading because the people who made it are the people that made 999 and others I loved  :D


But Yeah I totally understand ur point of view 



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Hey, I said I like Monster Girl Quest as well <:
The first time I saw it I thought : "Hah, holy shit. This seems like a form of parody on eroge, or it at least tries to ride on the genre by turning the eroge into an hyperbole...Pft, pass"
But after I saw it a few more times : "...Know what, this seems goofy enough to be fun. Let's get into this without expecting too much and just enjoy it for its comedy and raw stupidity."

It was like playing Portal, in a way. You didn't expect anything, and for that it actually managed to elevate itself. The "final boss" in MSQ2 was such a powerful scene I actually got shivers. I was not expecting to get shivers from this game. I was not expecting to care at all about this game. Yet I did.
It's actually pretty clever, in a way.... They start by introducing the story as a casual, hyper-simplistic formula of : "You hero! Them bad! Or are they? Let's find out! Yay! Power! Power!". Your basic shounen stuff. But before you notice, you get attached to the characters emotionally and they bloody capitalize on that like hell. It's like BreakTheCutie trope..

The final boss's "bad" ending in the second part made me feel so fuckin' sad. ><