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    Fried Potato

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I have yet to comprehend as to why you guys want a list of the weekly recommendations that I spit out with my updates—seeing as how they're on the list themselves—but I'll concede and give you guys what you want this time. You can find said list in the third post.



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    Potato Spud

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After discovering the brilliance of Warhammer crossovers, my brain broke...
I went on a rampage, haunting the deepest reaches of The Great Web.
And I shall bring you salvation, thralls of Chaos! 
(Translating: I went on a reading binge, and literally devoured a few fanfics.)

Warhammer/League of Legends -https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10853003/1/The-League-of-WAAAGH


Warhammer/Familiar of Zero -https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9260770/1/The-Familiar-of-Change

Warhammer/Mass Effect - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7436717/1/The-Mission-Stays-the-Same RECOMMENDED

Warhammer/Warcraft - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5672901/1/The-God-of-Death

Edit: Oh, and forgot. Here's a lost of Warhammer recommendations on tvtropes http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanficRecs/Warhammer40000

Edited by Omnimessiah, 31 March 2015 - 09:57 PM.



    Potato Spud

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How about maintaining a standard of what's allowed on the list and such, when it comes to fanfiction, and hosted fiction?

Like a minimum rating for sites that use a rating system, or a minimum amount of followers?

When it comes to minimum followers, base it on the site's own average for that series? Where a fanfic for Series X needs to have a number of followers above Y, but Series A can have B followers, because Series A has a smaller fanfiction-oriented fanbase.


Something like that, anyways. A filter to keep from just linking every fanfic that comes up.



This thread was originally made to help people find or share good LNs/WNs and other translated works.  The genres are transported, reincarnation, fantasy, wuxia, and virtual reality.  While I have no problem with original works being added to this list if they fit the criteria, there should be a limit on the fanfiction.  There are fanfics being recommended of novels that aren't even on the list.  Also recommendations for manga/anime fanfics.  If people start recommending fanfics of everything, there will be no end to it, and the list will become a mess.


Also, I said I have no problem with Original works, but both original works and fanfics need to have a some criteria to pass before making it onto the list.  I understand that authors want to recommend their own work, but there needs to be some kind of requirement like TUSF mentioned above.  If someone has recommendations for fanfics other than the novels listed, it definitely belongs on a different thread, which wouldn't be that hard to do.  Maybe a thread could be made of JUST fanfics.  Or if someone is really passionate about a single series and has a lot of recommendations for it, they could make their own specific thread and link it.  EX:  Hey, I'm a huge fan of XXXXXXXXXXX and have a lot of fanfics to recommend.  {LINK HERE}.


No more recommendations of one-chapter fanfics.  At least give the author time to get established... who knows if it would be abandoned at that point.  Which, anything could be abandoned at any time, but usually translated novels have a bit more security on that, unless the author dies or something (knocks on wood).

Not-sorry for long post.



    Potato Sprout

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Agreed, it is good to separate different word fanfic. 100k 200k 300k or more. And best to separate or give info whether it is finished or not. (Completed) like that. 


Fanfic is numerous and confusing. It is kinda suck to read fanfic that hang and not finished. :(



    Potato Spud

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This thread was originally made to help people find or share good LNs/WNs and other translated works.  The genres are transported, reincarnation, fantasy, wuxia, and virtual reality.  While I have no problem with original works being added to this list if they fit the criteria, there should be a limit on the fanfiction.  There are fanfics being recommended of novels that aren't even on the list.  Also recommendations for manga/anime fanfics.  If people start recommending fanfics of everything, there will be no end to it, and the list will become a mess.


Also, I said I have no problem with Original works, but both original works and fanfics need to have a some criteria to pass before making it onto the list.  I understand that authors want to recommend their own work, but there needs to be some kind of requirement like TUSF mentioned above.  If someone has recommendations for fanfics other than the novels listed, it definitely belongs on a different thread, which wouldn't be that hard to do.  Maybe a thread could be made of JUST fanfics.  Or if someone is really passionate about a single series and has a lot of recommendations for it, they could make their own specific thread and link it.  EX:  Hey, I'm a huge fan of XXXXXXXXXXX and have a lot of fanfics to recommend.  {LINK HERE}.


No more recommendations of one-chapter fanfics.  At least give the author time to get established... who knows if it would be abandoned at that point.  Which, anything could be abandoned at any time, but usually translated novels have a bit more security on that, unless the author dies or something (knocks on wood).

Not-sorry for long post.


Chunin Exam Day



Naruto finds he is flung back in time and must repeat the entire Chunin exam over and over and over, until he gets it right and possibly saves Konoha in the bargain.


Some one chapter fanfics are so rare or so good it's worth mentioning but we do need a rating system going and remove some of the bad ones. Would putting them into different list work? Let's say that someone posted a recommendation and two other people read it and found that it's bad, so that recommendation would go into a "bad" list? Some novels from the recommendations have grammar that is worse then my own. Instead of splitting by genre, would it be better for us if they are ranked by our taste like "epic" "good" "fair" "poor" "suck" "NO"? We do have similar tastes in writing, otherwise we wouldn't have gather here for as long as we have.

Edited by Mike18, 01 April 2015 - 08:37 PM.



    Potato Spud

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As a Ninja



Getting transported- reincarnated if you will- into the Naruto-verse, as an Uchiha no less, was... unexpected. But with a good teacher, a new-mind set, and some intelligence, succeeding isn't impossible, is it?



    Potato Spud

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I have yet to comprehend as to why you guys want a list of the weekly recommendations that I spit out with my updates—seeing as how they're on the list themselves—but I'll concede and give you guys what you want this time. You can find said list in the third post.

That is because we believe that the works you choose are simply better. So far I have to say that I have found none of them lacking.



    Potato Sprout

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Hey uhh can you update the website for The New Gate? Someone picked up from where Onii-chan left off of and translated up to v1 chapter 3 where i found it. 



So I think it would be good for others.


Also Xagnam can you add Jiang Ye to the list?  It should fall under wuxia novels the website is for now:



they should be creating a website soon or maybe you can add the website instead.



    Fried Potato

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Hey uhh can you update the website for The New Gate? Someone picked up from where Onii-chan left off of and translated up to v1 chapter 3 where i found it. 



So I think it would be good for others.


Also Xagnam can you add Jiang Ye to the list?  It should fall under wuxia novels the website is for now:



they should be creating a website soon or maybe you can add the website instead.

it's already in the list for some weeks binggodude (Jiang Ye that is) and thanks for translating it ^^

For LN and WN update go to My Blog Kurotsuki Novel it's awesome gahahahaha lol1-onion-head-emoticon.gif

My hobby? correcting translator work when I find it or make a stupid conversation comment with my editor on my project lol1-onion-head-emoticon.gif

The BEST WAY to alleviate pain is CUTENESS. CUTENESS brightens OUR LIVES and reduce hardship so we can live happily. Accept cute things into your life.
Promoting japanese artist anytime I can, now it's Knock Out Monkey





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That is because we believe that the works you choose are simply better. So far I have to say that I have found none of them lacking.

I second that. That's why I keep saying that you should organize the list by how good they are instead of by genre.



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bad idea to it by how good they are since people have different opinions 

Edited by jake1456, 03 April 2015 - 09:52 PM.



    Russet Potato

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Yeah,there are some REALLY good novels that aren't really popular.

It all depends on the person.

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    Fingerling Potato

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I've been binge reading a lot of fan fiction crossovers since that post on "A demon amongst devils" and I must say I am quite satisfied by more than a few.


I'm just totally bummed that I've caught up on most of them and the updates take so damn long. 


My only complaint is that most of the crossovers usually involve too much Harry Potter. The website really needs an option to filter out the specific Xovers like it and the Yaoi stuff.


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9751536/1/The-Infinity-Effect< Halo and Mass Effect (Large scale battles, either ships or troops)


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9430300/1/The-Invisible-Trickster< Rise of the Guardians and Avengers (Basically Shoujo)


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10968899/1/Cycles-Upon-Cycles< Starcraft and Mass Effect (Large scale battles) 


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9036768/1/The-True-Zero< Persona and Zero no Tsukaima (Protag OP)


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10722406/1/New-Beginnings< Mahouka and Persona (Still a bit newish)


All of these have been updated within the past 6 months or less with the exception of "The True Zero"


I tried the Warhammer ones but I really can't get into the series.

Edited by migs008, 05 April 2015 - 05:40 AM.



    Potato Spud

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I tried the Warhammer ones but I really can't get into the series.


What kind of HERESY is that ?!
Well, I guess going directly into warhammer crossovers isn't really that good without context.
You should first read a bit about it to get the fluff. Ghosts of Gaunt, Ciaphas Cain, Horus Heresy and Space Wolves series are really good, and if you need something http://wh40k.lexicanum.com hassome interesting info to fill in the blanks.



    Potato Spud

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Chunin Exam Day



Some one chapter fanfics are so rare or so good it's worth mentioning but we do need a rating system going and remove some of the bad ones. Would putting them into different list work? Let's say that someone posted a recommendation and two other people read it and found that it's bad, so that recommendation would go into a "bad" list? Some novels from the recommendations have grammar that is worse then my own. Instead of splitting by genre, would it be better for us if they are ranked by our taste like "epic" "good" "fair" "poor" "suck" "NO"? We do have similar tastes in writing, otherwise we wouldn't have gather here for as long as we have.

Everyone needs to read the first post in this thread.  This thread was made to recommend LIGHT NOVELS and WEB NOVELS.  It was not made to recommend fanfiction.  The only fanfiction that should be on this thread should be fanfiction OF the light novels and Web novels listed.  


There should be NO recommendations for fanfiction of manga/anime/games/anything else unrelated to light novels/web novels.  


By the same note, people shouldn't be recommending games or manga on this thread either.  There are plenty of other threads to recommend those things, and like I said, you can always make your own thread if you want something more specific.  The fanfiction recommendations are getting out of hand.  Maybe we should just say, NO FANFICS at all?  It might be a shame, but I would rather no fanfics be on the list than have a lot of unrelated fanfics clogging up the thread.



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Still a godlike list <3



    Fingerling Potato

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What kind of HERESY is that ?!
Well, I guess going directly into warhammer crossovers isn't really that good without context.
You should first read a bit about it to get the fluff. Ghosts of Gaunt, Ciaphas Cain, Horus Heresy and Space Wolves series are really good, and if you need something http://wh40k.lexicanum.com hassome interesting info to fill in the blanks.


Its just the whole sense of the series is a bit clashing with me buying into it. Orcs growing from spores, Warp induced demons, Medieval Space Marines, and other shtick on it that I can't totally ignore and just go for the story.


I tried the game too before and remember that was the reason I couldn't get past the campaign. Reading any story with it just keeps my mind reeling.



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Transported - Fanfic


Harry Potter: Magical Avenger - Portraits of the Founders help Harry using a ritual to send him on a one way trip to a different reality. However the Creator had other somewhere else in mind so he was sent to a different Earth.





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hey not sure if you got this 1 already just saw it and i found it enjoyable so far so :)





    Fingerling Potato

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the link for isekai cheat magician is now a dead link and the site doesn't have a page for the story at all. was any other links or groups for it provided?