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    Fried Potato

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jungle leona's ganks do hilarious damage that is all



    Fingerling Potato

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I think Skarner isn't as powerful as he used to be, but still really viable in jungle. I don't recommend top lane Skarner, cus he gets kinda out-performed by so many tops atm that it's a bit of a hit or miss.

jungle leona's ganks do hilarious damage that is all

Just watched one of the tournament games with Leona jungle, Sejuani support, Karthus mid, Lee Sin top and trist ad. Amazing setup which reaffirmed me as a believer of Leona jungle.



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sejuani gets body blocked too easily, all it takes is someone tanky to stand in front of her and she has no dash no ult and no range
that's also why singed soft-counters ahri, his fling works through her dash and he can just soak all her spells up

Edited by foxyeisenhower, 23 February 2012 - 06:06 AM.




    Potato Spud

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...I'm going to sound like a complete newbie but how do you jungle? I'm aware of the very beginning getting the leash on blue and that but what comes next? Wolves, reapers, golems, red buff? Someone tell me. Oh and I must ask would one start vampire scepter with a jungle skarner? ... btw this information is going to lead into jungling with teemo just fyi... at least in a bot match lol.
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sejuani gets body blocked too easily, all it takes is someone tanky to stand in front of her and she has no dash no ult and no range
that's also why singed soft-counters ahri, his fling works through her dash and he can just soak all her spells up

That's a setup I saw in the go4lol tournie by professionals, I've played her like twice so dunno much bout her :P

...I'm going to sound like a complete newbie but how do you jungle? I'm aware of the very beginning getting the leash on blue and that but what comes next? Wolves, reapers, golems, red buff? Someone tell me. Oh and I must ask would one start vampire scepter with a jungle skarner? ... btw this information is going to lead into jungling with teemo just fyi... at least in a bot match lol.

Jungling teemo is something I don't really advice to do, but I'm quite sure it could be done. Just the fact he doesn't really bring anything to his team as such and his ganks are limited to auto-attacks and blinding darts means the element of surprise alone won't be enough to grant kills. Sure if you set up shrooms in before hand you might be able to do it.

Generally if you start on blue you want to take wolves before that. They spawn at 1:40 so you get your allies to give some dps on all wolves while YOU tag them. Aka they do not pull the pack for you. If they do, it'll be quite messy and take longer while risking a reset. After that you go for golem and get a pull from your allies and leash. After golem => wraiths => either wolves again (they have a 1 minute respawn so they will be up) or go for red buff / twin golems depending on how strong your jungler is (Teemo isn't a strong jungler fyi). Then look for ganks / try counter jungle the enemy teams jungle while clearing your jungle.

The challenge in jungling comes from trying to keep up in farm, maintaining the threat of ganks and keeping your jungle safe from the enemy team's counter jungling. Generally characters with either high cc (Maokai, Rammus) or really high mobility and damage (Lee Sin, Shyvanna) make for effective junglers.
The threat of ganks is vital, if your opponents aren't scared of you and play carelessly, you need to punish them and put the fear in them.

Skarner with vamp scepter is ok, but most people go with cloth armor x 5 pots, boots x 3 pots or regrowth pendant x 1 pot. It simply brings longer sustain in the jungle that enables you to shift from a set jungle route to ganks while being able to regenerate your health with ease. With less experience in question, I'd suggest cloth x 5 pots. One way to learn would be to check out Dan Dinh (from Epik Gaming) or Theoddone (from Team Solo Mid) from their streams. They generally explain some of their thought processes as they proceed through the jungle. Well not always, but more often than other junglers imo.

There's a link to a jungling guide in which you can check how effective certain junglers are. Other than that you can just find a generic jungle guide and learn from that.

This is definitely worth checking out as well in your case. Part 9 on this guide has pictures to support different paths you can take in your jungling and offers insight as to when use pots etc.

Edited by Olmond, 23 February 2012 - 07:01 PM.



    Potato Spud

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sejuani gets body blocked too easily, all it takes is someone tanky to stand in front of her and she has no dash no ult and no range
that's also why singed soft-counters ahri, his fling works through her dash and he can just soak all her spells up

That's a setup I saw in the go4lol tournie by professionals, I've played her like twice so dunno much bout her :P

...I'm going to sound like a complete newbie but how do you jungle? I'm aware of the very beginning getting the leash on blue and that but what comes next? Wolves, reapers, golems, red buff? Someone tell me. Oh and I must ask would one start vampire scepter with a jungle skarner? ... btw this information is going to lead into jungling with teemo just fyi... at least in a bot match lol.

Jungling teemo is something I don't really advice to do, but I'm quite sure it could be done. Just the fact he doesn't really bring anything to his team as such and his ganks are limited to auto-attacks and blinding darts means the element of surprise alone won't be enough to grant kills. Sure if you set up shrooms in before hand you might be able to do it.

Generally if you start on blue you want to take wolves before that. They spawn at 1:40 so you get your allies to give some dps on all wolves while YOU tag them. Aka they do not pull the pack for you. If they do, it'll be quite messy and take longer while risking a reset. After that you go for golem and get a pull from your allies and leash. After golem => wraiths => either wolves again (they have a 1 minute respawn so they will be up) or go for red buff / twin golems depending on how strong your jungler is (Teemo isn't a strong jungler fyi). Then look for ganks / try counter jungle the enemy teams jungle while clearing your jungle.

The challenge in jungling comes from trying to keep up in farm, maintaining the threat of ganks and keeping your jungle safe from the enemy team's counter jungling. Generally characters with either high cc (Maokai, Rammus) or really high mobility and damage (Lee Sin, Shyvanna) make for effective junglers.
The threat of ganks is vital, if your opponents aren't scared of you and play carelessly, you need to punish them and put the fear in them.

Skarner with vamp scepter is ok, but most people go with cloth armor x 5 pots, boots x 3 pots or regrowth pendant x 1 pot. It simply brings longer sustain in the jungle that enables you to shift from a set jungle route to ganks while being able to regenerate your health with ease. With less experience in question, I'd suggest cloth x 5 pots. One way to learn would be to check out Dan Dinh (from Epik Gaming) or Theoddone (from Team Solo Mid) from their streams. They generally explain some of their thought processes as they proceed through the jungle. Well not always, but more often than other junglers imo.

There's a link to a jungling guide in which you can check how effective certain junglers are. Other than that you can just find a generic jungle guide and learn from that.

Thanks for the info about skarner, and jungling in general. I tried a jungling run and found out a good setup, but I need to work on the ganks. And like I said i'd only be jungling teemo on a bot match for shits and giggles. Who doesn't like messing around every now and then?

Edited by Fenrir2218, 23 February 2012 - 07:06 PM.

On black wings the angel Flies
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    Fingerling Potato

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Thanks for the info about skarner, and jungling in general. I tried a jungling run and found out a good setup, but I need to work on the ganks. And like I said i'd only be jungling teemo on a bot match for shits and giggles. Who doesn't like messing around every now and then?

Yeah it's easy to just stick around in the jungle to grind.
Misread that part about Teemo, my bad :P I used to mess around with some jungles like Janna and Sona. It's just people do some pretty weird jungles these days and they tend to work in some strange way. I did some Vayne and Twisted Fate jungling and they worked fine.



    Fried Potato

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Speaking about Vayne, should I get her next or Irelia...? ^^

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    Fingerling Potato

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Speaking about Vayne, should I get her next or Irelia...? ^^

Depends a bit on what you want to do :o
Irelia is a pretty sweet bruiser while vayne is the carry machine. Also there's the price difference 3150 ip and 6300 ip. If I was missing both of those characters I'd probably get Vayne.
Oh and Vayne has better skins imo :>



    Potato Spud

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...Its official I am never jungling skarner again...
I can't learn enough in a bot match. I am still thankful for all the help but I don't have the jungle knack.
I'm just gonna stick with laning teemo and riven...
On black wings the angel Flies
Scythe in hand with soundless Cries
Spectral stare that Pierces Dark
Finding still their fading Mark
Marrow hands that gleam at Night
Still imposing lethal Might
Claims your soul to lay to Rest
The Reaper Grimm does it Best



    Fingerling Potato

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...Its official I am never jungling skarner again...
I can't learn enough in a bot match. I am still thankful for all the help but I don't have the jungle knack.
I'm just gonna stick with laning teemo and riven...

Don't lose heart, jungling is a bit difficult always at the start. Once you get the hang of it, it's quite fun. If you'd like I can give you a quick run in a custom game or watch your jungling in action and give tips. My nick is Olmond on both NA and EuNe servers. If you play in either and want some help, just message me through the forums. :)
Also bot games are sort of a bad place to learn about jungling because A: bots are never aware of you B: bots die easily even without the influence of a jungler C: people don't rely on you.

I can say my own climb to knowing my way around the jungle wasn't pretty, but now I'm really confident with it.

Imagine Breaker

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jungle leona's ganks do hilarious damage that is all

why would someone do jungle with leona tho?? I play her a "lot" and I think she'll be "bad" at jungle.

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    Fried Potato

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her jungle IS slow, but her ganks are hysterical. Stonewall graded her D for everything but ganking potential, for which he invented a new grade S to fully encompass how ridiculous they are

also she has an autoattack reset and a nice animation. If you're fast you can hit-q-hit which makes the early jungle not as bad.

It's really just a different style of jungle with its own advantages. Its very snowbally and slow but the flipside is you don't actually need to do good to be useful late game like traditional junglers because support champs don't require farm. It's difficult to counterjungle, it lets you use lanes like cass/karthus/sion that can push hard and farm your wraiths/wolves, after you get your philo and HoG you can even just sit in top brush and deny all day, you're basically a roamer

plus her ganks are godlike but more importantly they're exactly as effective regardless of how behind she is. usually you just end up making them turtle because anyone who crosses river is dead, but since support jungle, you win late because gp5. The only problem is her speed compared to popular jungles would make her lose 1v1s with them but Leona can't die ever so you usually come out ahead.

Edited by foxyeisenhower, 24 February 2012 - 06:21 AM.




    Potato Spud

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She jungles too slowly though. Red Buffs are more than enough for chasing down enemies. Leona has pretty insane CC for ganking over-extenders though. But i'd rather pick junglers like Udyr and Nocturne to be in my team.



    Fried Potato

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@Nick you can never have too much cc, and side-brush ganks OP

a valid criticism is that she has like no dragon control at all, without an ally to activate her passive she is literally the slowest

irelia is the best
vayne is also the best

you can't go wrong with either



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Irelia is mine



    Fried Potato

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I think I'm buying Fiora instead, when I looked her stats and skills at the League of Legends wiki ^^


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    Fingerling Potato

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to me it looks like she might have mana issues



    Fried Potato

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She could, but if you are skillfull enough, that much mana is more than enough ^^

''Do to others what you would wish to be done to you.''

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    Fried Potato

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Irelia is mine


mana issues would make Fiora impotent in the current top lane, it sounds like you can jungle her though so is that where she's ending up? I've just been really confused all around about where you lane a fragile ad hero

edit: what the fuck are you talking about gobb her mana costs are nothing

Edited by foxyeisenhower, 29 February 2012 - 12:23 PM.
