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League of Legends Discussion

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    Fried Potato

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1. mundo has much more than that

2. 30.4 hp/5 is not that much and will not stop you getting zoned by a stronger laner which is basically everyone when you resolve to play passive and have little to no AD on an ad scaling champion

3. 30.4 rounds down to 30 in game

4. anybody can buy 50 hp/5 for 35 gold

5. dorans blades are so much better what the fuck are you thinking

1. We are talking about Riven here, and that is only because of his passive ability ^^

2. It is a lot, and when did I say that I would play passively...? I said not playing too agressively ^^

3. Yes, it does, but does that change about anything...? From 6.08 health per 5 seconds to 6 health per 5 seconds doesn't sound gamebreaking to me ^^

4. Yeah, they can, but how much money it would cost in the long run if you have to leave lane very often, especially at the beginning...? ^^

5. And what would you base that on...? Don't give me just empty opinions please ^^

Doran's Shield gives 120 hp, Doran's Blade 100 hp, shield wins ^^

Doran's Shield gives 8 health per 5 seconds, Doran's Blade 3% life steal, you won't benefit from lifesteal if you know that best way of farming minions is last hitting, and the health regeneneration is added to your champion's base health regeneration, so Doran's Shield wins again ^^

But I agree that 10 AD is better than 10 Armor, so Doran's Blade wins, so Doran's Shield 2 advatanges over Doran's Blade 1 advantage....? No thank you ^^

And by the way guys, I just got my first penta kill with Riven today, which was pretty nice, but we lost the match in the end ^^''

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    Fingerling Potato

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boots+pots ftw



    Fried Potato

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Before I started maining with Riven, I always bought boots and pots, exception being Master Yi ^^

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    Potato Spud

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30hp/5 at lv 1?
that seems to badass to be true o.0

I have to try that!
So im stealing your build *muhaha*
(Build=Dorans shield.... i think ill expand that a little^^°)



    Fried Potato

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30hp/5 at lv 1?
that seems to badass to be true o.0

I have to try that!
So im stealing your build *muhaha*
(Build=Dorans shield.... i think ill expand that a little^^°)

Finally, someone who finally understands how much it is, hahaha ^^

My build for Riven is based for massive early game advantage ^^

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    Potato Spud

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(ohgod first post. uh for reference my summoner name is Daxarian, NA server)

as a riven main i don't disagree with your hypothesis of dorans shield as a viable starting item but i'd rather take cloth/pots, doran's blade, or boots/pots for special matchups.

yes, armor is nice. yes, health regen is nice, yes extra health pool is nice.


cloth armor solves your armor problem, and provides you with 5 health pots for the extra earlygame sustain (which returns more and faster than your health can regen)

health regen on its own isn't that great (see reasons 2-4 on foxyeisenhower's post)

dorans blade gives health too and because /absolutely everything/ on riven scales on bonus ad the extra ad from it will benefit you so much more than the shield. extra damage on q/w/passive, and more beef to your shield, mmmm me gusta

shield does give 20 more hp but that equates to about 2-4 caster minion hits (base caster minion AD is 25, base armor knocks it down a bit) that with dblade will end up lifestealing back from your last hitting and harass anyway.

also, with not playing too agressively on riven-

she's a snowbally type champion, especially in top lane where (gank intervention aside) first champion to get a kill usually holds that edge over for the rest of the game, and you absolutely must must must /must/ take advantage of that beastgod early game where she really shines.

heal(some people run flash for flashstun combo, still playing around with it personally) / ignite with a dblade start in a level one fight can easily grant you first blood. building defensively and being able to farm isn't a bad thing on its own, but if you don't max riven's incredibly high damage potential, you'll find that lategame is a bit of a struggle at best.

riven is an agressive champion. take that to advantage. (and the entire point of this post wasn't saying that you weren't already, but that dblade even will amplify that so much more than dshield)

btw all of this is assuming that you're playing level 30s at solo top, lower levels (and not to be condescending) are usually more flexible and forgiving with messing around with builds soooooo

Edited by Evies, 04 April 2012 - 02:27 PM.



    Fried Potato

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(ohgod first post. uh for reference my summoner name is Daxarian, NA server)

as a riven main i don't disagree with your hypothesis of dorans shield as a viable starting item but i'd rather take cloth/pots, doran's blade, or boots/pots for special matchups.

yes, armor is nice. yes, health regen is nice, yes extra health pool is nice.


cloth armor solves your armor problem, and provides you with 5 health pots for the extra earlygame sustain (which returns more and faster than your health can regen)

health regen on its own isn't that great (see reasons 2-4 on foxyeisenhower's post)

dorans blade gives health too and because /absolutely everything/ on riven scales on bonus ad the extra ad from it will benefit you so much more than the shield. extra damage on q/w/passive, and more beef to your shield, mmmm me gusta

shield does give 20 more hp but that equates to about 2-4 caster minion hits (base caster minion AD is 25, base armor knocks it down a bit) that with dblade will end up lifestealing back from your last hitting and harass anyway.

also, with not playing too agressively on riven-

she's a snowbally type champion, especially in top lane where (gank intervention aside) first champion to get a kill usually holds that edge over for the rest of the game, and you absolutely must must must /must/ take advantage of that beastgod early game where she really shines.

heal(some people run flash for flashstun combo, still playing around with it personally) / ignite with a dblade start in a level one fight can easily grant you first blood. building defensively and being able to farm isn't a bad thing on its own, but if you don't max riven's incredibly high damage potential, you'll find that lategame is a bit of a struggle at best.

riven is an agressive champion. take that to advantage. (and the entire point of this post wasn't saying that you weren't already, but that dblade even will amplify that so much more than dshield)

btw all of this is assuming that you're playing level 30s at solo top, lower levels (and not to be condescending) are usually more flexible and forgiving with messing around with builds soooooo

One thing that I want to say: that is one of a long post, hahaha ^^

I know that 5 health potions and cloth armor gives pretty good sustain, but I have noticed that the Doran's Shield has given me a lot longer sustain, at the worst, I have to leave the lane at 5-8 levels and at the best at 10-12 levels ^^

Yes, I do know that everything on Riven scales off of her extra AD, but I still get Doran's Shield, since it has gotten me better results in the beginning than Doran's Blade ^^

She is...? I haven't noticed, though most of the cases I get the first blood ^^

My own summoner spells are exhaust and ignite, and my lategame has been pretty easy, though I don't tkae Droan's Blade at the beginning or build her very heavily on AD, hahaha ^^

Don't worry, I know that already, hahaha ^^

Yeah, I do play level 30 solo top most of the time, but sometimes no-one seems to want to jungle so I end up with another player ^^

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    Fingerling Potato

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The first time I played LoL, I used Shyvana cause she was free and my friends screamed at me over skype cause I fed the othre team.
The second time I played LoL, Irelia was half price so someone brought her for me and I suck terribad with her (can't last hit if my life depended on it)

Got tips or advice for a noob?

When I used Irelia, I tend to go for the boots + hp pots start then try to get a trinity force and merc threads / ninja tabi .___.;



    Baked Potato

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Irelia is a solid top laner she gets tanky without even trying. and her Q ability basically makes it impossible for you not to last hit well. Definitly get a trinity force somewhere in the game lol. boots + hp pots is always a decent start. ninja tabi is good if you are against a lot of AD's or a bruiser top lane but I would mainly go for merc tread's since Irelia has passive tenacity + merc treads tenacity makes almost all CC half as effective against irelia.




    Fingerling Potato

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I do abuse q which ends up slowly draining my mp, but I want to try last hitting with her normal melee hits .__.



    Baked Potato

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Well that just takes a bit of practice. just wait till the minions are really weak and then auto attack for the last hit.




    Fried Potato

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If you're leveling W with Irelia, which you hopefully are, you should have no problems lasthitting, since it gives her so much damage.

Try to play mainly botgames until you've gotten used to the game, so you wont ruin your normal game elo. And avoid playing with highleveled friends, unless they have smurfs. Wont learn anything by getting destroyed.

Try watching LoL streams. You occasionally learn lots from those.

Some informative links: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=4874


LightYami: Wait, what the hell. Dorans shield on Riven? That gives you nothing useful. She has the highest Hp regen in the game already. Cloth armor gives you armor and you can get 5 pots on the side, which already makes it 10x as good as a dorans shield. Shoes&pots, dorans blade. Anything is better. o_o

Edits: I basically just said the same thing as Evies(missed his post), oh well. What he said.

Edited by Vaygr, 09 April 2012 - 04:55 AM.



    Fried Potato

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LightYami: Wait, what the hell. Dorans shield on Riven? That gives you nothing useful. She has the highest Hp regen in the game already. Cloth armor gives you armor and you can get 5 pots on the side, which already makes it 10x as good as a dorans shield. Shoes&pots, dorans blade. Anything is better. o_o

Edits: I basically just said the same thing as Evies(missed his post), oh well. What he said.

And because she has highest health regeneration in the game without any abilities, I should utilize that ^^

Edited by LightYami, 09 April 2012 - 08:03 AM.

''Do to others what you would wish to be done to you.''

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    Potato Spud

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re:irelia if you level ...whatever letter hiten style is (I haven't played her in forever orz), you'll win an autoattack trade as long as it's up when you engage. you decide when fights are (when it's up) but be wary that if your opponent is smart they'll try to harass you when it's on cooldown. the active does make last hitting easier.

if you're having trouble last hitting at tower, the order is uh
caster minions - autoattack, tower shot, autoattack
melee minions - depending on your ad, either two tower hits and autoattack, or (i have to do this with casters a lot) tower hit, autoattack, tower hit, auto attack.

otherwise, maybe hop into a custom and practice the basic mechanics of last hitting to get used to it, and get used to irelia's attack animation until you have it down pat

balancing last hitting and harass is harder than just concentrating on the former yes, but it's good to get a grip on the basic mechanics first.


riven already has highest health regen you don't need any more

also i bought a bunnygirl



    Fingerling Potato

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Thanks for the tips and guides ^^~
I shall read them and practice with bots after exams >__>;



    Fried Potato

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Just do players vs bots. More fun.

LightYami: You're not utilizing anything. You're wasting 400 gold on something completely pointless for your character.



    Baked Potato

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@Light: Yea it may have worked out for you that game but dorans blade imo is a much better item for riven. Riven is meant to be played aggressively, if you're getting a doran's shield you're not using riven to her full potential.

If you're doing well with a doran's shield that's all good but I don't understand how you get better results with a doran's shield compared to doran's blade if anything you should be doing better with doran's blade. You said you get first blood most of the time, in the early levels first blood usually doesn't require more than two trade offs so if its like that the measly extra health regen from doran's shield will barely help you while the 10 extra damage from doran's blade will help to ensure the kill.




    Fried Potato

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riven already has highest health regen you don't need any more

also i bought a bunnygirl

But her highest isn't enough, so I get some more ^^

Oh, I would like that skin too, but I am not going tospend money on that, hahaha ^^

Just do players vs bots. More fun.

LightYami: You're not utilizing anything. You're wasting 400 gold on something completely pointless for your character.

How about actually trying out the build before judging...? Baseless opinions aren't worth anything ^^

@Light: Yea it may have worked out for you that game but dorans blade imo is a much better item for riven. Riven is meant to be played aggressively, if you're getting a doran's shield you're not using riven to her full potential.

If you're doing well with a doran's shield that's all good but I don't understand how you get better results with a doran's shield compared to doran's blade if anything you should be doing better with doran's blade. You said you get first blood most of the time, in the early levels first blood usually doesn't require more than two trade offs so if its like that the measly extra health regen from doran's shield will barely help you while the 10 extra damage from doran's blade will help to ensure the kill.

It doesn't matter if I won't play her to her fullest potential, as long as I can survive and win the game ^^

I don't know either, I just tried it out, and it worked excellently ^^

Combined with extra health, and my 31% physical damage reduction, I don't die very easily, so I can kill my opponent before he kills me if he doesn't flash away or something ^^

Edited by LightYami, 10 April 2012 - 06:31 PM.

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    Fried Potato

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LightYami: Riven is one of my most played champs. I'm floating around 1500-1650 elo(which isn't that high, but still), and I've played like 150 ranked matches with her.

I've tried several wildly different builds on her, but I'd never get something as pointless as dorans shield. It's the worst item ingame and gives you nothing.



    Potato Spud

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So pretty much what everyone else has said regarding riven. Cloth 5 or boots pots is pretty standard depending on who you're laning with.

That being said, since the nerfs to rivens health regen there are a lot better options top lane.

like OLAF.


Edited by unmasq, 10 April 2012 - 09:06 PM.
