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[OOC] Codex Regius

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Blue Flaming Wings

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Can't you update or change your character? That's what I'm in the process of doing now. The system wasn't clear to you so you ended up with a build you didn't like. Why not revamp Teysa to mirror your image of her and still be a contender in the rp?

Because I've gotten tired of people trying to hire me to write ...

Officer Judy Hopps

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One. I wasn't arbitrarily setting up points. I was simply adding together what I remembered what her stats were in her Normal state, and the combined in the increases to what I understood were her transformed state.

Second. I don't know. Was a bit irked, sorry on my part. I think I should just step out before causing any more issues.

Can't you update or change your character? That's what I'm in the process of doing now. The system wasn't clear to you so you ended up with a build you didn't like. Why not revamp Teysa to mirror your image of her and still be a contender in the rp?

Lacking the resolve to at the moment.


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Officer Judy Hopps

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Please, let me put it this way:

  • A slugger will get screwed by speedster class. damage amounts to nothing if they got killed before they act.
  • A speedster will get screwed by a tank. Most speedster are not equipped with the ability to survive aside from evasion. More often than not, all you need is one well-placed hit to take them down.
  • A tanker will be downed by a slugger class. With their power, they'll slowly chip off at your defense. More often than not, tanks won't have enough damage to kill the slugger before their armor failed on them.
  • Mage and ranged class are currently still being balanced. We are still not sure on how to measure distance. Maybe we'll scale their damage down, maybe we'll make their skills cost more; we don't know yet. One thing for sure, they're still pretty OP at the moment.
And since I started this unsightly argument, I guess I should be the one to make the first apology. I apologize for my uncalled intrusion on your fun. I only wanted to point out that you cannot arbitrarily setting up points without first consulting the GM. 33 armor value is way too much, seeing as the strongest attacker can only dish out 22.5 damage consistently. Which means, at 33 armor, he can hit you for all eternity and you will not lose any HP. [yes, damage is calculated as (attack - armor), simple as that]
Second, sorry i lose my temper. It's not fun when the system you developed over a relatively long time with your friend, is accused for being unfair. More so when the one calling it is not involved in the making of the system, and is not fully aware of the mechanics. But please, do me a personal favor: next time you feel like you're being treated unfairly, please try to ask for an explanation in a more friendly manner. Using CAPS LOCK to stress on negative words like YOU'RE STUPID AND I CAN'T ACCEPT YOUR SYSTEM is not really easy to swallow.
And last, let me clarify a few things with you. As it is now, Teysa accidentally is turning into a speedster class. You are now the second fastest PC around, and still has the highest amount of HP. In addition, you have quite a lot of mana as well, which means you can shoot out some fire bullets before running dry, most of which is in a single seating. The con to that build is, well, you don't get to be an effective tank with the lack of armor. And you have really low accuracy as it stands. My question is, are you ok with that setting? Or are you planning to rework a few things?

The CS is final. I can't edit it. Doing so would give grounds for everyone else to magically edit their CSes. The very implication of that is a bad connotation which will only lead to more jockeying. I will remain useless just so that it doesn't happen. :/

I was trying to be a tank. Looks like I won't be able to do that. Is what it is. I guess I'm a SUV-sized speedster who can't hit anything. If that even makes sense.


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hmm, I realize that I haven't specified how the stat points work, and that is on purpose, mainly because I am figuring things out  as I go along. However as a guide line and as a basic tenet of the system, I have specified that one does give up on effectiveness for versatility... So I don't think it is reasonable to think that the stat would give any kind of specialization, since the skill itself is as versatile as they come, in fact second only to Dark's grand tinkerer.

This is the overall ferocity and strength of Teysa's Draconic transformation. The sharpness of her claws, her speed of flight, and the magnitude of how devastating her fire breathing is.

The skill gives you strength, it gives you speed, it increases the power of your fire attacks, it also increases your health. As you can see it gives you a lot of things, infact if check it out, this stat focuses mainly on speed and damage. So first I don't see how you expect it to affect your characters specialization as a tank. Second having so many effects I don't think it is reasonable to expect that it will be an effective way to turn a character into a tank, it is far too general, infact it has very little relation with anything to do tanky characters.


Either way I would be more than happy to get your character into the shape you want, I've always allowed people to rework their chars, its a given since the underlying working is volatile.




Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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I think I'll just make her transformation focus on speed and attack. Make it simpler to an even split.

I didn't know it increased her health. Maybe I can change that to accuracy? I don't know. I need more input on how things work, Joddy.


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Honestly, I would say it might be a good idea to take the offer on the free adjustment. The way I understand it from what's been shot back and forth here, the primary problem lies in one place- the words you put in the Dragon Transformation Skill. What seems to have happened from my point of view is that at Teysa's creation, you wrote that skill out with largely flavor text, as there's nothing all that technical to be said about "I can turn into a freaking dragon", but in doing so you accidentally locked yourself into the wrong spec. Since most of your other skills have gone under the assumption of being a tank, a full and complete rework wouldn't be required at all- you'd just need to adjust the wording on Transformation and get Jod to help you with the specifics so you get what you want with that skill.


If you want to think of it in terms of WoW, here's what happened; you hit Level 10 on your Paladin and accidentally clicked Retribution when you wanted to click Protection, and for the past 20 levels you've been going for gear and talents that give you more Stamina and Armor while your spec gives you Strength and has your core abilities work off of Strength. Yes, rerolling to be a Warrior would be something you're against and would open the door for people to start rerolling to some cookie cutter Druid because it's horrendously OP, but that's not what you'd be doing. You'd basically be walking up to Jod the Paladin Trainer, paying him a handful of copper, and switching to Protection.


I honestly think it'd be more damaging if you didn't switch, because 1- we kinda need a tank here, and 2- you've set up Teysa's personality and characterization as that of a reckless, self-sacrificing, does-not-know-when-to-quit, gets-adorably-angry-when-someone-she-cares-about-puts-themselves-on-the-line protector that can't help herself. You've even taken to calling her the Saviour Dragon. Last I checked, most DPS classes can't save people, or at least not in that sense (and I would know- Tanks and DPS are the only classes I ever play in games, and I play the latter far more than the former).


Ultimately, it's up to you. But I think, before you decide, you need to ask yourself this; which is more important to you as a roleplayer? Your build, or your character? I know which one I'd go with, but I can't make that decision for you.

Edited by Slice, 19 November 2014 - 10:03 PM.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;




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Besides what Slice said (I think he has the right of it there)


Grand Tinkerer's hyper versatile? Isn't all it's doing at this point is making Bullet not suck entirely until she gets to actually use the crafting aspect by making her gun actually work.


Because really, Bullet kinda sucks what with 20 points tied up doing barely anything. I'd rather not see how useless she'd be if I didn't make it do something else given the whole Yubex incident >_>




Diabolical Rhapsody

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Teysa the Raging Dragon!! You suddenly switched from Alexandra mode to Neltharion mode. Good Going xD


@Slice: Well done mate, just the right dash of WoW :P

@Missy: Sweetie, I already reworked my character, it didn't cause any floodgates of super-edits. Believe in Jod. The Jod is kind.



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    Fingerling Potato

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The first part of your post (the one that's not @anybody) isn't going to help anything. I'd recommend editing it out, joking or not.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Führer Itulhu

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nah leave it


do it

leave it

you know you want to


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here

Diabolical Rhapsody

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@Slice: Have you got the numbers on Astor's katana right? 'cos I see that cosmetic electricity does no damage so why not use that last one point? Or is it a flawed product gotten from some dead PK? 

The first part of your post (the one that's not @anybody) isn't going to help anything. I'd recommend editing it out, joking or not.

as for this^^ don't take me seriously because I certainly don't.



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@Slice: Have you got the numbers on Astor's katana right? 'cos I see that cosmetic electricity does no damage so why not use that last one point? Or is it a flawed product gotten from some dead PK? 

as for this^^ don't take me seriously because I certainly don't.


It's partially a gimmick thing. Astor's meant to be a gimmicky fighter, and he rather enjoys it when people jump away from the cosmetic electricity.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Diabolical Rhapsody

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It's partially a gimmick thing. Astor's meant to be a gimmicky fighter, and he rather enjoys it when people jump away from the cosmetic electricity.

but is it worth a point? From what we have seen both in this OOC and a still under-the-wraps system, ne point can be the difference between winning and losing.

@Fay and Joddy: I take it that you both have worked hard on this system but could you explain what the move system was that you briefly mentioned in your post earlier? By 5-6 actions as opposed to 1 action really equates to 5-6 attacks?



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Well, I could shove the last point into the Swordsmanship Bonus. Would put him on par with Marcellus himself, which is the only reason I didn't do it.



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I think I'll just make her transformation focus on speed and attack. Make it simpler to an even split.

I didn't know it increased her health. Maybe I can change that to accuracy? I don't know. I need more input on how things work, Joddy.

 you can be tanky just put flight and all secondary things as a part of the underlying stack..


 Dragon Transformation [20] - This is the overall capability and armor of teysa

  • Flight[1]
  • Claw[1]
  • Firebal[2]
  • Draconic Strength[3]
  • Draconic Spirit[2] - mana
  • Dragon Eye[1]

Con [15]


in this case you have 17.5 armor already, good flight, good claw, good fire ball, good strength, a lot of mana and a good hitrate. too this add a item that gives you more armor, or boosts draconic transform armor, you easily have 20+ armor and a ton of health. Essentially a tank like char would look like this owo. This should give you a good idea of how things work

Edited by Jodgod, 20 November 2014 - 07:19 PM.




Officer Judy Hopps

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Allright. I'll change it to that and I'll just change Black Arrow's Bane to pure con/armor. Maybe a little additional attack.
Here are the changes. What are her final stats now?


All that aside, she's a physical tank, not magical. So that is a weakness she'll have to work on. Resistances or something. Please note the changes I made in her two trinkets as well.

That puts her at what? 22.5 armor?

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 20 November 2014 - 08:57 PM.


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Pretty much, the way armor currently it a not differentiate between magic and normal damage

Edited by Jodgod, 20 November 2014 - 09:07 PM.




Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Really. That seems a bit OP to me. She can soak both a shit ton of Physical and Magical damage? ._.

So like...22.5 armor and 26 health? Something like that?

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 20 November 2014 - 10:58 PM.


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I think it's 25 armor and 26 health?
Stacking IS strong, which is why Jod stresses so much on creating stacks for quite a while now.

With that said, i think it's a good chance to allow major rework on all CS, jod?

Diabolical Rhapsody

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i can't understand the system nor do i get this stacking thingy.



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