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[OOC] Codex Regius

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Blue Flaming Wings

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I know, I read it. I'll reply on Friday - bit busy with school.

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Diabolical Rhapsody

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okay :D



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I guess I still don't understand the math involved. She's supposed to be partly resistant to physical damage and fully immune (and absorbs) fire. Would only a 10 in Defense mimic that? Would just having her in her standard or leveled up forms be enough to withstand normal attacks (I'm not talking about frost/water attacks)?


Because if it's really a one-hit k.o. from normal attacks and overkill from frost attacks would make her beyond weak, which is definitely not what I intended. 


If need be, I'll keep it as is and just try to have her dodge anyway without bonus points. 


I'm not really sure what Joddy said about this so I'm not really sure how the stats on your character...err the amount of physical damage you're resistant to, guess it'll be up to him if he gets the time to update your character to the stat spreadsheet he made for all the characters.


But if it's just partly resistance to physical damage, and your characters lack of defense (since you're flame barrier is only level 5), than if you're evasiveness fails you, it still wouldn't matter anyway. Either way, it depends on your luck. You can either go all in with evasiveness or stack up on defense and soften the potential blow. The only one that uses fire besides you is teysa.


If you put 10 defense via your armor, it'll increase your defense/resistance to 15 (adding your flame barrier) and it would greatly reduce your chances for a 1-hit KO. Though by doing so you'll lose your evasiveness and a chance to make them completely miss but that's risky because everything rides on what the GM (Joddy) rolls. If you go for Evasiveness, then it would make more sense to ditch your flame barrier and replace it with a flame move that enhances your evasiveness. Because with the way things look, choosing booth could/would greatly weaken your character.


Then again, the RP isn't all that far along and depending on your actions, you could avoid confrontations with other PCs and save up your points when you level up so you can strengthen your moves. Though, it'll take awhile to do so since you only get 1 point per level to add to your skills.


Don't mind me, it's your character. Just an opinion.


Edited by I-Am-X, 19 November 2014 - 02:37 AM.


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Here's the thing with your skill, blue
we're having problems trying to quantify your stats

Would you mind if i restructure your skill a little? We will do our best to make sure that it will retain all your intended effects, in a way that's easier for us to handle system-wise.

In order to do that, I'm going to need to discuss stuffs with you. I'll pm you tonight if you don't mind :)

Blue Flaming Wings

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I'm definitely fine with restructuring it. I guess since I'm so spread out with the forms and skills that it makes each individual one weak. It's the reason why I wanted the "superskills" of 30 points and 15 in the first place.


And yeah, I definitely need to be strong enough to face off with PCs because Ember will probably butt heads with the Chaos Initiative.


Shoot me a pm fay and we'll try to work out the details.


(P.S. Could I see this spreadsheet that Jod apparently made? I think seeing it would clarify things for me.)

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Well, if Ember has any plans on butting heads with the Chaos Initiative, she's going to need to have some good defense behind her.

Since Plague and Mahvan are monsters when it comes to physical attack.


Especially Plague because he (she) deals the highest physical and total Damage out of the PCs, not to mention Plague's curse weapon and armor with their poison affect. You may survive the physical blow but you may get poisoned for your efforts.


And Mahvan.....well she's just mad berserker and will grind you into dust.



As for the spreadsheat, another thing to ask Joddy (or someone who saved the link).

Since I don't have it. : o


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Blue Flaming Wings

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Not so much planning to bump heads with them so much as forced to. They're PKers and are heading for the shield generator, right?


So yeah, I guess I'll keep it as is until I get the system better. 

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Quickie post is quick.



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Führer Itulhu

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lul fay will probably PM the spreadsheet as its dif from the old one.


i need to post... also update FS..... fays going to hate it when i have to take leave BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!


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Have the new sheet up soon... Though you guys don't really need to worry about that as a lot of the stuff changes as I tweak the calcs...




Officer Judy Hopps

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I guess it is our fault for not releasing the stats table earlier. I am currently at work and the company does not allow access to Gdocs.
All i can say is that the stats missy posted in her post is inaccurate. Her armor is only 7.5, and i can't remember the rest.
Also, i need to once again state that this RP is based on an MMO. As any MMO, there is balancing in the game. Dragon transformation is actually not as strong as you write it to be. (Especially because we allow you to transform and stay in your dragon form indefinitely without consuming any mana)
@blue: Jod will roll all the dices and he'll tell you the result of your actions. In the future, please refrain from stating that a hit lands or anything too definitive in your post. (Unless jod has given you the result of the rolls and allows you to write them the way you want it to be)
And you should probably write that armor's effect down in your CS :)

It's stated explicitly in her CS that Dragonform adds to both her attack and defense. I was under the assumption that it would add equally to the levels she's placed in that skill.

If that's so, then WHY DID I INVEST 20 POINTS AND THEN 5 POINTS FROM MY ARMOR IN A SKILL THAT DOES NOTHING? I'd like an explanation as to how that works, seriously. The balancing factor in that is she's still vulnerable to magic AND she lacks many skills in other areas. (Y'know, like accuracy and whatnot. Seems fairly balanced to me there.)

Additionally speaking of "balance", allowing the "bad" side to have players that can pretty much go around one shotting PC's and stripping "good" PC'S of the one character that can counter that is "balanced". Really it is.

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 19 November 2014 - 03:09 PM.


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It is explicitly stated that it adds speed (in the form of flight), strength, and increases dragon breath power. Which is why it is spread so thin.

Your 20 points is divided by 3 and is added to respective stats (including dragon breath). For reasons, Jod does not allow the skill to also have armor increasing effect. We can give you extra armor too with that skill, but it will be spread even thinner.


About the balancing with Plague, if you take a moment to actually read jod's announcement, there's this thing called action counter. it takes speed into balance, meaning faster players will get to do more actions in one post than those who are slower. With that said, you may take pride in being able to execute 5 more moves than Plague in one turn. That's the price Plague pays to be able to one-shot most players.


Additionally speaking about balance, putting 25 point on a skill and expecting a 100 point return is really balanced. It really is.

Officer Judy Hopps

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What you're saying is that the only way to beat a 1-shot kill player is to be one yourself and have the advantage of surprise or roll a speed-based character. What you're saying is that there's essentially ZERO point in rolling a tank or heavy armor class since the returns for those classes is that you can take one hit from a 1-shot class and barely limp it off, and then just get proverbial mauled by any speedster class with a decent attack.

I'm not expecting a 100 point return, but I'm expecting something a little more substantial than "it only takes two hits to kill me instead of one, and I still hit Iike a kitten in retiation so gg, I'm useless". If I invest AN IMMENSE AMOUNT LIKE 25 POINTS INTO SOMETHING THAT'S SUPPOSED TO ALLOW ME TO SOAK ALOT OF DAMAGE, IT SHOULD TAKE A BIT MORE THAN TWO BLOODY HITS TO KILL ME.

The little condescending mark I made at the bottom still has a valid point. What is the point of trying to play a TANK of you can barely, BARELY shrug off one hit. The "speed balancing" you're talking about is only going to help speedy DPS classes. It still proverbially screws anyone trying to be a tank.

Yep. Great amount of health you got there Teysa. Too bad you have low accuracy, low dodge, and low armor. So. You don't really get to do anything.

Sounds like fun.

So. Remind me Fay, since a headbutting with the Chaos Initiative is inevitable.

What's the point in posting for this if I'm constantly just going to die?

Additionally, why am I going to be inherently weaker as a Tank compared to say, a one-shotter class or a speedster class? Why won't I be able to stand on even ground? Why am I essentially being punished for investing in what's literally supposed to be the main stat for my class?

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 19 November 2014 - 05:41 PM.


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The point is not to spread things out too thinly when you want to make a specialized class (a tank, in this case). You can add a skill that increases armor and stack it onto dragon transformation, invest a little point in it, and be on your merry way. From my point of view, you are not making a tank here. You are trying to make a tank that can move fast, hit hard, hit accurately, and soak damage like it's nothing. And then you raged because the system does not allow that.


If you had invested 25 points on armor instead of spreading it evenly to speed and magical damage, you can very well survive more than 10 hits from Plague. The remaining 15 points can be invested on offensive stuff such as strength and accuracy if you want to be offensive. Or you can get some skill to draw aggro if you want to be a full tank.


You chose to make Teysa the character that she is. So please, by all means, stop putting the blame on the system.

Edited by fayrine, 19 November 2014 - 05:42 PM.

Officer Judy Hopps

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I never once mentioned hitting accurately or moving fast. The only time she can actually move quickly is in flight, and that in itself is extremely limited. And I'm not putting blame on the system, from the way I understood how things were SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION WHEN I FIRST WAS EXPLAINED THE SYSTEM, I invested the points accordingly. Not even ONCE was it explained to me that the stats would be so grossly divided in such a manner.

I only want a tank that can actually survive and hit relatively hard. Like. You know. A tank should be able to. Instead of accusing me of what I'm trying to say, how about you actually try understand what I'm attempting to say and understand where my frustrations are coming from! Never once did I demand speed and accuracy, I planned for those to be two of her weaknesses!

Or with your current "rebalancing" for speedster classes, I'll just go with making a DPS class, and inherently just increase the jockeying and homogeneity of PC's in general. Speedsters/One-Shotters as far as the eye can see. Sounds like a great setup for an RP. Everyone will be an either-or of those two setups since no other setup will ever work against another player in any given logical scenario!

Or you know. You can talk down to one of the most consistently committed players in an RP and at that point I can just walk away from it. Actually. That sounds like a grand idea.

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 19 November 2014 - 05:54 PM.


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Führer Itulhu

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pls dont rage at fay, he is trying to explain things so you dont keep trying to OPfy your character


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Officer Judy Hopps

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pls dont rage at fay, he is trying to explain things so you dont keep trying to OPfy your character

Excuse me?

I'm just asking for viability. Not to be OP. It also sucks that the Stat system was rather vague initially, so now all I am is an essentially useless character. Other than for getting hit twice. Oh boy.

I can't even edit my stats since that in itself is wrong. So I'm literally stuck as a piece of garbage. You can't even say once that you'd be unhappy about being able to carry your own weight, Itano.

Edited by Feisty-Pants, 19 November 2014 - 06:05 PM.


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Führer Itulhu

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your character was like that from the beginning (the system was never vague its just jod didn't show the full stat ver), fay explained it all dragon transformation spreads out all your stats. also you could still beat plague due to his low speed... or that was the other one.


as i said to orc you need to treat this as an MMO not an rw RP.... and this is what happens when you try to spread stats in MMOs you end up with a character that cant actually do much end game.

Edited by Führer Itano, 19 November 2014 - 06:06 PM.


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Officer Judy Hopps

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Upon. Initial. Creation. It. Was. Never. Explained. To. Me. That. My. Main. Stat. Would. Be. Divided. Not. Once.

I can't beat anyone since I have no attack and no speed. I can't even stand toe to toe with anyone or even take a hit from an NPC mob. So...what's the point in playing a tank if I can't even be one?


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I never once mentioned hitting accurately or moving fast.

Yep. Great amount of health you got there Teysa. Too bad you have low accuracy, low dodge, and low armor. So. You don't really get to do anything.

Sounds like fun.



Or with your current "rebalancing" for speedster classes, I'll just go with making a DPS class, and inherently just increase the jockeying and homogeneity of PC's in general. Speedsters/One-Shotters as far as the eye can see. Sounds like a great setup for an RP. Everyone will be an either-or of those two setups since no other setup will ever work against another player in any given logical scenario!

Please, let me put it this way:

  • A slugger will get screwed by speedster class. damage amounts to nothing if they got killed before they act.
  • A speedster will get screwed by a tank. Most speedster are not equipped with the ability to survive aside from evasion. More often than not, all you need is one well-placed hit to take them down.
  • A tanker will be downed by a slugger class. With their power, they'll slowly chip off at your defense. More often than not, tanks won't have enough damage to kill the slugger before their armor failed on them.
  • Mage and ranged class are currently still being balanced. We are still not sure on how to measure distance. Maybe we'll scale their damage down, maybe we'll make their skills cost more; we don't know yet. One thing for sure, they're still pretty OP at the moment.




And since I started this unsightly argument, I guess I should be the one to make the first apology. I apologize for my uncalled intrusion on your fun. I only wanted to point out that you cannot arbitrarily setting up points without first consulting the GM. 33 armor value is way too much, seeing as the strongest attacker can only dish out 22.5 damage consistently. Which means, at 33 armor, he can hit you for all eternity and you will not lose any HP. [yes, damage is calculated as (attack - armor), simple as that]


Second, sorry i lose my temper. It's not fun when the system you developed over a relatively long time with your friend, is accused for being unfair. More so when the one calling it is not involved in the making of the system, and is not fully aware of the mechanics. But please, do me a personal favor: next time you feel like you're being treated unfairly, please try to ask for an explanation in a more friendly manner. Using CAPS LOCK to stress on negative words like YOU'RE STUPID AND I CAN'T ACCEPT YOUR SYSTEM is not really easy to swallow.


And last, let me clarify a few things with you. As it is now, Teysa accidentally is turning into a speedster class. You are now the second fastest PC around, and still has the highest amount of HP. In addition, you have quite a lot of mana as well, which means you can shoot out some fire bullets before running dry, most of which is in a single seating. The con to that build is, well, you don't get to be an effective tank with the lack of armor. And you have really low accuracy as it stands. My question is, are you ok with that setting? Or are you planning to rework a few things?