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oh crap

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    Baked Potato

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Oh, there's hardly anything weird about it... ;o




    Fried Potato

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Will you change your name to Ranting Swede?



    Baked Potato

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No. Never. Never, ever in my life.




    Fingerling Potato

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Have you ever thought that the entire world (people included) could be just a simulation?

I've wondered about that myself and then tried thinking how expensive it must have been to build a PC like that lol.


Also, it may sound a bit cliche but:

If you could have a SINGLE superpower which one would it be?

Edited by IvesJosue, 28 June 2014 - 06:10 AM.



    Baked Potato

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Any plans to visit batotians? : DDD



    Baked Potato

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Have you ever thought that the entire world (people included) could be just a simulation?
I've wondered about that myself and then tried thinking how expensive it must have been to build a PC like that lol.
Also, it may sound a bit cliche but:
If you could have a SINGLE superpower which one would it be?

* Sure I have, on occasion. Either that, or that it's all just a theater like in the Truman show, or how we all might perceive reality differently, or stuff like that. Silly thoughts, but you can never be 100% sure!

* I find teleportation to be the most useful superpower. The downside would be that eventually I'd teleport EVERYWHERE, like out to the kitchen and what not, and in time grow morbidly obese.

Any plans to visit batotians? : DDD

I think it would be funny. But no actual plans, no.


Horripilating Sea Cucumber

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

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would you rather questions, can ya handle it?




1. ...watch your parents make love every night for the rest of your life or join in once to stop it?

2. ...have cheetos fingers for the rest of your life or have a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of your throat for the rest of your life

3. ...lick butter from homeless persons toes or have sex with a wild gorilla?

4. ...change sex every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a baby and a muffin?

5. ...have pubic hair for teeth, or teeth for pubic hair?

6. ...have permanent clown face or permanent clown clothes?

7. ...explosive diarrhea for your whole life or eat one big bowl of poop once?

8. ...shit bricks or puke slugs?

9. ...have legs AS LONG AS your fingers, or fingers AS LONG AS your legs?

10. ...use sandpaper as toilet paper or hot sauce as eye drops?

11. ...go around with a visible booger in your nose all the time or have a hairy mole between your eyes?

12. ...pee glass shards or cry glass shards?

13. ...give up cheese or give up oral sex (receiving)?

14. ...never have access to the internet or have nicolas cage always be within one meter of you?



    Baked Potato

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would you rather questions, can ya handle it?
1. ...watch your parents make love every night for the rest of your life or join in once to stop it?
2. ...have cheetos fingers for the rest of your life or have a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of your throat for the rest of your life
3. ...lick butter from homeless persons toes or have sex with a wild gorilla?
4. ...change sex every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a baby and a muffin?
5. ...have pubic hair for teeth, or teeth for pubic hair?
6. ...have permanent clown face or permanent clown clothes?
7. ...explosive diarrhea for your whole life or eat one big bowl of poop once?
8. ...shit bricks or puke slugs?
9. ...have legs AS LONG AS your fingers, or fingers AS LONG AS your legs?
10. ...use sandpaper as toilet paper or hot sauce as eye drops?
11. ...go around with a visible booger in your nose all the time or have a hairy mole between your eyes?
12. ...pee glass shards or cry glass shards?
13. ...give up cheese or give up oral sex (receiving)?
14. ...never have access to the internet or have nicolas cage always be within one meter of you?

Oh, now we're talking.

1. I would join in once. It's strictly against my morals, but... I just don't want to have to see that, all the time, for the rest of my life.
2. This one was trickier... But I think I'll go with the popcorn kernel. As much as I hate coughing and tickles in my throat... it's the lesser of two evils.
3. I pick the gorilla. If it's a hot gorilla.
4. I already can't tell the difference between a baby and a muffin. Or a baby and a potato. Same thing. But honestly, changing sex when I sneeze would be hilarious. I imagine it would totally qualify me as an anime protagonist. I pick that one.
5. Teeth for pubic hair. People won't be able to see it anyway. (For the most part.) And I need to be able to chew my food.
6. I guess a permanent clown face would be bearable... I'd really want to be able to change outfits :c
7. ...I pick the explosive diarrhea. The bowl of poop would have me throwing up. I wouldn't be able to down it no matter what. So I hardly even have a choice here.
8. I pick the bricks. I've already sorta damaged my cardia from excessive throwing up, and I strongly dislike the feeling...
9. Fingers as long as my legs. I can imagine they could come to some practical use. The other way around, not so much.
10. I need to pick the hot sauce. As much poopin' as I'm doing, my butt is gonna face endless continuous torture. I actually never use eye drops, but even if I did, it would be more seldom, and the pain, though way more intense, would (hopefully) soon subside.
11. I guess I pick the booger. (lol geddit) Though in this case both choices are made out to be permanent... But yeah, I pick the booger.
12. Cry glass shards. Again, I cry less often than I pee. Maybe I just have to learn to stop, out of wishes of survival.
13. I've never experienced fellatio. I have experienced cheese. So I figure the wise thing here would be to simply forget about what I've never experienced instead of giving up something I've enjoyed most of my life.
14. Why hello, Mr. Cage. Fancy looking at me while I'm having a wank, do you? Whatever suits you fine.

Edited by Ranting Swede, 01 July 2014 - 03:04 PM.




    Potato Sprout

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I didn't know there where amas here too!


What do you think about amas? XD



    Baked Potato

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Honestly, in general they're kinda boring, lol.

It's sorta funny to host one though.




    Couch Potato

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what does the text in your sig mean?




    Russet Potato

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What 2hot dark secret




    Baked Potato

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what does the text in your sig mean?


In short, it's derived from a not-so-famous Swedish internet meme. The text in the image comes from this picture with Santa holding a bunch of oats, and reads "Are there any nice horses here?" (Taken from the classic Santa Claus line "Finns det några snälla barn här?/Are there any nice children here?" when he appears on Christmas), with the horse responding "Yaa. I IZ NIZE HORZ!!".

What 2hot dark secret

He favors Rainbow Dash over the others.




    Couch Potato

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    Baked Potato

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^ Well, I guess that's a question for me to answer too, lol
Remember that one time when you got wasted on Raki and almost confessed your love to me, barely conscious? You said there was just one other person... or "character"... that had a special place in your heart...




    Couch Potato

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It was rob 2, the clone i made out of you




    Fried Potato

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If you were a villian...

  1. What type of villian would you be?
  2. What type of setting would it be?
  3. What kind of background would you have?
  4. What mastermind plan do you intend to do? or not do?
  5. What power/skills would you have to achieve your goal?
  6. Who would likely be your oppontent(s) (if you do have any)?
  7. What would your ending/demise be like?
  8. What will be your outfit?
  9. How long do you plan on spending infront of the mirror every day just to look the part?
  10. Will you do a musical?

Extra bonus question

11. As a villian would you be drunk most of the time?



    Russet Potato

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How long did it take you to think of an answer to Kuro's question, which is above this post?

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

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Scrap everything that supposedly doesn't matter. Let's ask you questions from beauty pageants! These questions are typical questions beauty pageant contestants will be asked. Please answer however you like!


May the interview prelimination begin!


To Miss Rob Horn,

1. Why did you create this AMA join this pageant?

2. What do you think is a responsibilities of a beauty queen?

3. How can you promote conservation of the environment?

4. In your own little ways, how could you save mother earth?

5. What is the most important thing our society needs?

6. If you were given a chance to talk to the President, what would you say to him?

7. What do you think is the essence of winning this pageant?

8. Is there anyone in particular you want to thank for making it to this round?

9. What constitutes true beauty?



    Baked Potato

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If you were a villian...

  • What type of villian would you be?
  • What type of setting would it be?
  • What kind of background would you have?
  • What mastermind plan do you intend to do? or not do?
  • What power/skills would you have to achieve your goal?
  • Who would likely be your oppontent(s) (if you do have any)?
  • What would your ending/demise be like?
  • What will be your outfit?
  • How long do you plan on spending infront of the mirror every day just to look the part?
  • Will you do a musical?
Extra bonus question
11. As a villian would you be drunk most of the time?

1. I'd be the highly intelligent, but chaotic kind of villain. Like the Joker. I already have a type of life philosophy of doing things "just because".
2. Big city, big underground movement kind of thing. As "dark and edgy" as possible. Preferably with some sort of supernatural elements like mutations and stuff.
3. Well, someone can't really change their background, no matter if they're a hero or a villain, but if you mean the most desired setting... Heck, I dunno. It's not really important. Perhaps I'd be some rich prodigy from a wealthy influential family that rejected his father and his inheritance and went off with his share of the riches to have some fun with it on his own.
4. No mastermind plans. I wake up one morning, get a strange sudden whim to do something funny, and work from there to carry it out.
5. Mainly my smarts. Some interesting kind of ability wouldn't be bad though. Like something telekinetic.
6. I dunno. Being a villain would be boring without someone opposing me. Let's hope some sort of vigilante steps up to find me. Otherwise I'll just have to deal with the regular police force.
7. Going out with a bang. Explosives planted inside my body, a signal disruption to send a final farewell message on all monitors within range, anything. Bottom line: When I'm finally defeated, people will know.
8. Something big, something gaudy, something colorful, something not necessarily symmetrical or logical. Speaking of villains, I'm thinking something like this. But, something different, since I don't want to be a complete copycat.
9. Ironically, I dislike putting down time on my appearance. I guess I'm just going to have to get some servants fixing me up for it.
10. Hey, maybe. And it'll contain fire and explosions.

11. Actually...no, probably not. I'd get drunk occasionally, but I need my wits about me when pulling off my plans, and my wits are the first things to go when I'm drinking...

How long did it take you to think of an answer to Kuro's question, which is above this post?

Not particularly. It took longer to remove my head from my ass for a long enough time to write out my answer.

Scrap everything that supposedly doesn't matter. Let's ask you questions from beauty pageants! These questions are typical questions beauty pageant contestants will be asked. Please answer however you like!
May the interview prelimination begin!
To Miss Rob Horn,
1. Why did you create this AMA join this pageant?
2. What do you think is a responsibilities of a beauty queen?
3. How can you promote conservation of the environment?
4. In your own little ways, how could you save mother earth?
5. What is the most important thing our society needs?
6. If you were given a chance to talk to the President, what would you say to him?
7. What do you think is the essence of winning this pageant?
8. Is there anyone in particular you want to thank for making it to this round?
9. What constitutes true beauty?

*crack* *fizzle*
ERROR: Horn has shut down abruptly. If you were working on a project, any unsaved information may have been lost.





Would you like to start Horn in regular mode, fail-safe mode or bullshit mode?

Bullshit mode selected.



Okay, ready for takeoff.

1. I had nothing better to do at the time. Figured some people could get some amusement out of it.
2. Putting a smile on people's faces, of course! As well as promoting the most prominent brand of the time so the fashion hunters will claw each other's eyes out attempting to become the most popular around. But they'll be smiling! I'll make sure of it! *pearly white grin*
3. I want everyone to take part in this responsibility by not clubbing any baby seals, not hunting any rhinoceroses, not administrating any mink farms and not taking part of any of this UNGODLY hip hop garbage that is soiling the minds of youth everywhere nowadays. *pinky wag*
4. Due to this "global warming" hoax- er, ISSUE that is plaguing our beautiful planet nowadays, I do my part by leaving my fridge/freezer open and all fans on full chill to cool down the environment as much as I can. *blow kiss to the audience*
5. Our society needs DISCIPLINE. I see too many of these disgusting hard rockers and metal Satan worshipers littering about on our streets, and I honestly feel that the single right thing to do now that the issue has continued so far is complete exterminati- I mean, tender and loving discipline for a better, NICER humanity. *eyelash flutter*
6. Ahaha, I'm sorry, honey, but I would never speak to a black president. *dramatically rolly eyes*
7. Why, beauty, of course! And not just any beauty, but raw, emphasized, personal beauty. A beautiful inside makes a beautiful outside. But of course, a shit ton of makeup doesn't hurt. *powder puffing on cheeks, looking in pocket mirror*
8. I'd like to thank my mother, and my sisters, and also my dear uncle for teaching me certain um, intimate lessons when I was a child. He told me to never tell anyone, but I learned so much from it (at least that's what he told me) so I can't help but send him a personal little thank you for getting me this far. *tee hee*
9. 50% discipline, 50% luck from young age, 50% money and 150% makeup. All in all, constituting 500% beauty. Thanks so much, honey! *blow kiss*
