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oh crap

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Horripilating Sea Cucumber

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

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Have you ever written yourself a letter to your future self?



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What was you dream when you were a little child and did you accomplished it.




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please ruka, you failed
and bloody mary is disgusting sorry :x

(It did take a few tries for me to get adjusted to it; I also thought it was kinda gross at first... I guess it was sheer willpower that got me liking it in the end.)

I would live... Probably in the same country I do now. But out on the countryside, close to some lake or the sea. I'm probably meant to answer with some resort island here, but it kinda loses its charm if you're there too much. That's the beauty of going on vacation; you wouldn't get that same thrill if you lived there all the time.

Describe your ideal wife/husband

Someone who can put up with my crap, my poor humor and my occasionally bizarre behavior. Someone who can motivate me into being less of a slob and more of an asset to mankind. Someone who is smarter than I am, who can put me in my place whenever I get too high-hat while still handling it with kindness. Someone who is emotional, who feels that she can depend on me as well as support me whenever either is appropriate. Someone slender, with bright blonde or red hair, a pearly white smile and a good pair of hips. And someone who is good at cooking, because I hate it.
Just imagine a girl out in the spring sun, sitting in a park underneath the shade of a tree, reading a book in a white long dress and a wraith of flowers in her hair.

How can I be half as horrif~awesome as you?

Discard your inhibitions. Bend the limits a little bit. Go outside your comfort zone, try surprising people with your behavior, be as cool with people as you can but unpredictable at the same time. Also get a really nice suit or two.

Have you ever written yourself a letter to your future self?

No... never have. The closest I ever got was probably a letter I sent to myself in Animal Crossing, dated some time ahead; I think maybe a few months at most. I got it later on, actually having forgotten about it, and thought to myself why the hell my past self thought that would be funny.

What was you dream when you were a little child and did you accomplished it.

My first childhood dream was to become a baker. Never did accomplish it. My two sisters both became bakers instead, lol. My second dream was to become an author, a fantasy author preferably. I still write some every now and then, but not particularly often... So, no, none of my childhood dreams really took off.

Keep 'em coming, people. I'll answer anything. I have been braced.

Edited by Genocidal Horn, 11 June 2014 - 04:05 PM.




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Are you happy having come across batoto and its community? Or do you think the time could have been better spend elsewhere?


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Do you love me?



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Are you happy having come across batoto and its community? Or do you think the time could have been better spend elsewhere?

Quite honestly? It's one of the better communities I've been part of. Doesn't take itself too seriously; diverse while still focusing on people of a certain type; most people here are really cool. Of course, "time better spent" is objective; I could be outside having a more normal hobby like all them other... "normal people" (ewwww), but this is what I enjoy doing. Time wasted on something you enjoy is not wasted time.

Do you love me?

Oh, dear... I said I'd answer anything, but that's- that's just- I'm just not sure if I'm ready to... I'm sorry, I don't think I'm able to give an answer so soon. I'm sorry. .//////.




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Why did you leave and dislike the old family on batoto? Was there a specific event that ticked you off? Your bride to be stolen?




    Baked Potato

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Why did you leave and dislike the old family on batoto? Was there a specific event that ticked you off? Your bride to be stolen?

Never mention the old family again plss. :(

Speaking of suits, any tips on choosing a good one?



    Baked Potato

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Never mention the old family again plss. :(

Speaking of suits, any tips on choosing a good one?

Yes, somethings are better left unknown,  let the sleeping monster sleep.




    Baked Potato

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Why did you leave and dislike the old family on batoto? Was there a specific event that ticked you off? Your bride to be stolen?

Short answer: It exploded.

Long answer: It started as a silly little thing in the forum games, just another one of those "person above you" threads, with the rule being that you should state what relationship you should have with the person above you. Fair enough. After a while people started to try to categorize these relationships, making a family tree of bizarre proportions considering how everyone was related to everyone in the weirdest ways after what they'd said in the thread. So far, so good, it was pretty funny. And then, for some reason, these relations started setting in stone. The "family" started spreading and causing havoc all over the site. Some drama of sorts occurred in the topic itself; I don't quite recall what it was all about, but likely something about who would be whose relative in whichever regard and what not.
And it spread to the entire site. Everyone, everywhere, started calling each other by their fixed positions in the Family; nee-san here and nii-san there and mother here and father there and fuck all and his mother.
It was like seeing a sect take form right before my eyes.
I don't know. I guess people were having fun. I just got annoyed at it all. And seeing the rifts it caused in the forums between "Family members" and non-"Family members" was worrying. It was as if anyone who joined the forum needed to join this "Family" to feel welcome at all; all new members to the forums were encouraged to have a look. It actually made me feel somewhat queasy.
I had some fun pretending to be a few people's mother for a while, but I eventually handed in my resign because it was just completely out of hand. And I'm quite glad that it's pretty much all over and done with by now.

Never mention the old family again plss. :(

Speaking of suits, any tips on choosing a good one?

No tips, I'm afraid. I'm not really a suit whiz, I merely pick according to personal taste, what feels appropriate for me. I'd say go for something slightly glossy, something other than just black. And a red tie fits with almost everything.




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lolol that sounds horrible... and funny in a messed up way
So it was like an online gang/clan thing? haha

But what was with many not wanting to tell this to anyone that asked? o.O it's not that bad... and it only made us more curious v.v
Glad I finally know ... I guess .-.

OT: How and when did you first join Batoto? o/
And... will you be my mom? [sparkly eyes]

I T ' S   O N L Y   F U N   I F   T H E Y   R U N

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Will you be my sister? We can can have one of those cool incestuous relationships too and dp can be our son!


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You are bored, aren't you? .__.



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Ok favorite movie?


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Favourite book that isn't Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy?



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OT: How and when did you first join Batoto? o/
And... will you be my mom? [sparkly eyes]

I'm not quite sure how I got to know about the site, but I'd been scanlating for at least a couple years when I found out about Batoto, so most likely through that way. It was... *checks* Oh wow, it was right at the end of 2011. I can only say, a lot has happened since then.
Also, >:C

Will you be my sister? We can can have one of those cool incestuous relationships too and dp can be our son!

As much as I dig the wincest genre... Go die.

You are bored, aren't you? .__.

Occasionally. Sometimes I'm bored even though I know I have a shit ton of stuff that I need to take care of. Like right now.

Ok favorite movie?

Mmmm, that's tough...I like a lot of movies. The Matrix is a classic. Timeline was really good too (at least I thought so at the time, when I saw it). Babel is another favorite. I also like most of these "stupid humor" kinds of movies, like The Naked Gun and anything like it. And I have a kink for horror movies.

Favourite book that isn't Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy?

I am extremely fond of the "Freedom Wars" fantasy trilogy by Swedish author Niklas Krog. I'm afraid I don't think any of his books have been translated to English, however, but it's amazing. Magic, dragons, diffuse moral stands, the lot.


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Gambit or Wolverine?

P.D. There is only one correct answer

P.D.2 The correct answer is Gambit



    Couch Potato

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I'm not quite sure how I got to know about the site, but I'd been scanlating for at least a couple years when I found out about Batoto, so most likely through that way. It was... *checks* Oh wow, it was right at the end of 2011. I can only say, a lot has happened since then.
Also, >:C

As much as I dig the wincest genre... Go die.

Occasionally. Sometimes I'm bored even though I know I have a shit ton of stuff that I need to take care of. Like right now.

Mmmm, that's tough...I like a lot of movies. The Matrix is a classic. Timeline was really good too (at least I thought so at the time, when I saw it). Babel is another favorite. I also like most of these "stupid humor" kinds of movies, like The Naked Gun and anything like it. And I have a kink for horror movies.

I am extremely fond of the "Freedom Wars" fantasy trilogy by Swedish author Niklas Krog. I'm afraid I don't think any of his books have been translated to English, however, but it's amazing. Magic, dragons, diffuse moral stands, the lot.

Haha yeah i got the same problem xD. The matrix eh? good choice, good choice, havent heard about the other 2 yet, will put em on the to watch list :)


Omg, the naked gun and austin powers are my type of movies too hehe, i love that humor style xD




    Baked Potato

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Gambit or Wolverine?

P.D. There is only one correct answer

P.D.2 The correct answer is Gambit

The only thing I really know about Gambit is how he throws playing cards.

I'm sorry, but I'm going with Wolverine. Suck it.


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Favourite manga MC?

Have you ever wonderedhow you'd feel if you killed someome you don't know?