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Batoto Writes Boy A and Girl B

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<Limping with a broken leg over to a nearby pedestrian>


Why did I do this? Ah, I know why. Because that bitch is a criminal! I know she is, that can be the only conclusion! It's not like I'm embarrassed or anything!


"Excuse me, sir. Can you help me? I'm being chased by a killer."

Edited by watsu, 20 March 2014 - 06:20 AM.




    Cute Potato

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Ah, there he is.
<Rushes towards A>
"Hey A! Are you okay?"
I-is he running from me?
...And who the heck is that other guy?

<Sees the pedestrian run passing A, a lot faster, with a freaked out expression on his face>
Who is that guy running from?
<Looks behind her>
Doesn't look like anyone's chasing him. He can't be running from me as well, can he? I don't even know him. What's going on here?
"A! What're you doing? Wait up!"
<Chases after A>

I T ' S   O N L Y   F U N   I F   T H E Y   R U N



    Baked Potato

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Well, got no help from that guy... And that girl is tight on my tail. Can't run much further on this broken leg, either.

To be honest, though, I've drawn some pretty hasty conclusions. Her being some murderous crook on the run sounds pretty farfetched, when I think about it. But I'd look pretty damn stupid if I just stopped and confessed that to her now... Oh, here we go.

<Dodges into an alley, hiding in the shadows, hoping she'll pass him>




    Fried Potato

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Oh my, that boy just dodged into an alley... Could it be that... He is chased by a molester?

They say that I should get attention then, to scare the molestyer... right?


<Starts shouting while running towards A-kun>



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What!? A fire!? Oh shit, oh shit, are you serious?


<Runs back out from the alley and bumps into Girl B. About to say something, but then sees some cops standing behind her.>


"What th...I mean, I knew it! Take her away, officers!"




    Baked Potato

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Oh, what the...


<Boy A stumbles backwards, as my palm strikes him across the cheek. He stares at me for a few seconds, completely bewildered.>

"That's ENOUGH!! First you cut the cheese in the middle of class, embarrassing us both. Then you leap right out through the goddamn window, and now you're treating me like I'M the crook around here, even trying to set the cops on me! Are you completely off your rocker or something!?"

<I breathe heavily for a few seconds, calming myself down, and reach a hand out towards him. The police officers hadn't heard Boy A's exclamation and had instead entered the nearby donut shop, so we're all alone on the street.>

"Your leg seems to be broken, or sprained at the very least. You're insane, running around on it like that. Can you take my hand and I'll walk you to my house; I'll try to put a splint on it and call the ambulance for you."

Edited by Horn, 23 March 2014 - 11:03 PM.


Ravenous Raven

Ravenous Raven

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Damn, she's right, I'm being totally crazy.


<I reluctantly take her offered hand. .>


"I'm glad you've stopped being difficult! I don't get how you can walk on that leg."


<She flashes another one of her weird smiles.>


What are up with those super-sharp teeth?!





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<Phone rings.>


"Hello? Dad? Uh yeah...I cut class. No, no...just something urgent came up and...well, I'll explain later, ok? Hm? What? You and Mom are...out on an all-expenses paid vacation to Hawaii!? You got tickets through the mail!?"


...That's totally a scam.


Wait a minute. That means...they're not home? And I just invited a weird boy that was staring at me all day in class to my house, where it's just going to be the two of us, all alone!?
